My Spanish is bad, but you can probably figure out what I'm asking.
Again, as a new reader I've come
across some new terms and ideas in BartCop. The term "Media Whore"
caught my eye. I thought, certainly the
Media front men and women, the high profile anchors, can't all be whores--I
mean, they're smart people,
they must see that what isn't seen by the American public, what's censored
by the powers that be, that
the insidious dealings, the truly evil raping of our country and the
rest of the world by trillionaire
elitists must be thoroughly investigated and made known to their viewers.
Well, no.
Dan Rather is too busy looking for other opportunities to cry on national
television, to get in touch with
his feminine/nurturing side, and solidify his image as a "true" liberal.
Bill O'Reilly seems to be a smart guy--well, that's his image--but you
get a sense that he's an idiot who denies
that The Real Idiot (again, not Dostoyevski's hero) is a front wimp
for those who are really running things--just
so he (O'Reilly) can run for President. Keep that image of being
tough and fair and balanced and for the
American people, Bill, and someone will approach you with a tale of
teacher turned president (his ultimate agenda).
Larry King can't step out of the image that he asks the "hard questions."
Why not? Because he likes the
image that he "gets to the heart" of a matter. Except the problem
is the people he has on his show, the ones
he probes (figuratively, and literally from what I hear) don't mean
shit in the overall scheme of things.
His guests are celebs--from Senators on down to investigators of the
Jon Benet Ramsey case.
National Enquirer on cable.
Then there are plenty of secondary characters.
How can anyone watch Shepard Smith? What another idiot.
He's simply a pretty boy who has an ego nearly
as big as O'Reilly's (his god). He just thinks he's hot shit.
Hannity and Colmes? Boy do they piss me off.
Enough said. Paula Zahn? She went to CNN so she could be
taken more seriously--except there's one problem
with that. All men still want to fuck her. The same goes
for Greta Fan Sustern (only she went from CNN to Fox)
What ties all of these Media Whores together? They don't care
about the truth even if they knew what it
was (and some of them really do--they're just never going to report
it). They won't follow paper
trails--i.e. the Enron debacle--to The Idiot and Cheney, et al, because
they "want to support the
president through these difficult times." What a crock.
The Machine fed them that line and they all
bought it, AND they all knew that they had to buy it or they'd lose
their million dollar book deals,
their 60 minutes of national air time, in essence...the gravy train.
These are sad times.