As many news agencies reported some time ago,
Japanese Professor Susumu Tachi developed "a coat which
appears to make the wearer invisible". Quotation
from Ananova news agency, February 5, 2003:
"Japanese scientist invents 'invisibility cloak'
A Japanese scientist has developed a coat which appears to make the wearer invisible.
The illusion was part of a demonstration of optical
camouflage technology at Tokyo University.
It is the brainchild of Professor Susumu Tachi
who is in the early stage of research he hopes will eventually
make camouflaged objects virtually transparent.
The photograph was taken through a viewfinder
that uses a combination of moving images taken behind the wearer
to give a transparent effect. It's hoped the
technology will be useful for surgeons frustrated their own hands and
surgical tools can block their view of operations
and pilots who wish cockpit floors were transparent for landings."
What a narrow sphere for the use of such a technology!
In the mean time, here is what Ancient Indian epic
Mahabharata says about weapons that were invented
several thousand years ago (compilation by Raymond Auxilou).
Pay attention to devices called Antima, invisibility
shield, and King Salva's machine:
There are descriptions of seven kinds of mirrors and lenses used for offensive and defensive weapons.
The "Pinjula Mirror" was a visual shield preventing
pilots from other flying vehicles, from blinding you with
their rays. This shield apparently protected
your flying machine.
There was a weapon called the "marika" used to shoot enemy aircraft, somewhat similar to our lasers in description.
The "Astra" weapons were four different kinds of noisy flame belching missiles.
There is a unique in our modern experience today,
a weapon called the "Prasvapna" which was used to cause
sleep among the enemy, or a crew of another flying
vehicle. We are just starting to do similar things with
brainwave entrainment, using microwave carriers.
"Antima" is described as a cap of invisibility used on flying machines.
The enemy of the Rishi City Rama Civilization were the "Asvins".
There is a description of a weapon, that today
fits all the results from nuclear bombs. It was used to wipe out two
cities, Vrishnis and Andhakas and everything
living in the area. The date that it was used is guessed by some
as between 10,000 years and 12,000 years ago
and with some slightly more credibility around 4,500 years ago.
King Salva a very cruel king, received a huge
flying machine from non-humans to wage war against his local enemies. [Nowadays,
there are similar rumors about the collaboration of the United States and
some alien groups, including
the borrowing, by the United States, some technologies
from the alien craft that crashed in Roswell in 1947.]
This machine could make itself invisible, or
visible. It also could give the illusion of being many different flying
machines in the sky at one time. The description
is in the "Bhaktivedante" written by Swami Prabhupada.
The flying machine that King Salva had was different
than what had been used in previous wars of earlier centuries.
It used a different technology. King Salva had
instruments that could produce weather effects, whirlwinds, lightening
and hailstones. There is also a Russian firm,
or there was some twenty years ago, reputed to be able to clear the sky
of clouds using a twenty five antenna array and
creating zones of ionization in the air from the antennas. Maybe this
was something similar?
King Salva had his army killed by sonic weapons.
We use INFRA SOUND to do the same thing today; but I believe
infra sound creeps backward through the earth
and kills the operators also. I am sure with pulsed effects it probably
could be brought under control.
There was a discus sort of weapon, but it must
have been huge, because it cut King Salva's flying vehicle that
he got from non-humans, in half. It fell to the
ground and all on board were killed.
There was a weapon called "Paroksha" which would disable an enemy flying machine.
"Roopaanara" was a different kind of weapon. Whether
it actually cast a hologram in the sky, or was used to
effect the minds of watchers is unknown. This
weapon was used to disguise the flying machine and make it appear
something else, like a giant snake, dragon, or
a mountain. There was something used similarly by non-humans in
this century at the Fatima Miracle, which made
the sun appear to dance in the sky and more recently, created an
apparition over the Coptic Church in Cairo, Egypt.
"Pralaya" is an electrical discharge type of weapon using five tubes.
"Vimukna" creates insensibility and puts an army or flying machine crew into a coma.
There was the ability to project a false sky,
or bend light around the flying vehicle causing an observer to see
the sky behind, but not the flying vehicle. Sort
of worked as an invisibility shield. In this particular description,
the mechanics of operation are described to be
using mirrors, projecting through a frontal tube to create the illusion.
"Roopaakarshana" is a spying device that can see
anything on the ground, or more importantly INSIDE another
enemy flying vehicle. The USA has this technology
now. I believe it is microwaves and can read documents
inside your house from a hovering helicopter,
or a parked van on your street.
There is a description of using a chemical weapon,
by mixing chemicals and creating a cloud around a hovering
flying machine to disguise it.
There was a secret described as the ability to hear conversations inside the other enemy flying vehicle.
There was the secret of being able to see inside the enemy vehicle and take some sort of photography.
There was a machine that could plot the flying track of the enemy flying vehicle.
More mundane and simple were the solar reflectors that give a shaft of light that consumes the enemy.
One weapon was finally outlawed for use on Earth,
by non-humans, or the Gods. This was a weapon called
"Pradyumna's" special arrow.
FLYING MACHINES OF THE MAHABHARATA- 3,500 years ago in Pakistan area.
The epics and poems of ancient times talk about
piloted flying vehicles. There were three types.
Those within the atmosphere of Earth. Those within
the solar system and those for interstellar travel.
The epics talk about 32 secrets of these flying machines called Vimanas.
They apparently had some sort of radar to map
Antartica mountains under the glacial ice and operated
partially by solar energy. They also used photography.
Some of the heat absorbing metals they were made of were called "Somaka" Soundalike and Mourthwika.
The propulsion systems for in atmosphere used electrical, chemical and solar energy.
The large "Vymanika Shastra" was an aircraft whose propulsion came from solar rays. It sort of looked like a blimp.
The aircraft called the "Shakuna Vimana" seems
to be a cross between a plane and a rocket of our times.
Similar perhaps to a space shuttle.
The text of the "Samarangana sutradhara" has 230
stanzas trying to describe how to build the Vimanas, long
after war and geological climate changes had
destroyed the civilization born to use them. Due to the secret
guild process in India it is believed the technical
expertise was lost.
A solar system flying vehicle was called "Suryamandal".
An inter-stellar vehicle was called a "Naksatramandala".
Interstellar spaceships wer propelled by "laghima",
the unknown to us, power of the ego.
This power enables levitation, or anti-gravity
according to Hindu Yogis.
Astras are flying vehicles that will take you to the stars and any planet.
"Garima" is a description of how to make yourself or an object heavy as lead and sink.
One of the atmospheric Vimanas is described as
a doubledecker flying saucer with portholes and a dome.
It flew with the speed of the wind (about 30
mph) and left behind a melodious sound. Was it powered by
long wave infra-sound?
The epic "Ramayana" describes a battle on the
moon, between an "Astra" and the enemies flying machine
called an "Asvin". Wonder if the wreckage is
still up there?
The Samara Sutradhara describes the construction,
take-off, and ability to cruise thousands of miles around
the Earth and both normal and forced type landings.
The Vaimanika Sastra describes how to steer, how
to protect from storms and lightening and how to switch
the propulsion to solar energy from some kind
of free energy source like anti-gravity.
Some Vimanas were made with apparatus that could not catch fire, nor break.
Some of these flying vehicles were made from sixteen different materials, which absorb light and heat (ceramics?).
There are mentioned thirty one essential parts.
Bharadvajy the Wise, who tried to keep alive this
old technology copied from earlier texts.
He quotes at least seventy authorities and ten
experts of ancient air travel.
A yellowish liquid and mercury are described as
propulsion methods, but these descriptions wer written
hundreds of years after the fact. These historians
may be confused.
Certainly there has always been trade with Bharain
and what back then was the Garden of Eden, but is now
submerged and called the Persian Gulf. Bitumen,
or ashphalt and tar was imported and used as water
proofing in the Rishi Cities for the municipal
sewer system of 5,200 years ago. You can see the stuff at the
ruins of Mohenjo-daro.
One Vimana described in the Dronaparva, which
is part of the more complete Mahabharata and the
Ramayana, was globule shaped and propelled by
mercury. Maneuverability was in any direction.
The "Samar" describes iron made metal flying machines
using mercury as propulsion, that had a roaring
flame out the back.
One mystery is that the writing of this olden
time is only found one other place in the world and that is on
Easter Island.
In the "Mahavira of Bhavabhuti", an 8th century
Jain text, the historians tried to keep alive older texts and
oral stories. They describe the "Pushpaka", which
flew carrying many people to the capital of Ayodhya, with
a bus like regular service. The climate was already
changing by then.
The Vedas-ancient poems describe many kinds of Vimanas. There was a two engine model, "ahnihotra vimana".
The multi-engine model, "ahnihotra vimana".
The aircraft of the enemy in battles were the
Asvins. We do not know where they lived.
Their aircraft were called "Vailixi".
Some sources place the wars between these two
groups at 10,000 to 12,000 years ago
and some sources think it was around 4,500 years
One ancient king named Salva, who has a cruel
reputation got a Saubha chariot. Seemingly a very huge
flying machine the size of an aircraft carrier
today. He got it from non-humans and a leader called Maya
Danava supposedly from another star system, or
another planet someplace.
Making a flying vehicle weightless is described
as "laghima-siddhi. The propulsion was mano-java.
There has been some speculation of "physic crystallization",
or energy thought entities with a short term existance.
Robots are described in the Samararigana-Sutradhara.
Some of these robots were very complex, others
described are simple puppet like creatures.
Military aircraft had to be impregnable, unbreakable,
non-combustible and indistructable. They must be able
to stop instantly (inertia?), invisible to enemies,
able to se and record situations going on inside enemy
aircraft. Capable of putting enemy flying crews
into suspended animation, or unconsciousness. Capable of
huge destruction. Have a temperature inside that
is regulated and pressurized. Built of very light weight and
heat absorbing materials. Capable of reducing,
or enlargening images, or changing the level of sonic sounds."
As you can see, the history repeats itself.
But our ancestors understood very well that such
technologies as "invisibility cloak" should
be used also for another aims. What about us?