New York Times Stresses "Legitimacy" Over Democracy
 January 22, 2001
 The New York Times editorial the day after George W. Bush's inauguration
 ("A Vision of Unity," 1/21/01) predicted, based on the inaugural address, that
 Bush could "lift the nation to a new era of inclusion and social justice,"
 and found room to describe how "the gloomy light of a winter's day was
 offset by splashes of color like Laura Bush's blue coat."
 But it didn't find space to mention the most striking feature of the 2001 inauguration:
 that it occurred amidst widespread and angry protests rejecting the legitimacy of Bush's
 claim to office, the likes of which have not been faced by any modern president.
 Along the parade route, he was confronted by signs with messages like "Shame,"
 "Bush Lost" and "Hail to the Thief." The London Guardian (1/22/01) reported that the
 inaugural parade "fell well short of being triumphant, and on many occasions during
 its slow advance through the drizzle, the sound of jeering drowned out the cheers."
 But the front page of the New York Times showcased stories like "Bush, Taking Office,
 Calls for Civility, Compassion and 'Nation of Character';  Unity Is a Theme" and
 "Proud Father and Son Bask in History's Glow"-- both of which discussed Bush's
 teary-eyed father while avoiding any mention of protesters.
 While the Times' news editors could not totally ignore the estimated 20,000 demonstrators,
 they did their best to downplay them, placing the one story about them ("Protesters in the
 Thousands Sound Off in the Capitol") on page 17, the sixth out of eight pages of inauguration
 coverage. This article featured one quote from Rev. Al Sharpton and one from a demonstrator
 who spoke of the "inchoate feeling" that led her to march. This abbreviated presentation of the
 viewpoints of the tens of thousands of anti-Bush protesters was "balanced" by another quote from
 one of the hundred anti-abortion activists who demonstrated outside Planned Parenthood's offices.
 All told, the story measured 15 column inches out of eight full pages of inauguration coverage.
 (It was about three-fourths the length of "Floridians of the G.O.P. Savor 'Special Victory,' "
 on page 18.) The accompanying photo, a tiny 2"x3" shot of one of the day's anti-Bush marches,
 was the only one out of 19 inauguration-related photos in the paper to show any sign of dissent.
 Another inside-pages story, "Echoes of the Past, Near and Far, Are Heard on the Capital's Streets,"
 included a lone protester outside the Supreme Court building, but presented him as well outnumbered
 by Republican counter-demonstrators singing "God Bless America."
 The most telling story of the inauguration package was a front-page news analysis headlined
 "Tradition and Legitimacy: A Nation's Old Rituals Begin to Dissolve Lingering Clouds of a Bitter
 Election Battle." This piece, by R.W. Apple, did mention the demonstrations-- in order to minimize
 their significance:
 "Arguments about the legitimacy of the Texas governor's victory have
 persisted even as the country accepted the fact that he had won. Thousands
 of the doubtful and disenchanted took to the streets of Washington today
 in angry protest. But the debate is likely to grow softer as the nation grows
 accustomed to pictures of Mr. Bush speaking from the Oval Office, boarding
 Air Force One, accompanied everywhere he goes by the strains of 'Ruffles and
 Flourishes' and 'Hail to the Chief.' In the television age, those images, more that
 anything else, confer the mantle of authority and legitimacy on a leader."
 The notion that it is media images, not the votes of citizens accurately counted,
 that give legitimacy to a leader is profoundly anti-democratic. The media's role in
 trying to shore up the fragile credibility of the establishment was a theme in the most
 insightful piece in the New York Times' inauguration coverage, "Reality of Nation's
 Divisions Quickly Creeps  into the Commentary, " by TV critic Caryn James.
 She notes TV pundits' attempt to "retreat into a soothing little bubble where every
 action they observe is majestic and every viewer shares their sense of awe"--a bubble
 that was punctured by "visible evidence of furious protesters along the parade route."
 Because it was not obliged to present live video footage of that "visible evidence,"
 the New York Times was much more successful than the television networks in
 minimizing the fact that tens of thousands of citizens from across the country marched
 on D.C. to reject Bush's assumption of power as illegitimate and undemocratic.
 The Times left readers with the impression that the dominant themes of the day were
 "Unity," "Tradition" and, above all, "Legitimacy."

 ACTION: Please write to the New York Times if you thought that the protests
 against George W. Bush's inauguration were an important story and deserved
 more prominence in the Times' inauguration coverage.
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