Subject: Ask and you shall recive....


You challenged us ditto-heads to refute your claims of a conservative press...Well here you go...

What would happen if Dateline did a unflattering portrait of Bush?

--On ABC Good Moring America Diane Sawyer would bring on Gerorge Stephonyous to agree with Dateline.

--On NBC Matt Lauer and Katie Couric would bring on NOW heads Kim Gandy and Patrica Ireland
   to agree with Dateline.

 (His list was quite long)

I'd do exhibt B but as you know bartcop the internet is just too small.
But I would love to hear your comments...

Warm Regards
Simply Kevin

 Kevin, instead of going thru your entire list, let me try this a different way.
 You listed Sawyer, Stephie, Lauer and Couric first, so they must be important.

 Why don't you pick the most partisan two people on that list and we'll play a game.
 I'll pick Limbaugh and Hannity - are you ready to play?

 We agree on a date and time - say this coming Thursday.
 I'll pick Rush's and Hannity's first radio hour Wednesday and you pick any hour of Diane
 or Katie or Matt or Steffie, it's your choice, and in the alloted time, let's see which "partisan"
 tells the most outrageous and vicious, insane lies imaginable about the other party.

 Ann Coulter, in one of her recent hate books, called Katie "the affable Eva Braun,"
 so getting some nasty partisan quotes from Katie ought to be real easy in that hour you pick.

 You up for a challenge like that?


 It might be quicker to just admit you were wrong, because nothing your four might say
 could ever compare with Rush and Hannity screaming "serial rapist" 60 hours a week.
(This is the kind of bet nobody ever accepts because they know they're going to lose.)
 I wish Simply Kevin had a small-to-meduim size political web page, where he could be held
 accountable for these outrageous and wild assertions about the Bush-owned corporate media.
 I fear Simply will simply ignore my challenge, duck and lay low for a while, and then eventually
 fade away instead of standing by this impossible-to-defend position that the media is left-biased.
 Then next week, another anonymous fella will straggle in with the same anonymous assertions.

 Isn't it a shame that on the entire internet, it's impossible to find a site where conservative
 Republicans answer very, very simple questions?  Isn't that a shame?

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