You are such a fucking okie, snot blowing
fool, idiot.
It makes me laugh.
The point of the site is humor, some don't
understand that.
You write your website completely in response
to Rush Limbaugh's show.
All you do is denounce him as an idiotic
lying scumbag, yet you use his show
for everything that is on your site.
"Everything," might be an exaggeration,
don't you think?
The actual title of the website is "Rush
Limba - Lying, Nazi Whore,"
but we low-key that because of the heavy
hits the children give us.
If you truly hate Limbaugh don't listen,
but you can't help it because he is right and you know it.
You also know that he has more power than
you could ever dream of. He gets between 20
and 40 million (yes, million) listeners
a week. I bet you could not get that many hits in 10 lifetimes.
The truth is, Rush has almost 4,000,000
listeners a day.
Laura, Harvey and Stern all have more listeners
than Rush.
If you have a problem with that math, talk
to them, not me.
True, that's more hits than I get, but
I wasn't born into a wealthy family
where my daddy owned a radio station for
me to be banished to
whenever he got tired of seeing my fat-piggy
ass in a dress.
If you truly hate Rush, which I know you
don't because you obviously listen religiously,
you would stop writing his paycheck with
your listernership.
That part is true.
The money fairy appears everyday and, when
she sees me listening to
Herr Pigboy's show, she magically puts
money in his bank account.
You're right about that.
If it were not for Rush you have nothing to rail against.
Tell me, what does Rush do all day?
If not for the Clinton Miracle, there'd
be no Pigboy.
However, I am happy that you will have President W. to rail against.
I should be so lucky!!
Please, God, make it so!
Being that your dumb fuck of a candidate,
Algore, cannot tell the truth no matter what is,
or is not at stake. What kind of
dumb fuck thanks a group of people for their endorsement
by lying to them about falling asleep to
a union song when he was a child, when the song
was not written until he was 27?
A fucking douchebag, that's who. Algore!!
You have the wrong song, spoon-fed to you
by the vulgar Pigboy.
The song Gore referred to was written in
By the way, did you know others might see
what you've written?
You seem to have a low regard for accuracy.
...and your language is unbecoming a Christian
ditto-head, but then again,
I'm used to "Christians" being at the bottom
of the cultural barrel.
Keep filling Rush Limbaugh's pocket Bart,
it shows that you,
and all liberals are idiotic, brain-dead
slugs that will miss Clinton forever.
The wheel has turned, and it is time for
them to go!!
The only way I could be feeding Pigboy is
if I was buying Damp Rid.
You, apparently, think you have proof that
I've purchased Damp Rid.
I, and my dozens of readers would like
to see said proof.
P.S. You said that Rush's site disabled
your back button like a porn site does.
You are a liar, I read that and went directly
to his site so that I could try to go back to yours.
My back button worked, you have a shitty
Well, it's a brand new IBM, so you could be right.
I dare you to print this one Bart.
I should get a medal for having the courage to print your letter.
My e-mail says that your readers want more responses from you!
P.S.S. I'm just kidding. I'm really a fan
and just wanted to get mentioned on a great site
like the one you have. I like you so much,
I'd enjoy giving you oral sex.
You're the best.
Dear Dave 4602
Thanks, but I'm hetero, and I'm married.
From: (withheld)
I read and write you to help preserve my
sanity after I talk to my dittosheep
father. The brains ran on my mother side.
I don't listen to Rush but I can
tell what he has been saying by what my
father has been saying.
The good news is the dittos have conceded
the election. My dad was saying he
likes Bush hopes he doesn't get elected
because the next four years are going
to be gloom and doom because of the accumulation
of 8 years of Clinton,
regardless of who is pres.
The main reason for all this gloom and doom
is the oil crisis. It is all of
Clinton/Gores fault because they had the
EPA shut down dirty refineries, so
even if we drill in Alaska we can't refine
1. I thought we imported crude.
Don't we then refine it here? It seems
pretty risking to ship gasoline.
Sounds like a made up bunch of shit to me
but I know Cheney about the oil business.
2. Dittodad says there is as much
oil in Alaska where the damn liberals won't
let us drill. Again, I don't know Cheney
but I know Rush makes this shit up.
3. Dittodad says the can't do America
would take five years to get EPA
compliant refineries up and running so
America will have a five year
blackout. Why do the dittoes always say
Americans can't achieve. Why do they
have such little faith in the American
people, business and know how.
Finally, he tells me because of all of the
doom and gloom we are going to
have in the next few years to divest from
equities and get into cash
position, but Gore is lying when he says
investing in the market is risky.
Hello, is there anybody in there.
Is any of what he is saying true?
Are we shipping gasoline from Saudi Arabia
and we don't refine imported crude
here in America?
Is America so incompetent and lazy that
it would take five years to get
refineries on line if the above is true?
Is it a scientific fact that there is as much oil in Alaska as in Saudi?
New Mexico Dave
Dave, Click Here, and all will be revealed.
Subject: confusion
hmmm, i must say, i don't "get" your website?
do i need to think Elton John is a stud
and/or Ellen Degeneres a
representative sample of America to get
it seems mostly like a lot of "Oh yeahs?"
and "So there's".
Kinda disappointing, i was hoping
for some interesting INFORMATION.
(you know that boring factual stuff, interspersed
with interesting commentary)
Hannah Columbia
Hannah, isn't intended to be a refernce site,
tho some use it as such.
If the thought of Elton John and Ellen Degeneres upsets you,
you're probably the type who needs the most.
Perhaps you'd feel more comfortable at
He doesn't like them, either.
By the way, was it Montana where they tied Matthew Shepherd to
the fence?
You were right about one thing, tho...
I have 277 Issues of ""Oh yeahs," and "So there's."
So I'm reading my Brill's Content, I think it was, and I saw
an ad for the Washington Post National Weekly Edition.
"FIRST FOUR ISSUES FREE," it said, so I signed up.
Turns out it's nothing but a bunch of cock-grabbin' horseshit.
Is there not one newspaper in America that doesn't thirst for
Clinton's cock?
I wrote "Go to Hell," on the bill and mailed it.
Let them sue me.
Great Show Biz Quotes
"When you look up 'Republican' in the dictionary,
it's located between 'reptile' and 'repugnant.' "
-- Julia Roberts, a
leg-up girl.
Stroke Me, Stroke Me
Pigboy just said, "If Saddam doesn't
cut back on oil prices,
it will prove Saddam wants Gore to be president."
Hey, Rush, let's talk about Iraq for a minute.
And I'm not even talking about Bush's Great Blunder in 1990.
Remember the USS Stark, Rush?
I do.
In the 80's Iraq blew that boat out of the water, killing 37
Under who's watch did Saddam get those Exocet missles, Rush?
Under who's watch did Iraq get those Mirage jets, Rush?
Who stood by and watched Iraq obtain weapons so advanced
that the US Navy had no chance to stop them?
Tell us, Rush!
The USS Stark
[¶23.] The attack by an Iraqi Mirage jet
on the USS Stark during the Iran-Iraq war is
in many ways similar. On May 17, 1987, the Stark
was on routine patrol in the Persian Gulf
to protect neutral shipping. At about 8:00 a.m.,
a long-range U.S. electronic warning and
control aircraft (AWACS) picked up an F-1 Mirage,
positively identified it as an Iraqi aircraft,
and passed the notification on to U.S. Naval
units operating in the Gulf.12 A little after 9:00
that morning, the aircraft was picked up as an
unknown on the Stark's radar, at a range of
about seventy miles.
[¶24.] Under the Rules of Engagement then
in force, the Stark was not compelled to wait out
an attack. Three days earlier, an Iraqi aircraft
had come within forty miles of the USS Coontz.
The Coontz not only transmitted an interrogation,
it turned broadside to the aircraft, unmasked
its radars, armed its chaff dispensers, and mounted
an anti-aircraft missile. The Mirage
eventually closed to ten miles, but never turned
toward the ship (it went on to attack a tanker).
[¶25.] Once the Mirage had closed to less
than seventy miles, the Tactical Operations Officer
(TAO) of the Stark was tracking it continuously.
When the aircraft closed to thirteen miles, the
Stark identified itself by radio, and requested
identification from the aircraft. A second inquiry at
a range of eleven miles also brought no response.
At about 9:11, the operator of electronic intercept
equipment aboard the Stark reported that it had
been locked onto by the aircraft's fire control radar.
[¶26.] When the TAO discovered the lock-on
by the Mirage's radar, he immediately started to
bring the ship's Phalanx close-in gun system
up. He also requested a lock by the ship's air defense
radar. However, the attack was coming in over
the port bow, and the primary radar was blocked
by the superstructure. At 9:12, the TAO ordered
a secondary radar brought up, but before it could
be activated an Exocet missile hit the ship,
severely damaging it and killing thirty-seven aboard.
A second missile impacted shortly thereafter.
Who ultimately bears responsibility for these 37 lost souls, Rush?
What's the fastest way to get into Hell?
I'd imagine this is.
Have you seen that new show on the History Channel called
History's Greatest Military Blunders?
I keep waiting for them to get to Reagan's Bungle in Beirut
and Bush's massive blunder that caused the Gulf War,
but so far haven't seen either one.
This is the one show where Clinton will never have a story.
To this day, Clinton has never sent a man into battle who didn't
come home.
Nobody else can say that.
First It Was Frogs…
Then we find out how the compassionate
conservative Bush,
got his jollies as a child:
"So when he was a kid, George W. enjoyed
putting firecrackers into frogs,
throwing them in the air, and then watching
them blow up. Should this be
cause for alarm? How relevant is a man's
childhood behavior to what he
is like as an adult? And in this case,
to what he would be like as president."
[Baltimore Sun, Sept. 12]
"Cruelty to animals is a common precursor
to later criminal violence.
But in rural West Texas, where George W.
grew up, it was not uncommon
for some boys to indulge in such cruelty."
"His blowing up frogs or shooting them with
BB guns with friends does not have
the same significance it would have if,
for example, a city boy blew up the family cat.
In fact, George's childhood friend, Terry
Throckmorton, openly and laughingly admits,
'We were terrible to animals.'"
Remember, Jeffery Dahmer started the same way.
The dirty horse molester, Paul Harvey, is at it again.
He wants to know why Algore is suddenly so goshdarned concerned
about using the surplus to give seniors free prescription drugs.
Paul Harvey wants to know why Gore didn't get to this eight years
Hey, asshole!
Eight years ago we were all drowning in an ocean of red-ink
left by the ultimate failures of trckledown Reagaonomics.
You see, Mr. Horse Molester, it took a few years for Clinton to
the TWELVE years of spend, spend, spend that Reagan pulled on
The word "surplus" was never even used between 1953 and 1998.
Did one of your captive horses kick you in the head?
ha ha
Now, the Weasel King is stalking Nethercutt, the lying sombitch.
Smirk Daddy started it all?
A Political Witchhunt the Media Misunderstood
The Whitewater Charges Originated in the Bush
White House
Whitewater prosecutor Robert Ray wouldn't
answer Jim Lehrer's repeated question
Wednesday night: Since there wasn't enough
evidence to indict the Clintons, should
the case have been brought in the first
place? Not my job to make that judgment,
Ray kept saying until Lehrer, after five
tries, finally stopped asking.
Ray did manage to several times that he
had "insufficient evidence" to indict, and that
the case was delayed by unmeritorious White
House litigation, leaving the case open
to the undying suspicions of conspiracy
theorists and Republicans.
"To report any findings at all [such as
insufficient evidence and the alleged delays]
is unusual and inappropriate," said George
Washington University law professor, Steve Salzburg.
Meanwhile, Texas Governor George W. Bush
floats above it all, saying (wink, wink)
he "will restore dignity and integrity"
to the White House. Sworn testimony shows,
however, that it was his own daddy who
was responsible for the original charges
against the Clintons. In the final weeks
of the 1992 election when the polls showed
President Bush losing to Governor Clinton,
the Bush White House, including White House
counsel C. Boyden Gray, colluded with banking
investigator L. Jean Lewis to make public
a criminal referral that named the Clintons
as potential "witnesses to" and "beneficiaries of
"criminal wrongdoing in the failure of
an Arkansas savings and loan.
Of course.
Bush wanted everyone to look at Clinton so nobody would investigate
why Bush had to
throw the 1992 election so he could pardon the Reagan crooks
and hide his crimes.
If I'm wrong, show me.
Lennon's Killer Seeks Jail Release
ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) _ The man who killed John Lennon says the ex-Beatle
would want him released from prison. Mark
David Chapman has almost finished his minimum
sentence of 20 years in prison for the
slaying of Lennon in 1980, and will have his first parole
hearing Oct. 3. Chapman is serving a life
sentence at Attica Correctional Facility.
In an interview to be aired on Court TV the day before the hearing, Chapman
he thinks Lennon would have wanted him
to be set free.
``I think he would be liberal, I think he would care,'' Chapman said.
``I think he would probably want to see
me released.''
Elliot Mintz, a spokesman for Lennon's widow, Yoko Ono, said he
has no idea whether Lennon would have approved
of parole for Chapman.
``John would have loved to have been here to speak for himself,''
he told Tuesday's New York Post.
Chapman, in his first public remarks in eight years, says he
wants to be released to start a new life.
``The mental illness is over. I often sit, particularly lately, and think,
`Gee, I'm 45 years old, and I'm a living
human being,''' Chapman said.
``Who knows when I'll get out? But I'm
alive. I'm breathing. I'm eating. I'm playing guitar, singing.''
During the interview, excerpts of which were published in Monday's Rochester
Chapman described how he killed Lennon
when the musician and his wife, Yoko Ono, were coming
home from a late-night recording session.
``I grabbed the album I had leaning against the rail and I said 'John,
would you sign my album?'
He said 'Sure' and wrote his name and he
handed it back to me. He looked at me and nodded his head
down and said 'Is that all you want?'''
Lennon disappeared into a waiting car with his wife.
When Lennon returned to his Manhattan apartment building later
that evening, Chapman approached him from
behind and fired five bullets.
``It was a ruse,'' Chapman said.
``I really didn't want his signature, I
wanted his life. And I ended up taking both.''
This piece of shit should get out right after Sirhan does - in the year 2100.
(I've never been in prison, so I hope too-afraid-to-leave-his-name
will forgive me for having an opinion
on a prison matter.)
I saw your piece on how the Clinton administration
is the most ethical in history?
Can you tell me what members of the Bush
and Reagan administrations were
convicted of felonies? I am arguing with
some right wingers on the Jim Rome
smack chat board. You can join in the fun
too if you like.
The URL is
Hangman, nice addy.
I didn't even know Tanya Harding had an org.
ha ha
I am the wrong person to ask for the list.
The list does exist, Poindexter and Mcfarland and others were
convicted and did time, I think.
My main bitch with GOP crimes is the crimes Bush PARDONED AWAY
before we knew
exactly what the facts were. Bush pardoned everybody BEFORE
the facts came out.
But we fully understand because Clinton's cock was not involved.
If someone knows of a URL that gives the conviction list, I'd
print it because
it'll keep coming up again and again. BTW,
would probably be a real good place to start.
From: Too scared to leave a name
Everytime you open your yapper about the
music business,
you prove yourself to be a total moron.
(see below)
First, you go on about guitars and guitar
players, but you can't even play one.
Now you want us to believe that the beatles
had poor management.
Sorry, idiot, the beatles (Lennon and McCartney)
are almost alone among
artists in that they retained the publishing
rights to their original songs.
The reason Michael Jackson owns them now
Excuse me, how is that possible?
You JUST SAID they retained the rights
to their songs, idiot.
The reason Michael Jackson owns them now
is because McCartney sold them
years ago for huge dollars. Since
you have no idea what you are talking about,
you might want to shut the fuck up.
One of us is crazy.
I'll bet on you.
McCartney didn't sell a goddamn thing to the child molester.
How stupid could you be to even suggest that?
In the early 70's Linda's daddy told the Beatles it'd be a good
idea to sell
everything they owned for (I think) a mere $6,000,000 which must've
seemed like a lot of money at the time.
Whoever bought them sold them at an auction years later.
Michael Jackson outbid a desperate Paul McCartney for
his own goddamn songs,
causing a rift between the two old friends that exists today.
The first thing that whore Michael Jackson did was sell the songs,
one by one,
to Madison Avenue so they could use them to sell fucking cheeseburgers.
Jackson made untold millions by selling his friend's most cherished
possessions, the dirty shit.
McCartney is crying to this day over the bad advice Linda's daddy
gave them
You are the moron, the too-afraid-to-leave-your-name moron,
who has no goddamn clue what you're talking about, but thanks
being such a faithful reader of
Pigboy Gets One Right
He says Marion Jones, the fastest woman (by far) in the world
shouldn't be
tarred with the sins of her husband.
Rush cheered Lazio for saying Hillary was guilty by association.
He is a lying Pigboy displaying slective outrage.
Someday, I'd like to be in a position to make him pay for that.
He's going on and on saying "they" are accusing Jones because,
"She HAD to know."
Pigboy sees that as an outrage, but somehow Hillary should've
her husband was being blown by an intern?
If Hillary knew, no way she'd be on the Today Show putting comments
on tape
that some disgusting shit like Russert could use in an ambush
against her
while she's being watched by millions of people.
Pigboy knows Hillary was innocent.
He just enjoys beating up women, getting even for his fprmative
when no woman would look at him until he got his millions.
Some good Begala I missed:
Paul Begala Shoots the Bull
The long national nightmare is over.
After eight years of hounding by the press,
tens of thousands of news stories,
six years of Independent Counsel
investigation, countless Congressional Committee
hearings and probably well over $100 million
the Whitewater case is closed.
The President and First Lady have been cleared on all counts.
Those of us who said eight years ago that
Whitewater was nothing more than a
failed land deal are vindicated.
Those, both in the media and GOP partisans,
who hinted, suggested, smeared, accused,
denigrated and maligned the Clintons
have been proved wrong. I suppose
I should feel gleeful. Instead I just feel sad and
sickened that our country and the First
Family were put through so much hell for so long.
Now it's time for a character test: those
who accused the President and First Lady
owe them an apology. On last night's
show I asked Rev. Jerry Falwell if he would
apologize to the Clintons. He not only
declined, but he went right back into attack mode.
That's a shame. In the heat of partisan
combat we all say things we later regret, and
given the irresponsible journalism that
has always surrounded Whitewater, I can understand
why some on the right were foaming at the
mouth. But now that the truth is out, now that
the President and First Lady have been
cleared, it's time for their accusers to take
responsibility for what they have done
to the First Family and the country.
Let's keep a lookout for the first conservative
with the guts to apologize and ask forgiveness.
Let's also look for any journalists, editors,
pundits, commentators and editorial writers who are
willing to admit their error and say they're
sorry. We've seen the President apologize for his
mistakes more times than I can count. Let's
see if his critics are as big and as courageous as he is.
Don't hold your breath.
Editor's Note: If the Clintons had just confessed to "Whitewater,"
in 1995,
we never would have had to go thru the nightmare of the last
few years,
but I guess the Clintons just refused to put the interests of
the country first.
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