I'm doing this anonymously, to protect Kathleen.
 She seems like such a nice woman....
 And I wasn't under oath when I wrote this, either.
 Kathleen, very interesting letter you sent.

From: Kathleen

If you have page 2 girls, have page 2 boys.

 Why do you think men buy computers?
 What do you think built the internet?

 The answer to both questions is naked women, and I'm not kidding.
 Sure, 5-10 percent of men use their computers for work, but just yesterday,
 Paul Harvey said sex.com was THE most-often hit site in the solar system.

 The newsgroups are full of naked movie stars, hundreds of thousands of
 pictures you can get without a credit card - just ask your 11-year old son..
 Laura is right about one thing - the Internet is the world's biggest, unsupervised bookstore.

 Similarly, why do you think there are 200,000,000 VCRs in America?

 It's not so men can watch Die Hard and Lethal Weapon.
 It's so men (mostly) can watch porno films without their preacher driving by
 the Porno Bijou and seeing him standing in line.

 I mention this not to betray my fellow man, but to impress upon women that
 ALL decisions men make are based on their sex drive. That's why Madison
 Avenue uses blondes to sell stocks, shaving cream, cars, software etc.

 I'm amazed that women still have absolutely no idea what makes men tick.
 Why do you think Britney Spears sells more records than every other artist combined?
 It's because ALL men want her, and would give the house, the car, the family, their health
 their jobs, their position as President of the United States, for a shot at her.

 That's not going to change - ever.
 You women can pretend Ol' BartCop's off on a funny riff, but you're kidding yourselves.

 Why do I mention this?
 Because I don't have any pictures of men.
 I got that Duchovney inside a Gillian Anderson flood.
 I'd like to help you girls out, but I can't be crusin' for no beefcake shots.

 Question: Why do they sell 20 GIG hard drives?
 Answer: So men can store hundreds of thousands of girlie pictures.

 Question: Why do they sell CD writers?
 Answer: So men can keep downloading girlie pictures when their
                20 GIG hard drives are completely full of pictures.

 You women really have no clue, do you?
 Your man is as dumb as stale bread.
 Men want sex, tequila and sports - in that order - and that's all.

But actually, why have either?

ha ha
See the last sentence.

Not many women of color so far.
I mean, do you want this to be a popular site to males who prefer blondes?

Men are wired for blondes, I can't tell you why.
I don't know if it's racism or what, but take away Halle Berry, Tyra Banks, Janet Jackson
(c'mon brain, ...think) and you'll see Madison Avenue and Hollywood haven't done much
to put women of color in the mainstream of sexuality.

Some women readers get used to this, but probably--as they age--feel marginalized.
I mean it just  depends on where you want to go with it. The women's movement got
a lot of oomph when the Chicago 7 boys didn't include them. Think of the power if
we'd all stayed together.

It's certainly not my intent to marginalize anybody.
In my head, I expect men are my core audience, but I have nothing to support that.
But surely women object to lady pictures less than men to men's.

On language.
It's fine to me, but limits who I can send the link to.
People I know would appreciate your ideology just wouldn't appreciate
the teen-language.  Again, o.k. by me, but limits to whom I can send the links.

I wish you had included the eight items on the list.
I believe I work cleaner than Robin Williams, Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock,
Bill Maher, Sam Kinison, George Carlin, Adam Sandler and the others, but you're not going
to see a constant stream of, well, I can't even say it, because I'm so modest, ...but I'll try:

In the second-last Chris Rock Special, he spent a LOT of time on "tossed salads."
Trust me, you don't want to know.

Bill Maher's last special had a section on oral sex, but he didn't use popular phrases
as "blow job," like I would use. He went a whole ball park past that.

Eddie Murphy explained what happens when a man's "aim" is bad in bed.
Sam Kinison came up with a new use for the alphabet, remember that?
Sam used the "c" word like I use "damn."

Adam Sandler - Sons of Koresh, did you hear that song he just did on Chris Rock's show?
I have never, and would never use language like that.
Jesus, I was brought up Catholic.

Robin Williams did some extra-X-rated stuff in front of Bill and Hillary and a black-tie crowd.
And I don't even want to mention George Carlin and the anchovy story.

These are the highest-paid and funniest comedians of our time, and I'm cleaner than they are.
How can people go to Willis-Gibson movies and subscribe to HBO and buy tickets to these
funny men and see me as over-the-line?  I'm not angry about it, but I'll confess to puzzlement.

You know who works cleaner than me?

There's Bill Cosby, ...Ray Romano, ...Bob Saggett,  (Leno technically, but he's more vulgar)


...David Letterman will prevent me from making this a sweep.

Dave is funny as hell, and he's not vulgar like Leno, and he works mostly clean.
(even tho he called Richard Simmons a mother-effer on his show last week.)

But in closing (applause) I'm not vanilla ice cream and I can't be everyone's favorite.
The Page Two Girls are just a goof, I didn't think there'd be an uproar since the only nudes
are of rapidly-aging women who should know better than to straddle a camera lens,
...and yes, ...I'm talking to you, Laura Schlessinger.

My language comes from being honest and direct.
I suppose I'll be cleaning up if I want to stay on the Internet once Tom Delay's office
issues the new directives for "proper language" in this new, illegitimate administration.

Then we'll all be cleaning up.

Kathleen, thanks for the note and the opinions.

This was the first feedback letter.
My mail bell has been ringing like Pavlov's dog as I wrote this.
I wonder what the others are saying?

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