As a sales team
seeking to promote their political goals, the
present occupants
of the White House truly excel. By now,
everyone must
know that the Bush administration is a cheerfully
efficient team
of “compassionate conservatives” presenting the
nation with
“charitable choice” so that we can achieve “faith-based solutions”
to our national
woes. Yet behind all this happy-sounding rhetoric
lies a reality
that is less uplifting and wholesome.
The President’s
determination to channel billions of tax dollars
to religious
organizations may support some worthy inner-city
programs, and
his lawyers may find a way to finesse the
questions raised by such funding. But eventually,
choices will
have to be made about which groups get money
and which do
not—and those choices, being made in the White
House, will
inevitably carry a political tinge.
Bearing in mind
that the original promoter of “compassionate conservatism” in the
Bush camp was
campaign strategist Karl Rove, it seems likely that the Office of
Initiatives will soon become a highly effective patronage scheme. That
assumption is
confirmed by the new administration’s reduced emphasis on such
executive-branch operations as the Domestic Policy Council, the Office
for Intergovernmental
Affairs and the Office of Public Liaison. Despite all the
feel-good assurances
offered to justify the new partnership between church and
it would be a mistake to forget that Mr. Rove more closely resembles
Boss Tweed than
St. Francis of Assisi.
There were a
few ominous hints of what Messrs. Bush and Rove may intend during
one of the Washington
gatherings that celebrated the Bush inauguration. At an
enormous “prayer
luncheon” held in the Hyatt hotel ballroom on Capitol Hill on Jan.
19, the featured
speaker was none other than John Ashcroft, then in the midst of
those difficult
hearings concerning his nomination as Attorney General. The former
Missouri Senator—who
wrote the first federal “charitable choice” legislation a few
years ago—told
the assembled multicultural divines that he had just been endorsed
by a street
musician who played “Amazing Grace.”
The luncheon
was also addressed by Stephen Goldsmith, the former mayor of
appointed to oversee the Office of Faith-Based Initiatives. “This is an
that will clear out the regulation problems, clear out the legal
problems,” he
vowed. What made Mr. Goldsmith’s pledge slightly eerie was the
luncheon’s sponsorship
by the Washington Times Foundation. The foundation is
yet another
tentacle of Sun Myung Moon, the would-be messiah who went to
prison for federal
tax evasion and illegal commingling of his business and spiritual
interests. At
the luncheon, the Unification Church leader received an award for his
“work in support
of traditional family values” (which presumably did not include
spiriting young
people away from their homes to serve his cult). Before returning to
whatever palatial
compound he currently inhabits, Mr. Moon reminded his fellow
ministers that
“religions tell us to fast, to serve others, to be sacrificial.”
In keeping with
that injunction, Mr. Moon runs charitable organizations along with
his huge media
and industrial holdings. So does Jerry Falwell, the partisan Baptist
preacher who
in recent years has become a virtual adjunct of the Moon empire.
And like his
Korean benefactor, Mr. Falwell has long been a loyal promoter of the
Bush family’s
political causes.
Another dependable
Bush ally is Pat Robertson. The wealthy televangelist and
Christian Coalition
leader also controls Operation Blessing, a far-flung charitable
outfit that
he expects to benefit from the President’s faith-based federal boodle.
too, has had
his troubles with government authorities, due to violations of the
Christian Coalition’s
tax-exempt status and also because of Operation Blessing’s
misuse of certain
assets to serve his commercial enterprises. Specifically, the
charity’s airplanes
were found to have secretly transported personnel and equipment
for a diamond-mining
enterprise in Zaire, undertaken by Mr. Robertson in 1994
with the blessing
of the late and unlamented dictator Mobutu Sese Seko.
An expose of
that affair by the Virginian-Pilot newspaper led to a state
of Operation Blessing two years ago. That probe’s findings were
but Virginia’s Republican governor and attorney general—both
recipients of
large contributions from Mr. Robertson—saw no reason to seek
or fines. And now, quite predictably, Mr. Robertson anticipates a nice
big check for
Operation Blessing from his White House friends. With one hand he
feeds the hungry,
while with the other he endorses and finances candidates like
George W. Bush.
Still, Mr. Robertson
says he is concerned about governmental interference in his
charity’s promotion
of fundamentalist dogma. With officials like Mr. Rove and Mr.
Goldsmith handing
out the money, under the sympathetic eye of Attorney General
Ashcroft, he
and his fellow evangelical entrepreneurs can probably rest easy. The
same cannot
be said for the rest of us taxpayers.