Outgoing Mail
To: http://www.zogby.com/contact/
Dear Mr. Zogby.
Is it true you accept money from some campaigns to skew the results?
Rush says you're the best, but how can you be the best if you
money from one campaign to say they're winning when they're losing?
Are you a Christian, too?
I am so jealous!
I just got back from K-Drag International Airport, picking up
my boss.
He just spent a torturous loooong weekend in Vegas.
It was one of those ugly ordeals where his wif'e company paid
for everything.
There was a mix-up in booking, so they had to spend the first
two days at
Treasure Island, then they moved to The Venetian.
He said the rooms at The Venetian are hueueueuege.
He said the food was excellent, too.
I asked him where he ate and he said at the Taqueria
Cononita is where I'd like to end my life.
Yes, if all goes well, if my eventual death comes as planned,
I'll be on a bartsool at Taqueria
Cononita sipping
on a smooth shot
the Herradura El Supremo at $25 a copy,
and I will have run up hueueueuge bill
just before I fall deader than Smirk's
chances of being president.
I asked him if he had any cocktails at the
Cononita, and he
said he did. He said he had their five
dollar margarita with his Mexican dinner.
<heavy Gore-sized sigh>
You don't go to the Playboy mansion to ask
Paula Jones for a date.
You don't go to the Republican National
Convention and choose Smirk.
Here he is at Tequila Ground Zero,
drinking Jose Cuervo Extra Gagging.
He could've had the Chinaco Anejo.
He could've had the Casta Weber Azul.
He could've had the Casa Nobles
He could've had the Lapiz Anejo.
But no.
My mouth is watering...
Oh, no - I'm getting Vegas Fever
October 25 2000 at 12:30 AM
(login birdcage)
I know I said that I was going to respond in
48 hours to your challenge
but I forgot that will be attending church service
on Wednesday night.
Recently we received a proposed wager on the
forum that bartcop.com
host on it's liberal socialist site.
The individual who goes by the name
of Sal Sagev set down this following proposal
"In case you missed it, I have proposed a challenge
to Bird. Essentially the terms are:
If Gore wins, he posts positive things about
Gore, Democrats, and
liberals on his site (birdbath.com)
for one month, then he takes his site
down forever. Then he apologizes for being an
If Bush wins, I'll create and post a Bird Tribute
website. My offer is legit.
It's not a trick. I'll create a real tribute
site in his honor.
So far, Bird has responded but has not accepted
the challenge.
Instead, he went off on another one of his trademark
hate-filled rants.
Then he ran away from my challenge.
C'mon Chicken. You KNOW you're going to lose dont
The Bird responded with strong NO and he
again persisted. That's
these guys problems, they don't listen.
There's no way I'm going to give
up my site if Al Gore wins. It's not that I think
he will win but who knows-
I'm not a betting man.
The following day I did a little research on Bartcops
website and found
that they only own the .com domain for their
website. I smiled at this
rare opportunity and quickly bought .net and
and put up a Flash
Promo for my site. So you bartheads out
there, not only will I not
accept your wager for the upcoming election,
I will also own
www.bartcop.net and .org for the
next 2 years and continue the fight
against liberalism/socialism wherever it rears
it's ugly head.
In addition, during the next two weeks I will
be establishing partnerships
all of it's
affiliates to promote www.bartcop.net and THE
Think it's unfair?
You brought it upon yourselves.
Founder and editor of THE BIRD CAGE
Note: The flash may take a minute to load. Please
be patient
You can't do that!
I am the only legitimate BartCop on the internet,
and I'll stop you!
You're in serious legal trouble now.
You're messing with the wrong person, pal!
I'll hire lawyers or do whatever it takes to stop
ha ha
This has to be a gag, right?
Is that you, Artie?
You can't convince me that there's a ditto-monkey out there,
who is so taken with the "success" of bartcop.com
that he spent
$150 to purchase some similar domain names?
ha ha
Have I ever been more flattered?
Does this mean I've "made it?"
Koresh, I was impressed when Skirtboy sent me $40 to buy some Chinaco.
Now there's a ditto-monkey who's so enamored with bartcop.com
that he's
willing to spend $150 for some nearly-similar domain names for...for...
ha ha
Why did he do this?
I've had stalkers before, (currently three - three are dormant)
but this Bird fella is the first one to get out his wallet.
You know, Mr. Bird, if you ever get in a band, I'll bet the name
"The Deatles" is available and you could scoop that name right
If you wanted to open a restaurant, I'll bet "Durger King" is
You could build motorcycles and call them "Darley Havidson's."
You could make shoes with a swoosh on them and call them "Dike."
You could produce a soft drink and register the name, "Doca Cola."
ha ha
Does "close" count in domain names?
What's the point?
When I got my dot.com Perkel asked if I wanted to spent another
and register bartcop.net and bartcop.org, and I said
because nobody uses those domain extensions unless they're forced
That's why they're called dot.coms, instead of dot.nets
or dot.orgs.
Did Bird spend that $150 to get a mention in bartcop.com?
I wonder if he's related to that guy at rushonline.com?
If you remember, I offered to kick his ass for free, but noooooooooooo.
Some people don't think they can be happy unless they pay for it.
If Bird craves attention that badly, why didn't he send me some e-mail?
Skirtboy got several mentions and I even ran his picture - all for
This must be a trick.
This must be some liberal who wants a column or something.
Does that Bird fella think people will forget bartcop.com
and go to
bartcop.net and stay there because they can't tell it's not the real
ha ha
I'd be a lot more upset if I heard Bird had been to the Venetian and
had a drink
at the Taqueria Cononita.
I would be pissed.
Bottom line - do I give a fuck of some wannabes want to pretend?
I offer to kick his ass for free, yet he spends the money.
Yep, he's a Republican...
The offer to debate still stands, tho...
I'd really enjoy debating a fella with his own web page.
Well, maybe not his own - but one he paid for.
I miss Newt, don't you?
Politics was so much fun with Clinton always kicking his scumbag
ha ha
Snoot, are you cheating on wife Number Three yet?
From: jhardin@sbc-adv.com
Subject: Reposado vs. Anejo
So, I was in Cleveland last night.
No, I'm O.K.
ha ha
After slaving for my corporate masters,
the corporate masters took us out to
dinner @ the Hard Rock Café. When
I realized that they were ponying up for drinks,
I asked waiter-boy if they had any luxury
"I don't know, what are you looking for?"
he sez.
I tell him Chinaco Anejo,
and we walk over to his register where he proceeds to look up
the tequila listing. Sure enough, there's
a Chinaco, and I order a 2 ounce pour for $5.
(damn good price)
He brings it to the table with a couple
of limes and says something to the effect that the
bartender recommended the limes. I shrug
it off and proceeded to sip the stuff.
Hmm. Not bad, not bad.
While this beverage had the astringent sting
of any high-alcoholic-content liquor,
it didn't have that bitter, nauseating
aftertaste I've come to associate with Cuervo.
There were even some dry, fruity notes
in there ( I was looking for papaya,
but didn't really taste it). On the whole,
it wasn't bad, but not really worthy of the makes-the-birds-to-sing-and-the-sun-to-shine
praise that you give it.
When waiter-boy comes back, I shout over
the music to ask him whether this was
Chinaco Anejo or some other
variation. After a minute he comes back and tells me
it's the Reposado "the special
reserve." They don't have the Anejo, but they did have
the Chinaco Sauza, if I wanted
to try it. I declined. I'm primed for the Anejo.
Lucky for me, I'm going to Las Vegas this
December, and I plan on making a beeline
to the Venetian. I'll turn in a report
John W. Hardin
John, two things:
Early this summer, I did my first shot of Chinaco Silver.
I was not impresssed. If I hadn't paid $6 for it, I would've
left it on the table.
The Chinaco Anejo is the one you want, the one
you need.
When you going?
Maybe I'll meet you there...cause I gots the Fever!
ha ha
I already miss Clinton.
Oh, well, we got to see The Master for 8 glorious years.
Imagine, getting hummers from the White House interns and STILL
office with a higher approval rating that that big spender Red-In
From: stephen.sacco@mvbms.com
Subject: Frasier...
Professor Bartcop,
...No, I didn't see Fraiser.
I might not know whether or not God exist,
but I do know he/she loves NEW YORK BASEBALL.
Still your friend,
Stephen, my poor, misguided friend.
Baseball is over, the season has passed.
But I'm happy for you that you think you're seeing games
in New York.
Wish I could do that with rock concerts and tequila...
Stroke Me, Stroke Me
"In 1992 and 1996, my instincts told me we
were going to lose.
I don't feel that way this time."
Vulgar Pigboy, you're either having another on-air stroke,
or you're admitting you lied to your sheep back in 1992 and 1996.
You never once said, "My instincts tell
me we are going to lose."
You're a lying piggy nazi, Rush.
You never once admitted the truth to the easily-led.
I heard every show you did - both years - and you never once
said that.
Why don't your idiot sheep remember you lying to them then?
Are they so without independent thought that they can't recall?
ha ha
I remember in 1992, you had a phone in poll, remember Rush?
This was when you stole the hundreds of thousands of dollars
from the Toys for Tots program.
You promised to give 90 cents FOR EVERY CALL you received.
You told your sheep you got "hundreds of thousands" of calls,
yet those Tots never got a fucking balloon from you - theif!
But I'm looking at your other sins right now.
When you announced the results of your phoney, sheep-only poll,
you had Bush beating Clinton 91 percent to 7 percent, and you
"Gee, it's more of a landslide than even I thought."
...and the sheep bought it!!!
YOU told them they were going to win.
You lied.
(As I'm typing this, Rush
just said, "Ladies and Dentalmen."
Marta, this is your
fault. Help your husband!!
It's our first ever Stroke
Me, Stroke Me inside a Stroke Me, Stroke Me)
In 1996, remember how you lied on the radio?
You said all the liberals "are in abject panic" over the upcoming
Remember that, Rush?
...and now, four years later, you CONFESS to these idiots who
believe you
that your instincts told you old Bob Dole was headed to the glue
It's too damn bad there's not a conservative web site that takes
or I'd make them eat this Rushlie, too.
Isn't it funny how my position is so much different than Rush's?
He won't ALLOW any dissenting opinions,
and I can't FIND any dissenting opinions.
That's because we've got this election won, and the ditto-monkeys
they're screwed again, so they're hiding behind their momma's
waiting for Rush to save them - but he can't.
Rush's dream is coming true: Another Democratic Administration
for him to rant on and lie about, therefore ensuring Gore's second
No matter what, keep this in mind:
We haven't lost since Rush became the spokesman for the Republican
How do you spell "Goodbye?"
by someone using the name "Paramount
"Insiders at Paramount Studios, frustrated that their $20 million dollar
in the Doc Screech program has failed to attract advertisers
and viewers, are
rushing ahead with the Caroline Raye program to fill the coveted
afternoon time slot.
Executives speaking on the promise of anonymity are telling sources
that employees
of Paramount are furious and embarrassed by the studio's monolythic
support of Screech.
Some employees have threatened to resign if the program isn't
As of 10/23/00, it looks like the Harpy's program will be off
the air by Christmas,
making the holiday season especially happy for millions of people."
2 Funny 4 Words
ha ha
Smirk wouldn't lie.
Would he?
ha ha
I sent some e-mail to Michael Moore
To: mmflint@aol.com
Subject: Question for Mike
If you are successful at electing President
will you start a new career or just join
the Republicans?
Anyone know if Michael reads his e-mail?
The Texas Video Massacre
Zogby - Caught Taking Bribes?
No wonder he's Pigboy's favorite.
Zogby can "get things done" instead of reporting
Zogby takes cash
to predict last-minute victories for the GOP,
hoping to persuade last-minute brain-deads.
Click Here for the on-line version
Click Here for the forever version.
Did you see Frasier last night?
It was as good as I hoped.
Can you believe this excellent show is now in it's eighth year?
The funniest scene of the night was Niles, Frasier and Dad in
the coffeeshop
waiting for Mel to arrive. Niles was hyperventalating at the
realization that
Mel was late, because she's never late. Then he had to lean over
to let some
blood run to his head and hit his head on the table coming back
On paper, that looks like nothing, but the talent of the actors
made it work.
Niles should win best supporting every year.
Also, this was almost as funny - during the first commercial break
for Frasier,
NBC did a promo for tonight's block of shows. Here's what NBC
"Tomorrow night on NBC - Tightens, West Wing and
& Order.
TWO great dramas."
ha ha
When was the last time a network told the truth?
Partial confession - Mrs. BartCop likes Tightens, so I
write while it's on.
I saw a scene last week where the entire family was having dinner,
and the
snotty, Republican son said something so catty and vicious about
Yasmine Bleeth
that she threw her entire drink in his face. They must've done
a dozen takes,
because she got all twelve ounces right between his eyes.
Anyway, after she does that, Yasmine storms out of the room while
Hitler youth feigned surprise, so what did Daddy do?
What did the Blake Carrington/Jock Ewing character do?
He have the Hitler youth a sour look and chased after Yasmine!
Now, if you're having dinner at BartCop Manor, and you say something
to Mrs. BartCop that puts her in the position of dousing you
with her drink,
I'm going to launch and there's going to be genuine trouble
(unless you're
built like Howie Long) in which case I'll have some stern words
for you!
ha ha
The idea that this super-rich, billionaire empoire-builder would
sit idly by
while his new wife was insulted was just one of the hundreds
of Laura-sized
gaping holes in this terribly-set up "drama."
But then, I consider it the silly cartoon before the feature film
of the night,
and I understand the women like the show, so what the hell.
By the way,
TONIGHT on West Wing, Bartlet hires a Republican screeching
Tomorrow, let's try to figure out who they meant to hint at the
Will she be Barbara Olsen or Kellyanne Fitzpatrick?
In the previews, shes kinda cute, so that would rule out almost
all the Hitlerettes
we know, but WW will probably make her real-life counterpart
Also - in the USA Today, TV Critic Robert Bianco says this:
The West Wing gains a new cast
member, Emily Proctor, who joins the
staff as a conservative Republican lawyer.
As long as she doesn't stop
Martin Sheen's President Bartlet from
making extraneous but highly
enjoyable attacks on Dr Laura - as he
did last week - we'll give her
the benefit of the doubt.
Last thing - after last week's show, someone sent me a URL for
transcripts of
West Wing episodes. Like with the Laura/Pigboy audio archives,
I was unable
to get any of the transcripts to come up. If anyone knows
where West Wing
transcripts are archives, could you let me know? But only if
they work :)
This Just In...
After seeing yesterday's published list of possible Smirk appointees,
Randy Weaver, Bo Gritz and Mancow are furious they weren't listed.
Surely, posts can be found for these patriots...
Our own Tamara Baker strikes a blow for freedom
From: randall_guyton@yahoo.com
Subject: Yes, it is.
"The one thing the nuns taught me that stuck was the math. If
Gore loses by 3 percent,
and Nader gets 5 percent, Nader will have been the best friend
Big Oil,
Big Business and Big Pollution ever had."
"Is that even arguable?"
Yes, it is BartCop.
I respect your intent to highlight the differences
between Bush and Gore.
I agree that electing Bush to the Presidency
would be a disaster.
But I feel as if you consistently attack
Nader unfairly.
Is it Nader's fault that...
Is it Nader's fault that...
Is it Nader's fault that...
As much as I hate to say it, this nitwit
nation deserves this rich-boy fumblebum as president.
If it makes you feel any better, after
I vote Nader for president I will vote a straight Democratic ticket.
And don't start with some nonsense about
a "Vanity Campaign". That's horse-pucky.
This is America...a Democracy. Any talk
of limiting parties, such as asking Nader to pull out,
is more fascist and insulting than most
anything Pigboy would say.
Wake up BartCop!
Opposite Lock
As a long-time veteran of bartcop.com I have no desire
to attack you,
but you were asked to argue with the math, not Gore's performance.
The math speaks for itself.
If Smirk wins by a smaller margin than Nader siphons off,
the Nader voters will have elected Smirk.
You can "interpret" that any way you choose, but fax is fax.
Any talk of limiting parties, such as asking
Nader to pull out,
is more fascist and insulting than most
anything Pigboy would say.
I'll bet you'd like to reword that sentence. Asking Nader
to stop helping Smirk
is not "more fascist" than most anything Pigboy would say. But
I understand.
passion sometimes makes one say things that are ...incorrect.
Theoretically, you may cast the vote that inflicts President
Smirk on us.
That doesn't give you pause?
Also, you might want to read the above article.
Nader is quoted is saying he could vote for Bush.
Your ally seems to have the enemy as his ally.
ha ha
Thanks to whoever did this.
My mail doesn't connect attachments with the sender...
I forgot
I was in court Friday morning, the hour the She-Thing had her
first chance
to react to the ass-kicking she got from President Bartlet.
Was there any reaction from her?
Paula Jones on Larry King
"Larry, I haven't worked in ten years.
I'm a single mother with two little
When I need money, I spread my legs
for whoever writes a check.
How can that be wrong when my boys
want to go to college?
By the way, I'm voting for George Bush."
-- Paula, the abondoned slut.
Can you imagine
the shit she would catch
from the likes of Doc Screech
from the likes of the vulgar Pigboy
from the likes of Reverend Bill Bennett
from the likes of the horse molester Paul Harvey
if she didn't have an "R," behind her name?
And to bend over backwards to be fair,
if she was an attractive, shapely young woman
you could argue it was "art" to exhibit the female form in all
it's beauty.
But this is Paula Jones, the gold-digging opportunist who was
she would get millions if she would only play the role of the
helpless victim.
She's not in Penthouse because she's beautiful.
No, not in a million years was she in Penthouse for her beauty.
She's Jo-Jo, the dog-faced boy.
She's the snake with two heads.
She's the goddamn cow with five legs.
That's why she was in Penthouse.
Has America lost it's mind?
The whole world has become Darva Conger, the Survivors and Paula
Eminem, Dennis Rodman and popular wrestlers control the media.
America's torn between voting for a brainless fool and an experienced
It's all a big goof, but it's no joke - this is real.
I picked the wrong year to stop drinking...
ha ha
Thanks to Chris at cbix@home.com for the killer 'toon!
Great ex-Democrat Quotes
Al Gore will not win this election unless
Bill Clinton is unleashed.
If Bill Clinton is unleased, and does
what he can do, Gore will win,
the Democrats will win the House and
the Senate and Hillary, oh boy,
Hillary is going to win in New York
- if they let Clinton loose to campaign.
-- Ed Koch on Larry King tonight.
From: Ddsdd47@aol.com
Subject: silence is golden
i watched the final debate with my conservative friend.
i didn't say a word thru the whole thing.
(my opinions seemed to polarize us)
i noticed him giving these very puzzled looks after smirk "answered"
the questions.
afterwards he looked at me and said,
"i have a problem. you know i'm a conservative.
but how am i going to
get that bush bumper sticker off my
car? i can't vote for that fucking idiot"
if everyone would only listen.
The ditto-monkeys at work were crowing all morning.
There's some article in the USA Today about how Nader might hurt
in several states, so they got cocky and started cackling and
I have a bottle-of-Chinaco bet with Vic, the senior ditto-monkey.
I pulled the old lawyer trick on both of them.
I played the whipped dog, and started moaning about how I was
sure to lose this election, how Gore had blown the whole
and how awful it would be to come to work the next day.
They kept crowing, like I knew they would, so I pretended I was
real upset and told them we could always raise the bet - if
they gave me odds.
They asked what I had in mind so I said let's make it $50 on
my part,
but they had to bet $100 for me to agree to raise the stakes.
ha ha
I should be ashamed of myself, picking on the less-intelligent.
I hope the USA Today has another doom-and-gloom article tomorrow.
I'll raise the SOB again if they start getting cocky.
If I can get them to go $100 against $300, I'm there, Dude.
ha ha
This should be a crime.
Hell, it might be a crime, but in Oklahoma you can bet
on a cock-fight,
so why can't I bet on Gore kicking the cock-sure idiot's ass?
If you haven't done so yet -
Mo Paul,
He shoots, he scores!
House Votes to Set Up GOP
Retirement Home
- with taxpayer funds, natch
Today's Page Two Girl says, "Meow."
From: pianopete@earthlink.net
Subject: What price civil rights?
Hey Bartcop:
I read in the paper yesterday that I would save
about $500 bucks a year under Smirk's tax plan.
Under Gore's plan, I don't get any tax break
at all.
But of course, I'm still gonna vote for Gore.
I'd gladly pay two, three times that much to
keep that idiot away from the Supreme Court,
...(not to mention the 'newkular' button!)
your fan,
Besides Dole or Smirk, I'm the last guy who should give economic
but when Smirk Daddy left the White House, every person (not family)
in America owed $14,500 to the national debt.
After some Clinton magic, those deficits turned to surpluses.
That $500 looks good,
but not if you have to go $14,500 in debt to get it.
Molly Ivins is on a Tear!
I guess she's feeling better.
BTW, her book "Shrub" is now in paperback for $9
Zogby says Gore now leads by 10 points among voters over 70.
Looks like the Bushes will disown Jeb two weeks from tonight...
ha ha
Rush is going to be soooo pissed off.
From: zb42@frontiernet.net
Subject: Campaign Tips from my Mother
Here's a letter my Internet-challenged mother
wrote for me to send to Gore's campaign.
I typed it up and sent it off -- here's a copy
for you. Maybe you and your readers
(I being one of them) could find the candid comments
of a Baby Boomer lifelong
liberal Democrat who comes from a family of Republicans
In these closing days of the Presidential campaign,
I think that
Vice President Gore should step back from an
exclusively issue-driven
campaign and include a large dose of his political
The unrelenting barrage of facts and figures is
out there: we've heard it all many, many times.
What we haven't heard is the inspirational message
of the Democratic Party.
Vice President Gore should tell us all why he
is a Democrat, what the Party's ideals are,
and what they mean to him. Tell us how
he has embodied those ideals in his own life
and political career. Tell us how he envisions
promoting those ideals as our next President,
how the principles of our Party are those which
truly ensure liberty and justice for the
greatest number of Americans.
As Democrats, our strongest selling point is in
the virtue of our ideals.
Let Vice President Gore remind us all why we
are (or should be) Democrats.
A speech with the same inspiratioal clout as
"Ask not what your country can do for you" speech
would be just the ticket.
We need a big finish here -- something to round
out the Vice President's image
as the man we Democrats have chosen as the spokesman
for all we believe.
He is us!
Fight like hell, you guys -- our next four years depend on it.
Good Luck to us all,
Lola Jaronowski
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Get a Leg Up...
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