
Subject: NBC RNC subsidiary e-mail addresses


After reading "Submarine Accident" from Tim Tucker,
I got so damn pissed off, I sent the following letter to NBC....

Dear NBC,

Mr. Murrow would be VERY disappointed. Maybe even frightened. I certainly am.

NBC could probably win an award today, if an award were given for
slanted, biased, yellow journalism in the television medium.

We have come to the conclusion that NBC has become a subsidiary of the RNC,
ENRON and quite possibly the CIA Psy-Ops division.

NBC has taken EVERY opportunity to attack an EX-PRESIDENT and look the other way while
the Bush-Cheney admisinstration have stolen the White House, have more illegal dealings in their
backgrounds than 100 Bill Clinton's and have already started their stealing from the poor to give to the rich pograms.

Do you remember The October Suprise?
George Bush's pardons to Weinberger, Reagan, etc?

The fact that G.W.B. was AWOL and technically a DESERTER during his
supposed stint in the Texas Air Guard? The fact that he HAD to falsify
his FAA forms for his pilot's license by omission of his D.U.I. arrest?

And hot off the People's REAL News Source (the internet) John Hall the submarine pilot
that was at the controls and "exclusively" interviewed by NBC was somehow let off the hook
when it came to his business profession?

Murrow and Minnow are crying....
Goebbels and Bormann are smiling....

Very Sincerely,

Chicago, IL


Subject: Two Clues....

Two clues that the Cheney machine is on spin cycle with this sub accident.

1. The Texas Oil guy on Today show refers to himself and the others as "just a bunch of middle class
people" joy riding on a nuclear sub.  Now, I ask you, just why does an Oil company president refer to
himself and other big oil dudes as "middle class guys"

2. On Good Morning America Retired Vice Admiral Shanahan decried the sub rides as being
for "big donors who can affect the military budget".

Sounds like spin to me....


Subject: The Bushs Really Want to Confess Their Sins

With the lack of protest of new investigations of our last elected president over the Rich pardon by the repugs,
the question becomes, do they then wish we went back and re-examine the Bush Iran/contra pardons?

That can be the only answer. They feel guilty over what happened and want to make amends over their crimes.
They are having attacks of conscience. They are truly sorry for what they did to the country.

Why else would they go after the Big Dog? Yeah that's the ticket.
They want to come clean over their own past!

We need to help them in their efforts to confess their sins, to the best of our abitilies.
It is very difficult for them and we need to be understanding and lend them all our collective support
in their endenver to come clean over their own failings. See we knew they were good guys along right?

They aren't after Clinton, because some moron keeps changing the name of whom they really want to investigate.
It's not their fault after all. (It never is, of course.)

D. Denno


Subject: Whatever happened to Papa?

Sometime this past week I read a letter on your site from some right winger.
This reminded me of another religious right winger that used to write you all the time.
He had a weird name, like "papa" or something.

I haven't seen anything from him on your site for quite awhile.
Did you kick his ass or what?
I just love it when these religious bigots make complete asses of themselves.


That was Papax7.
(He has seven kids)
Yeah, Papax7 bailed out on it and it was very surprising to me.

I argued politics and religion with him for 8 or 9 years.
I called him every name in the book, and he hung in there.
But a while back, on the page, I put him in a box and didn't give him a way out.

I asked him to condemn Rush's vulgar incest and tampon jokes, and he refused. I said,
"He drags your God thru the mud and you won't condemn him?
 You love Rush Limbaugh MORE then your God, and that's wrong."

That was the straw that broke his back.
He must've been extremely insulted by that.

But it's the truth.
If I was a religious man, and one of my heroes did tampon jokes with talent on loan from God,
or if he did gagging-on-Clinton's-cock jokes with talent on loan from God,
or he did Al Gore wants to have incest with his daughter with talent on loan from God,
that bastard would no longer be my hero.

But I have higher standards about religion than Papax7 does.

Isn't that last statement telling?

Ol' BartCop has more respect for God and religion than Papax7, the crazed religio-ditto-monkey.

I've sent him a few e-mails, but he won't answer.
He's too ashamed to answer.
He's stuck, and it's easier for him to play ostrich than face reality.
He knows Rush Limbaugh is a scumbag who uses God to fool the extra-stupid,
but he also knows how much I'd enjoy his condemnation of Rush.

So - he let's his ego get in the way.
His pride is more important than defending his God.

Isn't that terribly sad?

I wonder if his seven kids know that he refused to defend his God?
I wonder if they know Rush means more to him than Jesus Christ?

I'll be he hasn't told them.

I'm not religious and I have no kids, but if I was and if I did, I'd teach my kids
that God came first, and self-adoring radio whores came second,

...but that's just me.

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