Subject: Your "Wait a minute..." piece of 1-3-02
If it was so obvious to everyone, why was W on
vacation for a month before
the attacks and reading to school kids in Florida
the morning of the attacks?
Also, during the 2000 campaign the Repugs chanted
over and over again that the booming
economy had nothing to do with Clinton. If that's
the case, how can they say the decline was his fault?
Finally, Bush and Cheney kept telling everyone
during 2000 about the sorry state of our military.
Based on the way we have to "watch what we say,
watch what we do" since 9-11, don't you think
this statement was unpatriotic? As I've read
in recent days, the military Clinton left behind
looks like its kicking Taliban ass.
You're the best!
Chris, Elmhurst, IL
Chris, yes, the Clinton military is the best we've ever had.
Bush promsied "Help is on the way," but have they gotten a dime from
him yet?
Have the soldiers on food stamps gotten an extra penny from Herr Bush?
Besides a tax cut for the super-rich, can anybody name
a campaign promise that Weak & Stupid has kept?
Oh, wait - he promised to take America in a new direction ...and he's damn sure done that!
Trouble for Scot Lehigh
Subject: Pseudo-article
Why do you blame everyone BUT the captain of the
ship for Sept 11?
President Gilligan ignored the Hart-Rudman report.
He didn't create the Office of Homeland Security
until AFTER the attacks.
If all this was SO obvious, why did Weak and
Stupid wait until after
these terrible events occurred to do anything
about them?
Do you think bin Laden took any of the 43 million
dollars THIS administration gave the Taliban in March?
I can't wait until the elections in 2020.
Maybe THEN, journalists like you (and I use that term loosely)
will find someone other than Clinton to blame
for any and every tragic event that happens to occur.
By the way, which president gave the terrorists
Doesn't appear that you went into too much detail
on that one.
Who CREATED bin Laden? Couldn't have been Saint
Nope, MUST have been Bill Clinton.
If you want to look for someone to blame, you
better go back more than 8 years.
Start with the 80's when Reagan decided to ally
himself with these monsters.
Are you sure Richard Mellon Scaife isn't paying
your salary?
Or do you get paid on a per slur basis?
Mike K
From: Rude Rich in NY
Subject: You're not?
> If I was gay, I'd have a bunch of beefcake pictures,
I suppose,
> so I believe it's wrong for you to hold my
heterosexuality against me.
You're not gay?
What about that crappy music you listen to?
Come gotta be gay.
ha ha
Glad I didn't say that...
Subject: GOP Dead Pool
Heya, Bart. I, too, entered the Republican Dead
Pool, and scored even
lower than your correspondent with no hits. But
it was sponsored by Volt,
and I think I found out about it through your
site in the first place.
You'd think that Strom Thurmond would have been a shoe-in, too...
Subject: your little lib lie
I won’t try to change your mind about this.
But I somehow doubt that Barbara Olson would
rise from to dead to write a book.
Have a little decorum and remove her name from your propaganda
Robert, the point was, Olson wrote a book, "Hell
to Pay," so she could
make a lot of money milking the Clinton-hate
"Hell to pay," was a semi-cute quote from an "unnamed White House staffer"
in 1994.
I just thought it was kinda ironic that her next screw-the-Clinton's
would be offered posthumously, after, "careful consideration" by her
I wonder if they took as much time deliberating whether to release her
low blow/cheap shot attack against the best president we've ever had
to the consideration TIME put into whoring Rudy as "Person of the Year."
Remember what Glenn Frey said in Smuggler's Blues.
"They lure of easy money has a very strong
You think Ted would hesitate for a milli-second to use the dignity
of his dead wife to launch an attack on Bill and Hillary Clinton?
Robert - meet today's Republican Party
Subject: NewsMax vs. Gene Lyons
Since you're the web respository for Gene Lyons,
I thought you might be interested in a story from my site,
ConWebWatch, about the folks at conservative
wacko site NewsMax and their latest feeble attempt at
attacking Lyons and Conason's "The Hunting of
the President."
Hope you like it.
Terry Krepel
Editor, ConWebWatch
Terry, great stuff, and nice page you have there.
I'm adding you to my links.
Subject: Media Bias
You are so full of yourself and such a whore for
the liberal side
that you cannot see the fallacy of your proposition.
I am not.
Whores get paid.
Here is your Exhibit B.
Go buy the book and get educated.
James P. Daffron
Media Bias
"Bernard Goldberg, former CBS Evening News correspondent
and author of the new book 'Bias')
explains matters like the strange way (TV network)
anchors have of identifying conservatives as such
but not those on the other side of the political
spectrum. And so CBS identifies the famously radical feminist
and leftist Catharine MacKinnon as a 'noted law
professor' while Phyllis Schlafly is a 'conservative spokeswoman.'
Rush Limbaugh is the 'conservative radio talk
show host' but Rosie O'Donnell, who [while hosting a fund-raiser
for Hillary Clinton] referred to Mayor Rudolph
Giuliani as 'New York's village idiot,' is not described as the
liberal TV talk show host. What this says, Mr.
Goldberg notes, is that conservatives require identification
because--in the world view that prevails at the
networks--they are outside the mainstream."
- Wall Street Journal editorial, 1/2/02
Now, the Whore Street Journal - there's your murder of harlots!
Goldberg's book has been thoroughly discredited by everyone with brains.
James, if you want an education Click Here
Subject: The Dr. Laura Board Game
Last weekend, I went to the mall with my dad.
He needed to buy a gift for a seven year old
and we went into KayBee toy store.
I went to the board game section and, to my horror,
I saw the Dr. Laura board game.
In a children's store.
I almost gagged.
I can't believe it exists.
Dude, don't let your kids play that game!
To win, the children have to take off their pants and straddle a camera
To just qualify to win, you have to parade around your balcony
your hooters to every over-sexed teenage boy in the neighborhood!
I'm so proud of my hooters!
If she doesn't want these pictures posted for everyone to see,
why doesn't she sue and ask the judge to order me to stop?
ha ha
Hey, Laura, you know I'm going to run these pictures forever, right?
Don't you want to try to stop me?
ha ha
I can't wait till her precious Deahereyche gets online.
He's gonna love
Subject: Bart, you're not turning Republican, are you?
> That's why Clinton was impeached.
> It's why the Trojans built the giant horse.
> It's why the Visigoths sacked Spain - don't you know your history?"
Do you?
No Trojans built any giant horse.
The "trojan horse" was built by the GREEKS to
successfully invade and obliterate the city of Troy.
The "why" in this case was to commit genocide.
Perhaps you're thinking, instead, of how the Trojan
Alexandros (a.k.a. Paris)
seduced Helen away from her husband Menelaus.
That started the "Trojan war"
-- the horse strategy ended it, a decade later.
This lack of historical (more like mythological)
knowledge is worrisome
-- I think you've been in Oklahoma too long,
Hey, no doubt about that!
I'm the first guy to admit I don't know my history.
(I know the Reagan/Bush history because I survived it.)
Point is, that war was fought over a hot, maybe not-so-young babe.
That's what the male species does - it fights for the female species.
That's why lions and bears and mice eat their young - the testosterone
makes us crazy.
That's also why men cheat on the woman they swore before God to honor
and cherish..
I'm not glorifying it - I'm saying it exists.
More Trouble for Scot Lehigh
Subject: Your 1-2-02 Column
Any failures of the Clinton administration in
battling terrorism prior to 9/11, the Bush administration repeated identically.
Bush had 9 months to change course, and not only
didn't do so, but didn't even propose to do so. Bush's response
to the threat was indistinguishable in every
respect to the prior administration. So why do you attack Clinton
and give
Bush a pass? Is it because you have some
interest in promoting Bush?
It is also telling that you would quote an obvious
lie from Morris. Don't you realize that 90% of that portion of your
readers with a college education can recognize
a self serving lie like Morris's when they see one? Why can't you?
Do you publish those lies because you and your
newspaper are ultimately paid by the corporate interests that installed
Bush in the White House? I understand the
pressure on the paper, but don't you care more about your own credibility?
Do you want to be taken seriously or not?
Or are you unable to tell the truth because you are living from one Globe
paycheck to the next, and can't afford to lose
a job working for an editor who forces you to broadcast obvious lies?
Maybe you would have more options if we were still living in the full employment economy of the Clinton administration. Seems Bush has got you coming and going, doesn't he?