As is our want,
we start with Lying Nazi Quotes
"How can you liberals trust Bill Clinton?
When somebody lies to me, ...I ....I takes a loooooong time for me to trust them again."
-- Hunk-a, Hunk-a, Burning-Slug, last week
Hey, Tuna!
Who broke your heart?
Was it George Butch with "Read My Lying Lips?"
Or was it one of Reagan's two faces?
How long did it take you to trust Von Reagan again after
"I never sold weapons to terrorists."
(Ha ha.
You just KNOW ditto-monkeys are squirming.
They don't like it when a liberal points out another example
of how full-of-shit Rush is, and then says Hmmmmmmmmmmm?????????
Ha ha.
They fucking HATE that.
One more,
Ha ha
February 12th, the Little Dictator said on his hate show these
three things in a span of less than ninety seconds:
1. Bill Clinton is a radical leftist.
2. His approval rating is 79 percent.
3. America is turning more conservative all the time.
Didn't they teach logic in college, Rush?
Oh, that's right.
Your uneducated, fat ass flunked out.
What's more fun, (besides oral sex)
than Rush getting beaten up by an old woman?
February 12
Caller: Rush, why is it any of OUR business?
Let Bill and Hillary worry about it.
More 50-year olds should be having sex...
Limba: What do you think ...would happen ...if the whole
country engaged in that kind of behavior?
Caller: Well, for one, you'd have a LOT of happy people.
Limba: ...I
...I don't..
...I don't mean... know what... can't tell me...
(Ha ha.)
This Just In...
CNN says Kenneth Starr has a semen-stained dress,
just like Monica.
Friday the 13th was a strange day for me.
First, I read that some old guy in Arkansas was called before
Judge Starr's kangaroos because he donated $1000 to a fund
that was to be used for Susan McDougal's defense.
Susan McDougal is a fucking trooper.
Susie baby, you're the tops.
You got more balls then G. Gordon Liddy.
"Fuck you. PUT me in jail," she told Starr.
That is so much more balls than ol' BartCop has...
But I got to thinking... a thousand?
If I gave a thousand to Susal McDougal's defense fund,
that means I'd be called before Judge Starr's Ox Bow?
Swear to Randy Weaver, I could get a thousand dollars.
(I could get the money... ...get the money...
...but it would be wrong, ha ha)
If a contribution could get me called before Starr's Ox Bow,
I'd consider that a bargain!
Excuse me, ...and forgive me, but I guarantee my first action
before the honorable Judge Starr would be to expose myself
and pierce him with my BartCop-ism verbal mega-lance,
and demand he jail me if he had a problem with it.
But I'd only do it if the jury was watching,
and Kenny Starr can pull a Lewinsky on me till Friday.
RL-LNW magazine has been languishing in obscurity for 2 years.
We started in 2/96, and we STILL operate at a deficit.
If I can spend a thousand and a few nights on jail, I'm ready.
If I told Starr to blow me, I'd be on the cover of Time.
Trust me, NOBODY would handle the press like ol' BartCop.
That would be fun if the press was begging me for an interview.
I'd make Diane Sawyer dance naked.
I'd make Katie Couric put on a woman's wig.
I'd make Cokie Roberts jack her skirt up at least
as high as Susie "Creamcheese" Molinari does.
Then, I'd tell them "no comment."
Ha ha
Great GOFP Quotes
"When I wake up in the morning,
I look in the mirror and I love what I see."
--The Giver of Shade, admiring his fat ass 1/24/97
The Monica Lewinsky "Operation Head Start" collectibles are in.
Catch-all Bibs are just $14
Coffee Mugs only $18
T-Shirts are $22 (specify size, color)
Sweatshirts are $32 (specify size, color)
...and, we still have some "Ruck Fush" bumperstickers.
Rush has been whining about democrats that he claims were caught
lying to congress. He says it's pitiful that the penalties for
lying to congress are so "puny."
He's upset that people can "get away with it and not worry
about the consequences."
Rush said he was "outraged" about the whole idea that
people can lie to congress and not be held responsible.
I missed Ollie Traitor's show this week.
Is Col. Traitor outraged about this, too?
David Sanger and Don Natta of the N.Y. Times, Feb 12, 1998
WASHINGTON--Illegal campaign contributions to the DNC in 1996
originated in bank accounts in "the greater China area," according
to GOFP senators investigating campaign finance abuses.
(I wonder if that area includes boats in Hong Kong harbor,
where Haley Barbour got his $2,000,000 donation?)
Swear to Koresh...
Check your TV Guide.
On Thursday nights, 8 PM Eastern time, 5 PM Pacific,
the Cartoon Channel has a show called "Snoot's New Squat."
Forgive me,
...I know it's my job to keep up with things,
but when did Gingrich get re-married?
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem
Subject: Returned mail: Service unavailable
Your mail is being returned due to one of the following reasons:
1: SMTP 550 .... User Unknown
Your recipient no longer exists on AOL.
(No, I'm sure he's still there.)
2: SMTP 550 .... Mailbox Full
Your recipient's mailbox is full.
(I guess that's possible... but unlikely.)
3: SMTP 550 .... is not accepting mail from this sender
Your recipient has blocked mail from you.
(BINGO! And who's the guy who can't handle the truth?
-- The following address had permanent fatal errors --
(Hmmmmmm ...potent357, eh?
"potent" must mean he thinks he's some kind of stud muffin
Who could it be?
I know!
Gordon, you wimp!
Regular readers know I have an I.Q just over 60,
Check RL-LNW Volumes 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 83 and 84,
(available on audio tape)
Strange But True
Do you remember that Z.Z. Top song, Pearl Necklace?
I saw Monica's mother's picture in USA Today.
When Monica's mother testified before Starr's kangaroos,
Was this simply a fashion faux pas?
Or another signal to the White House?
From: Pete
>re: your area 51 "sightings"
>Ever heard of Art Bell? He deals strictly with just such phenomena
(Yes, you can even attach them to new jets.)
>Keep your newsletter limited to politics. Call Art Bell
(We're about to go to war. Last time we went to war, the military
Repeat: Where do you think they tested the B-2 and the other
>Don't know.
(I don't think I'm going to win this one...)
The Smudge Report
If you want to see a nice wool-free web page,
Here's a sample:
No one ever had to pay taxes before the liberal
There was no crime before the ungodly Clinton came to power.
There was prayer in our schools before the Satan Clinton
There were absolutely no gun laws in this country until Clinton
There were no feminists in this country until Hillary's puppet
Check Al's page.
Linda Tripp, the Limba weigh-alike
If she died her hair black, and wore dark sunglasses,
Next time you see her picture, tell me I'm wrong.
Great Rush Quotes
Caller: Rush, everytime somebody disagrees with you,
Rush: That's not true.
Caller: That last caller, you called him "an idiot."
Rush: Well, he was.
(Ha ha.
Trouble for Clinton
Turns out there WAS a witness to the oral sex "crime."
Yes, it's true. Naomi Judd has declared to the media that she
Naomi Judd says Clinton should just admit it to everyone
...get this...
Naomi is such a good American,
She says it would be good for America and good for Clinton
Her declaration poses two questions...
A. Do you think this further validates the theory that the
B. Uhmm... Mrs. Judd, you live on a working ranch, right?
(cough, cough,
...I think it would be very unfair to remind readers that
Can it be?
So why would the mother of a lesbian sexual predator
yet she didn't recognize a sexual predator in her own home?
...unless... don't think...
Do you think Naomi KNEW W-Y-N-O-N-A was a sexual predator?
(Ashley, you know I'm just kidding.
Somehow, it seems sick,
Mail Bag
The ditto-monkey letters you publish are funny, but you should
(Good idea.
Look, here's one now...
Subject: reall?
what a sad excuus for a man you must feel
(Dave, your senseless slaughter of the English language
Subject: (no subject)
Tell all the niggers whats up
Mary Cash
(Mary, who raised you?
By the way, you owe Rush a nickel.
Expect some hate-mail, honey.
Subject: the hate
I'm sory you have so much hate filled within you
(Damn - so close to a correct sentence...)
Subject: Re: RL-LNW Vol 114
Why don't you just jump ship now you promote canebalistic
(Mike, which post office do you work at?)
If there are any sane, intelligent conservatives out there,
I only print letters from the best and brightest.
As previously stated, we've had to accept commercial advertising
Here is the ad:
"Would you like a not-too-ugly sex slave for an evening?
Contact Bettina Gregory, ABC News in New York.
According to the New York Times, Monica "sometimes shares"
Is it a good idea for Monica's roommate to represent her mom?
Heck, I'd rather have a Verdon Jordan-recommended attorney
It was the best Limba moment of the week of Feb 9-13th.
Caller: Rush, you've been going on and on and on about
Rush: ...I, ...I
(Limba - always the King of Debate.
I have another question:
Grab 100 Republicans off the street
"Who balanced the budget?"
Fifty Republicans will say,
"Clinton didn't balance the budget - WE did!"
The other fifty Republicans will say,
How many times has ol' BartCop said,
...Are you listening, GOFP?
You need to pick a slur and stick with it.
>From CNN's web site, an expose' on Kenneth Starr.
Here's how they open their BIG investigation,
"When he was in junior high, his hobby was shining shoes,"
Little Kenny spent a lot on time on his knees earning money?
A "source close to Kenneth Starr's office" told RL-LNW that
But, since we don't play the rumor game here at RL-LNW,
Excuse me, I need to say something...
I owe Rush Limbaugh an apology.
Rush, when I'm wrong, I'm man enough to admit it.
Simple concept.
Rush, I'm sorry.
I admit, you got it right this time,
Last December, you said El Nino was just a trick the liberals
Matter of fact, you PROMISED it would be dry this year.
So I hereby formally offer my apol...
...this just in...
In northern California, thousands of people were forced to
With driving rain and winds reaching 80 mph, forecasters
Highway 101, the main artery between San Francisco and Marin County,
"We're not out of it yet," said one meteorologist, sounding like
The National Weather Service says some California counties have
Oh, sure.
Go running to that federal nanny the GOFP hates so much.
Why does California need a federal bureaucrat 3000 miles away
Why, may I ask, in the middle of a huge fucking mudslide,
It looks like the GOFP has been lying to us all these years.
When it's convenient for them, when they want something free,
...when it comes time to PAY for the milk they teated,
Have you ever heard such bullshit?
Maybe I'm too quick to judge.
Ha ha.
They almost fooled ol' BartCop.
Rich Republicans watch as their homes change zip codes,
Ha ha.
Losing their beach homes to mudslides is NOTHING compared to
Who knows?
Maybe all that "return power to the states" bullshit was just
...and to think I almost apologized to that fat bastard.
How did Rush and Marta meet?
I know the story, do you?
Rush was using the name "Cheetah,"
Then, after staying on his best manners long enough to keep her
...New York is a community-property state.
For those of you without law degrees, that means if
I wonder...
Drag $12,000,000 through a #baboonsex chat room
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Bartcop He's laughing at you!
We know we're dealing with a Republican,
since he can't handle the truth.
"357" makes him sound like a gun nut
It's G. Gordon Liddy!
Are you afraid I'm going to beat you up again?
Is your tail sore from your last ass whoopin'?
Gordon, if I made you look stupid, if I made you look limp
in front of your flock, ...I don't apologize.
and Liddy has one of the sharpest minds in the GOFP.
and see what a weak liberal mind can do to a GOFP "genius."
You'd think somebody would've told her.
she wore black suit and a pearl necklace.
...I am NOT making this up.
>which includes every conspiracy nut theory that comes down the pike
(e.g. TWA 800 was brought down by a Navy missile etc, etc)
>That doesn't make what you say untrue but you just saw lights, right?
>You can do anything with lights.
>if you want to talk about secret planes and black holes.
unveiled their new toys. I think I got a sneak preview of a new toy.
How does that make me a conspiracy nut?
secret planes before they were revealed to the public?)
>Don't care.
check Al Smudge at
Democrat Clinton came into power.
got voted into office.
and his liberal, socialist rabble stole the election.
husband got elected.
Very well done, and he's got links
to every loon on the web, even Phyllis Schaffly.
Is she the goddess of beauty?
she'd be a dead ringer for Howard Stern.
Linda, when you ordered your nose, did you say "Supersize it?"
Thursday, Feb 12th
you call them an "idiot," or some other name.
I thought you said name-calling is only for people
who don't have anything legitimate to say.
I don't call people names, and I never have.
Besides, I wasn't that way until I got to New York.
Limba, you lying slug.
If you heard his show, you know that happened.)
Go figure - it was Naomi Judd.
KNOWS Bill Clinton is guilty. She didn't explain exactly where
she was hiding when Clinton sexually attacked the poor, confused,
young girl, but she apparently WAS a witness to the event.
that's he's addicted to kinky sex, apologize, and check himself
into a clinic for the rehibilitation for sexual predators,
she's such a nice, caring woman,
she's such a devoted patriot,
she's offered to personally pay for Clinton's therapy,
because she knows just how badly he needs it.
if he just took the necessary steps to get help.
better looking you are, the less brains you have?
I'll bet you have a few cows, and chickens and such.
Do you, by any chance, raise/breed horses on your farm?
cough, cough,)
Naomi's daughter, another Limba weigh-alike, W-Y-N-O-N-A
was accused of sexual harassment by two of their ranch hands,
...two ranch hands who happened to be female.
Is there a lesbian, sexual predator in the Judd family?
Gosh, that would be awful...
But, it was in the paper, so it MUST be true, right Naomi?
make a public claim that she KNOWS Clinton is guilty,
Is Naomi Judd a sexual-predator-enabler?
Is that why she's trying to throw some blame Clinton's way?
Is she trying to say "Everybody does it?"
Is that her game?
Is that how they play the game in Nashville?
Is that how they play the game in Hollywood?
What's with your Mom, anyway?
She said it, so I'm still in-bounds here,
and your sister was accused of harassing a female "hand,"
but I'm just trying to show how ugly it is when people,
especially someone like our lying, nazi whore,
take wild rumors and talk about it as fact.
to take a day off from the Clinton witchhunt
because it's president's day...
print more intellectual letters from the Right. It leaves the
impression that ONLY braindead ditts attack you.
Are there any intelligent conservatives in America?
I don't know if there are, but let's run a little test:
I'll publish the next few e-mails that come in verbatim,
no matter what they say or who they're from.
The MooMau
is shocking. Was it a crime of passion?)
Armey, the Foul-Mouthed Dick?
Why do you hate black people?
Rush copywrited the word "nigger."
He gets a nickel each time it's used in vain.
Organization: OnTrak Systems
Y'all be sure to use OnTrak Systems for all your...
...Oh, all your "OnTrak" needs, I suppose.
Ask for Allan, he's a peach.)
socialism idelogy NAZI means national socialist which
are much closer to you ideas than Limbaugs
please contact RL-LNW immediately. I'll print your letter.
to help defray the massive costs of publishing RL-LNW.
Please forgive the intrusions.
It's the only way we can pay the writing staff.
I will give you my body, for 3 hours, if you have any rumors,
true or false, doesn't matter, about Bill or Monica.
I have a deadline to meet, so hurry!"
or send e-mail to
her apartment with her mother's attorney.
Is it a good idea for Monica to date her mom's attorney?
than some guy who's asleep on my couch...
Somehow, a non-ditto-monkey caller got through...
the wedding vows that Bill Clinton broke, but,
between you and Marta, you've got SIX marriages.
Can you explain yourself?
...there's a big difference between...
you can't say...
...there's no basis for....
just because it took six marriages for Marta and
I to finally find each other...
...I... ...I'm late for a commercial break...
My sources say Bo Snerdly was tied to a tree and whipped
for letting a call through that made Rush look bad.)
(boy, I like the sound of that...)
...and ask them this question:
"Clinton did, but the only way he could do it was
by STEALING that money from Social Security."
The Grand Old Fascist Party needs to pick a slur,
They call it "Investigating the Investigator."
Isn't that cute?
with a quote from Judge Starr's mother:
says 90-year-old Vannie Starr.
"He shined everybody's shoes. Almost any time you could see
Kenny on his knees in front of some businessman, shining shoes."
...and he told his mother he was "shining shoes?"
lil' Kenny often made upwards of $400 a night "shining shoes,"
...pretty good money back in 1960.
we'll take Kenny's word that it was SHOES he was shining...
How can I expect BartCop-ism to be taken seriously
if I'm unwilling to call 'em as I see 'em?
This time, I was wrong.
...just this once,
and BartCop got it all wrong,
were using to go for another power grab. You said California
wouldn't get any more rain this year than normal years.
You GUARANTEED that there was no reason to listen to
Al Gore's Chicken-Little, Sky-is-Falling scare-tactics.
You put your reputation on the line, once again
...and it turns out you were right.
So far, ...California is as dry as Lynn Cheney.
evacuate their homes and major roadways were shut by flooding
as the region reeled from the fourth major storm in a week.
likened this system to a low-grade hurricane as it lashed the coast,
uprooting trees and causing hillsides to crumble in torrents of mud.
was hit by floodwaters and destroyed, leaving thousands stranded.
an extra in "Twister." Pointing to yet another El Nino-driven front
building off the coast, sky boy said "The next one is due tomorrow,
and it's at least as strong as the first four."
doubled their YEARLY rainfall totals, and it's still February!!
Gov. Pete Wilson declared a state of emergency in 28 California
counties Wednesday after the first series of storms passed through,
freeing up government funds to help pay for relief efforts.
Here we GO!!!
Isn't this a local problem?
to federalize a strictly "local problem?"
You bastards said government "was the problem," remember?
would you invite a PROBLEM to come to your DISASTER?
when they decide they can't make it without "Mommy's help,"
they try to suck the teat of the big, big, government!
Oh, suuuuuuuuuuuuuure.
they say, "This is OUR money, Mister."
Sure you have - if you own an AM radio.
Maybe Rush is right about one thing.
Maybe Baby-killer Pete Wilson is making a power grab!
There's no emergency on the west coast.
Besides, RUSH GAVE HIS WORD that these rains wouldn't come.
He put his reputation on the line,
the same way he did with Vince Foster's "murder,"
the same way he did with "Arlington-Gate."
"knowing" that Rush has never lied to them.
what they'd lose if Rush was proven to be a lying nazi whore.
an effort to prop-up the pro-slavery wing of the GOFP.
If you've been listening as long as I have, you'd know.
Years ago, I think it was 1993, Rush told Snerdly to issue
a press release that he was getting married over the weekend.
He told us he met Marta on-line, on Compuserve, using a fake name,
in some chat room. "Sources close to Limba" have told RL-LNW
that they met in the #baboonsex chat room.
He told this story on the air!
Marta was using "Jane."
It was all very sick, but it's TRUE!
(My source wishes to remain anonymous.
My stories have an 80 percent accuracy rate.)
interested, he finally dropped the bombshell that he's America's
biggest nazi-puta. Before she could hit the "Quit" button,
he told her he made $25,000,000 per year AND...
she divorces his ass, she gets $12,000,000 minimum.
...and there's no telling what you'll find.
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