Hero of Yesteryear Needs Your Help
Christopher Ruddy
Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2001

NewsMax.com’s readers can help right an injustice and even help save the life of a brave man who
has been severely punished for testifying against the Clintons and their allies in the Whitewater scandal.
His name is David Hale, and he's set to enter the Arkansas state jail system.

He's being punished because a jury found him guilty of several felonies.
The fact that he tried to weasel out of doing time by letting Hardon Kenny
drag our best president ever into this is just proof he's another Starr puppet.

You remember David Hale, a former Little Rock judge, who charged publicly that Bill Clinton
pressured him into making a fraudulent, federally backed $300,000 SBA loan to Susan McDougal.

That statement is true - a crooked judge made an allegation - that he couldn't prove.

Independent Counsel Ken Starr, however, refused to consider bringing charges
against the president unless Hale's claims were supported by another witness.

ha ha

Hale is now back in the news and he needs your help.
I am urging NewsMax.com readers and all decent Americans to ask the good governor of Arkansas,
ha ha
Mike Huckabee, to intervene and pardon Judge Hale.

Mike Huckabee is the very definition of religiously-insane.
Reminder: Huckabee withheld tornado relief funds until the legislature could convene and change
the law so "Acts of God" wouldn't be responsible for the tornado damage, because the Idiot Governor
"knew in his heart" that God wouldn't send a tornado to Arkansas.  If there's a better example of
religious-insanity clogging up common sense and clear thinking, please tell me what it is.

Time is of the essence.
In less than a week David Hale could be sent to a local Arkansas jail.

Why doesn't Hale just ask Scaife for another check?
Hardon Kenny did his best to hide that little trick, the crooked, cock-hunting bastard.

Even though he has been sentenced to 21 days, Judge Hale could be forced to wait
for as long as a year until room is found for him at a state prison clinic.

Gee, 21 days?
Susan McDougal did 21 days without a glass of water.

...and why are we coddling criminals?
What happened to the "Rule of Law?"
Didn't the GOP used to be tough on crime?
We are we coddling David Hale, the crooked judge?

Why should we make it better for the incarcerated now that YOUR BOY has been caught?
I'm all for treating the inmates like humans, but why are YOU suddenly willing to help?

David Hale has been in ill health for years and I fear even a brief stint in prison could be life-threatening.
Let me make clear David Hale is not trying to get off the hook for past wrongdoing.

Oh, nooooooooo.
He'd never try to get out of serving his sentence, nooooooooo.
The "honorable" David Hale has too many scruples for that.
Gag me with Hannity's swastika!

David Hale has already served 18 months of a 28 month federal prison sentence for Whitewater wrongdoing.
Though Hale willingly cooperated with federal prosecutors, first Robert Fiske and then Kenneth Starr,
he was slapped with the harshest sentence of anyone involved in the Whitewater scandal.

He was caught!
He's a lawbreaker!
Why are you coddling the guilty?
If you want to help the innocent, help Julie Hyatt Steele.

That wasn't good enough for the Clinton-backed Arkansas Democratic machine,
which then went after David on petty state charges.

ha ha
Are you trying to tell us there's politics involved?
ha ha
Blow it out your ass, Newsmax.
Justice is the farthest thing from your mind.
You're trying to help a crooked judge who failed to deliver Clinton's head.

Prosecutors have told me that is unheard of for state prosecutors to go after a
cooperating federal witness. But Arkansas officials did just that.

Gee, would that be anything like shutting down the entire federal government for 2 years
while you sons of bitches chased Elizabeth Ward Gracen to fucking Japan to get her to testify?
Larry Flynt is your moral superior - by a hundred miles.
YOU guys started this fight, and Clinton reamed you for trying.
You're just getting what you deserve, half of it, anyway...

Arkansas state prisons don't have the type of medical facilities federal prisons have,
so Hale's situation is dire.

When Hale was a crooked judge, did he give a fuck about the medieval medical facilities?

Because the state prison system may not have a hospital bed for Judge Hale, he could well be
thrown into a county jail cell to wait until there is room for him at the state prison clinic.

ha ha
I ordinarily wouldn't laugh, but this is too perfect.
The Republicans ginned up this whole load of crap, trying to frame an innocent man,
whom the country elected TWICE to lead us out of the Reagan Depressions.
Now YOUR BOY gets caught, and you want to whine about the facilities?

"You can stay there in the county jail for six months or a year," Hale told NewsMax.com.
"There are no beds available at the state prison Diagnostic Clinic so I could stay in a Pulaski
county jail cell for from six months to a year until there is a bed available."

I have an idea - take his bed away, make him to the time standing up!

Hale, who has had two heart attacks, open heart surgery, and wears a pacemaker,
is deeply concerned about his health should he be incarcerated in a local jail cell.

He'll probably die in jail, like Jim McDougal, the other rat.

"As far as my health is concerned, this is dangerous to me," he said.
According to Hale, he may be ordered to jail in the next week.

How many years has he been postponing paying his debt to society?
Why are we coddling this criminal?
What happened to the "Rule of Law?"

Hale’s state conviction was recently upheld by the Arkansas Supreme Court on a minor legal technicality.

Uh, ...excuse me, but that "minor legal technicality" is called a law!
That same kind of "minor legal technicality" let Ollie Traitor off free, so stop whining!
Crooked Judge Hale is a lawbreaker, why are you trying to pretend he's not?
Clinton, on the other hand, has never been found guilty,
and you accuse him of being the most corrupt president in history.
Why should we believe any damn thing you say?

One of special counsel Kenneth Starr’s key witnesses in the federal Whitewater trial of  Jim Guy Tucker,
Jim McDougal and McDougal's ex-wife, Susan the Real Hero, Hale must spend 21 days in a state prison
clinic because his lawyers failed to make a timely motion, the Arkansas court ruled in a 6-1 decision.

ha ha
The crooked judge couldn't find a Republican lawyer to help?
Stop it!

ha ha
And he ratted on Susan McDougal, who was innocent?
Yes, death in prison seems too good for this crooked judge.

Of course, the Arkansas supreme court is dominated by Clinton friends.

Sing-songy voice: "They're just following the rule of law."
ha ha
Ain't it a bitch when a partisan court rules for their boy?
You didn't mind that when the Whore Court installed a president against the will of the voters
so just suck it, Newsmax.

It was Hale's testimony that led to the convictions of the Arkansas trio on fraud and conspiracy charges.

Death in prison.
There can be no more fitting end to this worm.
I hope he's the favorite piece of ass in Cell Block D.

Obviously, Hale is not liked, has many enemies in Arkansas. There was a reason Hale,
when serving as a Whitewater witness, was under 24-hour-a-day FBI guard.

Yes, in a goddamn cabin in the woods where he could fish and enjoy life while cashing checks
from Richard Mellon Scaife!   The poor bastard!   That's what some of us do on vacation!
Hardon Kenny said, "I should've controlled that better," the lying shit.

Oddly, both James McDougal and Hale -- though they both agreed to cooperate with prosecutors,
got the harshest sentences arising out of the Whitewater affair.

ha ha
Two back-stabbing rats who didn't get away with it.
Boo fucking hoo!
You don't think God is sending me a signal that he's real, do you?

Consider that their sentences were even harsher than that given to Webster Hubbell who
double crossed Ken Starr after getting a sentencing deal and then refusing to live up to its terms.

ha ha
What's your point?
"Life is not fair?"
Aren't you guys sorry you ever fabricated this whole charade in the first place?
Too bad this isn't Newt and Delay dying in prison.
I'd go back to church if that happened.
Besides, Hubbel was found guilty of being the president's friend - that's it.
You show me a lawyer who doesn't pad his bill, go ahead, I double dare you.
That's what lawyers do, for Christ's sake.

At the sentencing of Webster Hubbell, Starr admitted that Hubbell reneged on his plea
agreement and had never fully cooperated with prosecutors.

ha ha
You're breaking my heart!

Hubbell ultimately served 12 months of an 18 month sentence in jail for mail and tax fraud charges
dating back to when he and Hillary Clinton were partners at Little Rock's Rose Law Firm.

Hale, however, was sentenced to 28 months and ordered to make restitution of $2.04 million and
fined $10,000. Hale went to prison in early June, 1996 and served 18 months.

On April 14, 1997, James B. McDougal was sentenced to prison for Whitewater crimes.

Like Hale, McDougal suffered from life threatening illness.

In 1998, McDougal died at the Federal Medical Center, Fort Worth, Texas,
of  [allegedly] natural causes.

ha ha
No, that was the Clinton HIT SQUAD that got McDougal, right?.
Jesus, can you guys even spell "credibility?"

Federal officials, without explanation, withheld McDougals' life sustaining medication.
Like McDougal, I am worried that Judge Hale may not survive a stint in the Arkansas prison system.
Like other key witnesses that helped Starr, including Linda Tripp, Judge Hale was left out to dry.

I'm not sure, but I think I hear angels singing...

After serving in federal prison, a local Arkansas state prosecutor named Mark Stodola decided
to prosecute Hale of making false or misleading statements to state insurance regulators.

Perjury is a VERY serious matter - ha ha
You see, once we ignore the "Rule of Law," the flag starts falling, right Henry Hyde?

When Stodola had first made noises about prosecuting Hale, Starr declared it "highly unusual, if not
unprecedented, for a state prosecutor to initiate separate criminal charges against an individual
cooperating in an important federal investigation during the course of that person's cooperation."

Oh, yes, and Hardon Kenny's work was so very, very important, too.
How could the country survive without more details about Monica's tongue?

Hale was left to fight the state charges alone. In 1999, he was convicted of the state charges.
He appealed the conviction on the grounds that prosecutors had improperly questioned him
about his role in the Whitewater matter. He claimed that federal prosecutors had granted him
immunity from future prosecutions in exchange for his cooperation with Whitewater.

Hardon Kenny screwed your boy.
I'll bet he enjoyed it, immensely.

Hale said that in using information from his federal case, the Arkansas prosecutors acted wrongly.
Without judging the merits of Hale’s claim, the court held that he or his lawyers had failed to object
to the questioning in a timely matter, and had waited too long to raise the point.

I believe David Hale is truly an American hero. Part of the Democratic good-old-boy system
in Arkansas, he could have easily kept his mouth shut and not told the truth about the Clintons.

The jury didn't buy Hale's lies because they weren't getting PAID.
Newsmax is a gaggle of bought-and-paid-for whores.
You guys believe every anti-Clinton rumor, even the ones you make up yourself.

Had he done so, he would have gotten a light sentence, would never have been placed in
harm's way.  Today, Hale is penniless. Robbed of good health and his life as he knew it.

ha ha
That happened to a lot of people who got in bed with Starr.
Why do you think he's called Hardon Kenny?

He understood that but decided he should do the right thing and cooperate.

The crooked judge?
Just wanted to do the right thing?
So he helped the cock hunters go after Clinton?

Ultimately, prosecutors like Starr deserted him.

That's the second true thing you've said in this article.

But you can help him. You can say thank you by helping him today.

Print his address,
I'd like to send him a very supportive letter!

The current governor of Arkansas is a man of integrity and decency,

Wait, I thought you said Huckabee was the governor...

and I believe he will consider your emergency appeal on the behalf of David Hale.

I strong encourage you to call, write, fax, and email Gov. Huckabee.
Tell him you read of David Hale's plight on NewsMax.com,  (make that bartcop.com)
and ask that he grant a pardon to David Hale.

Oh, so that's why youre doing this - to get your failing dot.com  in the news?
You don't care about this crooked judge - you just want a story.
I was right - this is a publicity stunt by a group of Clinton-hating whores.

To contact Gov. Mike Huckabee:

By phone: 501-682-2345

By fax: 501-682-1382

By Burning cross: Just light and wait - he'll be right over.

Of course Huckabee will pardon the crooked judge.
His crimes didn't involve Clinton's cock - how serious could they have been?

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