
 Subject: HOT YOUNG BABES...What idiot!

 While 'SHE's' gone you'll monitor?
 I can't believe it that there is a SHE at!

 I've lost all respect for this site, it's offensive to me as a woman, a 60 year old woman
 with daughters and grandauthers, to see women referred as hot babes' and 'just 36'

 Granny, flame off a minute.
 Geez, some people introduce themselves with, "Pleased to meet you,"
 and others, ...well, sometimes people just start swinging like they're in a bar fight.

 I'm not sure you're supposed to "respect"
 This is more of a comedy thing than a "respect me," thing.

 The "just 36" remark was referring to Heidi Fleiss.  Do you know who she is?
 Seems like about ten years ago, she ran the top call girl agency in Hollywood.
 That means at 26, she ran a hueueuege illegal continuing criminal enterprise, mingling with
 movie stars, drug dealers, prostitutes, cops, the mob, the studios and was servicing everyone
 from Charlie Sheen to Foaming Bob Dornan - and she was only 26 at the time?

 Don't get me wrong, I'm not above saying something tacky about a woman,
 but it seems like Heidi Fleiss should be older - that's what that comment was about.

    ...I've raised my children with respect and instilled in them respect for others regarding of gender.

 I'm curious - how did you raise them to greet people for the first time?

 I've also tried to impart to all my kids, sons and daughters, that it's low, immature and really raunchy
 to make so much over young women who eventually will become both fat and old and then be ignored
 by people with your backward mentality, YOU whoever you are, 'cause it's not clear who's this idiot
 who is behind the scenes slobering over young things who are 'just....18, 19 or any other age, below 40'.

 Stich, (can I call you Stich?) ....let me put this delicately as possible:
 If men didn't have a little lust in their hearts, you and I wouldn't exist.

 I'd feel very hurt to find out some nincompoop is referring to my young grandaugthers as 'hot young babes'

 Stich, if you had an attractive 20-year old granddaughter, and I called her a hot babe, you'd feel very hurt?
 Is this a semantics thing?
 What if I said she was a "groovy chick?"
 Would that upset you?
 What if I said she was "the bees knees?"

 Or do you think young attractive women should be ignored by men?
 (Do you live in the United States?)

...Please, old guy have some sense, we cherish our daughters and grandaughters and raised them with respect
 and love to in turn give respect and love to their own children. They are not BABES, or HOT BABES,
 get a hold of yourself, and by Golly, I do think you need a tight hold somewhere down inside your baggy pants.
 You're disrespectful!

 ha ha

 How long did you say you'd been reading
 You own a computer, so I'm guessing you're not Amish...

 Actually, if it wasn't for bad taste you wouldn't have any taste at all!
 You're not doing the liberal cause a favor by acting like another fat chauvinist pig.
 I'd expect such insensitivity, lack of class and stupidity from a repugnican site.

 Stich, you're upset.
 You're saying things you wouldn't ordinarily say.
 Why would a 60 year old grandmother want to start an insult contest
 with a longtime, battle-hardened, political trench-fighter - and an ally to boot?

 What you're doing is just broadcasting this site only for males of all ages,

 Were you upset when I ran that picture of Denzel Washington last Friday?
 A lady reader sent that, asked me to run it on Denzel's birthday.
 If I was gay, I'd have a bunch of beefcake pictures, I suppose,
 so I believe it's wrong for you to hold my heterosexuality against me.

 ...because age does nothing for an idiotic and sexist male, only makes them more ridiculous
 and pitiful when they put on their little act over 'hot young babes' trying to make us believe
 they can still cut the mustard or something of equal consistency.

 Wait, I think I understand what's going on now.
 You just figured out that men are pigs?
 When a man sees a pretty girl he does stupid things.

 That's why Clinton was impeached.
 It's why the Trojans built the giant horse.
 It's why the Visigoths sacked Spain - don't you know your history?

 Stich, I think you're over-reacting.
 These days, "babes" is not considered vulgar or insulting, and "hot" and "young"
 are just descriptive words, similar to "fat, chauvinist pig."

 Seems like every 6-8 months we have this "How dare you put what you want on your site" fight
 and I lose readers over it, but I think the First Amendment should be honored.

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