Volume 265 - If It Walks Like a Duck...

 September 12-13, 2000  Pt 2

 After the Clinton-Hosebag debate, I stayed around to hear some MSNBC analysis.
 They must've watched a different debate from the one I saw.

 Thoughts on tonight's big debate

 What about your husband's cock? What about your husband's cock?
 What about your husband's cock? What about your husband's cock?
 What about your husband's cock? What about your husband's cock?
 What about your husband's cock? What about your husband's cock?
 What about your husband's cock? What about your husband's cock?
 What about your husband's cock? What about your husband's cock?
 What about your husband's cock? What about your husband's cock?
 What about your husband's cock? What about your husband's cock?
 What about your husband's cock? What about your husband's cock?
 What about your husband's cock? What about your husband's cock?
 What about your husband's cock? What about your husband's cock?
 What about your husband's cock? What about your husband's cock?
 What about your husband's cock? What about your husband's cock?
 What about your husband's cock? What about your husband's cock?
 What about your husband's cock? What about your husband's cock?
 What about your husband's cock? What about your husband's cock?
 What about your husband's cock? What about your husband's cock?
 What about your husband's cock? What about your husband's cock?

 Hey Tim, how about a tasty chicken sandwich?

 I can't tell you what you saw, but I can tell you what I saw.

 Lick's handlers told him that "early" was the easy part of the campaign.
 Lick's handlers told him this was only going to get a whooooooooole lot worse.
 Lick's handlers told him he needs a knockout TONIGHT to win this fight.

"We're not gonna raise $100,000,000 dollars just so your incompetent ass can lose to that
 murdering dyke from the hills of Arkansas. You win this goddamn debate - and you do it tonight,
 or there won't be a fucking tomorrow for Rick the Lick."

 Lick's handlers told him to be (1) aggressive, (2) forceful and (3) rude.
 He went for a knockout with every punch, swinging wildly every time he thought
 he might've seen a shadow, and, sadly, ...at times when there was no shadow.

 ha ha

 This was on free TV.
 Can you believe that?

 ha ha

 Back to Rush Junior...

 Do you regret misleading America? Can we have your apology now?
 Do you regret misleading America? Can we have your apology now?
 Do you regret misleading America? Can we have your apology now?
 Do you regret misleading America? Can we have your apology now?
 Do you regret misleading America? Can we have your apology now?
 Do you regret misleading America? Can we have your apology now?
 Do you regret misleading America? Can we have your apology now?
 Do you regret misleading America? Can we have your apology now?
 Do you regret misleading America? Can we have your apology now?
 Do you regret misleading America? Can we have your apology now?
 Do you regret misleading America? Can we have your apology now?
 Do you regret misleading America? Can we have your apology now?
 Do you regret misleading America? Can we have your apology now?

 Again, she was Barbara Stanwyck on The Big Valley!
 She refused Timmy's gutter-slumming style of politics.

 Debate Styles

 When Tim the Whore asked about education, Hillary said:

 "Tim, we need smaller classes, we need to push for more qualified teachers,
  we need a better-connected network between the state and federal governments..."

 But when Tim the Whore asked The Lick about education, he said,

 "Tim, my opponent's record is terrible.
   Honor and trust are important, Tim.
   Arkansas is a very poor state.
   I was born and raised in New York.
   My oldest friends are in New York.
   I can tell you which subway goes through Brooklyn."

 Then Tim attacked Hillary again - with Clinton's cock.

 "You said everyone in America who criticized your husband was part
   of the vast right-wing conspiracy.
   Joe Lieberman was one who was critical.

   Since Joe Lieberman criticized him,
   was Joe Lieberman in on the vast right-wing Conspiracy, too?"

  (Critics = Conspirators is a nutjob-Timmy-leap.)

 I would've coached Hillary to say,

 "Tim, you rotten, cheap-shot prick-bastard son-of-a-bitch, loser.
  I never said  ALL my husband's critics were part of a conspiracy,
  and you can't be so goddamn stupid as to think that I actually said that,
  so I'm compelled to ask the obvious question on everybody's mind,

  ....who's paying you to be a partisan whore-bastard in tonight's debate?"

 All critics MUST, by definition, be involved in "the conspiracy,"
 is that what you're tyring to sell America, Timmy?

 Nobody ever said that.

 ha ha

 You couldn't win fair, so you fucking lied and cheated!
 That means WE WIN, because you conceeded when you cheated!
 Timmy couldn't trip a blind amputee!!

 ha ha

 Timmy is Hamilton Burger without the winning streak!

 ha ha

 That's a Pigboy debate tactic, used when the other side can't answer.
 Make shit up - and pretend it's true, if the other guy doesn't have a microphone.

 That Tim the Whore is earning his wings tonight, isn't he?
 Timmy is David without a goddamn slingshot.

 'scuse me, I need a thirst quencher...

 Back to the debate...

 The Lick started every answer with an unnecessary, nasty personal attack,
 and Tim the Whore joined in like a drunken frat boy at a frat-house train.

 "Tell us about youre husband's cock, Mrs. Clinton.
   You have 30 seconds."

 I would've coached Hillary to say,

 "You leave my husband's cock alone, Mr Russert.
   A man your age should have different hobbies!"

 ha ha

 Swear to Koresh, if the Demos weren't so flush with winners right now,
 they'd have to let Brainsmasher, Perkel, Sabutai and Ol' BartCop run campaigns!!

 ha ha

 Back to the debates...

 Funny, all night, Rick the Lick and Tim the Whore were holding Hillary responsible
 for everything that's happened in the last goddamn eight years while, at the same time,
 calling her "an unknown with no record to stand on."

 Hey, Gop!
 I got a retort for that, too!
 But Hillary is too much of a lady, OK?

 Remember the great line some smart person wrote for Smirk Daddy
 at the big Reagan-passes-the baton-to-Smirk-Daddy convention of 1988?

 VP Butch said,

 "I'll take ALL the responsibility for the failures of the Reagan era
  if you give me HALF the credit for the successes."

    (I'll bet that was written by a liberal-turned-Reagan conservative like PJ O'Rourke)
    (Crowd went ape-shit.)

 That's a great line Hillary could've used tonight,
 but instead, she played it smart, ....calm,  ....low-key...

 Here this, ... this, ...this Lazio teenager, spittin' n spoutin' about his n' that,
 while the First Lady was being very dignified and somewhat amused at his attacks.

 Hey, obviously you can't trust me on this,
 but I say she smoked his young ass.

 ha ha

 Every Hillary answer started with,

 "I've always said that we should change the system by..."

 and Lick started every answer with,

 "I can't believe my outrageously outrageous opponent actually said..."

 I'm sure Rush and Laura and George Will and Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly
 and Peggy Noonan and Brit Hume and Phoney Snow and Michael Medved and
 "We-never-lie-no-matter-what Fox News," will say The Lick won,

 and shit, the good people of New York might buy that...

 ...if they're as stupid as this man thinks they are.

 ha ha


 ...Senator Clinton.

VCR Alert -Tonight's Hillary/Lick debate is on MSNBC at 10 PM EDT,
  Thanks to Sean  hdquarters@fund.org

  Update  (see below)


 MSNBC will air HRC's debate tonight, although not live.
 Tune in at 10PM ET or check your local listings.

 Catch a live audio feed on the net through NYC's local NPR affiliate.
 Their live feed begins at 7 PM ET. Click on the following:



 ha ha

 From: quasit@anonymous.to

 Subject: I Don't Understand

 I was listening to W. on the radio today, and I'm confused.

 We know that George W. is one of the greatest men alive today.
 He must be, because he's been nominated to be President!

 He's also very smart. He has to be, to have produced the "Texas Miracle" --
 as I understand it, he's increased production of airborne particulate matter,
 undereducated children, corporate funeral home profits, and uninsured children
 ENORMOUSLY during his short (but sweet) four years as Governor.

 I don't have the exact figures on the increases, but I hear they're almost as big
 as the money he  earns  with no strings attached from Big Business and Big Oil.

 And he got into Yale, one of America's greatest colleges, entirely on his own!
 I hear he even delivered papers (the Weekly Standard) to pay for his tuition.
 At the same time he worked night and day helping minority children, even though
 their parents were voting against his Dad. Now that's generosity!
 And despite all that, he got the highest GPA ever awarded at Yale.

 Anyway, the reason I'm confused is because when W. was talking on the radio
 about the subliminal "RATS" ad, he kept saying "subliminable". He said it over and over.
 I can't figure out why he did that!

 He MUST be able to say the word right -- he's a Yale man! And even if he never came
 across the word before, I'm sure his brilliant assistants (the ones who are going to help him
 run the country) would have easily been able to coach him on it.

 Heck,  can say it. Even Tim Russert can say it!
 Sub-lim-in-Al.   How hard can it be?

 Was it a joke?
 If it was, it was too intellectual for me -- but then I'm not an Ivy Leaguer.


 Ask BartCop

 In a news briefing yesterday, Sen. Trent Lott (R-White Hood) said that
 "paying off the deficit is the best thing we can do for our children".

 Does it then follow that the Reagan/Bush quadrupling of the deficit from
 $1 trillion to $4 trillion was "the worst thing we can do for our children"?

 Dennis Courtney

 Dear Dennis,



 From:  (withheld)

 Subject: Curious about something

 Rush has been saying for nearly a year that Hillary Clinton would
 drop out of the race unless she was guaranteed to win.

 She hasn't dropped out yet.

 Does that mean that she is guaranteed to win?
 Or does that mean that Rush is an idiot?

 ha ha

 Wish I'd thought of that...

 From:  hauglie@HUMnet.UCLA.EDU

 The LA Times has the Bush RATS ad on its website.

 In an accompaning article Mark McKinnon, Bush's chief media strategist,  states,
 "I challenge anybody with 20/20 vision that they actually see that (RATS) at normal speed."

 It's so obvious even a Major League umpire could see it.


 ha ha

 Thanks - that was great.

 Great GOP Quotes

"The central conceit of the Bush campaign is that George W. Bush
 is so personally attractive that partisanship and ideology and
 passing judgment on Bill Clinton are unnecessary burdens for him to bear....

 Bush's route to victory is not through personality.
 If there is one, it's through ideology and contrast and partisanship."
   -- Bill Kristol, Quayle's former Chief of Staffe

 More Great GOP Quotes

 "Second-hand smoke doesn't kill."
   -- the vulgar Pigboy, third hour today.

 Rush, do us a favor and keep repeating that, would you?
 And, if you would, every time you tell us how harmless tobacco is,
 could you also mention that Smirk is smart and honest?

 ha ha

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