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John ASSCRACK for Attorney General


I suppose the Bush Boy could find a more racist, chauvinistic, hypocritical Christian-wannabe homophobe for Attorney General of their appointed Banana Republic if they tried? 

Ya think?

As if the first choice for Secretary of Labor Linda Chavez (strike one! And you?re a FELON ? oh gee, that gosh darn Rule Of Law thingie again) could be any more anti-labor than she already is, and the choice for Secretary of The Interior could be any more ~ let?s see?       na?ve?  Hello!  Let me ask you Ms Norton, just how much have you been ?rewarded? for your pollution ?Self-Policing? policy by the industries in Colorado?  Have you declared on your taxes?  Or for that matter, how much have you been promised by the sociopathic industries currently in the Bush Bed?  Can you actually sleep at night knowing what happened to the Alamosa River?  

Now, is this just a blatant slap in the face for everyone not on the Bushista payroll ? as in the rest of the country who have to live with the nightmarish outcome of these blatantly unqualified choices, or are they just throwing up a smokescreen for who they really want farther down the line, say the 2nd or 3rd choice for most of the POTUS-Select cabinet?  Or maybe they?ll all cry foul if all of these poor excuses for staff at any self respecting and honorable company anywhere (let alone a country like the United Sates) get 86?d ? then when they want to make Supreme Court appointments, someone will feel sorry for them and say ?gosh, we were so hard on poor little Smirky & Co that we better play nice just a little..?   NO PLAYING NICE WHEN YOU CHEAT.

John AssCrack is an outright joke.  But ya know what?s even scarier?  This little snippet from a column by Frank Rich of the NY Times that Bartcop so wisely (as always) posted here a few days ago: 

          Some of Mr. Ashcroft's past is so embarrassing you have to wonder if he
          got this far by a fluke. After all, the first Bush administration had been
          smart enough to take a pass on his r?sum? when John Sununu tried to
          peddle it a decade ago. Mr. Ashcroft was chosen by George W. this
          time around, according to The Washington Post, only after another
          conservative attorney general choice, Gov. Marc Racicot of Montana,
          was abruptly torpedoed by the hard right. (Mr. Racicot's hanging
          offense? He wanted to extend hate-crime laws to cover sexual
          orientation after Matthew Shepard was murdered in Wyoming.)


Here is where it just won?t fit into my head:  AssCrack can?t get it past his hard-line Christianity to extend hate-crime laws to cover sexual orientation.  He most likely wishes he could have helped those ?good-ole-boys? beat then hang Matthew on that fence.  So, that makes him a better choice for ATTORNEY FUCKING GENERAL???

This is what makes me sick.  Now, I?ve wanted to jump into the recent ?religious-ranting? but there were always other things that took over my verbiage spewing.  However, now I am compelled.

To me, this hatred ? of anyone ? be it for race, religion, sexual orientation, or the lack of common sense to use a turn signal, just doesn?t seem very ?Christian? to me. 

I am not a ?practicing? much of anything when it comes to organized religion.  I am pretty much a private person when it comes to faith, but I?ll share a few of my feelings on the subject, after all ? this is The United States of America, where one can live without fear of religious persecution (at least right now).   I have had my share of classes on World Religions at University, and married two Catholics (How is that possible you say?)  Well, the first marriage was annulled a year after my ex had already been remarried; they just wanted to do it again in THE CHURCH.  So, send The Church a check, and fill out a detailed 32 page report of your sex life and viola! Two years of your life *Poof* gone.  Too bad you keep the sun damage.  And I?ve had many close friends of many diverse faiths ? remember, I live in California, so I have had lots of experience to base this all on. 

     So, without further ado, I give you a tiny taste of:

Faith According to Tally
(Disclaimer: Not for the use of everyone, mainly just me.)

I sort of subscribe to the ?God created Baskin Robbins? theory, in that, God loves all her/his children and wants them ALL to be happy.  Hence all the different flavors (or religions if you will).  Perhaps, just perhaps it is God?s plan that there are so many different faiths and our lesson, or test, is to learn to celebrate the diversity of everyone and their beliefs.  Saying that it?s wrong to like Chocolate Fudge and someone is going to Hell because of it, is just as wrong as saying the only ones who will get into Heaven must like only French Vanilla. 

Shame on the hard-line hate mongering zealots who are giving Christianity a bad name!  I always wonder if Jesus is pissed off that somewhere down the road someone came up with the idea that the holy-days HE celebrated shouldn?t be celebrated by his so-called ?followers?.

Just a thought.
Tally Briggs/Actress at Large
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