But we are back at the subject of which I discussed weeks
ago—the schoolyard bullying mentality. Yes, the weakened
Democrats got concessions out of the deal—at least that's
what the media are telling us. The same media that became an
extension of Prince George's campaign. The same media that
carved Al Gore into millions of pieces whenever he said
anything, yet refused to say boo to Prince George out of fear
of causing him to embarrass himself. These "leaks" come from
the same offices that now need to save face in allowing such a
travesty to happen.
Isn't it ridiculous that the Democratic senators made this deal
to not object to the electors in exchange for power
sharing—excuse me while I laugh. Do they actually think that
hate-mongers, such as [Senate Majority Leader] Lott are
going to share power with them?? I mean other than throwing
a few crumbs like equal numbers in each committee, but he'll
never allow co-chairmanships. (Yes, I know they announced it
but how many times have they announced a deal only to have
the extremist right-wingnuts kibosh the whole deal?)
Now that the right-wingnuts have what they want—no
objections to the Florida or Texas electors—they will now go
back on any deal that gives Democrats any meaningful power.
Why? Because they will have Cheney as the tie-breaker
which emboldens them further in their arrogance. Because
they have the power to do so and no qualms about abusing that
If the Democratic Senators and the rest of the Democratic
members of the House, besides the members of the Black
Caucus, had stood in unison (as I've said before), they would
have been able to stand up to the schoolyard bullies and have
stopped this travesty in its tracks. How? By openly and
publicly debunking all of the schoolyard bullying propaganda in
such a strong tone as to give the truth the light of day, instead
of aiding and abetting the propaganda and the fraud and
corruption by allowing the truth to be buried amid the plethora
of lies spewed out by the right-wingnuts.
Only a schoolyard bully would even suggest that persons who
were illegally stripped of their civil rights and blocked from
voting should just "get over it."
Only a schoolyard bully would have the gall to even suggest
that a Holocaust survivor living in West Palm Beach "must
have purposely voted for Pat Buchanan."
Only a schoolyard bully would have the audacity to suggest
that any African American would vote for Pat Buchanan.
Only a schoolyard bully would bombard the American People
with messages that suggest that to end the voting before all
votes were counted was preferable to finding out the truth.
Only a schoolyard bully would bus in loads of phony
protesters—paid republican staffers—to give the illusion that
the voters of Florida didn't want their votes counted.
Only a schoolyard bully would hand out free T-shirts and
professionally made hate-mongering signs calling the actual
winner of the election—Al Gore—a loser.
Only a schoolyard bully would verbally attack anybody
supporting Al Gore for having the "nerve" to stand up and
being heard.
Only a schoolyard bully would negotiate a deal with his
opponent's party, promising a sharing of power and
bipartisanship, if only they'll step down from any protests.
Only a group of spineless, weak-kneed, selfish, delusional, and
the most ineffectual Democratic senators to come along in the
past 30 years would believe them every single time.
It's all a matter of perception, and the Democratic senators
could have turned that tide of perception at any time had they
wanted to, by simply refusing to buckle under to the
right-wingnut bullying tactics. We should have known that any
group as weak as the Democratic leadership on Capitol
Hill—that would have let the right-wingnuts abuse their power
so arrogantly as they had in the past six years—would once
again fail to honor their oaths of office. We should have
known that such a weak group of senators and legislators that
allowed the schoolyard bullies to intimidate them into allowing
their own president to become raw meat for the piranhas, such
as the right-wingnuts, are would never have the cajones to
stand up to the right-wingnuts when they used fraud and
corruption to throw the presidential election.
Had this been a strong group of Democratic leaders, they
would have never allowed the abuses in the first place. They
would have never allowed the country to be dragged into the
politically motivated abuse of power that was the impeachment
witchhunt. They would have never allowed our airwaves to
become so polluted with the hired character assassins that
bombard our radios and televisions with such hate-mongering
and fear-mongering as they do now. They would have never
allowed the right-wingnuts to divide and conquer the party by
making them too intimidated to support either President Clinton
or Vice President Al Gore, especially supporting them as a
team. They would have never allowed the right-wingnuts to
use the oldest tricks in the book, not only to divide and conquer
but the use of the most vile propaganda one could think of.
Had this been a strong group of Democratic leaders, they
would have immediately demanded the resignations of the
Supreme Court justices (read jokers) Scalia, Thomas,
Rehnquist, Kennedy and O'Connor. They would have
demanded immediate Senate and House hearings to root out
the fraud and corruption. And they would have never allowed
the right-wingnuts to intimidate them or the American People
into believing that it's better to end the vote counting quickly
before it's over, rather than to allow the constitutional
processes to proceed and allow the truth to be known. Had
this been a strong group of Democratic leaders, they would
have never, ever, allowed those Supreme Court jokers to
anoint a president, and allow the right-wingnuts to not only
trample the civil rights of tens of thousands of law abiding
citizens. They harmedall Americans by nullifying their votes
and choice for president and by damaging the one most
revered institutions—the Supreme Court—by allowing the
court to annointsomeone president.
Had they had any modicum of a backbone, and had they stood
up as a united front, then they could have not only stood up
and stopped the bullying right-wingnuts, but they could have
retained the power of being the majority in the Senate.
The right-wingnuts knew that we didn't have the strong
Democratic leadership that we needed and that they were so
easily intimidated. The right-wingnuts did exactly as we
expected them to do—they used propaganda, fraud and
corruption to throw the election.
We fully expected Jebbie Bush and brother George's Florida
campaign co-chair, the witch Katherine Harris, to ignore the
will of the people to throw the election for Prince George.
What the right-wingnuts knew and we refused to accept is
that our Democratic leadership is so weak and spineless that
they refused to stand up in the face of overwhelming fraud
and corruption. And we also didn't want to believe that
members of the Supreme Court would actually damage the
institution by making it a partisan entity by anointing its choice
for president, ignoring the damage to the institution and our
Constitution that it has caused. The Democratic leadership
hadn't stood up for truth or justice in the past six years, why
were we foolish enough to think they'd do it now?
Well, maybe because now we had the Constitution which
spelled out so many safeguards. Maybe because we thought
that in their heart of hearts, their patriotism would win out, that
they would remember the oath that they each took to protect
our country and Constitution from all enemies—foreign and
domestic. We thought that the Democratic senators would
think back to the '60s and '70s and those that died and bled for
the civil rights movement that gave us the Voting Rights Act,
which was so violently violated during this whole process, and
at the last moment make that heroic stand because simply it
was the correct thing to do.
But we were wrong. Instead, they again sold out in a
worthless bargain with the devils. And in so doing, they
became something worse than the right-wingnuts—they
became willing aiders and abettors to the worst crime in
American election history; the fraudulent and corrupt stealing
of the Presidential Election of 2000. This is an unacceptable
situation, as is the behavior and inaction of the Democratic
So, I serve notice to all Democratic senators, that I will work
as hard as I can for the next two years to recognize any
potential opponents that they will face in 2002 and 2004 for
replacement candidates that will take their oath of office to
protect the citizens of this country and protection of the
Constitution seriously. With all due respect to Mel Carnahan, if
a dead man can beat a right-wingnut like [John] Ashcroft, then
citizens all over this country can fire the hate-mongers and
those that would allow them free reign, and take the country
and Constitution back into safekeeping!
And they better not sacrifice Al Gore in 2004 either. He better
be allowed to rally his troops for the next presidential election
into the biggest landslide upset ever! That is if Vice President
Gore doesn't judge his supporters by the measure of the failing
of the Democratic leadership that abandoned him.
Mr. Gore, please don't judge us that way! Please regroup and
come back in four years and announce that you're going to
take the office that should rightly be yours today! Millions of
us are waiting for that announcement from you in 2004, and
this time we won't allow those in charge to abandon you again!