The Frasier Quiz
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If you haven't seen it yet, check below.
Some of the best music ever made is Pink Floyd's The Wall.
skisics surus at
is putting this political season,
more specificially His Smirkness, to music from that great album.
I've had that whole album memorized in my head for twenty years.
Reading these words, I can hear the music, and it sounds great.
This is the final installment of what's written so far.
It won't be completed until Gore's landslide.
The Wall by Pink Floyd
In the Flesh?
....They want Bush?
So you
Thought that
Smirk was ready for the nomination.
To try to win the race even
Though he has no real qualifications.
So are you really that delusional, huh?
Do you really expect us to vote
For a real jerk who has ridden his daddy's name
All the way through his life cause he has no shame.
Roll the sound effects!
The Thin Ice
The GOP loves Smirk
And hates that guy McCain
They think Shrub can win the race this time
Even though he's done nothin?.
But oooooh baby
0oooh baby Bush
Oooooh Babe.
If you should nominate
A man thin on integrity and guts
Dragging your party along
And catering to the right-wing nuts.
Don't be surprise when cracks appear in your ranks
And the voters slip away.
The GOP is really out of it's mind
And should fear the backlash
When the voters go to the polls.
Another Brick in the Wall Part 1
Bushy lost the first primary.
Exposing his lack of ability.
McCain has all the momentum
What can the Smirk give the GOP?
How will Bushy lead the GOP?
Through it all, Bush wanted to bawl.
Through it all, Bush just wanted to bawl.
You! Yes, you! Go negative!
The Happiest Days of our Lives
Now they are certain people who
Want to take money from our school
To pay for their private school needs.
They already have a choice
But don't want anyone to voice
The obvious signs of their deceit and their greed.
So they frame the debate and say it would be great
For all of us to give them tax breaks while public
schools starve without any fight.
Another Brick in the Wall part 2
Your kids don't need an education.
Support voucher plans and then you?ll know.
We Republicans need your tax money.
So our private schools will continue to grow.
Hey! People! Give us all your dough!
Don't you know, we don't want to pay our way.
Don't you know, ours costs we want you to defray.
We don't need your explanations.
We just need support for public schools.
Just go away and pay your own bills.
Why do you want to play us for fools?
Hey! People! Leave our schools alone!
Don't you know, we don't want to pay your way.
Don't you know, your costs we want you to pay.
Wrong, Do it my way!
If you don't vote for
Smirk, you can't have any vouchers.
How can you have any
vouchers if you don't vote for Smirk?
You! Yes, you in South
Carolina, vote for the Smirk!
Daddy do you think I should go negative?
Daddy do you think I should call McCain a Lib?
Daddy do you think I should go to Bob Jones?
Or daddy should I just stay home?
Daddy just what is a president?
Daddy just what is a government?
Daddy will they ask me about Cocaine?
Daddy what about McCain?
Hush, now baby, baby, don't you cry.
Daddy's gonna hire all of his buddies for you.
Daddy's gonna make all of the decisions for you.
Daddy's gonna keep you in the right wing.
He'll let you lie and not do the right thing.
Daddy will keep the reporters away.
Ooooh baby, Ooooh baby, Ooooh baby,
Of course your Daddy will show you the way.
Daddy, do you think McCain's better than me?
Daddy, do you think anyone should really be free?
Daddy, will the reporters finally look?
Daddy, just what is a book?
Hush now baby, baby don't you cry.
Daddy's gonna hire all of his operatives for you.
Daddy and his buddies will sling mud for you.
Daddy will help you yet again.
Daddy will clean up where you have been.
Daddy will make you look clean.
Oooooh baby, Oooooh baby, oooooh baby,
You'll always have me on the scene.
Daddy, where is Bob Jones?
Goodbye Blue Sky
Look mummy, there's Dubya in Bob Jones!
Did you see Dubya give a speech?
Did you see Dubya start a breech?
Did you ever wonder why Dubya spoke in front of
religo-nuts in a back
Water state like South Carolina?
Did you see Dubya give a speech?
Did you see Dubya start a breech?
The catholics are gone and McCain lingers on.
Goodbye, your guy
Goodbye, your guy
The Michigan primary is
now approaching.
The primaries arrival....
Empty Spaces
What will Dubya use
To fill the voting places
When McCain starts to click?
How will Dubya
Make up for his
Embarrasing speech that distanced catholics?
Young Lust
I am just a baptist boy
I was just kidding around.
Where are all the catholics?
Who's gonna vote for me in this town?
Oooh, I need a token catholic
Oooh, I need New York
Will someone take pity on this lad?
Who could make Michigan alright?
I'll write a lame ass letter
Should have done sooner, in hindsight.
Oooh, I need a token catholic
Oooh, I need New York
[Phone rings..Clunk of receiver
being lifted]
Yes, a collect call for the Pope from George W.
Will you accept the charges from United States?
[clunk! of phone being put
Oh, He hung up! That's your emminence, right?
I wonder why he hung up?
Is there supposed to be someone else
there besides the pope there to answer?
[Phone rings again...clunk
of receiver being picked up]
This is united states calling, are we reaching...
[interrupted by phone being
put down]
See he keeps hanging up, and it's a man answering.
[whirr of connection being
One of My Turns
Day after day, I lie away
Like father before me did.
Night after night, I snort everything in sight.
The voters are growing smarter
And I am finding it's harder
And lying is just not working anymore.
I feel I need to change my message.
I'm boldly going to steal
What I can from McCain.
And nobody will care.
Running to the right,
It and the voters are starting
To buy into my positions.
Don't need to worry now,
The party bosses are delivering.
It's now Super Tuesday
And I'm pulling away
I'm going to win this
Somehow, my dad saved the day.
Wow, I'm really going to win.
He's just a passing whim.
Now I've got to go and try
To convince the GOP that I
Can pull in McCains votes.
(Applause for skisics surus)
Great Nazi Quotes
"Every move President Clinton has ever made
as president was only
made to distract the American public from
his various scandals."
-- The Vulgar Pigboy
Ok, Rush, let's test your theory:
Why don't you tell Larry Klayman and Trent Lott and Barr and Burton
and all your butt-buddies to stop the endless, fruitless hearings
harrassing subpeonas and pointless investigations and let's see
this president does when you're not hounding him 24/7/12/8.
Big Picture, Little Picture
WASHINGTON -- W. may have gone too far this time.
Americans can forgive him not knowing that Gen. Pervez
Musharraf seized
power in Pakistan.
But can we forgive
him not knowing that Sarah Jessica Parker quaffs
in Manhattan?
So he thinks
the Taliban is a rock band. We can live with that.
But he's never
heard of "Sex and the City"?
Now there's an
ominous lacuna.
Americans actually
care about TV.
A reporter for
Glamour magazine, David France, interviewed Governor
Bush on "women's
issues" by playing a game of "verbal Rorschach":
"I was rattling
off names and concepts, and he was telling me the first
thought that
came to his mind." (W. still likes to live dangerously.)
Mr. France said
"Phyllis Schlafly." Mr. Bush replied, "Icon of the
right." Mr. France said "Madonna." Mr. Bush replied,
"I'm not into
pop music." Mr. France said "Gloria Steinem."
Mr. Bush replied,
"Uh, pioneer."
Mr. France said
"Sex and the City." Mr. Bush's face "blistered in a
purple fury,"
and his eyes narrowed and glowered. The candidate
clearly thought
he was being challenged on his claim of monogamy
or support of
teenage abstinence.
Gordon Johndroe,
Mr. Bush's press aide, tried to clear up the confusion.
he said, "it's an HBO television show."
"We've been on
the campaign trail," Mr. Johndroe told Mr. France
But even when
the governor is home, he told me in an interview last
October, he
doesn't go out to the movies or watch much TV -- except
sports. He doesn't
ordinarily look at political talk shows or late-night comics
or network series
or TV movies, or even zap around with his "flicker," as
he calls it,
to get a feel for what the country's talking about.
He may be the only Regis virgin left in America.
"Culturally adrift," he cheerfully confessed.
Those who are
brainy about global issues are often not up on pop culture.
And those who
know about the Wu-Tang Clan may not know the
of the World Trade Organization. But it's rare to get someone
who has zero
curiosity about either the big picture or the little picture.
Mr. Bush has
Condi Rice and a raft of coaches to prop him up on foreign
affairs. But,
as Broderick Crawford said of Judy Holliday's Billie Dawn
in Born Yesterday,
"Who's going to buy the kid some culture?"
Treehouse Down?
Some people have asked,
"BartCop, why are you shutting down the treehouse for a few days?"
Well friends, I might as well tell you the truth.
I'm going to have some surgery, nothing too serious, tho.
The last time I had a hampster in my butt, he bit my small intestine
and caused an infection which has caused my rapid weight loss.
Sorry, that's Pigboy's excuse for missing so much work.
He calls it "elective surgery," but when your ass is infected,
I imagine it really hurts like a son-of-a-bitch,
so I suppose the "election" is a landslide for fixing
Actually, I'm taking Mrs. BartCop on a surprise mini-vacation!
She doesn't read so it'll still
be a surprise.
Special Message to
While I'm complaining about sheep not having the cojones to debate,
you're secretly harrassing the young ladies who contribute to
Why don't you be a man and talk to me instead of bothering the women?
What are you, a Republican?
Canada Slams Laura over Gay Comments
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada's official broadcast
watchdog Wednesday
issued a damning indictment of controversial
U.S. radio host Laura Schlessinger,
saying her anti-gay views could trigger
violence against homosexuals.
The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council
(CBSC) condemned Schlessinger
for referring to the sexual behavior of
gays and lesbians as "abnormal", "aberrant",
"deviant", "disordered", "dysfunctional"
and "an error".
The CBSC said her comments -- which it variously
described as "clearly pejorative"
and "fatuous and unsustainable" -- had
violated Canada's broadcast code.
"The sexual practices of gays and lesbians
are as much a part of their being as
the color of one's skin or the gender,
religion, age or ethnicity of an individual," it said.
"To use such brutal language as she does
about such an essential characteristic
flies in the face of Canadian provisions
relating to human rights."
The watchdog noted that professional psychiatric
and psychological associations
felt Schlessinger's views were more than
a quarter of a century out of date.
Who knew Canada was so anti-Republican?
Mail Bag
Subject: ditto monkeys of the RNC
Dear Bartcop,
Regarding the Clinton bashing done by Laura
and Rush, is nothing
sacred to these people that they have to
spew their venom at the solemn
occasion of a truly religious man?
For God's sake (pun intended) it was a FUNERAL!
I wonder how pro life these ditto heads
would be if genetic testing
could prove the baby was going to be a
Well, since they are all pro-death penalty,
they could always wait
for the child to be born and send it to
It is really sad what people do in the
name of God.
Astod, how true.
I thought about that, but never got it into words.
They see nothing wrong with using the lifeless corpse of a
fallen leader to beat on the presidency of Bill Clinton.
Oh, sure, you can say it was O'Connor's eulogy, but then again,
they could've taken the opportunity to remind churchgoers that
O'Connor fought like crazy to shut women out of the Church.
Knowing the president and the president-elect were both there,
the Church could've shown a little restraint, but then again,
if they had, they just wouldn't be Catholics now would they?
Remember Clinton's trip to Africa?
They used the Body of Christ to beat on him.
Ol' BartCop would never use the Body of Christ as a weapon.
I guess I just have too much respect.
PA Gov Could be GOP's Ticket
Headline in USA Today
Today's USA Today has a half-page saying Tom Ridge is everything
Smirk's not:
- a Vietnam veteran with a Bronze Star
- a man McCain can respect
- a self-made man
- a Catholic
- a baby-killer
Gee, I wonder if Tom Ridge went to O'Connor's funeral?
Pigboy and Laura the Unloved forgot to mention that not
only does Smirk
have a baby-killing mother, he's considering a baby-killing running
What does the GOP base think about Tom Ridge?
"If Bush picks him, Bush will lose,"
Phyllis Schlafly, plum-pruned ho.
"A pro-choice Catholic is PARTICULARLY
Hey, Phyllis.
Ease up on the Catholic hatred, will you?
Where'd you go to school?
Bob Jones University?
"I'll support a baby-killer on the ticket,
but most Christian activists won't,"
says Pat Robertson, Mayor of the Munchkinland
Mental Midgets.
USA Today also says Ridge's librarian wife, ready to marry
Ridge when
he went to Vietnam, but instead married while he was away, but
dumped the guy
when Ridge came back and "rekindled" their romance.
Gee, I wonder when she told him?
ha ha
This is perfect!
USA Today says: a virtual unknown nationally, Ridge hasn't
been in a national poll
since Bob Dole (May he rest in peace) considered him for VP in
Oooooooold time BartCop readers might remember this,
from Volume 40.
Maid: Governor Ridge's residence, may I help you?
Caller: Bob Dole's office calling.
Is Governor Ridge in?
Maid: Yes, I'll get him.
Ridge: Hello?
Dole: Governor? Bob Dole here.
How's the weather in Pennsylvania?
Ridge: It's fine, Senator. It's cloudy and....
Dole: Cut the bullshit.
I need a vice-president. You want the job?
Ridge: I ....I can't do it, Senator.
Dole: Goddammit, I'm not a Senator.
Ridge: I can't do it, Mr. Dole.
Dole: Why the hell not?
Ridge: The way the Republicans went after the Clintons...
Well..... we're about to lose control of both houses,
and I can't survive four years of payback.
It's really going to be a bitch, this payback.
We set a precedent with these witchhunts.
Revenge is a cold, dark, son-of-a-bitch.
The Democrats will serve it to us on ice, Senator.
Dole: Stop lying about my record!
I'm not a Senator!
Ridge: I'm sorry, Mr. Dole.
I just can't do it.
Dole: You've GOT to do it.
I've called every Senator, every Representative and
every Governor in the GOP and they're all giving me
the same bullshit. They're afraid of a few skeletons.
You're all acting crazy.
Ridge: So...
You called me dead last?
Dole: The important thing is your place in history.
Ridge: Are you kidding?
My place in prison, you mean.
Who could survive the anal-probe vivisection of every
campaign contribution accepted in the last 30 years?
Who's entire history of tax returns could survive an
assault by a majority-appointed special prosecutor with
unlimited power, unlimited scope, unlimited money
and unlimited ambition, not to mention free publicity?
You know
they're going to look at every deal you've
ever made,
every partner you've ever had, every single
made by every partner you've ever had,
tax return of every partner you've ever had.
Then they'll
look at all the people your partner has
ever done
business with and link them back to you.
they'll look at the tax returns of everyone that
ever did
business with your partners, and THEIR friends.
Christ, Senator,
do you have 1099's for every worker
you've ever
hired to mow the lawn or skim the pool
or wash your
car dating back to the goddamn sixties?
You don't, do you?
You have copies
of green cards for every maid, butler
and driver who
ever worked for you, even part-time?
You don't, do you?
How in the hell
do you think you're going to survive questions about ADM?
What if the
press finds out about the boathouse in Kansas?
What if they
look at Florida?
If they find
out who paid for your condo, you'll die in prison.
You're in big
trouble, Senator.
You can't possibly
survive an ethics probe.
Why would you
subject yourself to this?
Dole: I'm 73 years old, you idiot.
And don't call me Senator, goddammit.
Ridge: Sorry, Senator...I...I..mean Mr. Dole,
but do you know anyone that can survive that?
Dole: Sigh.....
No, I see your point.
Ridge: Sir, could I ask one favor?
Dole: Sure, what?
Ridge: If you win, can you forget you know me?
Dole: I understand.
You know
This is
all Newt's fault.
Newt and
those goddamm freshmen screwed me again.
I'm getting a sore ass.
What do
I do now?
You have
any great ideas?
How to
I get passed this?
Ridge: You need someone who's already been under fire.
Someone who's already run the gauntlet.
Dole: Thanks for the advice.
Goodbye, Governor.
(Hangs up.)
- - -
Dole aide: What now, Mr. Dole?
Dole: Well, I can't stand the idea of this,
but I guess Governor Ridge is right.
Bob Dole's not getting any younger.
Bob Dole can't wait any longer.
Bob Dole only has one choice left, only one option.
(Bob Dole picks up the phone and dials a number,
dialing slower than any call he's ever made in his life.)
Voice: Hello?
Dole: (Slowly.....haltingly.......shaking.....)
Bob Dole, here.
Can we talk?
ha ha
We gotta have a Smirk-Quayle ticket.
We just gotta!
Great Okie Quotes
Limbaugh only lacks three things to become
one of
America's finest broadcasters:
integrity, vision and wisdom.
-- The Oklahoma Observer newspaper
Thanks to Joankitty
Ditto-Monkey See, Ditto-Monkey Do
Laura the Unloved just read the fax from the RNC ordering her
to ridicule Clinton and Gore
for being pro-choice at O'Connor's funeral. She used the exact
same words Pigboy did.
Like Pigboy, she competely ignored the FACT that the Church
is anti-death penalty,
and the FACT that Smirk leads the Western goddamn Hemisphere
in legal murders.
Like Pigboy, Laura completely ignored the FACT that Rudy,
perhaps Rudy's whore
and Smirks Mama for sure, are all baby-killers.
Laura is a whore, getting paid to have a point of view.
Remember Susan Carpenter McWhore?
Some pro-life money-grubbing organization paid her $100,000 to
represent their
beliefs that "baby-killing" is such a terrible, unconscionable
sin, and then it came out
that Susan McWhore had had TWO, count 'em TWO abortions.
When she was caught, remember her reply?
"They PAID ME to represent them."
Same for Laura the Unloved.
She's being PAID to fabricate lies about Clinton, and she's being
paid well.
On Fox Whore News Sunday, they said her salary is $12,000,000
a year,
and this is AFTER she was paid $72,000,000 for the rights to
her hate show.
It's the American way.
Turn whore, then sell your voice and your principles as tho you
Call Clinton crazy names and fabricate thousands of wild accusations
and we'll pour millions and millions into your bank account.
When it's all over, take your top off, get on your high horse
and turn your nose up at "the little people."
Listen to This, Eddie
One of my all-time favorite political slogans was on
bumper stickers all around Louisiana in 1991.
"Vote for the Crook!"
That was the Democratic cry when "the crook," Democrat Edwards
was running against Republican David Duke, "the Klansman."
"Please, God," Louisiana was begging.
"Give us anybody but a GOP Klansman, please!"
Edwards won that election.
Good for you, Eddie!
And good for the people of Louisiana.
This time, they found Edwards guilty of a crime involving money.
Usually when they catch a Democrat, fur is involved,
but Eddie is old, 72, like a Republican, so that explains that.
Your Honor, don't give Eddie too many years.
Maybe if the judge is a Republican, he'll realize the favor Eddie
did for the GOP by defeating David Duke, the GOP Klansman.
The Prankster Surfaces, sort of
Subject: You're Mistaken
Mr. Bartcop,
I saw that you called me a sissy for not
wanting to debate you.
You are wrong.
I will debate you.
You're already off track.
The scared little bunny at
is the sissy afraid to debate me.
Since you claimed to be him, I asked
you to post something on "your" website
to prove it was you, so, when I kicked
your ass, the REAL scared bunny at couldn't claim I
whipped an imposter.
Since you were unable or unwilling to do
your bona fides as a fraud have been established.
Unlike you, I have a sense of fair play.
I didn't want to whip a fraud, I want to
whip the real thing.
I'd whip the Pigboy, himself - if he would
enter the arena,
but the gutless whore hides behind his
little microphone, instead..
I did not receive a reply to my earlier
e-mail and saw nothing on your site
when I initially checked back so I naturally
assumed that YOU had
chickened out on my offer to correct your
erroneous views.
200 Issues online, and you figure I'm "too chicken" to stand and
ha ha
How much more militant and in-your-face could I be?
No, I replied by e-mail and it was returned as "undeliverable."
If you had used a real address, instead of hiding behind
a fake,
you would've had my answer long ago.
I had not been visiting your site all that
often since so please excuse me
for not accepting your challenge earlier,
I just was not aware of it.
I'll excuse you, but again - if you're hiding behind a fake address,
how else could I respond if not thru my page?
Although I am somewhat new to your site
I think I can
hold my own in a debate with you providing
1. You post it all, my comments and yours
2. You are honest
First, you have suggested that this is a
prank. It is not - I am here
and will remain to debate as long as you
Second, I am not a 'ditto-spank' (I assume
you mean an admirer of Rush
Limbaugh) and do not much care about Rush
or his politics. The e-mail address
serves only to catch your attention in
what must be a crowded mailbox.
Since this is an anti-Rush page, it will be difficult, but not
to debate with you. I've tried this a dozen or two times in the
and usually I get in a debate with someone who ends up being
or who admits Clinton has done a pretty good job, and it's hard
debate when we agree. That's why I specifically need a ditto-spank.
Now for the heart of the matter-
I have accused you of lying. Although I
don't have the exact quote,
you said something to the effect that "their
1600 year old jokebook
tells them to hate gays"
I say, prove it!
Show us WHERE the "jokebook" says this.
I am not a Biblical Scholar.
I don't know my Bible inside and out.
I really only know what the religious frauds
quote from the Bible.
My position is that, what you call a "jokebook"
says nothing of the kind.
In fact it says just the opposite.
OK sissy, your turn.....
By the way, what should I call you?
Lying Pig?
That seems inappropriate, considering we already have one of
So, it's your position that when they (I could give you a loooooong
go into that hate-based riff about "Hate the sin, love the sinner,"
that's not a Bible-based order to attack gays?
Why would the Bible order you to "hate" anyone or anything?
When did Jesus use the word "hate?"
Was Jesus a hater?
I don't believe He was.
Do I have a higher opinion of Jesus than you?
Falwell, Robertson, Reed, Laura and the others hide behind the
and tho they won't come out and say it, they imply that if not
for the Bible,
they'd have no problem with gays.
They CONSTANTLY say, "Because the Bible says so,"
when they are pinned into a corner with science and logic.
Why else would they need to play the "Bible says so" card?
Because it's a wild card, in the truest sense of the word.
As long as your personal Christ Lord God and Holy Savior says
what words can a logician use to change your mind?
When Laura the Unloved justifies her hatred of gays, she
begins with religion, and I quote from yesterday's USA Today,
page 10D,
"From a profoundly religious point of view, my concept
that a family made up of a mommy and a daddy
is in the best interests of raising children."
From there, she blames her religion, her faith and her Holy book
for her
pathological hatred of anyone born with a gay gene in their body.
Instead of daring me to come up with an instance of Bible-based
a shorter journey would be for you to find a gay-basher that
or hide behind the Bible, the 1600-year old joke book for weak
who can't make it without invisible angels helping them thru
the day.
Tell me, are the kind folks at
another exaggeration of wild-rhetoric BartCop?
Wait - let me guess:
Those folks aren't "true" believers,
as tho God would trust YOU with a list of the "true" Christians.
No matter how you slice it, your side is the side of hate.
You don't even have the brains to be LAZY about it
and leave the other guy alone with his gayness.
You could stand on the ground and live and let live.
But nooooooooooooooooooooo.
You gotta climb a tree and scream hatred in God's name.
That makes me better than you, and in a very logical way,
it makes me a better Christian than you, because I'm telling
the hate-free truth.
Suck on that...
That new movie, Gladiator?
Why are there tigers in that movie?
Were they cheaper to rent than lions?
Have you ever heard of the tigers and the Christians?
They spend $120,000,000 on this film, and got the wrong animal?
Maybe it's a great film, but why tigers?
Drew Carey
I forget who was defending Drew Carey when I called him
"a Clinton-hater," but last night on P.I., he called Clinton
a "sociopath."
Seven-of-Nine (Jeri Ryan) was on, too.
She's a Clinton hater.
And then there was "fair and balanced" Bill O'Reilly from Fox
Whore News.
No need to ask his opinion, and some English dude was
on, possibly a former
member of Duran Duran, so Bill Maher was the only guy defending
the best president this country has ever had.
So, Drew, blow me.
...and Seven-of-Nine can film it.
Laura the Unloved just asked her staff
for the correct spelling for the word "Duh!"
Speaking of the unloved, you know how your local TV stations
turn so-much-more-whore than usual for the sweeps rating periods?
Tonight on the K-Drag ABC affiliate,
they're promising a report on "Dr. Laura's Guilt!"
I'll let you know how it turns out.
Speaking of whores...
NBC has always been the tackiest whore when it comes to promotion.
They have the legal right to promote any of their shows
way they want.
Ten days ago on Friends, they showed a clip of Tom Selleck
telling Monica,
"I can't stop thinking about you," and then they cut to Monica
begging a
very distraught Chandler "to please try to understand!"
The obvious impression was Monica was blowing off Chandler,
but those two clips weren't even from the same goddamn episode.
When Homicide was the best show on television, the producers
constantly complaining that NBC would cut the previews in such
a way
to give the viewer the exact opposite impression of what
really happened,
and they felt bad for the fans because when the truth showed
it seemed as tho Homicide was jerking their fans around,
not NBC.
Well, hopefully, NBC has done this again.
Two weeks ago I was all charged up because the White House staff
on West Wing decided that they were going to risk the
second term
by fighting the evil Cro-Mags on the issues that really counted.
The final installment of the three-episode story arc runs tonight.
The promo that NBC has released for this week?
"The president nervously awaits poll results."
Koresh, what a cliff-hanger.
I'd really hate it if the West Wing squandered their great
freshman year
by waiting around like scared bunnies waiting for some poll results.
Let's hope NBC is just being the whore.
More Limba Truth
Subject: pro-life
In "Typical Limbaugh Truth" you say that:
El Pigbo is whining about how shamed the
Clintons and Gores were
at Cardinal O'Connor's funeral when whoever
was speaking said
the Catholics must always be pro-life.
I heard the man speak and he also mentioned
that pro-life meant
anti-death penalty. These remarks were
followed by a standing ovation
which forced everyone to their feet.
Who do you think hated standing up more?
The Clintons who support the right of a
woman to choose,
or GWB who killed a man every two weeks
for the last 5 years?
Stubby, excellent work!
I didn't hear the sermon, so I didn't know.
All I got was Limba's pig-version, which was a giant lie.
And when did a pro-choicer ever have that smug-ass look on his
face saying
"I'm confident every fetus deserved termination" the way
Smirk did?
It's one thing to be pro-death penalty.
It's another to be so goddamn pleased with yourself for killing
a man
every two weeks during your tenure in elected office.
Who's the bigger ass?
Pigboy or Smirk?
How About a Quiz?
I watched a Cheers rerun last night.
Can anybody tell me who played Frasier's mother?
I'm pretty sure she was only in this one episode.
Here's a BIG clue:
She threatened to murder Diane Chambers.
Subject: Tuesday's Dr Laura Broadcast
Laura made a crack about Hillary Rodham
Clinton -- something to the
effect that she would call herself "Laura
Catherine Schlessinger."
But wait a minute -- if Dr. Laura were
to emulate the First Lady,
she'd take her husband's name, and call
herself "Laura Schlessinger Bishop."
You have a point.
If Hillary had the ego-run-amuck of the Laura Whore,
Chelsea's name would be Chelsea Rodham.
It takes twelve tugboats do dock Laura the Unloved's ego,
plus, she's such a bought-and-paid-for slut.
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