I'm awash in e-mails asking for "my daddy's founding father's speech."
There's no time to go back and check everything, but from the
amount of letters,
I gather somehow I said BartCop's daddy wrote a "founding
father's" essay.
This is not the case.
My father was writer, I've mentioned the where and when before,
but never did I claim he wrote about the birth of a nation.
He wasn't that kind of writer...
Isn't it time somebody did something about Landover Baptist Church?
Subject: (no subject)
Rish is not a liar.........Bill is......
This is the second bidness mag to come up with "Dubya Did It"
scenario for
higher oil prices. (The first being Barron's; they ran an Alan
Abelson piece
entitled 'Petro Plot' a few months ago.)
Here's an election-year conspiracy theory to chew on
Quite a nice summer so far, no? Decent weather, not too much heat
humidity (at least on the East Coast). Good time to stoke up
the barbie, throw
back a few cold ones, and devour a platter or two of singed animal
Maybe a couple of cobs of corn from the roadside stand and a
big gob of slaw.
Good baseball on the tube, too. And how about those the Williams
sisters at Wimbledon?
So why the long face? Oh, that. Yeah, just sticking the gas nozzle
into an SUV
these days tends to put a damper on any summer trip, even in
this sizzling,
near-full-employment economy. A $50 tab at the end of the weekend
on your almost
maxed-out MasterCard can turn any goodtime Charlie or Charlene
into a grouch.
Well, you could blame it on those folks in charge in Washington
who allowed
gasoline prices to get out of control before they began to take
any action.
That would be Bill Clinton and his sidekick, Al Gore. The same
Al Gore who
wants to run the country from the Oval Office for the next four
years. Sort of
makes you wonder, doesn't it?
FAMILY TIES. But keep wondering for a moment. What's most curious
about this
minor gasoline crisis? The timing, right? What pol in his right
mind would manufacture
a spike in gas prices during the summer driving season, with
the party-hearty expansion
still in its infancy and the budget-surplus projection now bumping
$4.2 trillion?
So here's a conspiracy theory for you:
People in high places have created a sudden spike in gasoline
prices that puts
spend-happy consumers in a sour mood.
And who benefits the most if a nation of angry summer drivers
heads into the fall elections?
Would it be George W. Bush?
Oh, sure, you could argue that the Bush family's ties to the oil
industry run
so deep that W. could be hurt as much as helped by raging prices
at the pump.
But Bush is already delivering the second part of this one-two
petrol punch by
positioning himself as the right person to jawbone down $2-a-gallon
"I would work with our friends in OPEC to open up the spigot,
to increase the supply," he said on June 27.
"Use the capital that my Administration would earn, with the Kuwaitis
or Saudis,
and convince them to open up the spigot."
A conspiracy theorist could make the case that the oil industry
is where W.'s father
made millions, and the Texas governor has certainly done his
part to keep prices inflated.
A conspiracy theorist could further argue that OPEC would like
a friendly Bush face
in the White House. That might be why, despite recent moves to
raise oil-production quotas,
overall the cartel been slow to react to the pleading of the
worried Clinton/Gore Administration.
The Bushes are famous for always remembering to write thank-you notes.
This time, a conspiracy theorist could argue, the high price of
gasoline is one
giant thank-you note back from Big Oil and the Arab states whose
bacon old
George pulled out of the fire 10 years ago during the Gulf War.
Yes, it's a conspiracy theory.
But while you're chewing on it, throw a couple more hot dogs
on the grill.
Is George Magazine pro-GOP?
I just read their newest issue where they referred to Uncle OJ
Watts as
"the highest-ranking black person in the GOP."
While that's no-doubt technically true, wouldn't it be
more accurate to
state the truth, and remind readers he's the ONLY black
person in the GOP?
arguing for his health care proposals on This Whore with Sam &
came up with a great idea to reduce the costs of medicine for
the elderly.
He said, "the power of group purchasing" would reduce the cost of drugs.
What ever happened to "rugged individualism?"
Suddenly, we're saved by "the power group purchasing?"
Who wrote this speech, Hillary Clinton?
Group purchasing?
...isn't that what they have in Canada?
...isn't that what the GOP calls "socialized medicine" in off-election
...isn't that what the GOP calls Stalinist/Leninist Marxism in
election years?
The group bands together to reduce the burden on the individual?
Isn't that the opposite of capitalism?
Is Smirk trying to "take over" 1/7 of the economy?
With Stalinist/Leninist/Castro economics?
Why is Smirk suddenly a Maoist?
Did Some Young Moon make a deal with the Chi-Coms?
...and what was Smirk's daddy's cut?
Trouble for the Religio-Crazies
McCain Loses Bet
The K-Drag Sunday Edition says probable presidential contender
John McCain
will join Uncle OJ Watts (R-Tom) in, of all things, a bus tour.
It won't be called The Straight Talk Express, like McCain's earlier
bus tour.
This one is billed as Bus con Negro el Piloto, or "Bus
with Dark Driver."
Details, including who approved the bus's name, remained sketchy,
and no specific dates or cities have been announced.
Also, there was no word on how the tour would be financed.
As far as approaches to the press, the two couln't be more far
McCain spent hours on his bus answering reporter's questions
the first phase of his grab for the presidency.
Watts, seen as a traitor to his family and his people by most
didn't even bother telling Oklahoma reporters about the upcoming
Smirk Says: Let 'em Eat Cake
Off Topic
You younger kids might not know who Casey Kasem is.
I don't know if he's still on the air, but he used to do the
Top Forty
Countown of pop hits on the radio each week.
This is a sound file, I guess it was an outtake.
When Casey gets upset, it sounds a lot like when BartCop breaks
his toe.
You might even say he uses the language most Americans use.
ha ha
I've got handful of these...
Good Stuff at
An Iowa City woman reported a recurring dream
in which
The Case Against Hillary author, Peggy
Noonan, admitted that the book was 'crap.'
The woman stated that Noonan told her she churned
it out 'because the Clinton-hating
chumps will buy anything -- and it's not like
I can write for Ronnie anymore.'
O'Reilly and the Big, Big Lie
Bill O'Reilly, Truth's Public Enemy #2 at the Fox Whore network,
had some crazy man on to talk about Rosie O'Donnell and guns.
I've never heard anything this wild before,
and it went unchallenged by the "fair and honest host."
Did that really happen?
Rosie actually said, "All guns owners in jail?"
I don't believe that.
As stupid as Rosie O'Donnell is, she didn't say that, did she?
If she really said that, I might have to join the NRA just to
make a point.
If that idiot Rosie wants Ol' BartCop in jail because I have
maybe it's time we all joined the NRA.
...but I/m not worried because I assume it's just more Fox "honesty."
Meanwhile, just seconds later...
O'Reilly Finally tells the Truth
Bill O'Reilly, who Laura the Unloved says, "makes me wet,"
stumbled into the truth while attacking Rosie O'Donnell's "partisanship."
(Hold onto your ass. You never heard anything like this before...)
ha ha
Can you believe your ears?
O'Reilly defines propaganda as
"giving your opinion without having
anybody there to balance it out and say, 'maybe that's not
true.' "
Listen to what O'Reilly said one more time:
O'Reilly says
"It's dangerous when propaganda takes over the national airwaves."
Hey, Bill!
Every Democrat with an AM radio agrees with you!
ha ha
O'Reilly got caught telling the truth,
and you just heard the evidence with your own goddamn ears.
O'Reilly says people like the vulgar Pigboy are "dangerous propagandists."
ha ha
True Tales of Chinaco
Love Walks Out
"I had an ugly D.C. flashback recently
while trying
to buy a tasty Whopper at a Manhattan
Burger King."
- Ann Coulter
Tell us, Ann.
Is a Whopper more tasty than Big Mac?
ha ha
According to my server logs,
this is the number one downloaded picture from
Cokie Defends Smirk's Colonias
Really, Cokie?
Is what you just said true?
400,000 people in New York lives with chickens in the yard?
400,000 people in New York state have no plumbing?
400,000 people in New York live like this?
Why are you apologizing for candidate Smirk?
Why didn't you ask Smirk about the Colonias?
Why didn't you give him a chance to answer for this?
Why didn't you ask him to explain?
Why did you wait until he was gone to bring the subject up?
Does Disney want Smirk to win?
Remember, Smirk was a Disney fund-raiser for years,
raising millions of dollars to bring Disney movies to Texas
Is this payback?
...that would make Disney and ABC News whores,
and Koresh knows that's not possible...
Maureen Dowd
Back from vacation with a fresh batch of hate.
Celebrity Mail
As you know, nothing galls me more than the anti-family smut that
churns out these days. Do you remember a few years back when
Courtney Love
was nominated for an Academy Award for her role in that trashy
The People vs. Larry Flynt?
I was dumbfounded. She "acted" like a drunk--which she was; she
like a drug addict--which she was; and she "acted" like a slut--which
she is.
So why, I asked, is that acting?
Ronald Reagan, however, played roles in which he "acted" honest--which
he wasn't;
he "acted" smart--which he wasn't, and he "acted" like a war
hero--when in reality
he did everything in his power to avoid real service.
Now THAT'S acting.
Courtney Love was just being herself, and she got to go to the
while Ronald Reagan did some of the greatest acting in movie
history by
convincingly playing honest and good men, and all he got was
a few free
nights with that Davis broad who used to service the sound effects
Shame on you, Hollywood.
Shame on you.
Michael Medved
This is the most accurate cartoon of the last four months.
She hits hard
for a girl!
See this paragraph?
The Waco jurors reached their decision after
2½ hours of
deliberations on the same day they heard
final arguments from
both sides about the botched raid and the
fiery conclusion.
For years, the vulgar Pigboy has been screaming that Billy Dale,
(the White House travel office employee who offered
to plead guilty
to theft since $40,000 was found in his personal
bank account)
was "obviously innocent because the jury came back in just 3
Nevermind that Dale stole the money and offered to plead guilty.
Rush said he HAD to be innocent since the jury came back so quickly.
Will that same Pigboy "logic" cover the Waco verdict?
Not on your life.
Two + two = four if it's a Democrat,
but two + two = five if you're a Clinton-hater.
He's always been that way.
You see, Rush doesn't play fair.
He doesn't have to, because he screens every call and
he tells his lies
while safely hiding behind his little urine-colored microphone.
Notable fact: OJ's jury also only took three hours.
Brain Smasher: Fulfilling your desire to be licked up and down with laughter!
Frank Keating is the governor of Oklahoma where the state can put people
death, but tattoos are illegal. Every month Frank goes off rooster
cocked and
says something wild and crazy or a scandal in his administration breaks
It's like he has a Pez dispenser for these things!
The latest scandal to hit his administration is the finding of "Ghost
who are apparently on the payroll of the state, but do little or no
Of course first thing Frank does is blame the "godless" snake-handling
whom are mostly Democrats. Blame and spin, Spin and blame, you know
the drill.
Some of these ghost employees did exist. Many were labeled and fired;
however, some that were accused, came up with time slips, travel records,
affidavits from supervisors saying the employee did show and work.
The smell of political blood was in the air!
Never mind that ghost employees hired by republican legislators were
not fired.
Why quibble with people who don't have five grand for the Keating honeypot?
It's ironic that Big Frank should be so interested in ghost employees.
Frankie was once a ghost employee himself!
If I'm lyin', I'm dyin.'
Check out articles in the "Knuckledrag World" of June 10, 17, and an
August 9th, 1998
editorial, stating that Keating prior to his 1994 election, solicited
several law firms in
Knuckledrag for a "ghost" position and actually found one in the law
firm of Richard's,
Dewey, Cheatum & Howe! He apparently did no legal work! No billable
could be found at the time that Keating did work for ANY client, yet
the law firm
paid Keating $100,000.00 while he ran for governor!
A good gig if you can get it.
One of the partners left the law firm and when he went to get his cut
of the partnership,
was aghast to find that part of Keating's payment had been charged
to him. So the lie-yers
sued each other, and in August 1998 Judge Tom Thornbrugh held that
Keating did NO work
and the departing partner was not liable for the expense.
Want more?
Got ethics?
Not only was Keating's ghost status unethical, it was in violation of
several state and
federal laws. It exceeded the Oklahoma limit of $5000 allowable by
Guess what?
After Frank gets elected, he appoints Richard's son to the high paying
position of
Knuckledrag district attorney. By the way, this is a violation of state
laws and
the famous federal RICO laws. Can you say vice-pezidint?
In order to get all the facts, I sent out invitations to all the so-called
ghost workers to
come to World Headquarters for drinks,
dinner, and secret interviews.
(On Bart's tab of course and did I pack them in.)
A major ruckus ensued trying to keep order among all the irate workers.
BartCop flies out of his office and does his best "Perry White, Editor
of the Daily Planet"
imitation with the hair, cigar, and the "Peacemaker" pointed right
in my face.
"Smasher, where the hell are all these workers that are suppose to
be here?
Accounting says you said I okayed drinks and dinner for 50 people!
You know damn well I never signed no chit," says the livid Perry
White BartCop.
I give him my best Pulitzer Prize make up a story smile and sweetly
say, (In
Southern accent), "Why Bart, I knew you would sign for dinner, besides
people are here in the office, in the hall and filling the reception
hot tub."
I wave my arms out knowingly and expansively!
The "Peacemaker" inches closer to my forehead. "Is that a naked woman
have carved on the barrel of the gun," I say cautiously?
"Don't F*** with me Smasher. You know I have bad conventionitis.
Now, for the last time, where are all the workers?" says Perry
the Menace.
Then it dawns on me. Brain Smasher says this in Sotto Voce:
How is Houston's air today?
According to the USA Today, page 16A, the air is unhealthy!
Please, Smirk, if we elect you, can you make all of America look this
We don't want that yucky Gore clean-air & water bullshit for sissies.
Subject: Re: Reagan Administration Indictments
According to Haynes Johnson's book,
"Sleep-Walking Through History: America in the Reagan Years"
the number of indictments, convictions, and official investigations
totaled 138 (p. 184).
You will note by the publication date, this was in 1991.
I would suggest that the numbers eventually increased.
Paul Begala Shoots the Bull
Is the Reformer With Results actually just a Phony with Photo-Ops?
The Dallas Morning Whore today reports that
as many as 90 percent of the poor
children in Texas who were eligible for
free or reduced meals did not receive
them last summer. In all, the News says,
more than a million poor kids who
qualified for federally funded summer nutrition
programs went unserved.
Of course, Bush is the man who said there was no hunger in Texas.
He's also the man who poses for photo ops
with minority children every day.
But apparently as a Governor he has allowed
a million of those children to go hungry.
Shame on you, Governor.
And shame on the national media whores for
falling for the
Bush photo-ops and not looking at the real
Bush record.
(Ediotr's Note: I may have added two words to Mr Begala's fine report)
Mailbag Short
Manhattan is alot like the TV show Survivor.
They are both islands and everyone is surprised Rudy hasn't been voted
off yet.
Stroke Me, Stroke Me
"People vote issues, I've always said
-- Pigboy, second hour
So, if we can believe the vulgar Pigboy, (snicker)
that means Clinton won over the voters in 1992 and 1996
because he was on the right side of all the important issues.
The Poor Pigboy.
He has no idea what he's saying anymore...
...and Marta, why do you continue to let Rush
make a fool of himself this way - every day?
This Just In...
Advisory jury rules government not at fault in Branch Davidian raid
WACO, Texas (CNN) -- A five-member advisory jury on Friday found
the federal
government was not to blame in the deaths of some 80 Branch Davidians
in the
1993 siege of the religious sect's compound outside Waco.
The verdict came in a $675 million wrongful death lawsuit filed
by the
surviving sect members and family members of those who died.
Subject: Ruby Ridge and Waco Timeframes
August 21, 1992 -- seige at Ruby Ridge
November 1992 -- Clinton first elected
January 23, 1993 -- Clinton sworn in
February 28, 1993 -- initial BATF raid
on Waco compound
March 12, 1993 -- Reno sworn in as AG
April 19, 1993 -- final government raid
on Waco compound
I, too, would LOVE an investigation into
why they didn't grab Vern, sorry,
David, when he was in town -- they had
a warrant for his ass, why didn't they grab him?
Waco -- brought to you by the guys who bungled
Ruby Ridge.
And Reno had the cojones to accept FULL
responsibility for Waco.
FULL responsibility.
No one in Washington does that!
Mikey, she not only accepted FULL responsibility, but she was
How could she be up-to-date on the effects of every gas in the
ATF arsenal?
She trusted her (read Bush's) FBI people and they apparently
lied to her.
Also, your first line proves something hueueueueuge:
Smirk's Daddy gave the order to have Randy Weaver's mother
but you'll never hear a conservative admit that.
Re: your photos of Philly's finest on the
homepage; remember that
the dirtbag SHOT AT A COP. In most
parts of the universe that
brings about the worst case of natural
causes you ever saw.
If all they did was beat the crap out of
him, he got off easy.
I know we Democrats aren't supposed to say this, but I agree.
Take away the moral question, this punk did the same thing Koresh
If you shoot a cop or even AT a cop, you gotta figure your little
compound is coming down by tanks, fire or some goddamn thing.
I forget who said, "If the federal government comes for your ass,
what ever you do, DO NOT resist arrest."
On the other side, they just beat Rodney King because they
Rodney was speeding, probably, not shooting at cops.
Big Tobacco Takes it in the Ass
Turn on a radio.
ha ha
In a hostage situation you are likely to be released first.
It's harder and harder for sexual harassment charges to stick.
Kidnappers are not very interested in you.
No one expects you to run into a burning building.
People call at 9 p.m. and ask, "Did I wake you?"
People no longer view you as a hypochondriac.
There's nothing left to learn the hard way.
Things you buy now won't wear out.
You buy a compass for the dash of your car.
You can eat dinner at 4:00
You can live without sex but not without glasses.
You can't remember the last time you laid on the floor to watch
You consider coffee one of the most important things in life.
You constantly talk about the price of gasoline.
You enjoy hearing about other people's operations.
You get into a heated argument about pension plans.
You got cable for the weather channel.
You have a party and the neighbors don't even realize it.
You no longer think of speed limits as a challenge.
You quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks
into the room.
You send money to PBS.
You sing along with the elevator music.
You talk about "good grass" and you're referring to someone's
Your arms are almost too short to read the newspaper.
Your back goes out more than you do.
Your ears are hairier than your head.
Your eyes won't get much worse.
Your investment in health insurance is finally beginning to pay
Your joints are more accurate than the National Weather Service.
Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can't remember
them either.
Your supply of brain cells is finally down to a manageable size.
Guest Editorial
I'm hearing bad things.
The word is out that the second that ex-President Ronald "Bitburg" Reagan
wheeled off this mortal coil, the GOP will start agitating for a "Reagan
Yeah, they're going to put his vacuous old face on the U.S. dime.
It's an odd reward for Big Money to give its most beloved servant.
After all, the rich aren't going to ever USE those dimes -- they'd
no sooner
touch one than they'd touch an African-American (with the exception
of George
W. Bush, who can't seem to keep his hands off of minority children
when a
camera's around). Perhaps there's a certain sadistic thrill to making
poor beg for images of the man who so thoroughly screwed them?
Now, it's going to be bad enough when Reagan finally croaks. There's
to be an orgy of over-the-top mournsterbation like you wouldn't believe.
Rupert Murdoch and Richard Scaife will order their mighty media machines
(which now comprise something like what, 98.9 percent of all American
to go into a never-before-seen frenzy of tributes to the "Greatest
American Ever".
Thought it was bad when they renamed Washington National airport? By
the time the
media's through with this one, the White House will be the Ronald Wilson
Immortal Greatness Gipper Memorial House!
But I digress.
The dime...the soon-to-be Reagan memorial ten-cent-piece.
Remember whose face is on the dime now?
It's someone that the GOP would love to push out of public memory:
Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Here's a quick comparison of the dime-that-was and the dime-to-be:
FDR: Sold supplies to Britain in early days of World War II to
safeguard democracy abroad
RR: Sold arms to Iranian terrorists and made secret
in early days
of 1980 Presidential campaign to subvert democracy at home
FDR: Creator of the New Deal, giving millions of poor and disadvantaged
Americans hope
for a better future
RR: Spokesman for a Raw Deal, and took it all back
FDR: Maintained fiscal responsibility while providing for the
RR: Remained elderly while irresponsibly providing
Americans the largest
fiscal deficit
in the world
FDR: Won World War II, encouraging Americans to join together
to fight
the greatest
battle ever known
RR: Won the war against the poor by encouraging the largest
income gap
between rich
and poor ever known
FDR: Fought bravely for his principles, even though crippled
by polio
RR: Shilled like a two-dollar whore for Big Money,
completely uncrippled
by any hint
of principles
I could go on, but why bother?
It's clear that the Ronald Wilson Reagan emorial dime is a perfect
metaphor for the
modern GOP: A worthless disk of base metal, covered by a flimsy layer
of cheap
shiny stuff, stamped with a picture of a head that turned out to have
been empty all along.
Subject: Reagan Administration Indictments
Dear Bartcop,
I read recently here that 187 Reagan officials
were indicted in the 80's.
Would you please tell me where I can find
a list of the indictments?
Ted Schade
New Bedford, MA
Ted, when you say you read that, "here," do you mean
That number sounds high, even for Reagan.
Perhaps someone knows where that number can be supported...
Great Republican Quotes
"All the laws of Washington and all the bayonets of the Army
cannot force the Negro into our homes, our schools,
our churches and places of recreation,"
-- Smirk backer Strom Thurmond (Racist-Carolina)
The Washington State GOP should be ashamed of themselves.
Subject: Can the Rightwing be funny?
Dear bartcop:
Your site represents your political views,
yet it is often very humorous.
I have found other "liberal" and Democratic
sites that are funny too.
So I wondered if there were "rightwing"
or republican sites that might be funny.
I looked and looked and found not one rightwing
site that had any humor.
Why is that?
Do you know of any "funny" rightwing sites?
State of Euphoria
I think they're all funny.
I think the KKK guy on Howard Stern is even funnier than Betty
But I know what you mean.
It would be nice if there was a right-leaning web site that was hate-free.
How about it, anyone?
Are there any?
Part of me wants the government to be found guilty on this Waco trial.
The way I understand it, the FBI lied to Reno about the gas.
They lied to her about other stuff, too.
I'm hardly a Reno fan, but if they intentionally gave her bad
info so she'd
give the go-ahead for something that wasn't right, they should
...and how classy of Reno to not be whining about being lied to by the FBI.
I mean, no doubt Vern set that fire, but whoever told Reno that
was completely harmless should be forced to explain his motives.
And why wasn't Vern grabbed when he was in town?
Remember, Reno came in AFTER Vern shot those cops,
so that bungle can't be hers or Clinton's.
Check this out.
Fifty eight percent of white people think things are equal now.
If blacks have the same opportunity to get ahead as whites,
why does the GOP refuse to vote for one?
We're getting down the the wire on this VP thing.
Reports continue to filter out of Austin saying Smirk wants a
he can be comfortable with, suggesting K-Drag Gov Keating.
This would be a Koresh-send for me, so I can't believe it's true.
They continue to say Catholic baby-killer Gov Ridge (PA) is a
Ridge might provide more material than Keating, so I'm happy
either way.
They say Gore is down to Graham (FL) and Kerry (MA)
Graham took the wrong side on the Elian deal, (as did Gore)
plus I don't know anything about him.
Kerry I know and like, so I hope it's Kerry.
Any other thoughts on VP possibilities?
Check the sign in the lower left.
The Quickest Smirk in the West?
ha ha
Bill Press Smacks Racist Smirk Around
It's kind of a sweet & sour weekend.
One year ago, I had just outfoxed that Kloun
attorney Sears sent after me.
That's still one of my favorite bits, because it was all true.
Then Marc Perkel threw me the car keys and said,
"Son, it's about time you started driving"
So pictures and sound came to the old BartCop RL-LNW newsletter.
It's also the first anniversary of John Jr. going into the sea.
More on that later.
Volume 145 - The Big Change, from one year ago, had this:
1. My first taste of luxury (sort of) tequila - Sammy Hagar's
Wabo Cabo.
2. I finally got the Two
Shots of Happy song on the web.
3. The e-mail in an unknown language
4. My threat to put the "Big F" on the vulgar Pigboy.
5. The Chris Rock HBO special that I borrowed.
Chris got me back
later by stealing my "Niggatrol" joke.
6. There was talk of a Smirk/Uncle OJWatts ticket, ha
7. Then there was this:
Hey, Rudy -
Where's your WIFE, Rudy?
Rudy is porking a
woman on his staff while Mrs. Rudy sits home, filing divorce papers.
Remember, this was July 1999.
Was the first
national publication to mention Rudy's ho?
From: (withheld)
Heard a couple minutes this AM, apparently
they rebroadcast yesterday's
show in Baltimore.
Whora was harping on why it's OK for the
Congress to open with a prayer,
but not Texas high school football, and
recommending that school prayer
be "disguised" as a reading from the Congressional
Let's shoot this one down one step at a time.
First of all, the Congressional chaplaincies
ARE a blatant violation of the
Establishment of Religion clause. Until
Congress hires a non-Christian chaplain
or sacrifices a chicken, let's not pretend
otherwise. Unfortunately, the separation
of powers makes it difficult for the Supreme
Court to say so.
Ignoring that for the moment, let's talk
about the difference between
high school students and Congressmen. It's
called power. Congressmen
are mature adults (well, most of 'em),
not impressionable children.
Congressmen hire/fire the Chaplain. Children
don't hire the principal.
The House Chaplain can't punish a Congressman
for misbehaving during a
prayer, or give him an "F". Can't confiscate
his beeper or search his
locker, either. And most important, the
other congressmen don't beat up
Barney Frank after class for being a sissy
Jewboy, even if the Chaplain
says he is.
As usual, Whora should be ashamed of herself.
She's not really a doctor, and apparently,
not really a Jew either.
She didn't become one until after she'd
finished school.
I'd love to hear her kvetch AFTER her precious
Deryyyychke's Christian classmates
beat the shit out of him "because he don't
love Jesus".
Subject: Jimmy Page on Conan
Well, where's the commentary on Jimmy Page's
performance the other night?
I didn't see it, but curious to hear the
Well, he did real good.
Conan was about to wet his pants the whole night.
"Every night I say, 'We have a great
show for you,' and that's a lie half the time.
Well, it may actually be a lie 80 percent
of the time, but tonight, it's true.
We've done almost 1300 shows, and I
don't think we've ever had a musical guest
as big as we have tonight. Jimmy
Page and the Black Crowes!"
After Tom Arnold and Chris Meloni (from Law & Order - SUV)
they came out
and played "Your Time is Gonna Come," from the first Zeppelin
album in 1968.
The keyboard player started the song using his Hammond B-3 with
the Leslie.
It sounded so perfect, it was spooky.
In all the years Zeppelin played live, they never played that
song, so it was a first
for even the hardcore fans. The Crowes drummer is no John Bonham,
but he went
out of his way to play the same drum parts the same way as the
original recording.
They invented a new bridge, if that's what it's called, to give
the third guitar player
something to do besides chords. Page had a nice, but not overly
dramatic solo.
When Jimmy Page is playing that Les Paul, he's a Wallenda, trust
Chris sang well, it was an A+ effort and it came out great.
After the song and commercial, Conan had the band for a fawning
Poor Jimmy gets this "Omigod I can't believe you're here," everywhere
he goes,
and after 30 years that would get old for anybody, right?
Conan asked page about the wild touring stories.
If Jimmy ever writes a book, it'll be NC-17 at least.
Chris was jealous, he said, because Zeppelin had the endless
parties before AIDS was a factor.
Have you ever heard the one about the Mud Shark in Seattle?
The story goes...
I better not.
May be too intense for some readers.
Zappa did a song about the incident, and Carmine Appice drummer
Vanilla Fudge, claims his wife filmed the entire episode - Koresh!
Chris asked Conan whatever happened to the "Masturbating Bear."
I didn't know what that meant, but after the last commercial,
just before the credits
started, a man in a bear suit and a diaper came out and
confronted Chris and began
doing something with his bear organ with his back to the
crowd and the cameras.
Luckily, the bear didn't approach Page.
His bodyguards are known for their efficiency.
"Local Masturbating Bear Hospitalized" is a headline nobody wants
to see.
I was hoping for a "Time of Dying" (have you ever heard better
slide in your life?)
or "Achilles," the two hardest-rocking songs ever, but nooooooooo.
They may play Letterman or Leno before long - maybe then.
Lars from LA Busts Paul Harvey
Subject: (no subject)
glanced at your's awful.
You liberals are demented
tell me what is wrong with being a God fearing,
hard working, family oriented guy
who thinks the government takes too much
of his hard earned money
to support its' bleeding heart habit ?
What's wrong with being all that?
You'll get no problem from me.
God fearing?
I wish more people were.
Who could argue with that?
who thinks the government takes too much
of his hard earned money
Hey, I do, too!
What makes you think liberals like taxes?
Because Rush said so? support its' bleeding heart habit
We might disagree about that one.
I have no desire to pay for a "bleeding
heart," but we want nice roads,
we want a great military, we want the sick
& the old taken care of,
we want enough cops and judges and prisons,
we want better teachers
and I realize those things cost money.
If you know of a way to cut government spending
more than Clinton/Gore have,
I, and I'm sure others would all love to
see the plan.
Trouble is, the GOP likes their surgery
done with a chainsaw.
They want to dismantle the Dept of Education
and the Internal Revenue Service.
Remember Reagan pushing Ketchup as a vegetable
to save on kid's lunches?
And let's not even talk about GOP cuts
in Medicare and Social Security.
And before you give me Rush's lie that
not cuts,"
let me quote the "Great Communicator,"
Ronald Reagan:
So, which "bleeding heart" programs would you cut?
Veteran's benefits?
Salaries of the House and Senate members?
Centers for Disease Control?
Write back...
h t m l Mystery!
I'm still new at this html thing, like you can't see that
but see those words between the white lines, above?
Every day, the "Hire BartCop"
gets closer to the date.
Every day, I have to push it farther to the right.
Now, see the blue type below under "Guest Editorial?"
Look at those numbers run together.
Is that, like, some kinda spooky deal or what?
Hey, I mastered the space bar months ago.
Is this some unknown reverse-gravity effect?
...if you know why the letters are pulling to the left, lemme know.
How many times have we heard Rush mocking, in his little-boy,
sing-song voice,
"Liberals may have good intensions, that's possible, sometimes,
but the results are the only thing that matters."
I heard him say that again Wednesday.
...that Rush...
He knows everything.
Springtime for Dubya?
ha ha
Subject: McGinn's DNA test
Let me preface this by saying I think McGinn should die a slowand
painful death for the hideous crimes he committed.
Now for the point: Maybe I'm just being too accusatory of Shrubya,but
why did
he finally conduct a DNA test when it was a WHITE guy that wasup
for execution,
but he shrugged his shoulders when a BLACK guy was scheduledto
"We gotta be SURE the White guy didn't commit the crime,
but Niggers are only 12% of the population anyway, sowho
Rather interesting, if you ask me. :)
Guest Editorial
by Anon E. Mouse
At the end of his first hour of distortions,the
right-wing gasbag railed about the
"40-year struggle" that Democrats havejoined
in with blacks in seeking more equality.
Limabaugh was perplexed--how could any constituencybe
so gullible to still be in a
struggle after 40 years? After all, heinsisted,
if you haven't accomplished your goals
after 40 years, isn't it time to quit thestruggle,
or at the very least turn your backs on
the political party that has failed todeliver
you from your struggle?
While millions of ditto-monkeys were clappingtheir
paws over Rush's
infallible logic, I was making a mentalroster
of some key GOP issues and
remembering how long their "struggles"have
been waged.
Let's look at how long some Republican struggleshave
been going on:, and
how they compare to Rush's "40-year-struggles-are-for-naive-rubes"observation:
Prayer in schools: 37 years (thatmeans
they SWEAR TO GOD that they will
shut the fuck up forever about this issuein
three years)
Abortion: 34 years (just six to gountil
the GOP completely closes the books on this issue)
School vouchers: I remember this issuebeing
big in Michigan in 1970, which would give
them 10 more to go. Does anyone know ifthis
issue is older than that?
Cuba: Uh-oh; time's up! GOP has been"struggling"
with Cuba for 40 years.
Danny Burton and Jesse Helms will haveto
get a new hobby.
Family, Morality, Values: Nixon broughtup
the struggle for these things in '68,
which means Rush's heroes have to shutup
and abandon these themes in 8 years,
but I vaguely remember Goldwater talkingabout
the Aquarian Conspiracy in '64,
which means 2004 would be the last electionin
which the GOP will raise these issues.
Tax cuts for the rich: They're wayover
the limit on this one; they reached the 40-year
threshold in '76 (if not before). I wonderif
Rush will have a little diatribe tomorrow about
stupid white country club Republicans whostill
think the GOP will help their "struggle"
even though the struggle is still goingon
64 years later.
(They must be even more gullible than theNegroes.)
Law and order: Nixon in 68--just8
years until Republicans zip their lips
and throw away the key about this struggle.
Rush's "40-year-struggle" speech did a wonderfuljob
of amusing the monkeys,
but I don't think its premise stands upvery
well to any serious scrutiny.
Editor's Note:
If we're talking 40-year struggles, let's not forget what Goddid
to Moses.
After leading the Jews thru the desert for 40 years. Moses makesone
teenie-tiny little mistake, and God punishes him like, well,
an Old Testament God.
Do you remember Moses's big crime?
God told him, "When you want to reach be, use your signal watch."
No, wait,
That was Superman and Jimmy Olsen with the signal watch.
God told Moses, "When you want to reach me, beat on a rock withthy staff."
So, Moses did that - and nothing happened. So, figuringGod
was an older man with
possible hearing problems, Moses thought he'd just re-boot, sohe
beat on the rock
a second time, which didn't sit so well with Yahwee from VengefulCity.
This angered God so much, he considered turning Moses into a table
condiment, but,
been-there-done-that. Plus, He thought it'd be a"better
lesson" to take that 40-year
carrot-on-a-stick called "The Promised Land" Moses was looking
forward to
and deny him that to teach the 650-year old a lesson he
wouldn't soon forget.
As Mel Brooks could've said, "It's good to be the God."
Paul Begala Shoots the Bull
George W. Bush is the poster-boy for the inheritance tax. If hewere
George Walker, and his family had had no power or money, doesanyone
believe he'd be qualified to teach drivers' ed -- much less run
for President?
And yet this product of the self-serving, self-promoting, self-perpetuating
moneyed aristocracy wants to eliminate the tax that he will oneday
(presumably) pay on the millions he stands to inherit.
Nothing could more clearly define the parties: Democrats honor,
revere and
reward work. That's why we want to raise the minimum wage for
who work hard. Republicans worship wealth. That's why they want
$750 billion giveaway to the ne'er-do-well children of
the idle rich.
Oldie but Goodie
Subject: Jaysuz loves me, this I know, cuz I told the Texansso
The American Jewish Congress scolded
Smirk for declaring "Jesus Day" in Texas.
The AJC, which works to maintain theseparation
of church and state, said:
"The principal problem . . . is notthat
it acknowledges the important civic contributions
of a particular faith, but that it assumes
that the profound regard in which the teachings
and person of Jesus Christ are heldby
the Christian community are the norm for all
residents of the state of Texas."The
Bush proclamation was issued in conjunction
with June 10 "March for Jesus," an annual
HAW HAW........I guess DUMBYA doesn't think
Jews, Budhists, Agnostics,
Athiests or Heathens in general matterin
Smirk pimps out Jaysuz, yet again, for a
vote. Remember when he announced
Jesus as his most favorite philosopher
weeks before killing Karla Faye Tucker
out of the Lord's Love?
Somebody in this story is gonna burn in hell........and it won't be Karla Faye.
Here's a big, fat lie fromPaul
Why would the horse-molester make thisshit
The answer is in bold in the finalsentence.
Here is a true story by Paul Harvey.
Pass it to anyone who you think would find
it interesting and inspiring.
You will be surprised who this young manturns
out to be.
(Do not look at the bottom of this letteruntil
you have read it fully)
Years ago a man took his family from NewYork
to Australia to work there.
Part of this man's family was a handsome
young son who had aspirations of joining
the circus as a trapeze artist or an actor.This
young fellow, biding his time until a
circus job or even one as a stagehand came
along, worked at the local shipyards
which bordered on the worse section of
town. Walking home from work one
evening this young man was attacked byfive
thugs who wanted to rob him.
Instead of just giving up his money the
young fellow resisted.
However they bested him easily and proceeded
to beat him to a pulp.
They mashed his face with their boots,and
kicked and beat his body brutally
with clubs, leaving him for dead. Whenthe
police happened to find him lying
in the road they assumed he was dead and
called for the Morgue Wagon.
On the way to the morgue a policeman heard
him gasp for air, and they
immediately took him to the emergency unitat
the hospital. When he was
placed on a gurney a nurse remarked toher
horror, that this young man no
longer had a face. Each eye socket was
smashed, his skull, legs, and arms
fractured, his nose literally hanging from
his face, all is teeth were gone,
and his jaw was almost completely torn
from his skull. Although his life was
spared, he spent over a year in the hospital.When
he finally left, his body
may have healed but his face was disgustingto
look at. He was no longer
the handsome youth that everyone admired.
(I'm about to puke my guts out at this bullshit)
When the young man started to look for work
again he was turned down by
everyone just on account of the way he
looked. One potential employer suggested
he join the freak show at the circus asThe
Man Who Had No Face.
And he did this for a while. He was still
rejected by everyone and no one wanted
to be seen in his company. He had
thoughts of suicide. This went on for five years.
One day he passed a church and sought some
solace there. Entering the church
he encountered a priest who had saw him
sobbing while kneeling in a pew.
The priest took pity on him and took himto
the rectory where they talked at length.
The priest was impressed with him to sucha
degree that he said that he would do
everything possible for him that could
be done to restore his dignity and life, if the
young man would promise to be the bestCatholic
he could be, and trust in God's
mercy to free him from his torturous life.
The young man went to Mass and
communion every day, and after thanking
God for saving his life, asked God to
only give him peace of mind and the grace
to be the best man he could ever be
in His eyes.
The priest, through his personal contacts
was able to secure the services of the best
plastic surgeon in Australia. There would
be no cost to the young man, as the doctor
was the priest's best friend. The doctor
too was so impressed by the young man.
Whose outlook now on life, even though
he had experienced the worst, was
filled with good humor and love.
The surgery was a miraculous success. All
the best dental work was also done for him.
The young man became everything he promisedGod
he would be. He was also blessed
with a wonderful, beautiful wife, many
children, and success in an industry which would
have been the furthest thing from his mindas
a career, if not for the goodness of God
and the love of the people who cared forhim.
This he acknowledges publicly.
The young man?
(Gag me, this is such horseshit - I can't stand it...)
Mel Gibson
His life was the inspiration for his production
of the movie "The Man Without A Face."
He is to be admired by all of us as a God
fearing man, a political conservative,
and an example to all as a true man ofcourage.
Bad language Alert
On some subjects, I can't hold back.
Bush Advisers Tell Barak"Be
Ready To Walk Out"
Haven't we been down this
road before?
Here we go again - Republicans conducting illegal foreign
Remember the last time they did this?
Bill Casey (CIA head) told the Ayatollah Khomeini that he would
get a better deal
from Ronald Reagan if he would hold the Iranian hostages a few
more months.
...and boy, did the Reagan administration keep their word!
Two planeloads of Stinger missles went right to Big Terror.
The bastards who murdered 217 Marines in Beruit - rewardedby
Do you know what this is?
It's a Navy destroyer called the USS Higgins.
It was named after this man, Col Rich Higgins.
He gave his life for his country.
He gave his life like few men ever have.
The heroes at Normandy had it easy compared to Col. Higgins.
If you don't remember him, you should.
Maybe this will jog your memory.
He was strung up by Hezbollah, friends of Reagan-Bush afterbeing
kidnapped and held hostage in Lebanon while serving you and me.
I remember watching the video on the evening news.
His body was swinging back and forth, ...back and forth.
Reagan and Bush were so outraged by this act, they sold Stinger
to the murdering mother-fuckers and they called it "a workof
Then they stonewalled the investigation, lied about
it, and eventually
President Bush pardoned everybody to keep these crimes
buried forever.
...but, as always, none of these treasonous acts were prosecuted
because they had nothing to do with Clinton's Cock.
If Smirk is offering Israel a deal to walk out, trying to kill
peace talks,.
we can assume Smirk is offering the Palestinians something, too.
Will the Republicans get to create another "work of art?"
If you have a minute, (and yes, you have a minute) drop
It's the least you can do.
So far today on Porky Pig's show, he's so outrageous, there's
nothing to ridicule.
Rush is saying such wild-ass shit, it's impossible to parody.
He's saying Smirk and McCain competed like gentleman
while Gore played dirty pool with that traitor Bill Bradley.
But the truth is...
Smirk accused McCain of selling out his fellow Vietnam POW's.
Smirk accused McCain of being pro-pollution.
Smirk accused McCain of fathering illegitimate children.
Smirk accused McCain of being pro-breast cancer.
...but the vulgar Pigboy is claiming "Gore got personal" whenhe
Bradley the traitor debated the effects of health care on minorities?
Rush, you know what you are?
Subject: Star Wars
Question for the ditto-heads:
Since higher-educated people are not tobe
who the hell is gonna design and buildSDI?
Some GED-carrying clerk in a hardware store??
Some twice convicted, twice probatedfootball
Can you explain?
Yours in Koresh,
Dave Ratz
Excellent point, one nobody else has thought of.
I don't think Star Wars has any chance of working, but if it
it would be due to the brains of the pointy-headed liberal-elitefrom
fancy-ass liberal institutions like Harvard, Yale, Stanford andMIT.
Texas Judge Reprimandedfor Repairing Guns in Court
HOUSTON -- (AP) -- A state judge has been
reprimanded for repairing
guns on the bench as he presided over juryselection
in a murder trial.
The State Commission on Judicial Conductsaid
Wednesday that District
Judge Lon Harper "failed to act in a dignifiedmanner''
and "failed to
maintain order and decorum in the courtroom.''
Harper said the time he spent repairingtwo
single-action Colt revolvers
took only a few hours during juryselection
that took weeks last fall.
"Almost all the judges carry guns. I justshould
have just kept mine under
the robe instead of outside of it witha
screwdriver,'' Harper said.
"I guess I won't do any more handgun repairon
the bench.''
The commission also cited Harper for allowing
a court bailiff to read a
tabloid -- which included a picture ofa
man being eaten by a python --
during jury selection and for distributing
business cards for his private
mediation business that were adorned
with the state seal.
This is more proof that Texas justice is out of control.
Smirk - heal thyself.
Kevin Cunningham keeps getting better and better.
Have you been to
You should visit him, send him some e-mail.
Then, when he's rich and famous as the top cartoonist for Time
or Newsweek,
you can refer to him as "Kevin Cunningham, my good friend."
Hi, my name's Ricky McGinn, and I'm as guilty as a son-of-a-bitchcan
Shecky Green has just proven beyond a reasonable doubt that I'mthe
killer-rapist bastard, no-life piece of shit that everyone saidI
was, after all.
And just when you think that can't get any worse, it wasmy
twelve-year old step-daughter that I raped and murdered.
I should fucking fry, you know that?
But the reason I sent this letter was to apologize to the Democrats.
You see, the very, very last thing I'll do on this big, blueball
is make Bush a hero.
Ohhhhhh, those Democrats were sooo ready to pounce if I
was telling the truth.
If that DNA had come back negative, Bush would've looked likea
heartless moron.
That could've turned Bush into a flaming disaster weeks ahead
of schedule.
But since I'm sooooooo guilty, of a crime soooooooo heinous,
a lot of people are going to see this as old-fashioned Texasjustice.
Sorry about that...
Great Smirk Quotes
I predict the campaign against VicePresident Gore will be "hard and close."
ha ha
Governor, you got that half right.
This site is such a limp hand-job.
Check out their "fair & impartial" online poll.
A. Is Gore just following directions from the Secret Service?
B. Oris
he guilty of abusing Air Force Two, and he's laughing at your
gullible ass while Hillary and him conspire to shove forced
on your kids, and down your throats, while taking away your doctor
and slowly
assimillating Cuban-military lifestyles which was the whole pointof
selling Elian's soul to the Castro-Archdevil in the first goddamn
Gore's behind in the poll, aren't we surprised?
But wait till you hear the numbers - 92percent
say he's abusing Air Force Two
(And isn't it cute the way they made it sound like he was sexually
...I wonder if Bob Barr has started drawing up impeachment papersyet?
Charles and Tracy Mayberry, the 2000 version of Willy Horton,
up and moved with their five ugly and chemical-dump-stupid children
in tow,
from Tennessee to a new home near their adult children in Lima,Ohio.
They were assisted by giddy, high-fiving members of the TennesseeDitto-Spanks,
-- out of the goodness of their hearts and a desire to
further embarrass themselves
-- volunteered time and about $1,000 in expenses to load up a
moving truck and
drive the Sasquatch family 450 miles northeast, which is downwind. was unableto
contact the Mayberrys who, according to local media,
do not have a telephone. The police visit has already caught
the attention of
Lima's local NBC affiliate, and, according to neighbors, thepolice
have been out
at least a few times already to visit the town's most
famous new residents.
Hard to picture these two having a lover's quarrel,
but if I had to bet, I'd bet on the she-thing.
Koresh, she looks like something Clooney pulled out of the water.
Do you think before this is over
we'll see the Governor pose with any white kids?
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