A letter from Liz

Hey, I’m a Democrat; that means I CAN think, right?

I vote yes.

I’m new to BartCop. I was introduced by someone in a parking lot who saw the home-made anti-fascist
bumper stickers I have plastered all over my yuppy Volvo station wagon and who thought I’d approve.

Wait, ...so this anti-fascist guy turned you on to the page?  Did he say why?

I’ve just been reading for a couple of weeks, and for the most part, I love it! Hey, anything that socks it to the right-wing
traitors is fine with me, and it’s great to see their own foam at the mouth tactics turned on them. I’m a (female) liberal, highly
educated, etc., etc. type who would dearly love to have some civility and intelligence in the political arena, but I’ve come to
realize (it’s not rocket science) that what the mob wants is the kind of stuff you see on TV and that they’re willing to believe
anything that can be presented in sound bytes, preferably with name calling and schoolyard bully behavior. What they like in
nonpolitical TV, movies, and so-called sports in other words. So anyway, it’s not my weapon of choice, but it’s what works
in this sorry age. And we’ve got to get the truth out there, and get it listened to.

I think I know what you mean, so let me get into this:
Yes, the loud bully gets the attention, and that could fit Rush and Bart, and I understand that.
I get more hits than some very intelligent sites and that's kinda understandable but to some degree, sad.

Sure, sometimes I do the "dumb guy," which is a damn useful tool.
Sometimes the dumb guy is crude, but he's sometimes says what needs to be said.

All that’s by way of saying I like what you’re doing. We’ve got to get down in the mud with these pigs, and since as they say,
the pigs like it, well, I guess we have to learn to like it too. I’d prefer to stay clean and eat pork chops, but it hasn’t been
working lately. Who said “nice guys finish last”? Unfortunate but true. We do have to be careful, though, that in using their
tactics we don’t end up BECOMING them, only with a different agenda.

In an effort to do my part, here’s one small offering: why settle for “Pigboy”? I call him Flush Limpdick myself.

Now one question/quibble.

Here's where it gets good.

First, to establish “credibility” (since I get the impression you have what we used to call in the old days
“male chauvinist” tendencies [note that I left off the word “pig” that went with it; I just can’t stop being nice]),
I spent 20 years in the Marine Corps and retired 7 years ago as a lieutenant colonel. This was in the days when
they didn’t even pretend to think women were full-fledged human beings. I still beat them at their own game,
although we weren’t allowed to do the “manly” stuff until near the end of my career. (Mainly because they were
afraid we would do it better and that would make it, well, not so “manly.”  But don’t get me started.)

Here's how I see it.
Women have my vote, they have my backing,
but I'm not going to let anybody tell me I can't enjoy a picture of a sexy woman.

Millions of Americans saw Janet as an outrage.
I consider it merely ill-timed.

My question is this. Is it really necessary to do the he-man beer-swillin’ gun-lovin’ sock-in-the-pants act?

ha ha
It's tough to hit an invisible hardball.
Tell me what you mean and I'll enjoy the sparring.

Why is something you don’t like “girlie”? Why is a wimp a “pussy” and someone strong has “big cojones”?

I didn't invent the American vernacular - I only speak it.
If I'm wildly off-base, say so, and I'll consider changing my verbage.

Frank Example:
I did not invent the word, "cocksucker."
It's a perjorative term spoken decades/centuries before I was born, but a few years ago, I kinda
sometimes used that word in extreme situations.  Then one day I got an e-mail from a gay guy asking
why that word had to represent the very worst a human being could be.

He was right.

The thoughts that pop into my head are not always suitable for all ages.
When I make a mistake, I try to learn from it, but I'm never going to be "nice and polite."
Too many democrats are "nice and polite."

That’s what I expect from the knuckle draggers on the other side. Since when is courage and strength equivalent
to the ability to pee off a moving train? It ain’t, baby. I spent a career with the macho machine, the “few good men”
(and they are very few), and I know. When you do that, you don’t just sound like you’re using their tactics, you
sound like ONE OF THEM. Lose it; it’s not necessary.

I hear you, but you misjudge my motives.
It's not likely, but it's possible that I'm the first man who's ever completely leveled with you.
I say that because you and I are not going to have sex, but most every man you've ever met in your
entire adult life looked at you and then asked himself, "I wonder what my chances of scoring are?"

Trust me.
Your point about faux male superiority is valid, but don't wait for us to admit anything.
I saw a movie on cable the other night - Meg Ryan (of all people) was commanding a platoon
of marines under fire when another Marine shot her in the stomach. When they tried to help her,
she said "Blow me, I've had three kids, you think I can't handle a bullet in my stomach?"

It's not that women can't keep up, they don't have the testoserone that we have to screw up.
Two female cows have no reason to murder each other, but the bulls do.
A man's first instinct is to screw up - some of us try to fight that.

You can do like the guy said, appeal to the rednecks by saying “fuck” every three words.

It's possible that "every three words" is an exxaggeration.
When I talk about the missing $11 trillion dollars, you might hear that.
When I talk about the never-ending war/rape/funerals/death/burns/limb-loss, you might hear that.
When I talk about the 544 dead soldiers, you might hear that, but you don't hear me talking about
"a fucking Big Mac" like I'm in Pulp Fiction or "the fucking Mets bought another Word Series."

Or do you really believe that shit? If so, belay my last; it would be useless.
I am hoping, though, that it’s part of the act.

My, my - your language!!

ha ha

Is cursing a woman's perogative, but men need to watch what we say?
Jusy kidding.

Sure, there's an act, but so far, the "act" is undefeated
Goofball that I am, nobody fwants a piece of me in a live chat room.

On the entire internet, nobody can refute the common sense positions I've taken on dozens of subjects.
The Clinton haters?  I can show them one graph like this and make them weep


Three things make me good in a debate.
1. I'm old, I've seen a lot.
2. I have a semi-decent memory for what I've seen/read/heard.
3. I got the truth, ( see above chart) and that trumps their horseshit every day ofd the week.

I get tons of grief from women, blacks, gays, Indians, orphans, Catholics and every minority you ever heard of,
but it's mostly over goofy semantics that mean little or nothing. True, I was born 12 years before black people
had the legal right to vote, so yes, I have some "old ideas."  That's why I ask to be straightened out in a chat room.
I understand my past and I reject it. Like Joe Strummer said, "You must not act the way you were brought up."

So anyway, keep up the good work. These people are traitors, and if we don’t have a regime change,
we won’t have a country left in four years. You know, I was thinking months ago about why bin Laden
and his crowd hadn’t done anything to us after 9-11, and then it occurred to me. They don’t have to.
The murdering monkey and his rabid little dogs are destroying this country and all it stands (stood) for
faster and more completely than the bin Ladens could do in their wildest dreams.

Keep the faith (I’m an atheist, too).


Liz, great letter.
And yes, bin Laden doesn't need to destroy America as long as Ashcroft and Bush are here.

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