ABC Forced to Apologize for John Stossel Lies
The ABC television network apologized for a February 4 report
20/s0's John Stossel where Stossel lied his Limbaugh-worshipping
ass off
about radiated foods so he could skew the facts away from logic.
ABC said Stossel relied on "inaccurate information" provided to
by others, which is typical corporate double-speak for "We got
ABC said it was still deciding what Stossel's punishment will
"This wasn't an 'oops,' and it wasn't someone else's fault," said
an environmental group who caught Stossel's big, fat lies.
"Stossel knew there were problems with the test results,
but he chose to go on the air with it anyway."
Ediotr's Note:
Pigboy regularly singles out Stossel for "honest" reporting.
Subject: Gang Rushing a ditto-monkey chat room ...
JM, Bartcop,
JM great letter to Bartcop
...Bartcop great responses
..... I liked the Idea at the end of gang
rushing a ditto-monkey room.
Lets get this set up and planned.
The times work ok for me but what room????
Christian Adams
I'm game, but if we "rush" a ditto-monkey-controlled room,
we'll get the thrill of making them throw us out, not much more.
It's not my favorite or anything, but the "Washington Watch" rooms
on Yahoo might be the most accessible, and they don't have a
Any suggestions?
New Dr. Laura Parody Page
She deserves it...
From CNN
Four times as many voters say that Lieberman makes them
more likely to vote Democratic than who say he makes them less likely
-- a much higher ratio than Cheney received.
Since her husband left her,
life hasn't been good to Paula Jones.
ha ha
Subject: Kiss the Car Goodbye
Smirk and Snarl's "bounce" evaporated last
It's now a dead heat.
Gore has nowhere to go but up.
Can you say "landslide?"
All the best,
I regret I have but one car to give to my country.
Philly Suspect Didn't Shoot Cop
PHILADELPHIA — An officer whose gunshot wound led to a frantic
chase and a nationally televised police beating of the suspect
was actually shot
by another officer.
Charges of attempted murder and aggravated assault against suspect
Thomas Jones
were dropped yesterday after ballistics tests indicated he did
not shoot anybody.
Jones is still accused of carjacking, robbery and fleeing police.
Philadelphia District Attorney Lynne Abraham said the shot was
by Officer Cedric Gaines as he and Livewell struggled with Jones.
"My client has always maintained he didn't have a gun," said Jones' attorney, Blake Berenbaum.
Jones, 30, was initially pulled over for allegedly driving a stolen
car. He then drove off in a
police vehicle. Later, a television helicopter videotaped officers
kicking and punching him
during his arrest. Jones, who had been in critical condition,
was released from a hospital yesterday.
The image of Jones being dragged from a bullet-ridden police cruiser
by a crowd of cops who
kicked and punched him eclipsed Philadelphia's polished image
as a renaissance city less
than three weeks before Nazi-Con
2000, which ended last Thursday.
From: (withheld)
Subject: Lieberman
I'm glad you got over the Lieberman pick.
I have no problem with Lieberman, he was mostly an unknown,
and it's hard to gauge the racism level in America.
Besides, (I'm a liberal, I have an excuse) remember that
you're getting instant analysis, which almost by definition
is a knee-jerk.
Most "pundits" have hours and hours to read everyone else's opinion
before they state their own. Some, like Capital Gang or McLaughlin
have days before they "go out on a limb."
Stroke Me, Stroke Me
"If Al Gore really picked up 17 points in one day,
that's not good news."
ha ha
Maha-rushie, losing his walnut-sized brain...
This reads like a joke.
Peggy Noonan without the hate?
Is it for real?
Can this woman formulate a non-hate sentence?
Is Bob Shrum good for Gore?
Isn't he a little too much like BartCop?
Isn't he a little too abrasive?
Isn't he a little too combative?
I like the guy, but maybe he should be behind the scenes.
Monday, Larry King said Prescott Bush, namesake of P Bush,
and Smirk's granddaddy, founded Planned Parenthood.
Can I get some confirmation on that?
I have it on tape, he definitely said it - no mistake.
President Bush was pro-choice until that one afternoon
when Reagan
asked him if he'd have any qualms about screwing those women
out of
their rights for political gain.
Before the "n" sound from "gain" faded, Bush said,
"Fuck those women! I want on that ticket!"
ha ha
The World is not enough...
Pigboy's in a REAL bad mood today.
That means I'm in a REAL good mood.
ha ha
Pigboy's going to have to eat another one!
Subject: Al Franken Rules!
Today's Gore VP announcement is a little creepy,
....let's see....AL Franken...1999...the very
funny book "Why Not Me?"
AND "Franken Picks Lieberman as His
Running Mate"!!
Al Franken is a genius,not to mention brilliant
for envisioning the
"First all Jewish ticket since Reconstruction"
Gore is merely playing catch-up.
The man deserves some respect
Last night, C-Span ran a tape from 99 where Lieberman seemed like
he was into the Manachevitz (sp) and he was talking about what an honor
it was to be chosen Franken's VP.
By the way - VCR Alert!
Al Franken on Dave tonight!
Seems like the only VCR Alerts that work are repeats.
Saturday's Pigboy Battery-fest was a washout.
Fox screwed the whole thing up, but I don't know how.
I tuned in before noon, nothing was happening,
so I turned the VCR to "record" and waited.
At noon, the Fox Sports boys came on and said it was raining
in St Louis, and they were temporarily taking us to another game.
Since it was recording, I went to the store for some cookout treats
As I got into my car, less than a minute after Fox's switch,
the car radio
had Mike Shannon calling the second Cardinal batter at the plate.
So, K-Drag didn't get to see any of the vulgar Pigboy.
Then came Monday's USA Today, Rudy Martske's column.
He said maybe MNF did the right think dumping the race-baiter.
Rudy said Fox let El Pigbo call part of an inning.
Rush seemed VERY nervous, he said, then this:
"Well, here we are in the seventh inning, I mean sixth.." Pigboy
Rudy said it was actually the third inning.
ha ha
Sure, anyone can get nervous, but Mr. 30 years of broadcast excellence
can't tell within three ininngs where the goddamn ballgame is?
Then Rudy said the others laughed at Rush's fuck-up.
ha ha
Then Joe Buck said Al Michaels was probably happy not having
El Pigbo
hogging the microphone because he never let the others get in
a word.
Subject: Right Wing Power
What did the Republicans do in a few
that the Viet-cong could not do in
five years??
...make John Mc Cain ROLLOVER.
That's damn true.
The STORY we were fed was
that those dirty Viet cong
hung John McCain by his broken arms to try to break him.
...but he said, "Eat me."
If that's true, if McCain had the mental and physical strength
tell his POW torturers to fuck off, why did he turn into
a little girl
when Smirk brought out his branding iron?
Conservative Bigots Go Shit-Crazy
I'm hearing from a lot of people who, like myself, had a negative
first impression.
After a few hours of discussion, I felt better
After seeing the new poll data, a feel a LOT better.
A USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll Monday night after Lieberman's
shows that Smirk's lead has almost disappeared among registered
Bush's lead was reduced to 2 points, 45%-43%, in the poll that
included Lieberman
on the Democratic ticket. That's down from 19 points among
registered voters in a USA
TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll Friday and Saturday.
Subject: Happy Anniversary
It's the 26th anniversary of Nixon's resignation.
What was his crime again...consensual sex?
...or perversion of the entire Executive
...and don't forget, it took a pardon to bury the truth forever.
Clinton never needed to give or get a pardon.
Notice that both Smirk and Gore reached
waaaaaaaaay out to the right for their running mate.
Gore -> JoeL
Smirk ->
Gore picked a centrist.
Smirk picked a fall-off-the-chart right-winger.
The xxxx's are the undecideds.
Why Gore Wins by Eight
by Jeff Makos
Traficant Dislocates Brain on Hannity
Subject: 'Ol Joe and CNN
Mr. Cop,
On CNN, every other word out of their mouths
was "Jew."
Then they interviewed his Rabbi.
If this wasn't a matter of religion before
- it will be.
CNN is doing everything they can to make
this a religion thing.
They are whores, trying to increase their audience, that's all.
I couldn't agree with you more about getting
rid of "the book".
It's been the reason for more wars, intolerance
and hate than anything else in history.
I went to the CNN chat room and was astounded
by all the hate for Lieberman
there. One idiot actually called him the
murderer of Jesus (the baseball
player or the "son of god" - I'm not sure
which). Then, a pin head asked me
why he should vote for a democrat.
The room moderator started on me about my
He asked "exactly how many jobs has Clinton
I said about 20,000,000.
He asked, "Exactly 20,000,000?"
ha ha
I love those kinds of arguments.
That's how "Suck me," got into my debate
Actually, the job total is over 22,000,000
Course, you could always counter with, "I
don't know exactly
how many blow jobs Clinton got, so maybe
he didn't get any."
I said "approximately."
That was a bad move for me.
Because if I couldn't say "exactly" how
many jobs he created, he didn't create any.
He asked "don't you care about the bad
moral behavior of my president?"
I had to say no, it's none of my business
- his job performance
is more important to me. Bad thing to say.
Everyone in the room jumped on my
back and started calling me a traitor and
a communist and a member of the
party of hate. In a fit of panic, I asked
about the Reagan/Bush multiple felonies
and low and behold - I was thrown out of
the room.
Why would you go in a room controlled by
a ditto-monkey?
Try the Yahoo chats, they don't have "hall
What's happened to CNN? This was the last
vestige of "slightly closer to the
middle" journalism left to me in the media.
On the other hand, I still think that Gore
couldn't loose this election if
he tried and I can't wait for the debates.
Let's pick a time, like Mon-Wed-Fri at 3PM EST
and a bunch of us will join a ditto-room and cause trouble.
Every sentence one of us types, the other 15 could say,
"That's a great point, and it's so true, too."
ha ha
They'd pull their hair out.
Great Republican Quotes
"Niggers are the beasts of the field.
Faggots should be killed.
But Jews are the worst.
They're the Devil."
Daniel Carver, KKK-Man on Stern, reading from hid book, the Bible.
I wonder how the LA She-Thing will react to the Liberal
picking an Orthodox Jew to run with?
The poor Harpy!
She HATES Gore, but now he's done something she likes?
Yahwee, give her guidance.
P Bush - Burglar
George P. Bush, nephew of Governor Blow Monkey was the subject
of a 1994
Miami-Dade Police report for Burglary and Criminal Mischief.
The 24-year-old rising star of the Republican Party was home in
the Kendall area
of Miami-Dade County because he was on winter break from Rice
The Police Report says P broke into the Killian area home of his
It also accuses him of driving his Ford Explorer through two
front lawns, doing an
estimated $300 in property damage.
The Police Report, obtained by 7 News, says the family of Bush's
declined to press charges, no doubt after getting a check from
Smirk Daddy..
Bush is currently campaigning for his Uncle Smirk.
P plans to attend Law School at the University of Texas later
this fall.
You see?
The minute a little fame comes his way, the press searches his
past and
finds his arrest records. We know they've found Smirk's arrest
so what are they waiting for?
The more I think about it, the more I like it.
Even Bill Bennett was unable to say anything negative about Lieberman.
Gore's put them in a box.
I love it!
Y'know, this is the last Monday this year without three hours
Dennis Miller and a football game. That's good news.
Miller has 2 more Friday shows, then guess what?
Starting August 18th, Chris Rock is back!
That's good news, too
Subject: You're Scaring Me!
Are you really worried that Gore's going
to lose now
just because he picked Lieberman?
Every talk show I've heard today and every
TV commentator
I've heard has essentially said Gore couldn't
have picked
a better VP candidate if he tried.
Come on, buck up, little camper!
ha ha
...buck up, little camper...
And stop it with those negative waves!
Besides, isn't the cocaine arrest photo
and hopefully and heretofore unseen
little brown one (Bush Sr.'s description,
not mine) still to be found behind
Shrub soon? That oughta make things fun,
Don't go car shopping just yet, buddy!
Dave from Sacramento
ha ha
No matter what, it's going to be fun.
The worse it gets, the more fun it'll be, too.
The first thing I said was I didn't know much about Lieberman.
After hearing 10 hours of debate, it seems like he's bulletproof
when things turn nasty in the next 90 days.
I wonder...
Does this mean Gore is taking the high road?
ha ha
He better f-ing not!
Just kidding.
But I feel better about Lieberman than I did.
I'll still bet on Gore, but no more five-to-one.
ha ha
As far as the Jewish thing?
It seems particularly funny to me.
I know less about Jews than I do Lieberman.
The only Jew I've ever heard speak is the LA She-Thing!
But what's funny, is Christians and Jews calling each other crazy.
Once again - they have a different book, so we must kill each
...if you don't have a book,
you don't have a problem.
The book is the problem.
If there was no book,
Christians and Jews would have to invent a different reason to
hate each other.
Same for the Shiites and the Sunnis,
the Catholics & the Protestants.
No book?
No problem.
Subject: Lieberman
I wonder if NAME WITHHELD who was complaining
about Lieberman, is one of those "closet
anti-semites" he speaks of.
It's surprising how many so-called "liberals"
harbor such bigotry
to think Gore shouldn't choose Lieberman
'cause he's Jewish.
I have heard alot of Gore supporters complaining
this choice and that's one of the reasons
they give.
These morons are worried that the anti-semites
will disapprove,
they think Gore should pander to bigotry.
This is the 21st century, this should no
longer even be an issue.
And they call the GOP bigoted.
Laura, since JoeL is the first Jew offered up,
there's no telling what the voter's reaction will be.
You sound optimistic, like you think people will say it doesn't
We all hope you're right.
What we need is Archie Bunker to explain the race heriarchy.
Are there any Jewish Republicans?
They have one gay representative, and one black representative.
But are there any Jewish Republicans?
By using Archie Bunker's race heirachy,
we might find out that blacks are number 2.
Let's say Hispanics are number 3.
Do they have Hispanic Republicans?
That leaves what?
Jews, gays Puerto Ricans and gypsies, right?
They have a gay rep, so maybe they're number 4.
So are Jews 5, or lower?
That's the part I don't get, how to figure out where the
Cro-Mag mind ranks Jews compared to the others.
...maybe Rush will explain it tomorrow.
Bottom line, by picking JoeL, Gore is asking,
"How racist is this country?" and I'm afraid of the answer.
Watching Patty Hearst, of all people on PI.
Patti says, "This is a very racist country."
Thank you, Patty.
It's hard to believe she can be that normal after being kidnapped,
tied up, taken away and held for ramsom.
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