It would do no good at this point to recount the lies and
misrepresentations of President George W. Bush. His follies are legion.
What is critical to understand is that this mean-spirited vindictive man
his cadre of political cannibals are ready, willing and able to devour
scrap of flesh left on this crippled republic in order to stay in power.
To this end it should be remembered that as Super Tuesday ebbs into
political history, whether or not Kerry becomes the CLEAR winner, that
the fight has just begun.
We must remember the words of Thomas Paine, "THESE are the times
try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this
crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by
now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell,
is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the
the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap,
we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.
Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be
strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly
Super Tuesday, the convention, these are not the fight. The fight is in
campaign which we have now begun. Make no mistake the Bushies have been
stung by the early assaults on the First Doofus.
But, also make no mistake, they mutate, adapt and will, after a brief
morphing period, be back. Just because there is a candidate, just because
the cause is just and there have been some victories, do not think the
to liberate the republic from the clutches of evil has been won.
The liars and thieves now in possession of the White House have as yet
untapped millions of dollars to bring into play. These minions of darkness
have unbridled access to media such as Foxnazi News which makes no
pretense at truth.
The mainstream media, always cautious until a clear winner can be seen,
recoils from adverse coverage for fear they will miss the next Potomac
and cheese fete hosted by these would be political aristocrats.
The coming fight will be on the internet, in the coffee shops, union halls,
campuses and anywhere else that the truth can seep past the ideological
Six million of our fellow citizens have been deprived of honest work
because of George W. Bush and his policies, judges are being appointed
without the approval of congress, the illegitimate war continues, the budget
is an international disgrace, more and more nations look upon us not as
beacon of democracy but rather as a pariah seeking out the weak and
undefended. Everything this republic is not supposed to be is now part
of our global image.
If the well being of our own citizens and lot of those who deserve our
support and protection is to change, then every citizen must be prepared
campaign hard this year in the face of all adversity.
The GOP money guns will come to bear soon enough. There are people
willing enough to swim in this river of filthy lucre in hopes of favored
fear, or just to keep from making a decision.
Truth and exposure should be the weapons of the coming fight. Tell the
truth to anyone who will listen and be willing to expose the lies where
they are found, in local elections or readily enough on the national front.
This campaign is not going to be easy. The fight for the hearts and
minds of the American people is only beginning.
As Paine said two hundred and thirty years ago, “These are the times
that try men’s souls.” In the coming election, as coined by NASA, failure
not an option.