From: Rubie Jasper

Subject: The Liberal Media

You're really off base with "The Myth of the 'liberal' media."
The problem is that nearly everything you mention comes from cable or talk radio.
What about the huge, hulking numskull of a whale that is network news?

I'll give you "Exhibit B."

Dan Rather would spend at least an hour that night telling the untamed masses about the vicious right-wing attacks on the "fair" Dateline profile. He would then drop to victim-voice and lament "racist, sexist homophobic assaults from radio commentators."

That's pure horseshit.
First, Rather gets 30 minutes, not an hour.
And unless it's a war or an assassination, he never spends the whole show on one topic.
The reason I mentioned people from cable and talk radio is because they spend their entire
shows screaming insults at democrats, gays and blacks. Rather's never done that.

Peter Jennings would spend at least an hour that night telling the untamed masses about the vicious right-wing attacks on the "fair" Dateline profile. He would then drop to victim-voice and lament "racist, sexist homophobic assaults from radio commentators."

Same bad example: Jennings the Moron has never spent an entire broadcast screaming insults at people on the right

Tom Brokaw would spend at least an hour that night telling the untamed masses about the vicious right-wing attacks on the "fair" Dateline profile. He would then drop to victim-voice and lament "racist, sexist homophobic assaults from radio commentators."


Hillary Clinton would go on the Today Show and remind us all about the vast right-wing conspiracy.

She did that once, over four years ago, and it lasted about two minutes.
That's not the same as Hannity, O'reilly, Rush, Laura, Harvey, Robertson, North and Liddy screaming "bloody murder"
at the top of their lungs hour after hour, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.

Bill Clinton would stand up in the middle of Harlem, first laugh and then wipe a tear from his eye when he sees the camera coming, and go on to tell us that this "right-wing conspiracy" started with slavery. Then he'd go to Harvard, Yale, Stanford
and campaign for the Nobel Peace Prize on a platform of extreme liberalism.

Don't forget that he's mobbed everywhere he goes, because as America's last elected leader,
he's loved and respected by the people in a way no Bush has been or ever will be.

By the way, see this picture?

This is your boy, crying like a woman on The Today Show two days after the press
asked why Bush was unable to show any human emotions about the 9/11 attacks.
He's a cold-hearted, snot-nosed, spoiled and manipulative, unelected mega-thief, trying to appear legitimate.

In San Francisco, all the local news outlets would run a "Is he really COMPASSIONATE?" segment with Savage Nation
clips featuring "archconservative radio general" Mike Savage questioning Dateline's objectivity in front of his "legions."

No fair going local.
Oklahoma is 100 percent ditto-monkeys, but I left them out of this because I don't expect you to know my locals
and I don't know yours, so penalty flag on you for cheating.   Ten yards against the Nazi, repeat the down.

For lack of any political knowledge, Jay Leno would joke about how "fat" Rush is.
For lack of any political knowledge, David Letterman would joke about how "fat" Rush is.
For lack of any political knowledge, Bill Mavre would joke about how "fat" Rush is.

Actually, Rush is the King of the Fat jokes.
When Hillary's brother (Hugh?) was involved with the pardons a year ago, Rush was 100 percent
fat jokes all-day all-the-time concerning Hugh Rodham. You'd think the fattest boy in town
wouldn't want to start a name-calling contest, but that's exactly what Rush has done.

On SNL, we'd get a trim, fit Tom Daschle impersonator to tip over a blubbering, fat Rush Limbaugh
to the audience's rabid applause.

If you'd like to expand the argument to show business, we can, but my argument is with "news people"
who claim "fair and balanced" while they spew nothing but hatred for one side.

Oprah would stage a show titled "Arch-conservatives in the media: Are they good for America?"
She'd play the one Rush clip that generated tons of controversy, followed by the one Dr. Laura clip
that generated controversy--the two 5-second shorts in over a decade of three-hour-a-day talk radio
--followed of course by a reminder of the Dr. Laura nude pictures and Rush's three marriages.
Then we'd get 50 feminazi groups aboard and everyone would get sentimental when one of them feigns tears,
then cheer when one demanded a call for action against this "modern-day fascism by the far-right media."

Today's your lucky day. I can't find it, but somewhere I have a picture of Bush kissing Oprah.
Why is your boy kissing the woman you claim is trying to destroy him?

Jesse Jackson would call for an end to radio racism.
Al Sharpton would call for an end to radio racism.
Cornel West would call for an end to radio racism. opposed to your boys promoting radio racism?

In every newspaper but the online Drudge Report, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson make front page
and the man with over 15 million listeners would show up only as the butt of Jesse's drivel.


Finally, all the network news stations would cut to David Duke defending Bush and the conservative stance.
Brokaw, Jennings, Rather--all of them--would then spend five minutes emphasizing every syllable in the sentence:

Not sure what that's supposed to mean, but yes, David Duke is a Republican.
The networks shouldn't mention that?

Look, I could go on and on. One parting thought--why do conservative media pundits always get called just that: "conserrrrrrrrrvvvvvvvvvaaaaaatttttttttiiiiiiivvvvvvvveeeeee pundits." Liberals are just "analysts."

Savage National

"Always" is an improper adjective for that example, but yes, that does happen.
When Barney Frank is introduced, he's the "openly gay" Democrat.
I fail to see your point, or any of your points.

You somehow decided that Rather et al reading the corporate news is the same as Hannity,
Rush and O'Reilly spewing hours of venom at anything with a "D" behind their name.

You have failed to make your case, Savage National.

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