An unwelcome parting gift from Lott
Trent Lott had one more nasty surprise
for the American people before
he announced he was quitting his leadership
He nominated former Navy Secretary John
Lehman as a member of the
"independent" Sept. 11 investigation commission.
Lehman was Navy secretary
from 1981 to 1987 and presided over one
of the worst cover-ups in the Navy's
entire 227-year history. Long before the
Roman Catholic Church pedophile scandal,
the U.S. Navy experienced one of its own.
The potential for damage to the Navy's reputation
was evident as reports surfaced
of other Navy pedophile rings at Moffett
Naval Air Station and U.S. naval bases
in the Philippines and at San Diego.
What, Cardinal Law was busy, so Lott nominated Lehman, instead?
Last Thursday I was flying to LA on the
Midnight flight. I went through security my usual sour stuff.
I beeped, of course, and was shuttled to
the "toss-em" line. A security guy came over. I assumed the position.
I had a button up shirt on that was untucked.
He reached around while he was behind me and grabbed around
my front pocket. I guess he was going for
my flashlight, but the area could have loosely been called "crotch."
I said, "You have to ask me before you
touch me or it's assault."
He said, "Once you cross that line, I can do whatever I want."
I said, "Finish up, and then call the police please."
When he was finished with my shoes, he said, "Okay, you can go."
I said, "I'd like to see your supervisor and I'd like LVPD to come here as well. I was assaulted by you."
He said, "You're free to go, there's no problem."
I said, "I have a problem, please send someone over."
They sent a guy over and I said that I'd
like to register a complaint. I insisted on his name and badge number.
I filled it out with my name. The supervisor,
I think trying to intimidate me, asked for my license, and I gave it
to him happily as he wrote down information.
I kept saying, "Please get the police," and they kept saying,
"You're free to go, we don't need the police."
I insisted and they got a higher up, female, supervisor.
I was polite, cold, and a little funny.
"Anyone is welcome to grab my crotch, I don't require dinner and a movie,
just ask me. Is that asking too much?"
I had about 4 of them standing around. Finally
Metro PD shows up. It's really interesting.
First of all, the cop is a BIG Penn &
Teller fan and that ain't hurting. Second, I get the vibe that he
is WAY sick of these federal leather-sniffers.
He has that vibe that real cops have toward renta-cops.
This is working WAY to my advantage, so
I play it.
ha ha
Enclosed is a donation.
Polish for the hammer?
Won $20 at the RaceTrack betting on 'Bart's
This money was destined for Bartcop!
Referring to the existence of cannabis
in anointing oils used in ceremonies, he added:
"Obviously the easy availability and long-established
tradition of cannabis in early Judaism...
would inevitably have included it in the
[Christian] mixtures."
Mr Bennett suggests those anointed with
the oils used by Jesus were "literally drenched in this
potent mixture... Although most modern
people choose to smoke or eat pot, when its active
ingredients are transferred into an oil-based
carrier, it can also be absorbed through the skin".
"If cannabis was one of the main ingredients of
the ancient anointing oil... and receiving this oil
is what made Jesus the Christ and his followers
Christians, then persecuting those who use
cannabis could be considered anti-Christ,"
Mr Bennett concludes.
For The Damned For 2003
More veggies, louder orgasms and defy
Glorious indeed is the texture of a brand-new
year, bringing new perspective
and new karmic spankings and a fresh sense
of hope and possibility, which will
of course almost immediately be trampled
into idealistic dust by an overwhelming
sense of imminent crushing war-thick GOP-molested
Only to be allayed only by huge doses of
humor and sex and recreational narcotics
and explicit information and continued
vigilance, by a sticky personal combination
of utter attuned awareness and divine laughing
release, because oh dear God,
look what they have resolved:
I was playing cards with a bunch of dittoheads
Friday night. I broke even on the poker,
but creamed them on the politics. Every
time I mentioned the Clinton economic miracle,
they had RNC spin points that I was ready
to debunk:
a) Clinton signed the largest tax increase
in history (the increase predominantly affected
the richest 1% of Americans)
b) Unemployment was low under Clinton because
everyone had a government job
(the federal workforce
decreased by 200,000 under Clinton)
c) He lied about a blow job (they had me
there, except that unless Clinton paid for the hummer,
it didn't have anything
to do with the economy)
Anyway, thanks to
for preparing me for the debate.
Enclosed is a donation. If I would've
won at cards, I'd be sending more.
Subject: It just hit me...
You wrote:
> ...and TIME Magazine - there's another gaggle of soulless prosititutes.
> 2001 had a news event that changed America overnight, and the person,
for better or worse,
> who had the biggest impact on America that year could only have been
Bush's buddy Osama. "
BC, I went to the JHS event and had a wonderful
time. I always feel that I am one of the informed
in a sea of the uninformed. But I don't think
I have ever gotten how hard it must be for a guy from
Knuckledrag, OK to be so right as I do now. I
have been reading your web page since 1997.
You always made me laugh, but I always thought
you were just one of the 'informed'.
You are more than that. You say things that others
don't say. You put yourself out there before there
is any feel for how the wind blows. You say things
first without concern with how anyone will perceive it.
You care what others think, but you are unbending
in your own thoughts. As I see it, you have had this
web page for years giving your gut reaction to
current events day after day and have been on the right side
of things the whole time. I have sometimes regretted
my gut reaction to some events, but you put yours
out there day after day without apology.
All I can say to you, sir, is Well Done.
Best Regards,
Subject: The "Quest" for a left-wing "Rush"
I see all of the sudden today a clamor for a "left wing Rush," from several different sources.
I would like to think that this is a genuine
cry of "enough is enough" but I'm cynical enough
to wonder if this is all an attempt to
take the wind out of your sails.
You have been talking about BartCop radio
for months now. And now, as you keep on
going on about it and it seems like you
may even do it, this convenient clamor for a 'left-wing
Rush' comes out, all on the same day.
Why, if 'liberals' already had a 'Rush Limbaugh'
on their side, there would be NO NEED for
a "BartCop Radio," now would there?
(Especially if this "left wing Rush" was much ballyhooed
in the press as being the "left wing Rush,"
you'd come across as a cheap imitator, jealous,
though you were the first to suggest it.
Very "Art of War," very bullshit.)
I sincerely hope this call to arms for some
equal representation in the media is the result of
the efforts of yours, Buzzflash, MWO, and
others, instead of a pre-emptive attack from some
SunTzu wannabe political advisor type.
One of the 'many' sources I saw calling for a "left-wing Rush"
was Bob Sommerby in today's "Daily Howler,"
and I know he would not be fooled by anything less.
But all this clever talk about a "left-wing
Rush" is just an attempt to cover up the obvious: we already
have a hammer, it's big enough that TIME
magazine feels threatened by it. This "search" insults our
collective intelligence.... somebody just
give Bart a microphone already, sheesh!
T, the Hammer is much, much smaller than you think.
In the media game, I can't even get arrested.
If was 100 times bigger, they
could still ignore it.
BUT, if I had a daily radio show and hammered away with the truth
about Bush and the BFEE
like they hammer us with fabricated lies and horseshit,
it would eventually have a cumulative effect,
but I assure you, we're on nobody's radar right now.
In the last couple of days I've heard some rumors about "angels"
hovering, but if some rich liberal suddenly
said "Let's be partners,"
I almost certainly will say no (but not without hearing the offer) because
with a
few more $5 and $10 subscriptions from regular folks, I can build
an independent network.
Whores tho they may be, Russert, Blitzer and even Hannity and
O'Reilly are still told what to say.
They are told what to feign outrage about, who to soft-pedal,
who to hammer etc etc etc.
They are given topics by their producers and then they start
their stupid circus of lies.
I want no part of that.
Besides, there's nothing they can seduce me with.
I don't need fame, don't need a string of sluts, I've been
to Vegas and I don't need money
except for enough to get on the air, which is less than chicken
feed to the big guys.
If enough money to build BartCop Radio never materializes, I'm
OK there, too..
I'm content to hammer out a page each day that Vic the racist
decides to come to work.
Sure, it would be great to have a bigger hammer, but not at any cost.
Subject: about that estrogen
Dear Bartcop -
I found this site, run by NOW, which talks
about Bush's effect
on women's issues and global affairs.
They seem to be fighters.
Also, something occurred to me about Fox
News's ridiculous slogan,
"We report, you decide." Isn't that a sort
of pro-choice slogan?
I mean, isn't that what millions of women
are saying when they
want control over their own bodies, "I
Beth, yes.
They are lying.
They fabricated a salacious story about the best president we've
ever had, and then say,
"Is Clinton the biggest monster in history?
Or is Hillary? You decide."
CNN Producers and Connie Chung:
During the half-hour break on Crossfire
tonight, (7:30 PM EST 1/6/03) Chung delivered
the latest chimp mass hysteria note…unconfirmed
al Caida operative slips up and lets the
world see his email calling for killing,
blood, and destruction of Americans.
Once again, CNN is the right-wing, blast-fax,
bushit operative of the GOPper party.
Oh, please, Connie, say it ain’t so. Not
another unconfirmed report from secret sources
about possible horrors rumored to be planned
in the unknown future. Please.
What crapola. What else do we expect from CNN? Or Faux News?
At least it wasn’t reported on BBC or any
other class act. Just our shameful 24 hour
‘most-trusted-news-in-the-world’ and their
projectile news vomit.
I hope others have seen this fakery. It
would be a shame for them to have missed another
piece of disgusting fairy-tale journalism
from Chung and the Chimp News Network.
Let’s hope Chung makes the list for Media Whore of the Week real soon.
Alan J. Franklin
CNN deserves everything bad that happens to them.
They remained silent while FOX was spewing "WE
are the fair and balanced network,"
and Americans are so incredibly stupid and easily-led, they believe
So now, if FOX reports "Al Qaeda is coming,
but don't worry, Bush will save us,"
and CNN doesn't, Rush will accuse CNN of being "the
liberal house organ."
Like Al Gore, CNN lost this battle when they refused to fight back.
Subject: Questions
You gotta understand.
No one cares about the shit you keep harping
I fear you are correct.
We spend a decade inside Clinton's trousers, but we have no
business asking
how many felonies GW Bush has been convicted of, much less arrested
That's some sad shit...
You should know that living where you do.
Which begs the question.
How did an ultra lib like yourself....
Ultra lib? Hardly.
I own/use guns, I'm pro-military (when there's a reason for it),
I'm for less government,
unlike the jackals who have bloated the government twice a big
as Clinton ever wanted,
and lastly, I can't be an ultra-lib because I'm no dove - I don't
turn the other cheek
But I see where you're coming from. Compared to the rapid
right-wing of the GOP,
even Barry Goldwater would be considered a lefty by today's fascist
Also, in 1976, when he ran for VP, Bob Dole was considered the
meanest, most heartless
sonofabitch attack dog in the Republican party. But over the
years, the GOP shifted and
turned into one big giant Newt, and Bob Dole somehow became the
nicest guy in the GOP.
How did an ultra lib like yourself.... wind up in the middle of neo-conservative religious america?
Only the love of a good woman could get me to live in this backwards hole.
Confederate nostalgia from the GOP.
the Lott scandal the end, or just the beginning?
from Joe Conason's Journal
"Back has apologized for sending out Lind's article,
claiming that he didn't realize how "offensive"
it would be. In the meantime, however,
he has risen to the party vice chairmanship in the nation's
largest state and, until this embarrassment,
was considered a very serious contender for its chairmanship.
Karl Rove may very well decide that
this idiot should be whacked before he causes any more trouble,
but why won't the White House repudiate
him publicly?
It's likely that Rove and Bush don't want
to annoy William Lind's patron, the powerful far-right figure
Paul Weyrich, who often made life miserable
for the White House during the first Bush regime. Lind
operates the Center for Cultural Conservatism,
a subsidiary of Weyrich's Free Congress Foundation,
where he fantasizes about burning feminists
at the stake and concocts theories about the Marxist Jews
who have infected American culture."
Subject: Gephardt
BC ... the rumor is going around in Missouri
that Gephardt will not run
for Congress in 04. Don't let the
doorknob hit him in the ass.
John, it's damn hard for me to believe Gephardt or Daschle would
ever consider running
for president when they have a history of caving in and going
along with the GOP.
If either of them wins the Demo primary, they might as well make
Al Sharpton their VP.
At least that way we'd get some great laughs from another
Democratic Hindenburg.
Obviously I don't have the brains to run
a national presidential campaign. But whichever Democrat
gets the nomination could sure use me in
the room when they're wringing their hands crying,
"The Republicans are cheating and lying
about us! What can we do?"
Wanda Sykes is the funniest woman in America.
I'm tardy getting to this, but it must get got to.
Wanda on Leno last week totally ruled.
I wrote down some of her stuff, but then lost it, (I need a staff)
but what I remembered went something like this.
"All these Republicans like Enron committing
all these big crimes.
Hell, when I'm walking down the street
and see a banger sitting there, I just walk on by.
But if I see some white dude holding
a Wall Street Journal, ...I haul ass!
A mugger can only rob you of what you
have on you.
The crooked CEOs rob you every day the
rest of your life."
Of course, she did it a hundred times better than that, and her
black-woman delivery is funnier than what any current male comedian
can do.
Sykes: Tongue Untied
Check local times Special/Comedy, 60 Mins.
Original Airdate: January 10, 2003.
Trust me.
(Marty, remind me!)