Yes, Bill Clinton denied having
an affair. I don’t excuse that, but what straying husband wants his family,
much less the world, to know? And (except for Hillary) whose dadgum business
is it anyway?
As they never tire of telling us, the Bushies don’t have extramarital
affairs. They save their lies for public affairs. Remember: “Read my lips.”
Remember: “I was out of the loop on Iran-Contra.” And who can forget: “Clarence
Thomas is the most qualified person in America for the Supreme Court.”
So spare us the lectures about
“restoring honor and dignity” to the White House. Bush hasn’t even gotten
there yet, and he’s already left a trail of mendacity from here to Waco.
The only thing the Bushies ever wanted to restore was themselves — to power.
But the lack of candor from Bush
and his minions is not the only lesson from this mess. We’ve also learned
— horrors:
They’re hypocrites. When Attorney General-designate Zoe Baird
was being pilloried for failing to pay Social Security taxes on an illegal
immigrant she’d hired as a nanny, Linda Chavez was one of the loudest voices
in the hypocrites’ choir. “I think most of the American people were upset
during the Zoe Baird nomination that she’d hired an illegal alien. That
was what upset them more than the fact that she did not pay Social Security
taxes,” Chavez told PBS in 1993, according to the Post.
And Chavez was far from alone. During the Baird case, and all the way
through impeachment, Republicans argued for a strict, unforgiving reading
of the law, invoking in pompous, pious tones, “The Rule of Law.” Let’s
see the same people who argued for Bill Clinton because he was reluctant
to admit an affair turn around and argue for leniency in the Chavez case.
A strict reading of the law says it’s a violation to harbor someone
who is illegally in this country — irrespective of whether you actually
employed her (which would be another violation). But suddenly, the same
people who trashed the Constitution to impeach President Clinton because
they wanted to make a constitutional crisis out of an affair, are now,
in the words of the Bush transition spokesman, appealing for “a common-sense
standard: government should not punish you for trying to help somebody
else out in life.”
Only a Bushie could produce this
whiplash-inducing spin. Only a Bushie could convince himself that the rules
don’t apply to him and his cronies. And only a Bushie could argue that
when “they” break the rules, the act is a manifestation of their good intentions
and moral superiority, while if a Democrat makes a mistake it is, literally,
a federal case and proof of that person’s moral sleaziness.
Finally, we’ve learned something
more surprising:
Not ready for prime time. Who would’ve thought that Cheney-Bush,
Inc. would stumble so badly on something so obvious? Spokesfibber Eskew
was coy when asked if Chavez’s illegal immigrant problem had surfaced in
the pre-nomination vetting. “The vetters ask a range of serious questions,”
he told the Post, “including things about domestic employees and paying
taxes. They don’t, however, ask potential nominees to enumerate every act
of compassion.”
Sounds like they missed this.
They missed Dick Cheney’s EKG, which looks like 40 miles of bad Oklahoma
farm road, and his congressional voting record, which looks like Jesse
Helms’ greatest hits. They missed John Ashcroft’s remark that the cause
of the Confederacy — slavery — was not “perverted.” If people owning people
ain’t perverted, I don’t know what is.
The Bushies promised competence
more than ideology. So far we’ve gotten mendacity and hypocrisy — all in
service of a right-wing ideology. No wonder they lost the election.