It was perfectly
predictable that in the aftermath of terror
attacks on the
World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the
search for political scapegoats would be as
intense as the hunt for Osama bin Laden.
It was just as obvious that Bill Clinton
would quickly become the favorite quarry
of this quest–particularly among the former
old adversaries in the national media and the
Republican Party
(two entities which often seem to be locked
in a mind-meld
these days).
There’s another
convenient place where these worthies might
look for culprits
but never do: the mirror. Whatever the various
failures and
flaws of Mr. Clinton’s tenure may have been, his
efforts against
terrorism compare favorably with the frivolous
of his critics.
As articulated
by America’s foremost analysts, the general
complaint is
that the Clinton administration "didn’t do enough"
to forestall
the atrocities of Sept. 11. This deep insight is a
truism: Al Qaeda’s
suicide operatives achieved their mission
despite any
and all measures taken by the government to frustrate and destroy the
bin Laden network.
Those measures, which were hardly insignificant, were by
definition not
That simple notion
was at the heart of The New York Times’ Dec. 30 investigative
report, a long
disquisition whose front-page headline conveyed its slant: "Planning
for Terror But
Failing to Act." The facts and quotes accumulated by reporters
Judith Miller,
Don Van Natta Jr. and Jeff Gerth didn’t quite justify that damning
The Times reporters
appeared to be laboring under the assumption that Mr. Clinton
could have mustered
a full-scale unilateral invasion of Afghanistan to capture the Al
Qaeda leadership–at
a time when the Congressional majority was seeking to
impeach him.
But if that naïve fantasy is discounted, it is clear even in The Times’
account that
the Clinton administration made many attempts to strike lethally at Mr.
bin Laden. And
the fact that Mr. Clinton took terrorism very seriously would have
been clearer
still if The Times had mentioned the enormous increases he approved
in counter terrorism
spending by the F.B.I. and other federal agencies.
Speaking of the
F.B.I., the Times story neglected another prominent name that
scarcely passes
the lips of those seeking to apportion blame. That would the
bureau’s former
director Louis Freeh, a bungler who has become virtually invisible
since September.
In an article that highlighted several paragraphs of preening
from Dick Morris, that’s an odd omission.
The indefatigable
consultant evidently convinced the Times reporters that, based on
polling done
in 1996, he strenuously urged his Presidential client to federalize airport
security and
prosecute a "broader war on terrorism." Mr. Morris didn’t reveal this
prescient proposal
anywhere in the 340-plus pages of Behind the Oval Office, his
memoir of his
years advising Mr. Clinton, which scarcely mentions terrorism at all.
If Mr. Morris
did foresee the horrors to come five years ago, he was quite alone in
his clairvoyance.
More likely he is rewriting history to denigrate his old boss and
inflate himself,
an important duty of his current career. In truth, he has been heavily
during the past several years by smut and petty scandal, not by the
looming "terrorist
threat." And in those obsessions, he wasn’t alone at all.
The pundits and
personalities who now assign responsibility to Mr. Clinton might as
well interrogate
themselves about the failure of news organizations to focus on the
problem of terror
(and, for that matter, on broader international issues); that is a
subject, after
all, about which they know a lot.
Not all are equally
culpable. Several reporters on the Times staff, for example, did
work long before Sept. 11. But as independent broadcaster Simon
Marks recalls
in Quill, the journal of the Society of Professional Journalists, the
failure was
general. Most American reporters and commentators were far more
interested in
Chandra Levy than Osama bin Laden.
In a remarkable
passage, Mr. Marks notes that both Reuters and United Press
ran dispatches last June about Al Qaeda plans to attack the United
States. Hard
to believe, but true–and wholly ignored by every significant news outlet
in the country.
Most of them were too busy frying Gary Condit to notice.
Harold Evans
makes a similar argument in the November/December issue of the
Columbia Journalism
Review, in which he examines the decision by the major
media to ignore
repeated warnings from the U.S. Commission on National Security
of a terrorist
assault on American shores. The former Senators who chaired the
Gary Hart and Warren Rudman, were stunned when only a handful of
newspapers bothered
to feature their findings.
"The Hart-Rudman
Report is the kind that required elite opinion to engage in a
sustained dialogue
to probe, improve, explain, and then press for action. None of
the network
talk shows took it up," laments Mr. Evans. "But the commissioners
were particularly
bewildered by the blackout at The New York Times."
You may reach Joe Conason via email at: