The Philadelphia Story - Final Chapter
...and a special "Thank You" to Christian Mitchell for
putting up with the elements,
putting up with possible arrest,
putting up with rude, greedy Republicans,
putting up with not being able to get on the GOP Booze Train,
just to file these special reports for you, the reader.
A shot of Chinaco for Christian Mitchell, film producer
By the way...
El Pigbo is at Busch Stadium tomorrow, (that's Busch with a "C")
hurling out the first pitch. The game is on FOX, so everyone
should get it.
Not only that, but St Louis is playing Atlanta, so it should be
on TBS or TNT or whoever carries Braves games.
Why should you watch?
It's Battery Day!
I'm pretty sure Clinton carried Missouri both times,
so when they introduce the Nazi whore,
you may get an accurate poll representing his notoriety.
If all we hear are cheers, we can blame strategic placement of
microphone so the Cardinal's guest isn't embarrassed like he
should be.
The game starts at NOON CST.
(For readers in
Hungary, South Africa, Netherlands, Sweden, Argentina, Italy, Ireland,
Austria, Germany,
Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, United
Kingdom, and Mexico, check your local listings for the correct time.)
You don't have to watch the whole thing.
Just try to catch the public's reaction to a real, live Nazi
Just watch from 11:55 to 12:05.
If you dial up Monday, and see
a screen grab of
that lying bastard laying on the ground, bleeding from a head
from a rusty "D" battery, you'll say, "Damn, I wish I'd seen
that live."
From: (Can't Tell)
Subject: Great GOP Quote
BC -
On KMOX Radio this morning, some reporter
they sent to Philly was doing a
wrap-up of the Rainbow Republican Convention,
and was talking to
Congresscritter Roy Blunt (R-Whitetrash,
MO) and the subject of Smirk's
intellect came up.
Blunt said, more or less: "you don't want
to have your leader be the
smartest guy in the room" .
Why would you want a president that is so
dependent on other people's brains
that he can't decide things on his own?
Why WOULDN'T you want a leader who
can take advice, listen to information
and then make a decision that everybody
KNOWS is good because he's the
smartest SOB they ever met?
Why WOULDN'T you want the smartest
guy available?
What possible advantage is it to have an
intellectual lightweight on the job?
Sounds to me like they're already trying to cover their mistakes.
SteveW in St. Louis
You going to the Cardinal's game tomorrow?
If I was to, ...uh. buy the batteries, and, ...uh, ...
from the mind of BrainSmasher
Smirk Speaks With Forked Tongue
If you had trouble understanding what Smirk said last night,
I've found a universal translator like they use on Star Trek.
Cheney Caught Telling Big Fat Lie
Contrary to the overly emotional picture painted by Snarl in his
at Nazi-Con 2000
there are no crosses in Arlington National Cemetery.
The Snarl closed his big speech with a moving description of the
helicopter ride
he used to take from Andrews Air Force Base to the Pentagon when
he was
Secretary of Defense, covering for Smirk daddy's foreign
policy fuck ups.
He described the emotional power of the various monuments of Washington,
in the order the chopper flys over them,
ending with the famous military cemetery that abuts the Pentagon.
"Just before you settle down on the landing pad, you look upon
National Cemetery...its gentle slopes and crosses row on row,"
Cheney said.
"I never once made that trip without being reminded how enormously
we all are to be Americans, and what a terrible price thousands
have paid so
that all of us...and millions more around the world...might live
in freedom."
But Cheney's memory is as sound as his heart.
The graves in Arlington are marked with white headstones, rounded
at the top.
Sorry Dick
Subject: Totally Psycho
I saw this on the MSNBC Current News Bulletin
Board tonight...
This guy is totally psycho though, but
then again, aren't most Republicans?
Wondering how you would have responded.
In the enclosure Valerie sent, some guy rants on and on with about
10,000 of those same, old allegations we've all heard 10,000
How would I respond?
I'd point to the Barry Switzer Factor, (formerly "Most
Ethical Administration")
explained above
Until a single felony guilty plea or felony verdict come in,
it's ABSOLUTE PROOF that Clinton is more ethical than
On top of that, Clinton hasn't given or accepted any pardons,
and you
have to go back to IKE to find a GOP administration that can
say the same.
Sure, you can stomp and spit and shout, but facts are facts.
Great Smirk Quotes
I didn't -- I swear I didn't --
get into politics
to feather my nest or feather my friends'
-- Smirk-o-Rama, in the Houston Chronicle
Subject: The New Republicans ?
After twelve years of the Reagan-Bush era, and six years
of Newt's
insane ditto-monkey controlled congress, we're supposed to believe
the Nazi right wing has transformed into a "kinder-gentler" Nazi
right wing,
who embraces all minorities, the elderly, gays and everybody
they've had a fun time beating up on?
The shots of minorities,disabled people and children adoringly
at Smirk during the convention was sickening, too. It was almost
a perverse version of the movie "The Lion King", where the antelope,
cheerfully singing, line up to be the lions' next hot lunch.
I found it particularly enraging when Smirk offered to
"take off the gloves,"
so to speak, because he didn't like some of the comments the
had made lately. After eight years of some of the most vile,
mad dog, foaming-at-the-mouth, dirty, underhanded tactics ever
seen in
politics were dumped on the Clinton-Gore administration
by the GOP,
Smirk is going to take off the gloves?
Better keep your mouth piece in, Smirk!!
ha ha
Let's get in on!
Remember, backback is a bigger bitch than Lynn Cheney.
Subject: The
Most Ethical Administration in History
Dude, I NEED numbers and sources to back
this stuff up!
I can't argue things like this with the
goobers at work
if I can't cite facts, figures and sources.
The thing that pisses me off the MOST about
being a leftie is that we can't
ever seem to get ORGANIZED. Every
site I go to (like yours) is filled
little more than rants (like yours - magnificent
tho they are...).
These are great for blowing off steam,
To do that, I need good, solid, factual
arguments with authoritative sources
that I can cite for reference.
THIS is why the Repellicants keep KICKING
OUR ASSES - because they're organized!
They may be quoting bogus statistics, but
they're consistent.
They ALL quote the SAME bogus statistics.
Sorry for the rant, but please - where the
hell can I find the stats to back
up the "The Most Ethical Administration
in History" story?
J. Yaeger
J, relax.
You're going about this all wrong.
Always remember this:
The strong take from the weak,
and the smart take from the strong.
You back the guy with zero felonies.
You don't have to do any work at all.
I can only tell you how I'd handle it:
First, I'd pour a shot of Chinaco Anejo.
Then I'd hand-roll a small cigarette.
I'd do the shot, then take a looong, smooooth drag off the fattie,
then I'd show those goobers at work this jpg.
That takes care of Reagan and Bush.
Then remind them that G. Gordon Liddy alone has six felonies.
He brags about it all the time on his radio show.
That takes care of the Nixon Administration, and Ford
pardoned him so we'd never know how deep it went.
Then I'd do another shot of fine, luxury tequila,
take another looong smoooth drag off the fattie,
and ask them to put similar proof of Clinton's guilt in my hand.
ha ha
It's so fucking easy when you're on the right side.
Got a free afternoon?
Zogby's Always Right, right?
Zogby, who Rush says is "Always right," shows
Smirk with 41 %
Gore with 38 %
This is as of 7/31, "pre-bounce."
Subject: Smirk-speech
This guy is Eddie Haskell personified.
"Golly, Mrs. Cleaver.. I would never
that would harm our precious natural
Sorry Smirk.
That record you so love to brag about tells
us otherwise.
This line alone will guarantee that Smirk
gets at least one vote
from both California and New York... Leno
and Letterman.
Worth Repeating...
"He's probably the least qualified person
ever to be nominated
by a major party. Yes, he was
elected governor of Texas, and before that
he ran a baseball team and lost a lot
of other people's money in the oil business.
But what has happened in the intervening
five years to make people believe
he'd be a good president?
What is his accomplishment?
That he's no longer an obnoxious drunk?"
"The defining moment for me was his Karla
Faye Tucker smirk,
joking about a woman he would put to
death. No adult would ever do that.
It wouldn't even cross the mind of a
grown-up to joke about something like that."
--Ron Reagan
Saw it in some e-mail:
Celibacy in 2000:
No Bush-No Dick
Great Idiot Smirk Quotes
I wish I knew the law,
that would make people love one another,
...I would sign it.
...that idiot, today.
An Open Letter to the Snarl
by James Higdon, Online Journal
Permanant link, after OnlineJournal pulls it
Subject: Smirk Speech
Is there anywhere I can get a copy of last
night's speech?
I want to keep a list of all those promises.
Today's USA Today, Page 8A.
By the way, I've been too busy to check lately,
but yes,
Houston's air is STILL rated UNHEALTHY!
Lars Erik Nelson Hits a Triple
See all those black faces on the podium at the Republican convention?
Five months ago, they would have had a hard time voting in the
Carolina primary.
The Boston Globe printed a "Do it Yourself" GOP Convention
Thanks to
Subject: Paying off the Debt First
From: Marc Perkel
It's interesting to see the Democrats and
Republicans stealing each other's
political ideas this year. While the Republicans
are touting "Compassionate
Conservatism" the Democrats are considering
a "Contract with America" type
strategy in committing to pay of the national
debt by the end of the decade.
The idea being that if America elects Al
Gore and a Democratic congress,
they will pay off the national debt by
I personally like this idea and wish the
Republican Party would make the
same commitment. The children of the baby
boomers are going to have a hard
time paying for Medicare and Social Security
and paying the interest on
the debts left over from the 1980s at the
same time. The only way these
programs are going to be affordable is
if we pay off the national debt first.
Paying off the national debt first may be
the winning issue for the Democrats
because its an issue that had broad appeal
crossing party lines, racial
lines, and religious lines. Paying off
the national debt shows fiscal responsibility
and strengthens the economy. Even the most
conservative of Republicans
would have a hard time resisting the appeal
of a debt free America.
I'm afraid that if the Republicans stay
with tax cuts for the rich and
don't match the Democrats commitment to
pay of the national debt first,
that the Democrats will score a big win
in this fall's election.
Editor's Note:
You ever notice how Perkel's letters are always to the point,
they don't attack anybody and it's always a common sense?
No wonder he gets published so much.
Forced Genital Fondling
Laura the Martyr had a hissy fit yesterday over "forced
genital fondling"
of five-year olds in Knuckledrag, Oklahoma.
Funny, I read the paper here, I've never heard of this.
The Martyr said she had a link on her Web Site of Hate, so I searched.
Well, I found an editorial, not a news story.
Gee, look who the author is - John Whitehead.
Is this the same Paula Jones lawyer from the Rutherford Prostitute?
The same guy who went after Clinton's cock?
Why is he writing editorials about children's genitalia?
Does he only take cases that involve a penis?
Of course, when you read the story, he failed to mention what
were involved, making it pretty goddamn hard to track down, so
I called
the Tulsa World, the heavily-Republican (is there another kind?)
and talked to a Wayne Green.
He said there was "an element of truth" to the story.
He said if it happened, it happened "two or three" years ago,
and what exactly happened isn't clear. I guess it's hard to get
an accurate
account when dealing with children between the ages of three
and five.
Wait a minute.
Do three, four and five-year olds go to school?
I started school when I was five, but I was an "exceptional"
How many three year olds are in public schools?
What the fuck is this story about, anyway?
I remember when I was in Catholic grade school, we had "forced"
physicals where the doctor grabbed your balls, (if you had any)
and asked you to cough. Sure, I remember a little terror being
but when you're a kid, almost everything is scary, right?
Anyway, the lying, slut-whore, Queen of Hate Radio made it sound
like this was an ongoing, everyday part of life in Knuckledrag.
Why did she even bring up the subject if it "alledgedly" happened
two or three years ago?
Because Dick Cheney voted against Head Start years ago, and the
wants everyone to know that Head Start is full of perverted adults
who can't have
normal sexual relations so they travel around the counrty kidnapping
and forcably stripping and fondling them to get their jollies,
all, of course,
with the expressed backing of the Bill and Hillary devils.
That's why everyone should vote for the
Smirk and the Snarl.
...and if you DON'T vote for the Smirk & the Snarl, it most
likely means
you have an underlying, latent urge to travel the country and
kidnap young
children and forcably fondle their genitals, you sick bartards!
Laura, why don't you take your big Black & Decker vibrator,
yeah, the one with the kick start, and a pile of biker magazines
and rent yourself a quiet no-tell motel room and get yourself
The country would really appreciate it.
Subject: Fiscal Resposibility and Tequila
Haven't tried Chinaco Anejo
due to budget concerns
(its $50 a bottle in Cincinnati),
but was wondering if you've tried
Tesoro Anejo.
It's 'only' $30 a bottle, is made from 100%
blue agave,
and seems to have the wonderful non-Cuervo
winelike qualities
that you rave about Chinaco
Just a thought.
No problem with El Tesoro.
It's a little "fruity" for my tastes, tho.
(No slur intended for gay readers of
However, it is 100% blue agave, so it's very real.
Obviously, budget concerns count.
One can't drink Chinaco Anejo every day (sob!)
Tell you what: Your next birthday, or New Year's, anniversary,
buy a bottle of El Tesoro and a bottle of God's
Take a sip of the El Tesoro, then a shot of room
temperature water.
Then do a shot of the Chinaco Anejo.
Now, don't throw the El Tesoro away!
It's still good for margaritas.
ha ha
Of course, it's just a matter of personal taste.
You could well prefer the El Teroso, no crime there.
One of the most fascinating things I've read lately is the connesiuer
descriptions of the different tequilas. Each fine, luxury lequila
has 6-8
hints of weird flavors in them, such as pear, apple, pepper,
Don't know if I already mentioned this, but for the really important
it's best to err on the side of caution. The last two nights
I've been
comparing Tres Generaciones, by Souza, and The
The tres has a flavor I can't put my finger on.
It's a musky, buttery flavor, but I can't nail it.
Interesting tho, after a sip of the Tres, I can
sip the
and suddenly
the flavor of salt came forward, which I've never tasted in it
That was a real treat.
The only way to enjoy these different fine, luxury tequilas is
to "A-B"
them and dump the one you like the least into your margarita.
So, for the next special occasion, try the Chinaco Anejo.
I predict you'll write to me afterwards :)
Boy, that Drudge is always on top of everything.
I wish I could be more like him.
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