WASHINGTON -- We're the white hats, but we're planning a "black" propaganda
against the axis — and even the allies.
People at the Defense Department and elsewhere are cringing at the news
that the Pentagon's shadowy new
Office of Strategic Influence is plotting to plant deliberately false
stories in the foreign press, with both feral and
friendly nations.
Covert disinformation activities have always been the province of the
C.I.A. But Brig. Gen. Simon Worden, the
head of the O.S.I., envisions a mission of psychological operations,
or psyops, that "goes from the blackest of
black programs to the whitest of white," as a senior Pentagon official
told The Times.
William Cohen, defense secretary under President Bill Clinton, said
on CNN that "We are talking about
deceiving the media and the public in general in foreign countries,
and that would be a mistake." Our government
shouldn't need to lie to justify its increasingly broad and intricate
war against terrorism. Holy Gulf of Tonkin!
Besides, there's enough real bad stuff about the bad guys — they're
Evildoers, after all.
We don't need to make up stuff to pin on them.
But let's look on the sunny side. At least the Bush administration is
trying to disseminate information,
even if it's fictional. Usually it's trying to suppress information,
even if it's consequential.
The Bushes and anyone they allow into the club like to govern and conduct
their wars behind closed doors.
Dick Cheney is making an effort to get out, popping up at the Council
on Foreign Relations and on Jay Leno
last night. But he remains so hush-hush on what we really want to know,
he's The Man Who Wasn't There.
Karen Hughes and Karl Rove keep a childproof cap on even the most anodyne information.
That's exasperating in normal times. But it's a whole lot more troubling
when we're hatching so many schemes
around the globe and when Americans may be asked to kill and to die
in the service of these objectives.
The Pentagon owes us accurate civilian casualty counts as it targets
all the extra-tall men in the mountains of
Afghanistan, and the Justice Department needs to let us know who is
being rounded up and detained and why.
If the Bush inner circle had a higher regard for journalism, and for
the role of truth in public affairs, it would
understand how repellent it is for the American government to hide
the truth, delay the facts or peddle phony
stories to news organizations overseas.
It should immediately nix the Pentagon scams about disinformation. And
while it's at it, it should curb all the
other ways the White House disses information, like:
Karinformation: Oodles of aggrandized anecdotes about the president,
bathed in Ms. Hughes's rosy, alliterative
glow, tightly controlled and parceled out to a select few journalists
who can be trusted not to challenge the
official version.
Karlinformation: "News" from the White House politically gamed to within
an inch of its life. Mr. Rove's
inclinations became clear when he called top journalists around town
the day after 9/11 to explain that the
president had not returned to Washington immediately because of a threat
to Air Force One. That turned out to
have as much merit as his stubborn insistence that the administration's
ethics haven't been slicked by Big Oil.
Vice-Information: Information's sorry sibling, as in none at all. Mr.
Cheney justifies this vacuum of accountability
by spurious qualms about privacy in the West Wing. It is not executive
privilege that is in danger of
deteriorating, but rather the right of the public to be privy to executive
Fleischinformation: A dense thicket of seemingly informative prose that,
on close inspection, does not have a
single verdant shrub in it.
Calling Ari Fleischer "a great evasive bore," Michael Kinsley wrote:
"Fleischer speaks a sort of imperial court
English, in which any question, no matter how specific, is parried
with general assurances that the emperor is
keenly aware and deeply concerned and firmly resolved and infallibly
right and the people are fully supportive
and further information should be sought elsewhere."
Our cause is just. So why not just tell the truth?