Ton o Mail and Toons

From: Tamara Baker

Subject: Thumbs Up For Gore!

More and more, I'm beginning to feel like I'm living in the old Soviet Union,
where the official news is worthless and the rumors have much more weight.

I find it interesting that, as local AZ media reported, Scalia felt he needed a SWAT team to get
safely off his home turf, the U of AZ campus -- yet somehow that's not worthy of the national press.

Nor is it apparently news when Scalia is greeted by hundreds, if not thousands,
of spontaneous protesters whereever he goes to speak. But five Freepers standing
outside a Clinton gathering rates network TV news coverage?!?!
(And these Freepers somehow fear going to 'visit' him in Harlem, or at the NAACP awards?
 Gee, I wonder why... not.)

Time for the samizdat.



Subject: BC Tax Plan...


Your plan makes abundant sense, if you are a working man or women. You are however missing the point.
The Republican Tax Plan is yet another rung in the entitlement plan for the wealthy. It is just another way of
funneling tax dollars (our money indeed) to the pockets of the wealthy and corporately enhanced.
They hope to accomplish it in a manner that is not as brazen as the Savings and Loan debacle of the '80's.

The constant bleating from the GOP sheep and their shepherds are, "It's OUR money"!!
The point those pinheads are missing is that it is OUR debt as well.
A debt, that was run up under the first huge tax give away sponsored by the soon to be beatified, Red Ink Reagan.

These people have an alarming lack of a sense of history. It was only 20 very short years ago that the economy
was ruined by these idiots. Now they have an even bigger idiot (who ever thought that was possible) parroting
the same nonsense and fixing to drive us into the same ditch. . .

Sometimes I feel like I have transported to an other dimension, where only a very few make any sense at all.

Dave Galloway

Dave, I missed the part where I missed the point, but that's OK.
I'm missing a lot these days :)


Subject: Morning Bart

Thanks for putting in what George the wuss Will said about Ronbo, since I don`t have audio.

Bart you left out Pappy Bush`s tax increase but you had the year 1990.
I think was when he said read my hips.

Told this young buck at work that the repubs. wanted to end time and a half after 40 hrs.
He walked up to me and said, "Joe I heard on the radio that OH legislature is trying to end it."

Told him I don`t bullshit about stuff like that now he`s a believer, Bart .

Be Reading You.
Toledo Friend


I now have audio of Pigboy and George Will calling Reagan the "big taxer."
Some shit is priceless.


Subject: Email to DNC


I just fired this off to the DNC guestbook -- just couldn't resist.

"RE: 'Guttless Dems?'

I hope not.

Prez-Select Smirk's hundred days are up. So, what are you going to do about it?
And why are you joining the Repubs by wagging your fingers at Bill Clinton, saying 'bad man, bad man'?

Shame on you!

Pardons, schmardons--why aren't the Dems reminding all and sundry about the Bush's Iran-Contra pardons
(i.e.: TREASON)? All I see are guttless, spineless Democrats rolling over and offering their posteriors to
Dumbya, while vilifying a (two-term) successful DEMOCRATIC president who gave us eight
years of peace and prosperity. And what does Bill Clinton get for it?

He gets stabbed in the back by his own friggin' party. How f**ked up is that?????
So, when are you going to WAKE UP AND FIGHT?????

Do you really want another four years of Prez Smirk? Do you????
So, get busy and dig up the dirt to be found (there's plenty) in Familia Bush, Cheney
and other various and sundry Repub cohorts.

Before we become a fascist nation.
It's up to you. DO SOMETHING, DAMMIT!!!"

I feel a little bit better. Not much. Just a little.

Anne Hutchins


Subject:  the bartcop tax plan...

this is just the kind of thing my brother ( a small business owner) and i talk about all the time!
he has a small shop, and when working folks get a little extra cash in their hands, they SPEND it... at his store and all the other small stores in the neighborhood. these stores then need more employees to help out AND more products to sell. factory inventories go down, employment goes up. nobody i know is rich enough to hide their tax cut under a mattress, stash it away in a swiss bank account, or blow it on the next dubya fundraiser.
and common sense says a consumer-generated economy NEEDS CONSUMERS!
geez, you'd think even dubya could understand this simple economic concep...
*gasp* ...what am i saying?!
republicans are blinded by their own greed. they can't get it through their miserly little, cash-worshipping heads
that if they bankrupt the country, and put everyone on assitance, THEY really WILL be "paying the bills"!!!
as much as they hate it, truth is you gotta have a little income redistribution if this capitalism thing is to work properly.
if the working and middle classes are strengthened, the number of taxpayers increases, even reducing richard mellon
scaife's tax bill.
this ain't exactly rocket science here!
anyway bart, if it's okay with you, i'm gonna put a link to the "bartcop tax plan" on my website.



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