Bill Maher had a really killer Laura the Whore line the other
Of course, since it was the seventh, the transcript isn't posted
In a few minutes, it'll be the 11th, and still I can't
get a 7th transcript?
Seems like ABC could hire just one more kid at minimum wage
and get their transcripts up-to-date for millions of surfers.
I won't even check for Sunday's This Whore with Sam &
It's only been 41 hours - they can't be expected to update a
in that short amount of time, can they?
I mean, what are they, in the news business or something?
And you know what the worst part is?
I don't know the real name, I call them "wormholes,"
where you can't get away from their goddamn site.
Usually it's the porn sites, (not that I've ever been to one)
by why is ABC pissing people off this way?
You hit the "Back" button and the son-of-a-bitch thinks
you're hitting the "Reload" button.
Hey, ABC!
You see this ne'er do well felon?
If he can keep a web-page updated, why can't ABC News, huh?
This is the guy I paid $90 ( I think) to teach me html,
so maybe ABC should hire this guy to straighten them out.
Jesus Christ, and you're in the news business?
...and shove that wormhole up your ass, ABC.
Last month I had a mini-debate with republican Robert Ramey.
We continue it HERE.
AMPOL Magazine
Have you gotten your copy yet?
If your local book store doesn't carry AMPOL,
tell them they should.
Meanwhile, you can click on Smirk's picture above
to order your copy for only $6.50 (includes shipping)
I think you'll like this magazine.
They have BartCop listed as a "Contributing Ediotr."
You can't beat that.
And be sure to check AMPOL
great political writings
by Mac MacArthur, Gonzo Dave, Tamara Baker and others.
Great Smirk Quotes
"It's going to be tough winning Hispanic votes in California
just because I've got 'Republican' by my name."
-- Page 5A, USA Today
Why do many Latinos dislike the GOP?
Maybe this is why...
John Rocker Buys a Guitar
Dittohead Former Rock
Star Slurs Latinos
The League of United Latin American Citizens is organizing a
national boycott of former rock star Ted Nugent because of his
remarks about Latinos during a Saturday concert in The Woodlands.
"We'll hit him where it counts -- in the pocketbook," said Margaret
former national vice president of LULAC.
"We're prepared to do boycotts in whatever cities he may appear."
During his act preceding the rock group KISS, he blasted Latinos
living in the United States who can't speak English, lacing his
with obscene suggestions for those who disagreed.
LULAC said Nugent said something similar during a concert the
night before in San Antonio.
Wednesday, an unapologetic Nugent told a Houston Chronicle reporter,
"If you're going to be an asset to America, it would only be
logical to speak
the language. How can you be a benefit to your family, neighborhood
country if you can't speak to your fellow citizens?
C'mon, if you can't speak English, get out of America."
Nugent said people have often tried to "tar and feather" him for
speaking his mind.
"I like to think of myself as Rosa Parks with a guitar and
a middle finger,"
said the over-the-hill gasbag, who has been performing since
the 1970s.
After the concert Saturday, pavilion officials said Nugent will
perform at The Woodlands venue again.
"There is a way you can word this without being negative. We all
believe in the
First Amendment. We all disagree about a lot of things," a Woodlands
official said.
"But to blatantly come out and say it the way he did, it does
upset some people."
"It was a stupid move for him as a businessman," she said.
Alicia Armendariz, president of LULAC Local 4565 in Houston, said,
"When you come to Texas and say this about a large population,
it's not the smartest thing to do."
During his set, Nugent, known as the "Motor City Madman," wore
Confederate-flag shirt and an American Indian headdress.
FAIL SAFE question
The East coast version was pretty much error-free.
Can a west-coaster tell us about the version they saw?
VCR Alert
It's easier to recommend a show I've already seen.
The West Wing this Wednesday is a great repeat about a
Vietnam vet who froze to death on a park bench near the White
(That's how it opens - I don't think I spoiled
anything there.)
For my money, it's the episode that put them on the map.
I'll try to remember to remind you again Wednesday.
If you have to buy a VCR to see this, do it.
If you wonder why people like this show,
this is the episode you can't miss.
If you don't get choked up when the president's secretary
tells the story about her sons, you're a conservative Republican.
Second Hour, Pigboy's Show
Caller: Hi, Rush! Mega-dittoes from a former Democrat.
I used to vote with my heart and my head,
but now I vote Republican.
ha ha
Ain't it the truth?
Cuban Poor
On McLaughlin this weekend, Eleanor Clift said the very poor
in Cuba are better off than the very poor in America.
Is this true?
I've never thought about it, but she may be right.
Is crack a big problem in Cuba?
My guess is no.
Do they have a lot of drive-by murders in Cuba?
My guess is no.
Do the poorest people live with rats?
My guess is no.
Do they have bars on the windows in Cuban homes?
My guess is no.
Communism has a lot of bad news, but some of the good news is,
since they pool resources and divide them equally, their poorest
might be better off than our poorest.
Am I right?
Stroke Me, Stroke Me
"I was a cigar before cigars were cool."
-- Pigboy, Monday
Maybe he meant "a cigar affectionado," who knows.
Bill Clinton - Stand Up Comic
Did you see Bill Clinton's speech at the Radio and TV Correspondent's
I caught the replay on C-Span, and chopped up some parts for
The first clip is the longest, but it's full of good stuff.
They introduce Clinton, and he takes a well-deserved shot at
the ABC whores.
(There was a flap about Leonardo DiCaprio interviewing Clinton
last week.
For some reason, ABC caught shit for "sullying" journalism,
as though those
incredibly disgusting gutter-sluts had any integrity at all.)
After he smacks ABC around for a little bit, he singled out Sam
& Cokie
for some much-deserved ridicule. Keep in mind when he tells this
joke, that ABC's Sam & Cokie have been losing viewers by
the millions.
Great shot, Mr President, great fucking shot.
And at the end of clip one, he gets a nice elbow into the ribs
of one of
the biggest whores in all of TV Land - Diane Sawyer.
The second clip is a quickie.
Clinton talks about the census form that the Republicans
He gets in a couple of good shots on Smirky.
Trust me, Smirk.
You don't want no part of Bill Clinton.
The third clip takes a friendly poke at Al Gore.
Al better have a sense of humor.
The fourth clip is my personal favorite.
The best joke of the night, and it's on the McLaughlin Whores.
(Remember, John is more stupid than Chippy the Chimp.)
The last clip is Darryl Hammond of Saturday Night Live.
He was the entertainment for the evening.
He did OK, except for a horrible story he told about why he
thinks women would be good in combat. The story seemed to go
forever and his whole point was that if a woman can speak calmly
while a surgeon was cutting her usterus with a knife during childbirth,
she could probably handle combat without much trouble.
Not the nicest image for a dinner conversation.
But he did have a great Clinton sex joke.
The loud shreiking laughter is Clinton, himself.
9:10 CST Sunday
The kid's baked chameleon saves the world
- new ending?
More on this later.
Well, did you watch the big FAIL
SAFE movie?
(Spoiler - If you taped it to watch later,
don't read this.)
I enjoyed it, mostly.
I thought the original had much better acting, which surprised
Somehow, the new version didn't seem as dark as the '64 version,
but one can't help but get caught up in this movie.
Much of the dialog was verbatim, but there were some changes,
Maybe the biggest change was the pilot had a son this time.
In '64, he had a wife - and it makes a big difference.
If you didn't see it, one of our bombers got a bad "GO!" message
to drop nukes on Moscow. As the jet screams towards Russia,
our Air Force tries to talk them back, and even tries to shoot
them down
because anything is better than a sneak-attack on Moscow.
In '64 they had a giant hole in the plot.
About 9:05 last night it suddenly hit me what was going to happen.
(It never did, but it should have.)
The giant plot hole was this:
The pilot can't trust the voices calling him back because what
the Russians were imitating the President's voice?
Granted, that's a consideration.
In '64, just before he dropped the bombs, the White House
put the pilot's wife on the phone to him, screaming,
His co-pilot said, "We can't trust it, Sir!" but that's not right.
Every married couple in the world has little secrets.
The wife could've said,
"Remember when your condom broke at Niagra Falls?
Remember we had sex twice that night, and the room service boy
caught us the second time?"
No way the Russians would have those details.
She should've been able to call him off.
So, it's 2000, and Clooney has a chance to fix the plot hole.
Just before he got in the jet for the disasterous mission, his
son said
he'd accidentally killed the chameleon by letting too much sun
the window and the lizard "baked" in his aquarium
Last night, as Clooney is getting ready to drop the bombs,
his son is screaming, "Dad, it's me! I'm at the White House!
There is no war. Remember the baked chameleon, Dad? It's me!"
I thought sure Clooney was going to take the chance and NOT drop
the bombs, because why else would his son be at the White House?
It should have worked.
It's like the Prime Directive.
They all take an oath and swear they'll never break it,
but they always find a reason to break the Prime Directive.
So, because Clooney didn't use his head, Moscow was destroyed,
and New York was destroyed along with half the Northeast.
Why would Clooney choose not to fix the hole?
I'm sure he wanted to do an anti-nuke movie, which is fine, but
close to millions of people dying almost makes as good
a point.
And if they were hell-bent on gonna-blow-something up,
they could've shown the kid getting to the White House too late,
or somehow explaining why that idea didn't work.
Yep, a little bit of writing would've made it a better movie.
...and then there's what happened on The Sopranos.
Mail Bag
From: janor88@flash.net
Subject: October Surprise
I am wondering why no one is talking about
the Iranian claims that
Casey-Bush-Regan met with them to prolong
the hostage situation.
Do they just dismiss it as lies?
Or is this some more of that teflon crap
that Regan is famous for?
John, it's not time yet.
I think they're waiting for convention week.
Gore couldn't lose this election if he tried.
More Mail
From: timhagee@i-plus.net
Subject: I'm disgusted, yet can't look away!!
Hey Bartcop,
I must admit that while I think your politics is screwed up I
enjoy your site.
I have a sense of humor so I read it tongue in cheek.
I am currently building my own site devoted to the "Father of
the internet"
as well as other fun loving Democraps. I will be watching how
do things and try to learn from you. Keep up the good work!!
Hope I'm Wrong Quotes
"If Elian were just a child, Fidel would
not have bothered with him.
Fidel knows he is divine, and wants to
destroy him," said Enrique Ferrer,
a Cuban exile and a regular in the crowds
outside Elian's house.
Like many of the people in the crowd who
fall to their knees in prayer
when the boy appears in his yard, Ferrer
believes 6-year-old Elian
fulfills a prophesy that a child will come
from the sea to vanquish Castro.
"Elian's life is not his own; its God's,"
Ferrer said. "He will either become
the future leader of the Cuban exile community,
the one whose salvation
ensured the death of Castro, or he will
be returned to the devil Herod
Pharaoh — in other words, Fidel Castro
— to be reprogrammed and
ensure the survival of Cuban communism."
I hope they don't kill him.
I'll Never Forget the Headache
Click Here and while it's loading let me tell you a story.
I was going thru some audio tapes and found this gem.
This is a recording of a trick I played on three people.
Many years ago, before there was a bartcop.com or
even RL-LNW,
I was on the Prodigy/Radio/Pigboy newsgroup shearing sheep.
Two particular ditto-monkeys were always being a pain
I would get the ol' BartCop snare wrapped around their testicles
but then they'd refuse to answer the question or change the subject
of ask me to repeat the question a dozen times.
I decided to get even.
Their names were Charles Ford and Joe Fitzpatrick.
(Right now, there's a small group of people reading this who just
began giggling because they know what's coming.)
So I sent this question to Liddy, wondering if he'd fall for it.
The answer isn't as important as the question.
When Liddy read it, I started laughing and couldn't stop for two hours.
I got a tremendous headache from that laughing fit, and I hope I never
that hard again, because I don't even get headaches.
This one was a monster.
Tequila Mail
Subject: Pigboy is Lying Antenna
Hi BC,
Thanks so much for also picking up on the
comment Sir Oink made today
about not being able to coach Elian to
pose....he really pissed me off when
he went on and on about JFK Jr. being coached
to do the salute.
What a fucking pig.
Sorry for the F-word....he just pisses
me off with his hypocrisy.
By the way, when is Vegas?
Gail Fernald
It's OK about the f-word - I've used it myself.
I think everyone thought the great Vegas
Tequilafest 2000
was some kind of BartCop comedy gag.
I got two "We're going May 5th," replies and one "Let's do it,"
and I got 56,482,459 non-replies.
I'm not upset about it, just a little surprised.
I realize everybody can't just jump up and go to Vegas, but you'd
some Phoenix and LA and Vegas people might've been interested.
Oh, well...
Maybe gambling in Sin City and drinking luxury tequila and eating
the best
Mexican food in America, is something only Mrs. BartCop and I
What could be more fun than a story about Smirk and gays?
Heavy Mailbag
From: gusterman33@yahoo.com
Subject: Heather Renee French
I was looking over some of the past issues
and ran upon your praise
for our current Miss America, Heather Renee
French, and you said
something along the lines of you didn't
know her politics, but you
respected her for her issue, homeless veterans.
Let me tell you about her politics.
After receiving the crown last October,
one of the first things Miss
French did publicly was to switch her party
affiliation from Republican
to Democrat, so she could campaign with
her current fiance,
Kentucky Lt. Gov. Steve Henry (D).
They are getting married this November (after
she gives up the crown)
and there is talk that if Henry doesn't
run for Governor in 2003 that she will.
Do you think we have a rising star here?
Mike Bomar
Anyone who wants to help homeless vets is a hero in my book.
And anyone who makes fun of homeless vets, like that son-of-a-bitch
with the declining radio show should have their ass kicked physically.
I hope she and her husband are very successful,
and I hope those other clots in Limba's neck break lose real
From: ChuckGardner@worldnet.att.net
Subject: humble introduction
My goddamned computer locked up again.
I wrote you this long e-mail about how
I basically agree with you (except you're
really wrong about the guns thing)
and I explained how we could end both
tobacco use and gun ownership in this country,
but it's lost now.
What the hell!
I'm sitting here with a glass of wine,
a pipe of fuckin' stems and a brand
new Darvocet Rx, and I thought it was about
time I said thanks!
I surfed into your site shortly after Clinton's
re-election and have kept up since.
I'm sort of a 60's type (hence the anti-gun
stance) and i've been listening to
Rush since he pupated, and I'm delighted
to read someone who knows exactly
what sort of scum he is. The right
wing on this country is on the decine.
In fact, conservatism has been proven to
be an invalid political system.
As soon as those people get enough power
to begin to act on their agenda,
people begin to see the genuine evil that
that agenda engenders.
I'm going to cut this short so my computer
won't crash again.
Thanks again, I look forward to reading
your stuff as much as I
look forward to Crossfire, Keep it up!
So, that said, introduction made,
I now feel entitled to criticise.
So long for now.
The only reason I have guns is because THEY do.
A knife does you no good at a gunfight.
I have no kids, so that's no problem, but what will you do
when three men kick in your front door?
Call 911?
Attack them with a baseball bat?
If somebody's in my house and they need dying,
I'm going to be a good host.
I'd said many times, maybe not lately -
Gun laws work in countries with fewer than 100,000,000 guns.
Besides, because of my little humor page, I sometimes get loon-mail
telling me I don't have long to live on this Earth.
If you know of an effective, alternative method of self-defense,
please advise.
Thanks for reading,
Koresh, since Clinton's last election?
You've been around a long time.
From: nuke@dcwis.com
Did you see Tax Calculator on the Bush for
President Home Page?
(Sounds like something Dr. Laura ought
to worry about).
Anyway, I ran my income and stats through
that thing, and under
the Cocaine Cowboy's Tax Plan, I would
be saving $560 per year.
Worse than that, if Smirk's plans are implemented, the deficit
will rise,
interest rates will rise, unemployment will rise and crime will
go crazy
when everyone loses their goddamn jobs.
On top of all that, he's promising to "rebuild the military."
Sounds like a return the Reagan Error that Clinton turned around.
Clinton showed the proper way to run things.
America knows better than to screw it up.
Best Lie of the Week
I've heard so many goddamn lies from Republicans this week,
it's hard to pick the one that's really over the top, but I have.
I first heard this on one of the Sunday morning shows, and Pigboy
repeated it a few times, or maybe Pigboy said it first and the others
mimicked him like ditto-parrots drunk on dark rum.
First the truth:
Right-wingers with deep pockets are helping Rudy against Hillary.
Then the GOP lie: This can easily be proven
false because Rudy
is not a right-winger. He's actually
a gun-grabbing, baby-killer!
Now the truth: They see this rebuttal as iron-clad proof.
They're saying since Rudy is not a right-winger, the right-wingers
content to sit idly by while Hillary the anti-Christess rams
her agenda
of big government, Satan-style stalinism and forced homosexuality
down the throats of our impressionable schoolkids?
That's what they want us to believe, but we know that's GOP horseshit.
The idea that they would allow Hillary to be a Senator is laughable.
The right-wing would disconnect Reagan's ventilator if they thought
taking that action would somehow get them a half-inch closer to
sticking a shiv into Hillary or the President of the United States.
That's how badly they want them.
Ask BartCop
From: JennyQ1@aol.com
Subject: Ignorance
On Al Gore's supposed "flip flopping" in the Elian issue.
On Jan 17, Gore's FIRST comments about Elian
were that the issue
should be decided in the family courts.
At the time, a decision was
pending as to whether the Florida family
courts would hear the case.
Ergo, there was no reason for Gore to call
for residency for Elian to
gain him the status to have his case heard
in family court.
More recently, Gore called for residency
to give Elian said status,
because it was the only option left to
put the issue in US family courts.
The Dittotangs, FOX whores, and other assorted
maroons, have called
this a "flip flop" since Gore did not originally
ask for residency.
But, you see, there was no need to ask for
residency before - since
there were other options under consideration
that would move the
case to family court.
BartCop, why are Dittotangs and FOX whores
and the people who listen
to them so ignorant as well as unable to
think logically?
Do you think it's time to reconsider whether
such irresponsible and
childlike mentalities should even be allowed
to vote?
Dear JQ,
More 24/7 Elian
Rush just said "they" are trying to figure out the best photo-op for
and his dad, but they had to find a way around this problem:
Elian, being only six years old, can't rehearse for the big moment.
When JFK Jr died, Rush said when he was TWO years old,
he was coached, rehearsed and cajoled into that "fake" salute.
In Pigboy's world, two-year olds can take direction,
but a six-year old can't be expected to handle it?
How many times per minute does Rush get caught lying?
ha ha
The son-of-a-bitch is lying faster than I can type!
Just now, Pigboy said
"Steve Largent is a family-values Christian,
that's why he wants Elian back with his dad."
That's an admission that the rest of the GOP charlatans
are NOT family-values Christians, right?
Thanks for admitting that, Your Oinkness.
Legal News
Newt Gingrich has successfully traded in his 54-year old wife
on a newer model with fewer miles.
Callista Bisek, the 33-year old congressional aide to the then-Speaker
is expected to be the third Gingrich victim.
Even though he took a vow of "till death do we part," before Almighty
Gingrich laughed and then urinated on that sacred vow.
Since the messy betrayal and divorce did not involve Clinton's
there was very, very little coverage of this vow urination.
To the great delight of bartcop.com word is
might be coming back.
And if you listen very hard,
you can hear the champagne corks popping over at bootnewt.com
Lying, Snake-in-the-Grass Quotes
"I am NOT a shill for the Republican Party."
-- Liegen nazi prostituierteer
Fools for Elian
By Richard Cohen
Certain people believe Elian Gonzalez was
sent to America for a purpose.
They believe that in the sea, he was ringed
by dolphins who protected him from
ravenous fish. They say that in his room
an image of the Virgin Mary has appeared.
I, too, think Elian was saved for a purpose,
although it is not a religious one.
It is to make fools of politicians.
First on the list is Al Gore and
his desire to be on all sides of the issue.
(I wish when people make this accusation,
they would cite the Gore quotes
that show him to be on "all sides."
Perhaps they are too busy?
I'm not saying he's 100 percent innocent,
but I'd like to see the quotes.)
Next on the list is Governor Smirk.
He wants the matter settled in state court
by a judge who is
likely to be pressured by Florida's Cuban
American community.
Up next is the mayor of Miami-Dade County,
He has assimilated the traditions of George
Wallace, Orval Faubus and
countless semi-literate sheriffs, vowing
to defy the feds.
Next are those conservatives, bitter
critics of Hillary for writing two law review
articles in the 1970s extolling children's
rights. For saying there were extreme
circumstances in which the child's welfare
or the greater social good outweighed
parental authority, Hillary was roundly
condemned. Buchanan lambasted her
from the podium of the 1992 GOP National
But what are these people saying now? They
are waxing Clintonesque,
arguing that Elian has certain inalienable
rights that outweigh those of his father.
They are saying what Hillary once said,
oblivious to how foolish they look.
Castro is on our list. For no reason,
he warned that Elian might
be killed by his Miami relatives rather
than be allowed to return home.
(Let's hope Castro is wrong. I'm concerned
about those people.
They have attached religion to this kid,
and religion causes insanity.)
And Elian's Miami relatives. They have turned the boy into a religious icon.
This leaves just Elian and Juan
Gonzalez, the father.
Elian, the innocent child, and Juan, whose
boy was taken from him.
Elian has behaved like a typical 6-year-old,
Juan Miguel like a typical father.
And most of the politicians like typical
You notice who's name is not on that list?
The best politician of our lifetime knew to avoid this trap.
This trap was fur-free, so Bill Clinton was able to navigate
around it.
I wasn't kidding about Castro's prediction.
Will the crazed Cubans allow the Devil to steal the Holy Child?
Or would he be better off with his Mother?
USA Today says Turner Classic Movies was going to show the
original FAIL SAFE a week
or two ago, but, at Clooney's request,
delayed the broadcast of the 1964 version until Monday,
so as not to spoil the surprise ending for millions of TV viewers.
Also, they're doing this as the 1964 version, with 1964
and 1964 technology. I'm not sure if that's good or bad,
but it's going to be one hell of a two-hour ride either way.
They had a nice write-up on The Sopranos, too, noting after
evil-sister Janice murdered Tony's arch-rival Richie Aprile and
put on a bus out of town, Tony delivered one of the show's drollest
"All in all, I'd say it was a pretty good visit."
ha ha
One other Sopranos note:
This is the funniest show on television, and it's not a comedy.
Sunday, Sunday, don't be late.
I really, really hate to wait.
Did you see Frasier last night?
I wish I'd known it was coming, I'd have mentioned it:
Frasier's producer(s) is/are gay.
They work for Paramount.
They feel the same way about nasty Laura as most Americans do.
Last night, Frasier, noted radio psychiatrist, (which Laura
had a chance to cross over and do a television show.
The allusion was obvious, but the best line of the night was
"So, you've completed the transition from radio psychiatrist to dancing bear."
ha ha
Eat it, Laura.
From: bluelens@hotmail.com
Subject: President Comments on Dubya
Did you see the remarks that the president
made at a radio and television
pres convention last night... comment on
G.Dubya Smusch...
"George W. Bush said that he will leave
the census form blank...hmmmm...
a blank census form, and an adult literacy
....sounds like a cry for help to me"
ha ha
It's like Smirk is a boxer, and this is his first fight as a heavyweight.
No, it's not like that, it's exactly that.
The GOP is making it real clear they will be happy
when they don't have to fight the champ anymore.
Legal Question
Is it a crime to send a bogus credit card contribution to a ditto-monkey?
I hope not, because last night I "donated" $1,000 to Smirk.
His thank you note, with my corrections:
From: bushhq@georgewbush.com
To: bartcop@bartcop.com
Subject: Thank you for your contribution
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000
Thank you for your generous contribution to my campaign for President
of the United States. I am honored.
Laura and I are traveling the country to meet with people, listen
to their
concerns, and share what is on my heart.
Traveling - listen - share?
Your verb tenses are in a cage-match,
Should be traveling, listening,
Who helped you write this?)
We are off to a terrific start.
You mean that $70,000,000 you spent to
get to the goddamn starting line?
Is that what you call a "terrific start?"
I think you told a lie there, Smirk.
People are hungry for a different kind of campaign,
one that is hopeful and decent and optimistic.
Yeah, and aint it a bitch they got yours,
Tell us again how McCain betrayed
the veterans.
Tell us again how McCain is pro-breast
Tell us again how McCain is the
big polluter in this race.
I know the only way to win the Republican nomination and then
White House is to earn
it by gaining the trust of the American people.
That is what I intend to do.
I take nothing for granted.
ha, think they'll buy that?
I want you to know that if I am fortunate to win,
That should be "fortunate ENOUGH to win,"
Who helped you write this, David Duke?
I will swear not only to
Swear not only to...?
Smirk, you split that infinitive wider
than Laura the She-Devil's knees.
Let me guess: You want to be the
president, right?
uphold the Constitution and the laws of the land,
would that include the drug laws?
and the drunk-driving laws?
and the Texas bribery laws?
and giving false testimony under
and the campaign disclosure laws?
but also the dignity and honor of the office of President.
I am grateful for your support.
Thanks again for your contribution.
George W. Bush
From: jtuvell@kiva.net
Subject: Whites only?
What the fuck is with this shit??
I saw a new link on your homepage, but
when I clicked on it,
it sent me to some site full of the kind
of bullshit I try to avoid,
because it tends to raise my already high
blood pressure.
I quit smoking dope years ago, so I really
couldn't get much of a laugh
out of the shit I saw there. Maybe I just
don't understand you too well...
(or maybe I'm just too serious!)
Thanks, but no thanks
Jim Tuvell
From: sabutai@ix.netcom.com
The Most "Corrupt" Administration
Lay That Lie to Rest
By Lars Erik Nelson
For two years, Labor Secretary Alexis Herman suffered through
an independent counsel's investigation into corruption charges
convoluted that they defy description.
Fortunately, we need not describe them.
They were false.
This week, after spending nearly $4 million, independent counsel
Ralph Lancaster cleared Herman, and she can now get on with her
She is the sixth member of this administration, including the
President himself,
to have been put through an independent counsel investigation.
The results:
Clinton was impeached but not convicted.
Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy was indicted but acquitted.
Housing Secretary Henry Cisneros pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor.
Commerce Secretary Ron Brown's case was closed when he was
killed in a plane crash.
Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt was cleared.
Republicans keep calling this the most corrupt administration
in history.
The only thing missing is convictions.
Despite the most aggressive and prolonged investigations, no presidential
cabinet-level crimes have been found in Whitewater, the White
possession of FBI files, the Vince Foster suicide, the firing
of White House
Travel Office employees or even fund-raising abuses.
What we have, after six years and $95.3 million worth of independent
counsel investigations, is the discovery of two lies related
to sex.
(Ediotr's note: Who's money was that?)
Clinton lied about Monica Lewinsky.
Cisneros concealed a relationship with a mistress.
Attorney General Janet Reno has subjected six of her cabinet
colleagues to these pointless inquisitions -- yet she is constantly
accused of covering up for the administration.
Now to her rescue comes the unlikeliest of saviors:
Charles La Bella, a hard-nosed career prosecutor who recommended
that an independent counsel be appointed to investigate Vice
Gore's fund-raising activities.
Reno refused, bringing renewed charges of a coverup.
But in an appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press," La Bella defended
Reno against the accusation that her decision was a politically
attempt to protect the administration.
"It wasn't politics," he said. "It was never politics. ... I really
don't believe
that the attorney general in any way, shape or form was protecting
or anybody else at the Justice Department was politically protecting
Tales From the Dust Bowl
From: dave@landru.dac.uga.edu
Subject: K-Drag newspaper article
Dude, you live in one creepy as hell state.
And I thought Georgia was overly religious.
Dave Gavisk
Oklahoma earns the name Knuckledrag, trust me.
They earn it every day.
From: kgoodman@primemanufacturing.com
Subject: Carolina Trivia
While listening to a story on the Carolina
flag flap, it struck me that
Carolina is the only state where I've seen
a roadside sign promoting the KKK.
This was in a quaint little town called
Greer. Now I grew up in Alabama and
have travelled a bit in other southern
states, including Mississippi,
but I've never seen another such sign before
or since.
-- Ken in 'Bama
I guarantee whoever the Republican nominee is
will carry the good-old state of Carolina in November.
Stomp Rudy Update
From: HARTMANM@state.mi.us
Subject: Pig Boy
Remember when Rudy was a fair piece ahead
in the polls, a couple months ago or
so? Remember when the lying bastard was
trying to concoct excuses Hillary
would use when she "bowed out of the race"
because of her trouncing in the
polls, even though she wasn't officially
announced? He was salivating.
I wonder what he'll come up with when Rudy
bows out. You think he'll say
"Hey, Rudy never WAS running, so he COULDN'T
lose any campaign to Hillary
Clinton!", just as he postulated Hillary
would do (after never really running
for Senate, which he is still trying to
prove she isn't).
All true, yet the lying bastard retains credibility with the DMA.
Celebrity Mail
From: American Politics Journal ampolny@mindspring.com
Subject: Re: Cuba - papal bull
> Poor Rudy!
> From the way he's handling things, I'm guessing he's Catholic.
> Can anybody confirm?
Giuliani is more Catholic than Larry Klayman is litigious!!!
Dave G.
Damn, that's Catholic!
Look, it's Dave Gonzo from AMPOL!
I knew Giuliani was Catholic.
It's getting to where I can tell!
Thanks to Leo Carr
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