Demo-Con 2000
Good evening, and here we go...
Sorry we're starting so late.
One of the rottweillers ate a neighbor kid, it took a while to
Well, I guess the first thing we should do is run down the check
and see what last minute loose ends need to be tied up.
We will do these in order of importance, in case some news breaks
and we're stuck here at the computer and can't get away.
1. The Chinaco.
Yes, at lunch today I snuck out and drummed
up God's Finest Tequila.
Still a tremendous bargain at $31.95 and change
at K-Drag's Parkhill Spirits.
(They have CASES of Casta Weber Azul Reposado stacked in the
and they were selling it for $38!!!
(Regular $54 in K-Drag, $75 in Las Vegas)
You remember the Casta Weber Azul?
Casta Weber Azul Reposado came in second to
Chinaco Anejo at the
First Annual Great
Rio Tequilafest
What a fine time that was...
But hey, why buy second-best and pay $7 more?)
So I was able to secure Chinaco Anejo bottle with
hand-written #L000339AA00007.
It was the first batch right out of the barrel
- that's a good omen for tonight!
I've poured my first shot, .....ahhh, .....that
sweet smell...
Ok, now that we've run thru the checklist, let's check the channels.
Tucker (Please Don't Kill Me) carlson and Jake Tapper and their
are doing a by-the-book primer for ditto-monkey wannabeess on
On the MS Network, Tom Brokaw is trading face time with Tim the Whore.
Gore can't win. Gore can't win. Gore can't win. Gore can't
Gore can't win. Gore can't win. Gore can't win. Gore
can't win.
Gore can't win. Gore can't win. Gore can't win. Gore
can't win.
Gore can't win. Gore can't win. Gore can't win. Gore
can't win.
Gore can't win. Gore can't win. Gore can't win. Gore
can't win.
Gore can't win. Gore can't win. Gore can't win. Gore
can't win.
Gore can't win. Gore can't win. Gore can't win. Gore
can't win.
What's this?????
Slow speed chase?
I'm not sure, but I think OJ has hijacked Gore's limo!!!
Karen Hughes says Smirk agrees to FIVE debates.
That sure seems like a mistake.
If I was that stupid, I'd want fewer debates.
ha ha
Hughes just said she was outraged the Cock Hunt was cranked up again, so to speak.
"It's terrible, it's just not right!"
ha ha
Knock it off, lady...
Who's this guy?
Isn't that Duddy Kravits, or something like that?
I don't remember his name, because I'm anti-Semitic.
CNN has somebody...looks like the vulgar Pigboy!
Oh, that's right.
Rush is an insane clown.
He's such a funny entertainer, nobody would ask him to comment
on a serious event like a political convention.
No, that's Karl Rove, Smirk's brain.
He's says he's outraged that they'd make a move on Clinton's cock today.
Of course, he says the best way to prevent these kinds of sex scandals
future administrations would be to elect George W Bush because he has
no cock.
ha ha
Hey, Karl!
If I'm ever in trouble, don't help me, OK?
Goodwin and Safire say "Gore has no chance."
It's a good thing MS was able to Scarfe up some independent
Y'know, when she talks baseball, she hides thatNazi half really
Still haven't tasted the Chinaco, I've just been sniffing it.
I'm going to wait until I hear something really stupid to do my first
and then I'll just sip-sip-sip the rest of the night, unless
things go really bad.
...are they running more commercials than usual?
Sure seems like it,
8 PM
The President Elect is in the building!
I sure am wanting to do that first shot.
I guess if I want to hear something really, really stupid the quickest,
I'd better hurry over to the Fox Whore Network.
It's exactly 8:02, let's see how long it takes them...
They've gone an entire minute, so far, without saying something really
I'm impressed.
Hey, you guys!
Let Brit Hume talk!
OK, Brit Hume said the Democrats are unhappy that people often use
the word "choice" instead of "abortion." He says the NOW gang gave
buttons with the "A" word instead of "Choice."
Well, we have a situation...
What Hume said is probably correct, but it WAS stupid, so...
A funny Lazio commercial.
"Help Rick the Lick with a donation today. Hillary has untold millions
and we can't stop her without your help."
ha ha
She's going to smash him like a bug...
She's going to stomp him like a cigarette butt...
ha ha
Ladies and Gentlemen, you're looking at the smartest Republican
in the state of New York that has never been caught cheating
on his wife.
What else would explain throwing a 26-year old boy up against
Christy Hefner on Fox Whore Live
She's smart - and sexy, too.
It figures her mother was a nice lookin' old broad.
She must get her looks from her, instead of her dad.
Instant Celebrity Mail
From: American Politics Journal
Subject: Doris Kearns Goodhead
"Y'know, when she talks baseball, she hides thatNazi half really well."
Let's see Brokaw get Doris to talk about
haw she gave LBJ those
oh-so-tasty hummers beneath the Oval
Office desk.
Hmmm... you don't suppose she
gave Monica any pointers now, do you?....
ha ha
Go Dave!
Y'know, I got several e-mails saying they had no TV, and were
counting on NPR and to get the
convention news...
ha ha
Remember, you can't always believe what you read...
ha ha
Coming Next!
Tipper Gore with the Grateful Dead, I think -
or maybe it's the Airplane, one of them...
I had a thought...
If you send me e-mail during the show, put "NOW" in the header
so I can jump in & out of the mailbox, and don't send a book!
Till tomorrow, anyway.
The other Gore daughter, Kristen - the responsible one.
Wait, is she the daughter who shot JR?
Knowing she's the sane one, and her older sister is the wild one,
makes the other more more attractive. (All
men are pigs.)
Are you ready for this?
Oh. Mr Greenfield! says Tipper sat in on drums with the Dead at a concert.
Ok, here we go...
She's going to introduce the man who they say needs a knockout
to win this fight.
We're watching history unfold before our eyes.
Did you hear Rush's great
idea for a Gore entrance?
Since it's Hollywood, have
the sounds of choppers drown out everything,
then set off flashpots and
smoke bombs and have Algore slide down a rope ladder
like he's repelling off a
helicopter, greasepaint under his eyes and M-16 in hand.
Hey, I'm hoping that'll happen
and Pigboy got word leaked!
Uh-Oh, a movie...
I guess after Clinton, that's standard from now on.
ha ha
Gore, the simple farmboy
Tipper! Come quick!
Al's cheating on you with some babe!
Call Hardon Kenny!
Call Hardon Kenny!
He might be having sex!!
How could he!
After all we've just been thr...
That's Tipper?
Hey, she's a babe in that picture.
Nevermind - Sorry about the cheating thing, Al.
If Al's due to come on at 9, does that mean this movie lasts another 17 minutes?
ha ha
Al Frankengore
Ok, the waiting is over, it's time to see our future.
Go Al!
He even looks a little like Steve Young, doesn't he?
Al, I have two words for you:
Choice and Choice!
Use the hammer, Al.
No, the BIG hammer.
No, the BIG hammer, the one on the end..
Yes, that's the hammer to use for CHOICE!
Did he just say he loved Tipper since prom night?
Does that mean what I think it means?
How old is Koretta?
ha ha
Just kidding, don't write - sheesh!
Hey, he started early...
Mentioned JoeL, that's good.
Mentioned Clinton - that's better!
A List!
Go AL!
Hey, Al just quoted Ol' BartCop!
"They say it was the people's work that made us prosperous,
but weren't you working hard a few years ago, too?"
ha ha
Go ahead and use that, Al.
Anything I can do to help, good buddy!
ha ha
C'mon, Al, get revved up a little...
"I am NOT satisfied!"
Good line, keep saying that.
"I am my own man!"
Tell them, Al!
Tribute to Mom, that's always good...
"I was always proud to wear my uniform in the Army!"
ha ha
Unlike those two GOP draft-dodgers, he
The environment,
a strong suit for Gore.
Go Al, hammer them!
ha ha
Gore just promised "No more colonias if I'm elected."
Smirk, how could you???
ha ha
Hey, Al, what about choice?
I don't understand the timing.
Is he going to talk for 45 more minutes?
Finance reform, that's good - for a builder, maybe..
...I'm not getting anything to make fun
If Gore wins, I think the treehouse will
be starved for laughs...
ha ha
"Sixty two cents is NOT the kind of change I'm working for!"
ha ha
Is this it?
Is he ready to talk choice?
(Wow, just checked the mailbox. Hi.)
Civil rights, and Affirmative Action, yeah, good steps towards choice, Al!
A nod to gay rights, hate crimes are bad,
something that idiot Smirk would never
ha ha
Crime is down, paychecks are up!
Crime is down, paychecks are up!
Crime is down, paychecks are up!
Smirk is down, Democrats are up!
Drug-free and gun-free?
Did you see Meathead applauding?
I like what he's saying, but they say he
needs a knockout.
Are we seeing a knockout?
ha ha
He's from Possum Hollow?
"I still believe in a place called Possum
...ahhhh, the soooooth taste of Chinaco
There aren't enough "o's" in smoooooth
to do it justice.
I feel compelled to tell you about it,
like some well-meaning religio-nut.
"We've GOT to win this election!"
Get rriled up, Al!
"We're all imperfect"
A shot at Clinton?
Just kidding...
"I won't ever let you down!"
I think that is a shot at Clinton, ....which ....he ....deserves...
...and then it's over.
Well, we have seen history live before our
Did Gore change anything?
I don't think he got a knockout, but did
he need one?
My first impression of the news of
the night is Karen Hughes saying
Smirk has agreed to be bitch-slapped five
times, and two for JoeL/Heartattack.
That's hueueueueuege news.
When two boxers negotiate a title contract, they negotiate things
the size of the ring. The plodding puncher (Foreman) wants a
small ring
and the dancing master of the sweet science (Ali) wants a big
so he can move and dance and ride his bike.
Smirk wants more rounds?
ha ha
Smirk's OK with a big ring?
ha ha
Hey Al, Make him stop!
ha ha
Wouldn't it be fun if the Richard Dunn factor swung this
Nah, God wouldn't allow it, ....cause it's too perfect!
ha ha
"Sherman, let's step into the Time Machine."
"Ok, Mr Peabody."
In 1988, at Bush's convention he repeated
the cliche, "Stay the course"
so many damn times I thought I was going
to spew.
The Gore folk had to know that.
Why would Gore intentionally avoid saying
He said things like that, but never used
those words.
I think people are really, really stupid,
many more stupid even than myself.
I think people need the message in as few
of small words you can make it.
"Stay the course" is short enough for people to remember.
Do you remember the famous SNL skit where
Carvey was doing a great Butch
in the debate skit answering, 'Stay
the course" to every question.
Jon Lovitz was doing Dukakis and, frustrated
that his answers were always smart
and on-target and all of Butch's answers
were "Stay the course," so Lovitz looks
into the camera and says, "I can't believe
I'm losing to this guy."
Red Alert!
Red Alert!
This is no drill!!
I just checked my counter, and it seems
I've sufferred a massive
drop-off in hits in the last 15 minutes,
and that worries me.
Either I posted a really off-color joke that really pissed off a lot of people,
...there's a massive, nationwide Kool-Aid
party in the Democratic Party!
There wasn't a comet flying by tonight,
was there?
C'mon, it wasn't that bad!
He's still going to win.
Apparently that Santa guy thinks so, too.
Remember, he wanted to make a friendly
bet with me.
I agreed, fully, with common-sense business-accepted
safety provisions
and I've yet to hear back from him.
Perhaps it's a little colder at the North
Pole than usual?
Is it my imagination, or is Bernie Shaw swooning over this speech?
That ugly feeling just popped into my head again.
Yesterday, I got an e-mail at work that hit me like a rock.
Made me think of MLK, RFK, JFK
It would've been fun to hear them speak at this convention.
But no.
Live , Raw and Un-Edited Reaction
Fred Barnes - It was reactionary Liberalism, nothing more.
Mort Kondrake - A bunch of tax & spend, tax & spend
Peggy Noonan - He played to his liberal base, that's all.
Candy Crowley - They don't see him as a leader.
George Will - The speech was insufficiently superfluous.
Dick Stone - My wife likes it hard and deep.
(The old-timers
from 96 will get that one.)
Brit Hume - Typical liberal claptrap.
Candy Crowley - I'm dry
Bill Schneider - He should've said, "I'm not Bill Clinton."
Carville on Leno - coming next!
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