Breakfast of Champions
Subject: Bet on Chinaco
5th race today at Sportsman's Park, located
in the exclusive Chicago suburb
of Cicero, Illinois features a horse named
Last night's line had Chinaco
going off at 3-to-1.
Tom Krish of the Chicago Sun Times says
"Chinaco raced
on to be 3rd in his first local start.
May be next best to Mighty Joe Young @
given the off-form group he is with."
If Chinaco "may
be next best...,"
where can I get me a bottle of that Mighty
Joe Young tequila?
ha ha
Let me send you some money!
Bet on Chinaco!
Fun With Smirk's Head
ha ha
This is great!
HERE and mess with Smirk's head.
If you find something good, tell us about it so we can all do
Thanks to Michael at
Check the Vegas Story Below for an Important Update.
Monday Night Football
Pigboy sees the writing on the wall.
His ratings are already going down the
His demographics are pitiful; his sponsors
sell products
only an incontinent hillbilly grandmother
could buy.
The biggest difference between Clinton
and Gore
is that Gore knows how to keep it zipped.
Not much grist for the radio hate mill there.
Pigboy is looking at 8 loooong years to
radio oblivion.
I'll bet he can barely drag his cyst out
of bed and into the studio anymore.
ha ha
I'd be looking for a career switch too.
And Monday Night Football is SUCH a sweet
Work one night a week, and spend the other
six trolling for groupies.
Put the hate behind him, and spend his
declining years pretending he was once a player.
If ABC is dumb enough to hire him,
the radio play by play broadcast doubles
its ratings.
** Remember
the classic Star Trek where Kirk splits in two?
We had a sheep Kirk and a wolf Kirk.
The sheep Kirk was a nice guy, but he was afraid to lead.
The wolf Kirk demanded some Chinaco and some Yeoman Rand, in
that order.
Spock then theorizes, "Perhaps it's man's dark side that gives him his power to lead."
Clinton is a real Democrat.
A doer.
A lusty, zesty man.
An insatiable man.
Wanting more, needing more.
A man willing to reach for life's brass ring.
Whereas Gore keeps his zipper up.
Some things in life are important.
Some things are not.
GOP Strategy 2000
Subject: From Today's Boston Globe
"...the Republican strategy will be an ongoing
attack on Gore's character.
Hillary Rodham Clinton is being targeted
in a similar manner."
The article concluded with a quote from
Dick Morris: "If the Republicans think
they can convince people that Gore should
be in jail, they'll be disappointed."
These ill-mannered shits don't even think
they can win the White House any more.
They've blown it time after time due to
their anti-Clinton sniveling, and just can't learn.
Rather than examine why they keep losing
and then formulate new, intelligent,
effective campaign strategies, they just
want to commisserate with their
fellow right-wing scum by pitching tantrums
and fits.
Excellent letter!
I wish someone would explain it to you and me, both.
They'd rather attack Clinton/Gore than win the White House.
Please - somebody explain!
This is the proven Limbaugh method of losing elections.
Smirk's vision for America is this:
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I guarantee that's EXACTLY the case.
That's all the Republicans have to offer in the 21st century.
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...and when Gore wins?
They're going to did this happen? Where did we go wrong?
Just like with impeachment.
They KNOW the voters fucking hate what they're preparing
to do,
but like an animal in mid-rape, they can't stop themselves until
they orgasm.
Please, somebody, tell me why they want to lose.
Great GOP Quotes
"We lost the last two presidential elections.
We lost the last two congressional elections,
and STILL, ...we continue down this same path of exclusion."
-- John McCain, war hero
Gore couldn't lose this election if he tried.
Please God, No
Subject: Rush on MNF
As I was driving into work today, I was listening to ESPN radio. The two
were pissed and ranting and raving about
Limbaugh. It seems his name has been
mentioned about being added to the Monday
Night Football broadcast booth.
They were pissed because he was using his
little hate show as a platform and
campaigning for the position. They thought
is was disgusting. Any truth to these rumors?
Is Rush talking about working the MNF booth?
I don't think I could ever watch it again.
Maybe I will just mute it.
Yes, Pigboy has been begging for the job.
Endlessly, tirelessly begging, "Please let me be on, please,
please, please."
Not to worry.
After seeing what Paramount TV is going thru, I don't think ABC/Disney
has any desire to give a 21st century Hitler a chance to ruin
their program.
Let me say something else about Paramount TV.
I realize earlier today I suggested you watch The Beat on Paramount,
but let me tell you something that'll turn your stomach, or it
The other day I accidentally caught a few minutes of Smackdown.
Two actors posing as athletes pretended to knock the crap outta
some guy.
Then, (and this is most disgusting) the two "victors"
stood over their victim,
then they each blocked off a nostril and hosed the guy with snot.
Like everything they do, it was all very choreographed.
When they were done, they switched nostrils at the same time
and blew snot on the guy from the other nostril.
This is the "family-friendly atmosphere" Doc Nazi picked for her TV show?
The heroes of the GOP...
HMO Blues
This is a few days old, but last Friday I got tired of my GD toe
hurting me
so I finally went to the doctor. He asked me what the problem
was, and I said,
"I think my toe is broken."
He said, "Let's get some X-rays," but then he stopped and opened
my file and said,
"Oh, good, you're not in an HMO. The HMOs
don't pay for X-rays."
If I'm in an HMO, and I go to the doctor with a broken bone, I don't get X-ray'd?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for a hundred medical stories
but HMOs don't do X-rays? I feel sorry for those
Clinton tried to fix that, but nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Great NRA Quotes
"Safety locks won't work because they can
be removed."
-- Frenchie Lepew
Hey, Frenchie!
I'd hate to spend $600 for a Glock with a permanent trigger lock!
Who did you blow to get that job, Moses?
Laura Harpy Party Update
I still haven't heard the Harp's comment on killing her party.
She hasn't run any commericials for it, so I assume it's not
a time-lag deal,
so when is she going to tell everyone the party's off?
The press release I read said about 800 tickets had been sold.
That's only 400 couples, or maybe 300 families.
That's all?
Shit, if we had a party at the
fabulous Rio Casino and Resort
in beautiful in Las Vegas, we'd have more than 800 people, right?
Just as I typed that, there she goes!
Live at noon EST, she's cancelling the stupid party.
Good God!
She just requested that those 800 people EAT their tickets
instead of asking for their money back.
I'll bet she already spent that money.
Poor thing.
Remember - she doesn't even hate gay people!
She's simply a whore that can make more pretending to
hate them.
The red-meat McVeigh crowd hates gays, and she's their
new queen,
so she has to pretend to hate gays to keep that money niagra
Greedy bitch.
Does anyone want to get in on the
First Annual
BartCop Tequilafest 2000
at the fabulous Rio Casino and Resort??
(Click sign for their web page)
They have everything at the Rio.
They have a great spa.
They still have that great Titanic Exhibit.
They have real live gambling!
They have some wacky Carnival-in-the-Sky that we don't pay much attention to...
..and they have SEVENTEEN restaurants, including the Bamboleo
which is the best Mexican food you'll ever
eat, and they serve the very best tequila in the world.
I'm getting Vegas
Of course, while we're there, we'll have to take
a trip to Taqueria Cononita!
As far as I'm concerned, Taqueria
Cononita is Tequila Fort
This is the tequila bar in the Venetian, of all places.
At this bar, you can try the Herradura Ultra-Preservo Supremo Tequilo
It's only $25 per shot, but whoooooaaa, what a feeling!
They also let you try a series of different tequilas without having
to purchase
the entire shotglass. This way you can try 10-12 kinds before you pass
I know what you're thinking...
"It's too expensive to go to Las Vegas."
Before you say, "No," call your travel agent.
Here in K-Drag, Oklahoma, they have the MLT
travel service.
If you do everything right, you can fly two people from K-Drag
to Vegas
with hotel (not the Rio) for 2-3 nights for under $400.
Fuck it!
Put it on the Mastercard and figure out how to pay for it later.
We're Democrats, right?
I have Vegas Fever real
bad now...
If we do this far enough in advance, we can get killer discounts on
and killer discounts on hotel rooms because we'll do it on a dead
(I'll call and ask about a "dead week.")
The Rio Casino and Resort is all suites.
They have four pools with bikini babes everywhere.
(Wives, this is a lie. There are no bikini girls)
And the rooms are hueueueueueuege, maybe 1100 sq feet or so.
One entire wall is a window.
Last time we were there, Swear to Koresh, we got a $85 room with
this view.
Wouldn't it be fun to have a few days of tequila, gamblin', and Mexican
food in Las Vegas?
If it's a weekday, we could listen to Pigboy while we do shots of Chinaco!
Party with BartCop!
Of course, I still have to talk Mrs BartCop into it...
but if you've never been to Las Vegas, you're in for a real trip!
How could I forget?
If we do this near a new moon, we can go 100 miles north of Vegas
to Area 51 and watch the goddamn UFOs flying around.
Swear to Koresh.
I know we have a lot of new readers since my last Area 51 report.
I've been there three times.
The last time we went, we saw "oddness," and were chased off
by the goons in the White Cherokees
The second time we went, we got to within 40 miles of Area 51 and
the moon came over the hosizon and lit up the valley and we saw nothing.
But the first time was really something.
We were entirely sober, so don't even ask.
We saw dozens, if not hundreds of impossible things.
Click Here for the excerpt, from Volume 115
After we see the "things that can't possibly be,"
we'll head back to the Rio and kill some blue agave plants.
What could be more fun than Area 51 and Vegas with Ol' BartCop?
Oh, Goody!
The Hate radio screamers have something else to whine about.
Elian Gonzales might be going back to his father.
Oh, the right-wing is gonna have another cow.
Even though they'll fight like crazy to keep the Mexicans out,
they want this Cuban to stay no matter what.
The Smudge Report
said it best.
"GOP finds 6-year old Mexican kid in Arizona Desert -
Can't throw him back over fence fast enough."
We Must Be Fair
Patrick Buchanan is demanding a podium at the presidential debates,
saying that Republicans and Democrats are conspiring to rob the third
of any chance to win the White House.
"All we're asking is a chance to be heard in those debates, and make
the case
for a new American foreign policy, a new trade policy, a new immigration
Buchanan said after filing a complaint with the Federal Election Commission.
ha ha
Go Pat Go!
Gore can take care of himself, but Pat will savage Smirk.
ha ha
Radio Alert
It's my best guess that in 30 minutes, at 11 AM EST, Laura Harpy
will explain why her little birthday party had to be cancelled.
Truth is, it was going to become a birthday bash, ha
If she's live where you are, maybe she did this yesterday.
In New York and K-Drag, she runs on delay.
Webcast Alert
Thursday night at,
Joe Conason and Gene Lyons
will be talking about "The Hunting of the President," a book
you should own.
( I gave up a bottle of Chinaco to buy this book.)
I'll try to remind you again Thursday
VCR Alert
The creators of Homicide, Barry Levinson and Tom Fontana,
have a new police show that premiers tonight on, of all places,
Paramount TV.
I'd like to hold that against them, but when they were the best
show on
NBC, they got cancelled to make room for the fantastic "Cold
so I can't blame them for trying another network.
Can lightning strike twice?
Usually I'd say, No," but this isn't a matter of luck.
Homicide didn't become "Must see TV" with a gimmick, or
a "Fonzie."
They did it with great writing and great acting, and I doubt
that Levinson
and Fontana have gotten worse at picking scripts and directing
It's called The Beat.
The reviewer for USA Today hated it, said it was "too
jarring," but what the heck.
They said that about Homicide, too.
As good as their past work has been, it deserves a look.
I won't hit a man while he's down, but I will ask a question.
If Ronald Reagan is known for anything, it's promoting
"less government spending on worthless social programs."
Does Alzheimer's research qualify as a "worthless social program?"
Apparently so.
I'd like to see more taxpayer dollars spent on Alzheimer's
but I'm one of those lib-er-als President Reagan
loved to ridicule.
As Reagan is pulled closer and closer to death by this terrible
his family is calling for more funding for research.
Doesn't this go against everything Reagan ever preached?
Isn't this a problem for the private sector?
If Reagan was dying from lung cancer,
would his family not want more money spent there?
If he was dying from Parkinson's disease,
would his family not want more money spent there?
Why is it different now that he's sick?
What changed?
Mail Bag
Robert W. Ray, the independent counsel who succeeded Kenneth Starr,
announced March 19, that he is expanding his legal and investigative
No, that is not a typo.
Not "disbanding" . . . he said "expanding"!
Strange as it may sound, Robert W. Ray has just decided this voter's
choice for the November election. President Gore, save us all!
Please put an end to this insanity and make your first official
duty the
pardoning of Ex-President William Jefferson Clinton.
Teirra M. Vituscka
Riverside, NJ
Quotes That Kill
"I'm making an announcement: Not one penny
will I give to AIDS -
nothing - as long as public sex is allowed
in gay bathhouses. Not cent one.
It's a preventable disease. If you don't
want to prevent it,
I don't want to pay for it."
-- Laura Schlessinger
Poor Laura Schlessinger.
She only makes $20,000,000 a year, and dammit,
she works hard for that money.
She doesn't want to just throw it away saving
some homosexuals!
Besides, if she can spew enough hate, and cause
enough controversy with her
message of "just let the bastards die,"
why, she might make $20,000,005 next year.
David Horowitz
Subject: Whor-'o-wits
Hey Bartcop,
What do you think of's frequent right
wing contributor, the reformed bonger?
I'm all for striving for balance and objectivity,
but this guy's starting to heat up pretty bad.
Did you happen to read his article
today concerning the "Buddhist Temple Affair,"
what he calls . . . "the biggest, most
frightening scandal ever to touch the White House?"
ha ha
No, I gotta see this!
"The biggest, most frightening scandal?"
ha ha
Let's GO THERE and see what crap Horowitz is up to...
Music vs. Fascism II
G. Gordon Liddy
Remember the guy who was threatened by G. Gordon Liddy?
said Liddy had his son the attorney threaten him
with a lawsuit if he didn't take some pictures of his old daddy off
his website.
Here are the pictures that caused the threats.
Picture One
Yep, that's Gordon Liddy with the scantilly-clad young lady.
Why would Liddy want to sue over this picture?
Picture Two
My, my.
The young lady seems to be showing Gordon her butt.
He seems very interested in her butt, too.
Picture Three
Here, Liddy is clearly posing with the young lady.
I wonder why, after posing with her, did Gordon not want this picture
to be
seen by anyone? It's not like she ran up to him and threw her
arms around him,
against his will, and some opportunistic paparazzi snapped this
picture to try to
create the illusion that Gordon was willingly hugging the young
Picture Four
Finally, we have Gordon willingly posing with the cover of the
Nude Shakespeare video. Does it not appear he's doing this willingly?
It's not like it's merely in his hand, he's holding the box up high,
near his face, so everyone can see that he's holding it.
Did these people trick Gordon into holding up the box?
Is G. Gordon Liddy the type that's easily fooled?
Is Liddy everybody's puppet?
Do people regularly have their way with Liddy?
Perhaps Gordon's eyesight isn't what it once was.
Perhaps he thought he was holding a box of Depends Diapers?
Is that what Mr. Liddy would claim in his lawsuit?
That he was too stupid to realize what he was doing?
I think a jury would conclude he did this willingly.
If Liddy wants to trade his reputation as a thinking man
to force the removal of these pictures from a website
I think that'd be a decent trade - don't you?
If Mr. Liddy, or his son contacts and says, in writing,
"Mr Liddy was fooled, tricked and out-manuevered by the young lady,
and clearly did not understand the consequences of his actions,
and could not appreciate the meaning of what he was doing,"
then I would take these pictures down because it's not polite
to take advantage of elderly people who can no longer think clearly.
Lying Smirk Update
Subject: Bush's Blatant Hypocrisy.......
Bush ran TV ads claiming "he delivered a Patients'
Bill of Rights that's a model for America."
But in 1995 he vetoed a bill that would have
made Texas a leader in patient protections.
Then, in 1997, Bush refused to sign the law allowing
patients to sue their HMOs,
allowing it to become law without his signature.
[Texas Monthly, 8/95; Medical Economics, 12/22/97; Houston Chronicle, 5/23/97]
More Proof
Patients Bill of Rights in Texas
Check the 75th Legislature's SB 386 at the Texas Lege's web site
Harren, Patrick
Final Proof
I took a College Level Texas Government class one semester ago...
and I minor in politics, so I can speak with some certainty about this...
> If Ms. Ivins is correct, and I suspect that she is, does this mean
> George Dubya is so stupid he would actually claim a political
> accomplishment that can quite easily be dismissed as a boldfaced
If I may answer this one, Bart?
Ranting Wacko.
Staying Informed
If you're not signed up with Voltai News, you should be.
With Voltai News, you get tomorrow's news today - as
it breaks.
Voltai had a hard-drive crash, but now he's back.
If you signed up lately, you might send him e-mail to be sure he didn't
lose your address because you should be getting your news from him.
Voltai offers no spin - just hard news, mostly political.
To subscribe to this free service, send e-mail to
If you send that e-mail, you know what'll happen?
Next time you pick up a newspaper, you'll say,
"Why are they running that story? That happened yesterday."
Voltai News is the best.
It's what we use at
Tim the Whore Loses Control
of His Show
Check the March 19 transcript for accuracy HERE
MR. RUSSERT: Wayne LaPierre, of the NRA, let me start with you.
You created quite a firestorm last week with this comment.
“I’ve come to believe President Clinton needs a certain level of
in this country. He’s willing to accept a certain level of killing to
further his political agenda. And the vice president, too.”
Do you, a week later, still believe the president and the vice president
use killing for political purposes?
FRENCHIE LEPEW makes a long speech.
MR. RUSSERT: Words are important. I want to go back. Will you stand
and sit here today and say that Bill Clinton and Al Gore are willing to
killings to further their political agenda? Just those words.
FRENCHIE LEPEW makes a long speech.
MR. RUSSERT: Yes or no.
FRENCHIE LEPEW makes a long speech.
MR. RUSSERT: Will they...
FRENCHIE LEPEW makes a long speech.
MR. RUSSERT: An American citizen, the head of the NRA, is saying
that the president and vice president of the United States tolerate killing
political reasons. Is that what you’re saying?
FRENCHIE LEPEW makes a long speech.
MR. RUSSERT: Is that what you’re saying?
FRENCHIE LEPEW makes a long speech.
MR. RUSSERT: But are you saying they tolerate killing for political purposes?
FRENCHIE LEPEW makes a long speech.
MR. RUSSERT: You will not apologize for your comment?
FRENCHIE LEPEW makes a long speech.
MR. RUSSERT: You will not retract it?
FRENCHIE LEPEW makes a long speech.
MR. RUSSERT: Let me show you something else you said last week.
And that is on the screen here. Looking—”The key question here for the
president as he looked into the eyes of Ricky Byrdsong’s family”—Ricky
Byrdsong, a former basketball coach for Northwestern who was
killed—”because blood is on his hands. That death is on the president’s
If he prosecuted, he would have prevented the death.”
We reached out to Mrs. Byrdsong, and she has issued the following
statement, “I am shocked and appalled by the statement and consider
accusation against our president to be unjust.”
FRENCHIE LEPEW makes a long speech.
MR. RUSSERT: Well, wait, wait, wait. You said the president should
look her in the eyes.
FRENCHIE LEPEW makes a long speech.
MR. RUSSERT: He called her repeatedly after the crime and she says
that your accusation’s unjust.
FRENCHIE LEPEW makes a long speech.
MR. RUSSERT: So just to make clear, as we sit here on this Sunday,
March 19th, you believe the president uses killing for political purposes
has blood on his hands?
FRENCHIE LEPEW makes a long speech.
MR. RUSSERT: But why can’t you just say yes...
FRENCHIE LEPEW makes a long speech.
MR. RUSSERT: Do you believe it or not? Do you believe it?
FRENCHIE LEPEW makes a long speech.
MR. RUSSERT: So the president tolerates killing...
FRENCHIE LEPEW makes a long speech.
MR. RUSSERT: ...and has blood on his hands. Do you believe that?
FRENCHIE LEPEW makes a long speech.
MR. RUSSERT: So your answer is yes?
FRENCHIE LEPEW makes a long speech.
MR. RUSSERT: You stand by your comments?
FRENCHIE LEPEW makes a long speech.
MR. RUSSERT: You stand by your comments?
FRENCHIE LEPEW makes a long speech.
MR. RUSSERT: Why can’t you say yes or no?
FRENCHIE LEPEW makes a long speech.
MR. RUSSERT: We here at MEET THE PRESS want to hold you
accountable for your comments. Do you stand by your comments?
FRENCHIE LEPEW makes a long speech.
Russert let LaPierre smack him all over his own stage.
Why didn't Timmy get into the conversation?
The answer is simple, there was no urgency.
Clinton's cock was not involved.
If Clinton's cock isn't involved, Timmy will let a guest go wherever
he wants.
But a year ago, when it did involve Clinton's cock, Russert was a pit
A year ago, Russert was badgering guests with,
"Did the president touch Monica's nipple with his mouth, YES
or NO!"
Russert, you're a paid-for whore.
Your dignity and credibility are for sale, Timmy.
I hope you're getting shit from everyone you know for turning pussy.
You're not fit to be on television, Timmy.
You've lost it, Timmy.
You should resign your post.
It's time for you to retire.
Mr Whipple could kick your ass in a debate, Timmy.
Deep in the Heart Mail
Subject: Patients' Bill of Rights in Texas
I recently read a Molly Ivins piece at Bartcop
that states "George Dubya
vetoed the patients' bill of rights in Texas
when it was first passed by the
legislators in 1995; and when they passed it
again, over his opposition, by
a veto-proof majority in 1997, he threatened
to veto it again and then let
it become law without his signature because a
veto wouldn't hold.
He never even signed the patients' bill of rights, and you can look it up."
Ms. Ivins tells us that the Bush campaign is running
a TV ad around the
country that claims Bush passed a patients' bill
of rights in Texas.
Well I haven't seen the ad, but yesterday I received
a mailing from
Bush For President, Inc. This mailing is a slick
little number with lots of
pictures of Dubya doing all sorts of impressive
things. One item in
particular caught my attention. Beneath a picture
of George Dubya placing
his signature on an official looking document
with a gold seal it says,
While Washington Deadlocked, He Signed A Patient's
Bill Of Rights.
They say he signed it.
They say it in bold typeface.
They capitalized the word Signed.
If Ms. Ivins is correct, and I suspect that she
is, does this mean that
George Dubya is so stupid he would actually claim
a political accomplishment
that can quite easily be dismissed as a boldfaced
I trust Molly, but I don't know Texas politics.
Maybe someone could clarify?
If I were you, you know what I'd do?
I'd click Right Here
Smirk will regret this premature run for the White House.
Thanks to Janet at
Music vs Fascism
then Click Here
Northern Exposer
Someone, a few days ago remarked that the
California Republican Party, or CRP,
was missing a vowel. You have stated
that those who lean to the right have a
habit of discharging their beloved firearms
into their feet (figurativly speaking).
Well, here is a Canadian story from which
you might derive some small amusement.
Back in the 1993 Federal election, the Conservative
party was utterly
crushed by Jean Cretien's liberals (thats
Poutine to Bush jr.)
ha ha
(sorry to interrupt, go on...)
in part because an even more rightwing party
called Reform ran candidates who split
the right vote between the Tories and Reform.
In the next election in 1997, Reform and
the Tories made modest gains, but that
vote splitting doomed both parties to obscurity.
As a result, Reform leader Preston Manning
is attempting to "unite the right".
Despite the fact that the Conservatives
will have nothing to do with this deal,
Manning went ahead with a convention, several
weeks ago in Ottawa to form
a new Party blending Reformers and Tories.
And the name of the new party:
Canadian Conservative Reform Alliance Party
(I am not making this up)
ha ha
CCRAPhead Preston Manning realized within
a few days that this was
a public relations fiasco, and moved to
change the name of his party again,
but the damage was done. Nobody up here
calls the new party anything else,
even those who might support the bible
thumping flat taxers.
Comedy writers had a field day.
Rick Mercer's little joke on the Shrub got
a few laughs,
but it couldn't compete with this story.
Mike Nagel
ha ha
Good story, thanks.
We have idiots like that in America.
We call them "Republicans."
Cunningham Strikes!
See Previous Issue
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