Been trading shots of Chinaco with Bernie in Oregon.
It's the only way to get thru a Smirk speech.
Kato Burne
"How can those of us in the baby-boomer generation...."
Uh, ..excuse me, grandma, but the term "baby boomer"
doesn't cover people born in the 1920's.
Christ, Kato Burn has wooden teeth!
If there's a new GOP, I want to hear it.
I want to hear it from the mouth of Jesse Helms.
I want to hear it from the mouth of Tom Delay.
I want to hear it from the mouth of Strom Thurmond.
I want to hear it from the mouth of Bob Barr.
I want to hear it from the mouth of Dan Burton.
I want to hear it from the mouth of Newt Gingrich.
I want to hear it from the mouth of the vulgar Pigboy.
I want to hear it from the mouth of chalky-thighs Hyde.
I want to hear it from the mouth of Trent Lott.
I want to hear it from the mouth of Dick Armey.
I want to hear it from the mouth of allll the House Manager
I want to hear it from the mouth of Chris Shays in a pink
fucking tutu.
Stand UP!
Stand UP!
I want them all to get on a stage and say,
We are sorry to the gays, we are sorry
to the blacks.
We are sorry to the poor, and sorry
to the immigrants.
On your knees, boy.
If that happens, I'll give them the bene of the doubt.
If it doesn't, Smirk doesn't have a bong big enough to blow that
smoke up my ass.
If you guys say you did wrong, and you want our forgiveness,
you must apologize and be goddamn sincere about it.
That's a fact!
...and the second you do, we'll say, "Apology not accepted,"
ha ha
From: carkali315@adelphia.net
Subject: Sword of Democles
Where is the sword of Democles when you need one?
ha ha
He has balls to talk about Viet Nam.
My brother went to Viet Nam.
I worried about him, while this ass was screwing around here.
I am Latina ,Catholic woman, one of those little brown ones.
And I can't stand this hypocrite.
Claire Shipman, from CNN...
Do you think she looks like Angie Harmon?
In the morning, without make-up?
Post speech
Chaka Kahn is on stage.
She sings the Dr Laura theme, "New Attitude."
Think she'll do it tonight?
Smirk, not looking to good, you feel OK?
Prosperity can be a tool or a drug.
ha ha
They have not led, so we will
You gonna fix things, Smirk?
He keeps saying the same thing.
They have not led, so we will
You gonna fix things, Smirk?
ha ha
That's four of those in the last
four minutes
I can go as long as you, Smirk.
Now he's doing Limba's Daddy's stolen Founding Father's speech.
I think the mother-effer just called Clinton
Watch your ass, Smirk!
We will leave this nation greater than we found it?
Hey, the stock market was at 3500 when your Daddy was fired.
Free drugs for the old people!
There's an original idea...
Social Security?
No changes, No reductions, No way - read my lips!
ha ha
Smirk, when you going to start?
He seems to be wowwing the crowd, but this
crowd cheered Cheney, too.
Let's see...
Money for school vouchers,
Money for defense,
Money for Social Security,
Money for Education,
Money for tax cuts,
Money for everything and everybody.
Yo, Smirk!
Whose money is that?
Besides, if you can do that and NOT screw the deficit,
why not tell us the secret BEFORE the election?
ha ha
We'd all love to see the plan...
Smirk is explaining the lessons of Vietnam, to us...
Money for Star Wars?
Forget those first six IN-expensive promises you made.
a risky truth scheme
They loooooove the "risky" cliche.
risky anti-candle scheme, best line so far,
The Democrats are the party of "Fear itself."
Tell us, Smirk, is running the world's only superpower
easier or harder than drilling for oil inTexas?
We fear your judgment, Smirk.
Go Smirk!
I was outside the loop on the Great Cock Hunt!
ha ha
...first fucking true thing you've said tonight.
Somebody is missing here, tonight
I thought he was gonna say "President Ford," but noooooo.
Some guy used to sell him gas in Midland, instead.
Give me your daughter. I will not screw her!
ha ha
Look after your feet?
C'mon Smirk, wind it up.
Bring her home, Smirk!
...more guns, ...no abortions, ...he's getting close...
At times, ...we lost our way, ...but we're coming home!
Excuse me, Mr Smirk, but under which presidents
did the Republican party lose the way?
Yo Daddy?
There he goes!
He's taking the oath right now!
No, George!
The oath is for the WINNER!
ha ha
Love thy Neighbor?
But George, what if your neighbor voted
breast cancer research and had a sister
with the disease?
Would you still love him?
We are the party of inclusion -
we can begin again.
we can begin again.
we can begin again.
we can begin again.
we can begin again.
Somebody kick him, he's stuck!
It won't be long now!
Don't worry, you'll have another chance in four years.
The people who live on the west side of the mountain are BAD!
ha ha
There went the west coast.
I can lead, honest!
Then he closes with Ricky Martin.
Ole, Ole, Ole!
...balloons, ....confetti, ....lasers, ....strippers
Has anyone seen the niece, Laura Bush?
The one who's only 15 and knows how to
We saw Kneel, why can't we see the Bush with no pants?
Geez, look at all the black people!
Smirk has produced himself a goddamn Tarzan
ha ha
Smirk has a video - Just like Clinton!
It's boring, he needs Alicia Silverstone
rolling over the hood of a car.
"The sky's the limit?"
Make him stop!
The sky's the limit if your name is Butch!
I don't know about you, but I'm getting
a little misty-eyed...
Smirk: I really love my kids
Governor, how many is that, total?
...he's gotta be offstage in an hour.
If he's gonna talk for 38 minutes, that
makes this a 22-minute video?
Smirk and Jimmy Dean?
ha ha
Smirk took in Jimmy Dean, a kid off the
Later he would become family consigliere!
Whoops! Now he's dead - shot on the Causeway!
Governor, do we have a God-given right to clean air?
ha ha
The trumpets are building like Elvis is about to enter.
"I'm more than a Republican, by God, I'm
an American!
Ma Richards!
"You can put lipstick on a hog and call it "Monique,"
but it's still a hog."
Now's a good time to get uour drink visit the lil' room,
roll 'em if you got 'em, get the Chinaco bottle from the kitchen
and set it next to your chair so as not to miss a single smirk
Did you see that one guy with the homemade sign?
It said,
"Oh, Please,
Vengeful God, Not Again!
Why hath you forsaken us?"
ha ha
"A tax CUT, so help me God!"
-Smirk, all spring
Smirk in the house!
Baby-Killer alert!
Someone keep an eye on this guy...
Laura the Unloved says they never change...
ha ha
"Gore would've tried to talk Jefferson out of that RISKY independence scheme."
...not bad for a Republican,
Smirk just called Larry King on the cell phone.
He's on the highway, his limo ran out of gas!!
ha ha
on 8-Wives right now
ha ha
ha ha
KNEEL, can I borrow $600,000?
I want to launch a web site!
ha ha
I need a shot of Chinaco to calm down after that one...
Mara Liasson,
who gets worse everyday, just said on Fox Whore
that Smirk will attack with, "Clinton, you had 8 years, and
did nothing!"
ha ha
Is Liasson that crazy?
ha ha
Is Smirk that stupid?
If Smirk says that, it's free ribs and Chinaco at
(I'll get back to you on the exact date)
ha ha
Why would she say that if it's not true?
The giant hand just slapped me for asking a stupid question.
Dan Rather is teeing up a report on bribed fat cats
...at this convention.
Bob Scheiffer drunk on CBS!
He's working a camera, and he's drunker 'n shit..
To the left, Bob. To the left!
Mr. Controlled Rent!
Does NY still have socialized housing and controlled rents?
And this is the guy in charge?
ABC just showed some dudes walking the convention floor
and they were all wearing Smirk masks!!!
ha ha
Could be some goons goinna knock over the joint?
ha ha
"GOP Robbed on Live TV by Locals
with Smirk Masks"
Headline in the Philly Freeze
ha ha
"Made to remove pants1"
ha ha
Pee Butch!!
I've never seen a man lie in two languages while he was asleep.
"When I talk to Uncle Smirk via e-mail,
we don't talk baseball or
football, we talk about fucking education
because I'm lying!"
"You see, I'm a teacher, and I loooooooce
my kids.
Not like those lying Democrats,
I love my children"
Mui bullshito!
Consumo me el snakado!
Bill Kristol reports probable Gore/Bradley or Gore/Kerry.
Wait, back the truck up!
He said Kerry of Nebraska.
If he does that, I could turn -, seriously.
He'd better mean John Kerry, not Bob!
That means Gore would be running on the
"My former boss is an usually good liar" ticket
and that would piss me off like you've never seen me
Ms. Moneypenny, get the White House on the phone!
Clinton won't campaign for that ticket!
Bob kerry called him "an unusally good liar" EARLY in office,
and helped feed Pigboy's horseshit all these years?
In Clinton does agree to campaign with a man who called him
a liar, why, why, ...in 30 days I might say what I think about
This must be a sick joke by the sick bastards at Fox Whore News.
But then again, the last news I didn't believe was Dennis Miller.
Oh, Christ!
Bradley or Bob Kerry!
Which is the bigger TRAITOR to the current presidency?
Bradley said Gore was "scum central," or something...
Gotta run, "Pee Butch" is coming up!
Only an hour until Smirk's biggest (only?) test ever.
Maybe he'll pull a Bernie Shaw and wet his pants?
Some lady just pooched it on Millionaire because
she didn't know who "The Amazing Randi" is.
He's a Democrat, I'll bet.
He debunks bullshit.
Randi has a reward out for proof of invisible ghosts.
Look who it is!!
Candy Crowley, Smirk's "biggest" fan
How many of you have already composed your e-mails to me saying
"It's Friday, and Smirk hasn't been shamed out of the race?"
It's Marvin Butch.
He was in the car with Smirk when Drunkboy ran into
the neighbors trash cans, just before he tried to fist his daddy!
Where's KNEEL BUTCH, the Butcher of Silverado S&L?
Shame, shame, hanging his head in shame because he knows
he made those hostages stay in Iran another 90 days.
Shame on George Herbert Traitor Butch
Pickles in the House!
Who is this Carolina bastard?
Is that Sentelle?
If it is, fuck you, Sentelle.
If it's not, fuck Sentelle, anyway
Switch to ABC - quick!
Dude going for $500,000 question on Millionaire
Aw, he pooched it and ran...
This Just In...
Smirk to shorten speech
Cute but stoopid
Since she's a Naziette, I can do a SPECIAL on her!
Remind me - this weekend!
This morning on the Today show.
(That's not Katie Couric)
Subject: School's out forever
"The George W. Bush today is the same George
W. Bush
I knew when he was 15 years old."
Clay Johnson, childhood friend of the Shrub, on MSNBC moments ago.
Hey BC, does this explain Dubya's propensity
to cork off with ninth grade
statements like "there is madmen in the
world and there is terror"?
Begala Shoots the Bull
Last night the GOP unveiled its ticket:
The Smirk and the Snarl.
Dick "the Snarl" Cheney went on the attack,
launching no fewer than 22
attacks on President Clinton and Vice President
Gore. Cheney did not attack
the Clinton-Gore economic policy -- it's
brought us the strongest economy in
American history. He didn't attack the
Clinton-Gore crime plan -- it's cut
crime to its lowest level in 30 years.
He didn't attack the Clinton-Gore
social policy -- it's helped lower teen
pregnancy rates, unwed pregnancy
rates, and drug use. He didn't attack the
Clinton-Gore welfare reform record
-- it's brought welfare dependency to record
lows. So what did Cheney do?
He attacked the President personally.
So, on behalf of the Democratic Party, I
want to thank the Republicans for
dragging President Clinton back into this.
He's gonna kick your butts again.
ha ha
Bet on it!
Look, for Bush to try to personalize
the speech, trying to "tell his story".
Here's his story:
He was a poor student who somehow got into
the finest schools.
He was a National Guard pilot who somehow
failed to show up for duty for a year.
He was a failed businessman who somehow
got rich.
He was a 1.8 percent owner of a ball club
who somehow was named managing partner.
He was a failed politician who somehow
became Governor.
And now he wants to be our President??!!
Give me a break.
Celebrity Mail
From: Patrick Farley
Subject: Bush's
> (Before you 'pooh pooh' the notion, remember, Bush is an old
CIA man.
> He is definitely skilled and experienced in the use of doubles.)
Good gravy!
I'm hemorrhaging over here!
Can I tell you a little story about the one time in my life I saw President Bush?
I saw double.
It was in Santa Cruz, California, late October
1989, right after the
Loma Prieta earthquake. George Bush and
an entourage of Feds flew in
to inspect the rubble and, presumably,
cut a disaster relief check.
Santa Cruz, of course, is a hardcore lefty
town, but on this day we
put politics aside and lined the main street
to cheer and wave to our
president. Yes, OUR president. On that
day we were neither libs nor
conservatives -- just AMERICANS. I never
would have imagined such
good will possible from these old hippies.
It was hard not to be
Finally I hear the crowd start cheering
down the street. A limo is
coming! A big black limo with two little
American flags waving on the
front, surrounded by motorcycle cops! It's
him! It's President Bush!
We all started cheering and waving as the
vehicle slid by... Inside,
behind the tinted windows, a guy was smiling
and waving back at us...
The closer it got, the more the cheering
died. Confusion and anger
rippled through the crowd. People started
screaming, "Hey, that's not
him!" I got a look at the face behind the
tinted window and sure
enough, he was NOT President Bush. This
guy was a DECOY! And a
shitty decoy at that. Good enough to fool
a sniper at 100 yards,
maybe, but not even Dana Carvey up close.
The crowd was still snarling with anger
when suddenly an army of cops
-- at least 100 -- came roaring down the
street at 80 mph, red and blue
lights flashing and sirens at full blast,
like something out of a Mad Max movie.
Deep inside that army of cops we saw an
limo, and as it tore by I glimpsed the
real George Bush peering
out... scowling, terrified, sweaty, his
little eyes darting about
feverishly, like a baby marmot shot full
of LSD and placed under a
strobe light. He looked scared, and well
he should have been.
The crowd, at this point, was howling and
cursing and giving him
the finger for being such a contemptous
Then the Secret Service goons swept in and told us all to get off the streets.
What I've always wondered is: Did Bush routinely
send his decoy out
in front of him for public appearances,
or only when he was visiting
us crazies out here in Kook Territory?
Has Clinton ever pulled such
a pussy maneuver? Inquiring minds want
to know.
na ga da,
Bo Derek with Wolf the Whore
From: booradley@postmark.net
Subject: Bo the Whore???
Bo Derek is a whore?
I had no idea!
She also speaks worse spanish than Bush.
At the Luncheon yesterday, I swear it sounded like he said
"Gracias por todo sus pollos"
which translates to... Thank you for all your chickens....
From: RobnNet@aol.com
Subject: Hand painted signs?
Hi Bartcop,
MSNBC tonight reporting that those thirty-thousand 'hand painted'
waiting to be held aloft tonight by all those idiot republikens
were painted
by a commercial sign company.
J. Warren
Why would the GOP address the convention crowd in Spanish,
and then prance around like a drunken peacock demanding
English be designated the "official language?"
I think the GOP has the brains of a chimp and
the consistency of warm baby shit.
Clinton Loves Playing Bad Cop
Cheney Shops Like a Woman
(don't write - it's a joke)
Subject: Thirty Minute Speech for Smirk?
From: lind2116@home.com
The American people are going to be stupid enough
to award the most
important job in the world, the presidency of
the United States of America
to Duyua Bush based on a 30 minute speech. Are
we that stupid or is it
that the Bushes are arrogant enough to think
that the American people
are more stupid than their boy?
Well, a thirty minute speech is what you can expect
from a student
who connived a minus C grade without opening
a book.
Shame on teachers who support this Bush fraud.
Grandma, good point.
Nobody has a clue what he stands for, besides bullshit compassion
and no child left behind (if we can afford it AND tax cuts.)
Not to worry.
He's about to be Gored.
Subject: Smirk and the Media
From: KIMGILLIAM@aol.com
You said:
"Isn't there a piece of you that would like to see Smirk win just
to see
the never-ending "what if" cable talk shows grab some innocent
President Smirk did and stretch it a thousand miles in every
using every possible negative connotation and injecting every
sinister motive so as to pout it in the worst light possible
so they can
get their panel of "experts" to discuss the possible outcomes?"
I believe that, since the media are overwhelminging
controlled by conservative
companies, if Smirk was elected (not gonna
happen) he would get practically a
free ride, just as we've seen so far in
this campaign. Of course, if the media
received some leaks about his cock, they
might make an exception.
But, that's not likely to happen, since
Repubs don't have sex
(missionary position doesn't count).
Dave, I disagree,
They are whores FIRST, most and always!
Even if Smirk got in, they still have 24 hours and seven days
each week to rag about something. Shirley, as the months
and years go by, they'll stop clawing at Clinton's cock.
Won't they?
Subject: GOP & Military Readiness
From: MShotzberger@chpk.com
As a retired Army Reserve Officer, I have to tell you a few Stories
on the GOP
and Military readiness based on my experiences over the past
20 years on both
active and reserve duty as both enlisted and, after OCS, commissioned
Lie #1) The Military was ready and capable of fighting the Gulf War:
The Army had to strip the Units left Stateside and Reserve/national
units to gather enough vehicles to equip all the Mobilized Stateside
(both active and reserves). One Active Independent Brigade was
called to
load up for the Gulf but was found to be totally unready to move.
The Army needed 5,000 Volunteer 11B's (infantrymen) from the National
to fill out the ranks of the Stateside Active Duty Divisions
sent over.
Lie #2)
the long interlude between the Iraqi Invasion and the start of the
offensive was to align the political coalition.
Half-truth: The military did not have enough sea-lift capability
to move the
heavy tanks. etc over seas. Most of the Navy's ships were inoperable
at the
start and many of them broke down repeatedly enroute.
Also while the Army had plenty of M-1 tanks, it did not have enough
railroad flatcars to move them to the sea ports! They only had
enough to
take care of the normal factory production and equipment rotations.
About 80% of the Military's heavy flatcars were designed for
lighter M-60/M-48 models. They could only carry one M-1.
This caused massive shipping delays to the ports.
Also the Railroad tracks in the military sea-ports were in such
bad shape,
that they military had to hire every track repair crew in the
State of GA to
overhaul the tracks in two days to allow the trains to move in
with out derailing!
Lie #3) The weapons that the Reagan Admin. deployed won the war!
Damn Lies!
M-1: Deployed during Carter Admin (I was Stationed at ft.
Hood, TX in 1980
when the first Battalion on M-1's became activated
M-2/3 Same as above, but was issued to troops later due to the
many, many
problems with this expensive piece of junk.
Patriot: actually this one dates to Nixon/Ford.
Stealth: the stealth was conceived towards the end of Vietnam,
was on the
back burner until the '72 Mid-East war when SAM missile cleaned
The clocks
of the Israeli Air Force. The Stealth was moved up to assume
the role of
"Wild Weasel" missions (missions to knock out SAM Missile Radar's
Launchers). the Stealth became operational in 1978 (Carter!)
Cruise Missile: Again, Carter
What systems did Reagan Buy?
B-1: was conceived to replace the B-52 in 1982. This expensive
wonder has
spent over one-half of it's service GROUNDED due to safety/mechanical
faults. The B-52 and F-111 did almost all the heavy Bombing.
Varies Expansive "fire and Forget" missiles: Mixed bag. the dust
and dirt in
the field caused them to have greatly less accuracy then claimed.
Also these weapons, when used with the "night vision" sights
killed more
American soldiers then the Iraqi's did!
Also Reagan/ Bush pretty much help arm Saddam during the Iran-Iraq
They provided covert aid to help Saddam fight Iran.
But the main reason we won the gulf War was Saddam was a Moron!
He was fighting a 21st century war with 19th century tactics!
He was fighting a Trench war like W.W.I in the desert with No
No concealment, No Mobile reserves close by, NO Anti-Aircraft
NO Logistical support, and NO aircover!
No wonder we won!
If Saddam had listened to his Generals and let them fight the
he would have still lost, but the body count for US troops would
have been huge!
M Shotzberger
CPT, USAR (ret)
Subject: Tamara and Chinaco Anejo
From: mrte@home.com
You've devastated me once again!!
First you called for a Chinaco shot for the finest gentleman
in contemporary
baseball and I found myself incredulous that you were too damned
cheap to
send him a case.
Now you've gone and done it again.
How many times have we heard you sing the praises of Tamara Baker
and her hard hitting journalistic stylings??
And how many times have you tantalized us with that pugilistic (wishful) pose of her??
Well there's no reason in hell that she should have to endure
the indignity
of sipping second best now......is there?
Not when you're sippin Anejo and driving this......
Subject: 38 Minutes, Applause Included
From: Today's USA Today:
Bush took the stage of the convention hall for a sound check on
what aides
say will be the shortest acceptance speech in recent history:
38 minutes,
applause included.
"Applause included?"
They already know how long the applause is going to last!
Who wrote that line, Joseph Heller?
Mark Twain?
The good people at "The Onion?"
I think the next issue of BartCop should be entitled
"38 Minutes, Applause Included."
Subject: Military wages
From: rick_stump@yahoo.com
I am a former soldier (eight years active
duty with
Ft. Bragg my only permanent assignment. hu-ahh!),
veteran of the Gulf War, a staunch Catholic,
and a
dedicated Liberal. And very little cheeses me
off as
much as Republicans bemoaning the wages of soldiers.
remember very well that the big spending increases
the '80s were primarily for equipment and *number*
With the Gramm-Rudman act stragling us in
the mid-late '80s it was easy to get tanks (purchased
en masse day one of the fiscal year) but the
Act cut
into 'excess' like, say, decent food in chow
light bulbs and heat in barracks, fuel for the
training for soldiers, etc. But the Senator's
got that tank req (good for the economy, you
know) and
soldiers know its a hard life, right? And pay
were ludicrous; as a matter of fact, the Reagan
administration *cut* military retirement pay
for 20
years of service from 50% of pay to 40% of pay
'force' soldiers to stay in for 30 years without
paying them more. That backfired - soldiers got
and got out rather than get screwed. The result?
Republicans blame Clinton for soldiers leaving
for real pay.
Clinton, however, raised pay and returned the
retirement levels to 50% for 20 years. The
Republicans? Well, they ordered over $1 billion
aircraft the Joint Chiefs insisted they a) didn't
b)couldn't staff and c) couldn't afford to maintain.
Well, they planes were built in important districts
(like Newt's) so they were purchased anyway.
It may
have been good for morale (you know, 'let's buy
useless planes but keep pay raises to no more
than 5%
a year, if any' really rallies the troops) but
friends still in were furious.
Another thing - the cuts in troop strength
started by Big Bush while he was still deploying
us to
the Gulf, and Africa, and everywhere else. After
his New World Order would be like Wilson's, but
effective, so we needed fewer soldiers. Of course,
since is is a pilot and Yale man, enlisted slots
a greater percentage than officers (in comparison).
Ron Reagan Disses Smirk
"The big elephant sitting in the corner is
that George W. Bush is simply
unqualified for the job," he said. "He's
probably the least qualified person
ever to be nominated by a major party.
Yes, he was elected governor of
Texas, and before that he ran a baseball
team and lost a lot of other
people's money in the oil business.
But what has happened in the intervening
five years to make people believe he'd
be a good president? What is his
accomplishment? That he's no longer
an obnoxious drunk?"
ha ha
Subject: question
From: bassm@ecn.purdue.edu
Hey, bartcop,
I heard after Lynne Cheney gave her speech
introducing Dick as
a swell guy from Wyoming the band
broke into "Don't Fence Me In."
My question is, was the tune dedicated to Mathew Shepherd?
Subject: Big Story II
From: JDWRods@aol.com
Dear Bart,
I'm not a conspircy theorist, but if all
is correct it's one heck of a story.
If POTUS does have intellegence reports
that back up this story,
will he use them before November 7?
If it's not some form of breach of national
I believe he's got the balls to do so.
"I consider party loyalty as
a form of mental illness"
St Louis Post Dispatch
mini-profile of Marc Perkel, founder of bartcop.com
Marc Perkel, a 1998 Democratic candidate
for Congress, is running
against Ashcroft for the Republican nomination
for Senate.
"I consider party loyalty as a form of mental illness," said Perkel, 44, of Springfield.
Democrats dismissed Perkel two years ago
when he ran against U.S. Rep.
Roy Blunt, a Republican. This year, the
Republicans aren't too thrilled that
Perkel's running under their banner.
A self-described "political opportunist,"
Perkel hoped to secure the GOP
nod for senator if Ashcroft became Bush's
vice presidential running mate.
("It didn't pan out," he said.)
Perkel says he's a fiscal conservative -
he fought against Greene County
sales tax increases in 1987 and 1992 -
but that's about where he draws
the line with Republicans. He supports
Vice President Al Gore for
president, liberalized drug laws and abortion
Check out his Web site and read at length about
his main issue: bad lawyers.
He's not too happy about a messy divorce.
"That's one of my pet issues I have an ax to grind about," he said.
Yesterday, I got an e-mail with a theory I couldn't shoot down.
(This is how the infamous "big" story got started.
When an idea presents itself that can't be dismissed,
it's fun to look into it and see if there's any
substance to it.)
This fellow (I'm going to call him "Braintree" since that's
than calling him "that one guy who started this thread")
had one single sentence in the story that did it for me.
I asked who wanted to look into the story, since I'm unqualified
to get into anything that requires serious attention being paid
to it.
To those who checked in and accepted the assignment,
Read the story linked below.
Braintree told me the "germ" of his idea.
Since I couldn't run with the ball, I asked for help.
Since yesterday, Braintree sat down and put his theory to paper.
Do me a favor, look at the story, check for flaws.
If you can - debunk it.
If the story's false, let's find out right now.
I know what you're going to say:
"Ol' BartCop's gone off the deep end.
He's turned "conspiracy crazy on us."
Fine - answer the question, and I'll admit I'm crazy
If you talked to me yesterday about running with this story,
use his story as a basis to see if there's anything there.
If nothing else, you have a blueprint, a treasure map, to follow.
Maybe it's crap, who knows?
But before YOU call it crap, you should be able to answer the
The big question is in RED.
If you have a problem with the theory - fine.
Just answer the question in RED.
After you read his story, if you want to get deeper into it,
you can find a month's worth of material right
Kevin Cunningham - More than Just Inkboy!
The Philadelphia Story
Exclusive for bartcop.com Readers
You go, girl!
From: STONEJO@dwd.state.wi.us
Subject: You gettin paid off by McCain?
Hey, why have you been giving a pass to
He's a whore just like Bush Baby.
I agree.
McCain is a whore.
For five years, he stood up to unspeakable tortures from the
dirty SOBs of
the North Vietnamese paiun specialists, then he turns around
and let Smirk soap up his XXXX and stick it in his XXX.
With his endorsement of Bush we have the
evidence that
he will say or do anything to get "THE
I already called him a whore, what else do you want?
Stop jacking him off every chance you get.
Why, I never!
ha ha
Admit it, he is a whore just like W.
Also, pay some attention to the real convention this week - The Shadow Convention.
John, why would I want to pay attention to a woman
who spent the 1996 convention in bed with Al Franken?
Perhaps you need a nice cold beer and a fattie...
From: jeffkoenig@yahoo.com
Subject: Dick Armey does a hell of a Dean Martin impression, doesn't he?
Jeff Koenig
ha ha
That was embarrassing.
Where was his wife?
Where were his friends, his staff?
It's Delay's fault.
He had the train car full of liquor out back, on specially
laid track!
Methinks the tax payer got specially-laid last night.
From: JHartke@cvm.uiuc.edu
Subject: Double Standards
Peggy Noonan said:
>Bill Clinton, was the car salesman on
the floor
>when the billionaire came in and bought
a fleet of Caddies.
>He didn't make the car.
>He didn't make the money that bought
the car.
>He wrote up the order and went out
to dinner."
Isn't that a perfect description of how Reagan "won" the Cold War?
ha ha
Letter from a Republican
From: copyman@together.net
Serious (read: effective) political dialog
doesn't rely on unfounded fart-bites from
juvenile minds. I found your site
tedious for its lack of fact, long on invective style.
You can't teach what you can't explain... and you're not very good at that at all.
David H. Millson
1426 Pearson Road
New Haven, VT
Phone/Fax (802) 545-2468
Your first word was your first mistake.
Stay by the phone, I'll call in a little while.
They got a map?
We got a map.
Maps don't mean shit till November.
Celebrity Mail
From: Tamara Baker
Subject: My first shot of Chinaco!
Before Bartcop, I used to think that tequila = paint thinner.
Yesterday, I was walking downtown during
my lunch break when I saw
a Mexican restaurant, "La Cucaracha." I
decided to see if they had
any of the Elixir of Life available.
It turned out that they did, indeed, sell
Chinaco Anejo - but had just run out.
I had to settle for Chinaco Blanco, as
they didn't have any Reposado.
Before I could stop her, the barkeep served
it to me desecrated with salt
and lime. (I asked for some ice water and
put the lime in that.)
Chinaco Blanco is interesting: it still
has that slight paint-thinner edge to it,
yet there's also a very promising buttery
feel that puts it heads and shoulders
over Jose Pisswater. Furthermore, the buzz
from Chinaco Blanco is a mellow,
contemplative buzz; it made me think of
sitting, relaxed, at peace with the world,
talking politics with you, Joe Conason,
and a few other select mortals in the shade
of a large spreading oak tree on a sunny
summer afternoon.
I would have liked to spend a couple hours
just razor-slicing that shot so I
would keep just the right level of buzz
without tipping over into tipsiness,
but duty called (and besides, it would
have pissed off the bartender) and so I
finished the shot in twenty minutes. As
it was, it was probably for the best,
since it helped anesthetize my high-heel-shod
feet so I could make it back to
the office.
I can't wait to see what Anejo is like!
Could it possibly be the "Blue Food"
of which George Carlin spoke, the stuff
that makes you immortal?
Tamara, Yes!
I liked the desecrated part.
ha ha
I had my first shot of Chinaco Blanco about six weeks ago, and
did not like it!
Sure, it was nice and smooth and all, but it tasted like a doctor's
It was just "too alky" and not pleasing to the tastebuds.
Dittoes on the "pint-thinner" edge.
Hoping for Chinaco Anejo and getting Chinaco
Blanco is like you making
a date with Alec Baldwin and having his brother Steven show up.
Sounds like you had the razor-slicing down pat, tho.
When you pay for the best, you should savor every drop.
Someday, maybe soon, you'll try the Anejo.
It's what God drinks.
I'd love to read your review of the good stuff.
From: gfsd2000@yahoo.com
Subject: Quotes of Confusion
Mr. Bartcop-
Interesting site! I'm Not on your side of
the political fence but what the hell,
it is rather interesting to see anothers
point of view....that is
why this such a great country!
Just thought I would point out that in your
Quotes of Confusion that there
have been a few brave men that have lost
thier lives under Clinton's watch.
Remember battle of Mogadishu? Some 18 Army
Rangers & Navy
SEALS were killed on October 3, 1993.
JJ, thanks for the nice letter.
Most of the mail I get from the other side has more consonants
and hyphens
than you used, and I appreciate that.
It's possible in my haste, I failed to be clear.
My usual claim is that Clinton never sent a man into battle who
didn't return.
I remember Mogadishu, but that was a Bush operation.
Rush likes to whine about Clinton turning the military into a
"Meals on Wheels"
charity organization, but it was Bush who sent those men to Somalia.
I wonder, with all his experience, why didn't Bush send APCs
with those
brave men to protect them if things went bad. Did Bush just assume
was going to be fine? Isn't that a deadly mistake for a Commander-in-Chief?
To be fair, there have been men die on Clinton's watch.
Suicides, truck accidents, training accidents etc., but my usual
claim seems
to hold water and it's been holding water for years.
Thanks again for the mail, and let me say something that might
get lost in
my garbled messages: My problems are with Rush Limbaugh. I disagree
the conservative view, but I understand there are differing,
vaild views.
Next time you read some bartcop.com have a
beer in your hand and look
for the humor in the stories. That's why I'm doing this.
Isn't this Perfect?
Clinton Raped Broaddrick
Connecticut Rep. Chris Shays said on a talk radio
show Wednesday that,
based on secret McCarthy-style evidence he reviewed
during impeachment,
he believes Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick,
not once, but twice.
Broaddrick "disclosed that she had been raped,
not once, but twice"
to Judiciary Committee investigators.
Shays says he found the evidence "compelling:"
And Shays voted against impeachment!
And these are the guys who want to bring civility back to Washington?
Y'know, as long as you're making shit up, why not claim he raped you
every day he was Arkansas Attroney General? Wouldn't that make
an even more "compelling" story than just "raped twice."
And wouldn't it be even more "compelling" if Clinton had raped her
while wearing a Batman costume? I feel more "compelled" already.
Gee, seems like it was just last night when we mentioned Lisa Myers,
the NBC whore-for-money who interviewed Juanita last year.
Funny, Juanita would get in front of the cameras with Lisa Myers and
JUST HALF of the story. Remember her 7th version? She said he
told her
to "put some ice" on her wounds where he beat her?
Now, in her 8th version, it's a double rape?
ha ha
Make her stop!
Funny, she remembers that juicy detail about the ice, but forgot the
second rape?
Did this "revelation" show up after being hypnotized?
And Shays, the stupid son-of-a-bitch voted AGAINST impeaching
the "compelling" double-rapist?
This is payback for Clinton mocking Smirk Monday.
This is how the Republican party operates.
If you say our guy in unqualified, we'll say you raped a woman not once,
but we'll say you raped her twice. I don't know how they missed the
bout the Batman costume - maybe they were in a hurry.
Quotes of Confusion
"What are we to make of the past eight years?
I look at them and see opportunities
-- Mr. Excitement, Dick
Oh, really?
Let's try to figure out what the hell Dick means by that.
We have 22,000,000 new jobs, so I guess Dick thinks we
should have had, what, 24,000,000 new jobs?
From which country would we import these extra 2,000,000 people?
I thought you guys were against immigration...
Couldn't hardly get much better.
Stock market?
Well, it tripled, I guess Dick thinks it should've quadrupled.
Drugs use, teen pregnancy and AIDS?
Down, but not not enough for Dick, I guess.
Real wages, savings and new housing starts are way up,
but, I guess, not enough for Dick.
Foreign affairs?
We made peaceful advances in Korea, India/Pakistan, Ireland,
and even the Midele East, but remember...
Smirk's people warned Barak not to make a deal, signaling
could get a better deal if they wait for Smirk to get in, which
sounds like the same way his daddy got in office, remember?
The military?
Well, we have zero combat deaths, so we run into the Barry Switzer
that it's hard to beat zero combat dead. Maybe Dick doesn't like
the technical
people leaving the minimum-wage Army for a wife, a family, a
new house
and 75K to start in the private sector.
Here, Clinton is vulnerable.
ha ha
Maybe if we elect Smirk n' Dick, they could screw up the
economy to where
there are no jobs to go to and these young, talented men would
stay single,
in the Army making shit-wages and therefore build up the military.
By the way, we've heard a lot this week about our fighting boys
having to
eat dog food to make ends meet. Why - I'll bet today Tom
Delay sends
a bill to Clinton to raise their wages and I'll bet Clinton will
sign it.
Opportunities squandered?
The only one I can think of is this ditto-monkey congress spent
two years
fishing around in Bill Clinton's pants for his cock, instead
of doing the people's
business and getting some things done, so yes, Cheney is right!
We need a president who's not so attractive that this congress
they MUST spend their entire term grabbing for his cock, so
I agree.
Vote Smirk n' Dick 2000!
Pretty much every pundit says Cheney took off the gloves and really
tore into Bill Clinton and Al Gore. That's not the way I saw
Maybe I've just been listening to too much Pigboy, Laura &
that prick Hannity, because everything I heard was pretty tame.
By the way, I have another prediction...
In 1992, Gore told that long, sad story about his son getting
by a car or something, I forget, but it was spellbinding TV.
Not a dry eye in the house.
In 1996, Gore told that long, sad story about his sister dying
from those extra chemicals added to cigarettes by Big Cancer.
Not a dry eye in the house.
This year - it's going to be legal abortions.
I predict Al gore will walk out on stage that Thursday night waving
a coathanger over his head asking, "Do we want to go back?"
ha ha
ha ha
Gore could make this his 2000 icon.
Are American women really going to turn the governing of their
collective uteruses over to Jesse Helms, Bob Barr and Tom Delay?
ha ha
Bob Dole's manager could get Gore elected this year.
The Lady Dittohead on PI is Whining.
"The GOP can't win.
We have all white people on the stage,
and we catch shit from the press and
the left.
So we put blacks and gays on the stage,
and the press and the left says we
don't mean it.
The GOP can't win with you guys."
Hey, Lady!
The trick is to intermingle with blacks and gays more than 4
days a year.
Of COURSE you look like a bunch of pandering whores.
Rush, your leader, has spent the last 8 years mocking gays and
blacks to pull the bone out of their nose, and now you want to
why nobody believes that your party is sincere?
You can't be that stupid - you just can't be.
Here's how it works:
Five years after Rush makes a sincere apology, and not
one of those,
"I'm sorry you're so fucked" apologies, THEN we'll let you off
the hook.
You've already lost this election and the one in 2004.
But if that disgusting, vulgar Pigboy comes out right now with
a sincere
apology that isn't done in baby-voice or with "Lollipop, Lollipop"
in the background, THEN you can have a shot at 2008.
...and that's the way it is, so get used to it.
Now get out of here...
I have a Question
Were the performers onstage the last three nights chosen for their
Or were they chosen because of the color of their skin?
Were they hired because they were the best that could be found?
Or was there a quota that needed to be filled?
Were they picked because of the content of their character?
Or were they picked because of how it would look on TV?
I was lying, I don't really have a question about that.
And if you have any brains, you don't have any question, either.
These performers were picked for the same reason Clarence Thomas
They were quota picks, the exact system the GOP is fighting to
young black men and women from attending college and getting
Can you keep a secret?
If I was the GOP, I could admit the truth and justify it and
get out of trouble.
But the GOP doesn't know how to justify the fact that they use
so they LIE and say a guy like Clarence was qualified, they lie
when they say
Uncle OJ Watts has a clue about anything that goes on
in Washington,
and they lie when they hire 188 minority performers to pull off
a charade
so the stupid voter (read 80 percent) thinks they might've changed.
...and the whores in the press continue to push Smirk because
they're certain
Gore will crush his clumsy, incompetent ass and that makes a
better story than,
"Gore looks like a winner" six months before the election.
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