The Democrats need a wake up
call to get their heads out of the major media fog
By Bev Conover
January 4, 2001 | With only two days left before the Electoral College
votes are officially accepted by a joint session of Congress, it is
incumbent upon all freedom-loving Americans to get the Democrats in
Congress and the Democratic National Committee to pull their heads
out of
the corporate controlled major media fog and do as the people whom
serve demand: Reject Florida's 25 stolen electoral votes.
We received word last night that the DNC is not publicly endorsing the
people's protests over the way George W. Bush and his cohorts stole
presidential election, but are cheering us on from behind the curtain.
This is an outrage!
And now this from someone who sought to get Senator Tom Harkin to join
a House member in objecting to Florida's electoral votes: "I just got
off the phone
with a rep at Sen. Harkin's office. I went into my Election From Hell
2000 spiel
when I mentioned that Gore was leading the media recount [in Florida].
"The woman stopped me dead in my tracks and asked me how did I know
I told her (somewhat incredulously) that it's being reported all over
Internet, at web sites like and by Florida newspapers in
Orlando, Palm Beach and the Miami Herald.
"She again stopped me and asked about the mainstream media. Was it being
reported there? I told her there was a blurb on Fox News two nights
but for all intents and purposes, it was being buried, but right now
was leading and by the end, would clearly have won Florida by several
thousand votes, if not more.
"I think this is our problem. Our Democratic leadership is reluctant
to challenge
His Fraudulency because to them it looks like no one cares about the
media recount.
How could they care when they don't even know the facts themselves?"
In other words, the attitude of Harkin's, and who knows how many others,
office is,
if it isn't being reported by the "right" corporate controlled major
media, it isn't happening.
Well it is happening and just Online Journal's readership alone attests
to the people's anger
at having their country taken over by the Bushistas with the help of
the Rehnquist Five.
Our hits have gone from 614,952 in September to 1.01 million in October,
to 1.9 million
in November to a mind-boggling 2.7 million in December. Does that say
(It says we should be looking for investors so we can pay some investigative
who will put the big boys to shame.)
Americans are awakening to just what has been going on in their country
for at least 40 years, while the Democrats in Congress, the state houses
and the city councils have been trying to be more like Republicans.
now, just when we are on the verge of recovering from the Reagan-Bush
years-in which, make no mistake about it, the Democratic majorities
Congress were complicit in helping Uncle Ronnie and Poppy Bush to tear
country down-the Democrats in Congress are signaling they plan to roll
over for the GW Bush coup.
You have already heard conciliatory remarks from House Minority Leader
Richard Gephardt and even the man from whom the presidential election
stolen, Al Gore. Are we truly living in alternate universes or what?
Is this
Wonderland or the United States of America? Are the Greens right when
they say the Democrats are no better than the Republicans? Are the
wusses and wimps? Have they grown so fat and lazy that they don't give
a damn
about the people who elected them? Could it be that they have something
to hide,
because they played as loose and dirty as the Republicans?
Whatever the reason, if they don't develop some backbone by 1 pm Saturday
and stand up for the people, they no longer are deserving of our support.
This election was stolen not just in Florida, but everywhere-and the
is and will continue to come out, despite people like New Jersey Gov.
Christine Whitman who would lock up the ballots for at least eight
and who, for her support of the illegitimate regime that plans to occupy
White House come Jan. 20, will be paid off, if it succeeds, with the
of the Environmental Protection Agency, her lack of qualifications
While the corporate controlled media kept the focus on Florida and
had great sport
with "hanging chad" and "pregnant chad," and "stupid" Jews in Palm
Beach County,
what wasn't being reported was that thousands upon thousands of African
everywhere had been systematically robbed of their votes; that ballots
had been
tampered with; that vote tabulating machines also may have been tampered
with; that
votes were cast in the names of deceased persons; that there was absentee
ballot fraud.
Yet, despite all the efforts of the Bushistas-even their purchase of
commercials for
Ralph Nader-Al Gore won the popular vote by more than 500,000 votes
when the Florida recount is finished, the Miami Herald estimates Gore
will also have
won Florida by 23,000 votes, which means he and not GW Bush is entitled
to Florida's
25 electoral votes and the presidency. But now Gore is urging us to
make nice-nice
with the Bushistas, who went to the U.S. Supreme Court to stop the
recount and
got their five ideological soul mates to spit on the people and turn
the Constitution on
its head in declaring GW Bush the winner-the Bushistas who now want
to sweep their
theft under the rug and lock up the evidence if they can, and install
rabid fascists as heads
of every federal government department and agency. Does Al think we
have lost our
collective minds? Have we learned nothing from the lessons of the Holocaust
that we are
eager to repeat them? We think not.
The Democrats in Congress, along with five Republicans who put the people
and the Constitution above party ideology, have one last opportunity
put an end to this nightmare. Let the word go out to them that if they
fail to act, we shall not treat them kindly. Despite what the major
aren't telling them, we the people are outraged and energized, and
are not going to stand idly by while they aid an illegitimate regime
destroying us and everything this country stands for.
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