— “I got into every scandal as it was being
hatched,” Linda Tripp tells Nancy Collins,
answering accusations that she tried to stir
up scandal in the Clinton White House.
It is Tripp’s first TV
interview in nearly two years, airing tonight on ABCNEWS’ 20/20. She speaks
candidly about what she saw while working
behind the scenes in Washington as well as her two new
facelifts and her much-publicized relationship
with former intern Monica Lewinsky.
Reluctant Alliance
Tripp claims to have not been friends with Lewinsky,
Of course they weren't friends. Tripp has to put as much distance
as she can between
her and the woman she stabbed in the back to pretend she's
not a friend-killer.
...explaining the former intern “accosted”
her and “blurted out” her involvement with.
She admits she was “completely fascinated
and horrified at the same time.”
While not interested in befriending a 22-year-old,
Tripp became the intern’s confidante because,
she says, “something kicked in with Monica,
she was so completely needy.”
You sure it wasn't your book deal that was "needy?"
Tripp also knew Monica was well-connected and rebuffing her could be dangerous to her career.
Oh, what a bunch of horseshit.
Monica, the power-broker?
Monica the king-maker?
Monica has about as much brains as Reagan did.
Tripp views Monica as an emotionally unstable
young woman who was obsessed with the president.
When describing an occasion of Clinton’s
snubbing of the young woman, Tripp succumbs to tears.
ha ha
Linda Tripp, crying on cue for the 20/20 cameras?
I can't decide which is the bigger whore - Tripp or Disney/ABC.
When 20/20 presses Tripp on why she tape-recorded
her conversations with Lewinsky, she defends
herself, explaining that it was the only
way to protect herself. She says, “I found myself in the crosshairs of
the president of the United States ...
Remember, I was going under oath, so was he, so was Monica.
They were both going to lie. They said,
essentially, I’m gonna be the one convicted for perjury.”
But Linder - what if all you did was tell the truth?
What if you didn't create a secret audio library that
Hardon Kenny could replay, again and again,
alone in his office, with his Smirnoff bottle open, zipper down,
lonely night after lonely night?
What if you didn't call Luci the Bat and arrange a lucrative
book deal?
What if you didn't call Hardon Kenny with all the juicy
Until you hatched your little "Kill the King" scheme, you couldn't
have possibly
been in anybody's "crosshairs," you stupid cow.
Like paula Jones and Gennifer Flowers and Kathleen Willey and
Dolly Cow Browning and the others,
you intentionally chose to run into the national spotlight
screaming, "Look at me, me, me, me,me!"
because you know thw right wing will throw millions at any slut
with a story.
...and now that your plan failed and you're the most hated woman
in the entire country,
even hated more than Laura Schlessinger, now you claim your efforts
were merely defensive?
Nobody believes you, liar.
That's why America still hates you, because America doesn't
like liars.
(Clinton's approval is still in the high 60's)
'I Was Horrified'
Tripp says she understands why many Americans view her as a modern-day Judas.
Christ, I hope so. I just explained it in small words.
But she argues that the White House portrayed her as a villain to discredit her testimony.
But Linder, it would have been 1,000 percent
impossible for the White House to have known
what your testimony was going to be if
you hadn't run into that spotlight screaming "Look at me."
All you had to do was shut the hell up
and tell what you thought was the truth.
But the truth wouldn't sell any books,
so you chose another path.
She also broaches the subject of her appearance,
saying her looks made it easy for the public to put her down.
“I did not realize how ugly I was ‘till
I saw the pictures,” she says, “I was horrified, as was the rest of the
Although she’s now comfortable with her
looks, she says her plastic surgery did not heal her confidence.
Tripp arrived in the White House in 1990
as a staffer in the Bush administration.
She stayed on when the Clintons arrived
and worked for more than a year as a floating secretary.
ha ha
I think that means she was big enough
to be in the Macy's Parade.
She says that it had been her dream to work
in the West Wing, admitting
“I would have cleaned the toilets with
my tongue to work in the White House.”
I did NOT make that up - that's a real
It gives us an idea of how far she'd
go to frame Clinton, tho...
Licking toilets clean?
Linder, did you ever work for Jay Leno?
He uses the same vivid imagery you do.
Or was there something else you wished
your tongue was cleaning?
Were you jealous of Monica?
The president liked Monica, but nobody
likes you, Linder.
Was jealousy behind your lying, your
acts of betrayal and your back-stabbing?
Under the new administration she says she
witnessed an array of scandals almost immediately:
...was not a scandal.
Vince Foster’s suicide,
...that was a suicide, not a scandal
and Kathleen Willey’s encounter with the president.
...you mean Kathleen's money-seeking
scheme that she hatched when she found out her idiot husband
tricked her into co-signing a
$300,000 loan that was about to go bust, that money-making scheme?
Tripp’s private tape recordings of Lewinsky,
which launched the Clinton impeachment scandal,
arguably helped George W. Bush win the
election in 2000. Now, no longer in the media spotlight,
Tripp lives in rural Virginia and still
works at the Pentagon. She recently shed 30 pounds,
has had two rounds of cosmetic surgery,
and claims to rarely think about Monica Lewinsky
She was a lying back-stabber when we
met her, she's did nothing but lie all through her little
impeachment crusade with Hardon Kenny
and she continues to lie today, hoping to alter her
most-hated-bitch in America status.
I think this calls for a John Goodman
appearance on this week's Saturday Night Live.