...risking it all, uploading in a lightning storm
According to the USA Today,
Fox is broadcasting YOU
DECIDE 2000 at 8 PM EDT tonight.
Could it be any more boring than the debates?
Yes, but since nobody will watch, it'll probably kill!!
Go figure, Gore will use the BIG hammer tonight
and nooooooobody will be there to see him do it.
Smirk Loses Endorsement
"We're switching to Algore," says Mary Kate
and Ashley Olsen.
We endorsed Governor Bush ealier in the
year, because we read the same books.
But we've grown up a lot since then, and
th egovernor seems to be moving backwards.
We read Algore's budget proposals and we
found them to be a lot more reasonable
than some massive financial gift from the
poor to the richest one percent.
Yucko, Governor! What were you
Plus, Gore is cuter! (giggle)
To: rush@eibnet.com
Subject: What about you?
Why don't you tell your listeners how much
of a tax cut
you will receive if Bush becomes president?
Eckhard Festag
Debate Update
Our latest debate challenger, Birdbath, claims on the new
forum that he has
sent me e-mail to further our debate, but he didn't send it as
"Zac" whatever,
and he didn't send it to bartcop.com
My new software allows me to put mail in alphabetical order,
and even for an ADD Catholic with an IQ of 64, the letter "Z,"
is easy to find.
So Slick, if you want to climb in the ring, talk to me.
I'd like 24-hours notice to draw a crowd.
From: mr_utopia@hotmail.com
Subject: Can't we all just get along?
It is discouraging to see the Nader/Gore supporters
go at each other.
I think we are fallng into the Repuglicans' hands,
because we all know
that a Smirk presidency is a truly horrifying
proposition indeed,
but we run the risk of achieving it by the Nader/Gore
I think we have a workable solution on our hands.
Please spread the word about: http://www.voteswap2000.com/
Mr U, I'm printing your e-mail, but I can't endorse it.
I'm taking some flak for agreeing to debate Mr Nobody the Bird.
Bird has nothing but a hour's worth of web page and a bad nickname,
and I'm being criticized for elevating him and giving his opinion weight.
I don't mind giving him a shot at the champ because I enjoy sheering
There's few things I enjoy more, especially when there's a crowd watching.
Gore is in a similar but million-times-bigger situation.
Nader has no right to demand equality with the second-most powerful
on the planet, a man who had won ...what, six elections?
Has Nader ever won even a school board election in his whole life?
Like Perot, he thinks he deserves a shot at the big chair without ever
having a seat in a much, much smaller chair.
Nader's little pipedream, and the naivete and gullibility of those who
mean well
but don't understand the political process may enable that idiot Smirk
to pack
the Supreme Court with Slappy Thomas clones, which will fuck the American
consumer to death for at least a generation.
Nader claims he doesn't want that, but name the last politician who
told the truth.
Go ahead, I'l wait...
By the way,
I glanced at that voteswap page.
It runs on the honor system?
In this country?
ha ha
Chernomyrdin to sue the idiot Smirk
The Top Ten PR Jobs from Hell
PR executives were asked to name the celebrity
clients they'd least like to represent.
The largest group, 18%, named boxer Mike
Tyson, followed by Dr. Laura,
rapper Eminem, Howard Stern and Kathie
Lee Gifford.
Actually, Clinton came in first, but that's
to be expected when the religiously-insane,
white-power, tobacco whores attack his
every move, but everyone on the list above
could be hate free if they just wanted
ha ha
Dr Harpy, harder to represent than Eminem?
ha ha
Guns in Court?
Concealed Weapons OK in Houston
And Nearly Everywhere Else?
Houston District Attorney John B. Holmes is steamed
about not being able to
prosecute civilians who bring guns into the Harris
County courthouse.
Guns in the courthouse?
Can't prosecute?
When the Texas Legislature approved Bush's proposal
to allow people to carry
concealed guns, the governor and others told
us that any institution that didn't want
guns indoors just had to post a sign to that
effect. And the safeguard, the governor
has told us over and over, is that we just need
to enforce the laws on the books.
As the Houston district attorney discovered, that ain't exactly so.
The sign on the door of the courthouse said
prohibited by law on building premises.
subject to arrest.
Clear enough, right?
Holmes discovered differently when an attorney
attempted to bring a concealed
handgun into the courthouse and Holmes moved
to prosecute. As it turns out,
the law requires very specific, legalistic wording:
"Pursuant to Section 30.06,
Penal Code (trespass by holder of license to
carry a concealed handgun), a person
licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, (concealed
handgun law), may not
enter this property with a concealed handgun."
But Holmes shouldn't feel too embarrassed.
The Houston Chronicle
discovered that the right language "is hardly
used by anyone."
So it was just the sort of mistake we expect when
the legislature is in a
hurry to get work done, right? Wrong.
"We purposefully made it so the sign had to
be too big," said former
Houston State Senator Jerry Patterson, who was
the author of the
concealed-handgun law. He explained that the
Legislature didn't really want
it to be easy for a sign to be the basis of a
trespass conviction.
"Most people don't have a clue what should be
on the signs," Patterson boasted.
The law also requires the language be printed
in block letters 1 inch high, in
contrasting colors and in both English and
Spanish, to be the basis of a prosecution.
What about the other signs that claim to bar citizens
from bringing their
concealed weapons into restaurants, hospitals
and other businesses?
Holmes and Patterson both say the signs don't
really have any legal effect at all.
The DA asked the county to change the signs a
year ago,
he said, but nothing has been done.
Several offenders have escaped prosecution, Holmes
said, including a case
filed two weeks ago against someone who brought
a weapon into the Family
Law Center. The sign does not comply with the
law, said Assistant District
Attorney Donna Goode.
If I spent some time, I could probably think of a more dangerous place
encourage people to carry their concealed handguns than a courtroom.
Courtrooms are where lives are destroyed.
Courtrooms are where the most dramtic things happen to you.
Your divorce, where the dirty, cheating bitch took you for everything..
Your bankruptcy, where you lost everything else of value.
Your child custody case,where you lost your goddamn kids.
Your murder trial, when you have nothing left to lose.
Your trial to get a child molester off the street that you THINK
MIGHT have been the one who abused your 6-year old daughter.
But thanks to Smirk's sound judgment, people are allowed to carry their
concealed handguns into situations where they are most desperate and,
at least in their own minds, justified into taking the most drastic
Texas - it's like a whole other country.
Great Sanity Quotes
"At a New York fund-raiser for Ralph
Nader, a well-meaning movie star
remarked fatuously that "We survived
Nixon and we'll survive Bush."
Unfortunately, it isn't the survival
of millionaire populists that's at stake in this election."
--Joe Conason
So he doesn't get tripped up,
Smirk keeps his notes handy...
From: jwestby@ameritech.net
Subject: bradley is the real traitor
While Nader gets our attention now, we shouldn't
who sent the first shiv into Gore's side:
Bill Bradley.
The man beloved by the whore media, the one who
started it all
with the "Gore lies" story line, which was picked
up by the RNC
and blast faxed to every whore-pundit with a
Should Gore lose this (Koresh forbid),
Bradley has more to answer for than Nader
Should Gore lose this, we'll have four years to identify and hang the
back-stabbing traitors who elected Smirk, and I can't imagine a more
energized place to co-ordinate that effort than right here at bartcop.com.
...but that's not going to happen, so keep smiling:)
Speaking of back-stabbing traitors who are working to help Smirk,
the review in the USA Today for the new film Lucky Numbers,
says it stars John Travolta, Lisa Kudrow and ...Michael Moore?
Yes, it's don't-vote-for-Gore Michael Moore.
It says Michael Moore plays a "moronic, religious zealot."
insert your own punchline here
I'll bet if I asked Michael Moore why he left the Democratic Party,
I wonder if he'd say something cute like, "I didn't - it left
Another former Democrat is famous for saying that line - Ronald
Reagan -
who became a hero to the white-power, religio-wacko tobacco whores.
Yeah, they say Reagan is such a saint that he walks on water.
I wonder if Michael would like to do a little walking, too?
Guest Editorial
by James Higdon
ha ha
I used to like Powell, when he was cuttin'
the heads off Iraqi snakes,
but then he turned into Smirk's boy.
Pulling extra, extra, extra-hard
for Smirk
Why are they making shit up about Gore?
Lazio claims he can solve Middle East crisis
Lazio Takes on President
Not content to have his
ass kicked by his wife
Says he'll "explain things"
to the president
This is not a gag.
ACLU Files Federal Lawsuit
in "Hexing" Case
Tulsa, OK (Where
else?) Thursday, October 26, 2000
TULSA, OK--In a case reminiscent of the
Salem Witch trials, the ACLU today filed
a federal lawsuit charging that school
officials violated 15-year-old Brandi Blackbear's
rights when they accused her of casting
a hex that resulted in a teacher's illness.
"These outlandish accusations have made
Brandi Blackbear's life at school unbearable,"
said Joann Bell, Executive Director
of the ACLU of Oklahoma.
"I for one would like to see the so-called
evidence this school has that a
15-year-old girl made a grown man sick
by casting a magic spell," Bell said.
Ms Bell, are you new to Oklahoma?
This is a comparably sane move,
compared to the usual Oklahoma horseshit.
This is the land of cock-fighting, Jim
Inhofe and the Jesus Twins.
This is the land of "niggers stay out
- unless you can carry a football."
This is the land where they hate the most
successful president in history.
This is the Koresh-forsaken dust bowl
where education is "bad."
This is the land, stolen from the red
man, where ignorance rules.
Oh, Koresh, help Ol' BartCop turn the tide
of religious insanity in America.
Help Ol' BartCop educate these blind,
superstitious fools.
Help me force science and logic on them.
Y'know - sometimes you just want to give
Sometimes, you think you'll never make
a difference, so why try...
But still, ...I try.
Great Laura She-Thing Quotes
"All truths do not NEED to be spoken."
ha ha
I guess those would include the truths about Republicans.
But, of course, all "truths" about Democrats
MUST be not only
spoken, these must be meticulously parsed
for an hour on O'Reilly,
then another hour on Hannity, then another
hour on Von Zahn,
then another hour on Chris the Screamer,
then an hour with Brian Williams,
then three hours of Doc Screech, then three
hours of the vulgar Pigboy,
then a half hour on Crossfire, then a half
hour on McLaughlin, then an hour
on Talk Back Live, then four hours over
at C-Span, then an hour of Horrendo,
then a special report on CNN at 10 PM EDT,
and after that's over, we get
the repeat of an hour on O'Reilly, then
another hour on Hannity, then another
hour on Von Zahn, then another hour on
Chris the Screamer, then an hour
with Matt Williams, and then it's Sunday,
so we get an hour from Tim the Whore,
then Sam and Cokie kick the Democrats around,
then Face the Whore attacks,
then Fox News goes ape-shit with another
nonsense allegation about what we'd do
if Clinton refuses to give up the White
House on January 20th, then the Beltway Whores
Morton Kondrake and Fred (dumber than Chippy
the Chimp) Barnes whore off,
then that wet-pants Bernard Shaw and Wolf
the Whore have their CNN circle jerk,
and pretty soon it's morning, so we get
the update from Pigboy, then the Doc Spread 'em
update, then the Paul Harvey update, and
we're only a few hours from Laura's show again.
Of course, for the sake of brevity, we won't
mention the New York Whore Times,
the Moonie Times, the New York Whore Post,
the Whore Street Journal, the US News
and Whore Report, along with TIME Whore
and NEWSWEEK whore, and Drudge
will find another hooker who claims
had another child with Bill Clinton, so, naturally,
the New York Whore Times runs that on their
front page, above the fold, and once
they do that, here comes ABC and CBS and
NBC and, bringing up the rear, Fox.
So, I guess Laura is right.
Not every "truth" needs to be told.
Great vulgar Pigboy Quotes
"As you know, I'm a big, big fan of Tim Russert..."
Gee, Rush, I wonder why?
Could it be you are two whores working for the same pimp?
We know Gore won't get a honeymoon from the press,
but if Smirk pulled off the big miracle, would he get one?
Clinton didn't get any honeymoon from the sons of bitches.
Remember what they did?
I think, as part of the deal the GOP made with Bush to throw the
a big "scandal" was made out of Clinton's first two choices for
Attorney General.
The press was circling like sharks because - Koresh forbid -
the women
Clinton picked had not paid Social Security taxes on their nannies
or gardeners
or whatever, so the press and the Republican squeeled like a
chicken caught
in a tractor's nuts that they were LAW BREAKERS!!!
Even though that question had never been asked about any
member of the
Reagan or Bush administrations, the whore press and the GOP decided
raise the bar on this new guy from Arkansas, so they torpedoed
his first two
picks for AG with this horseshit.
Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying they did right by skipping
the taxes,
but it reminds me of the racist cops, sitting outside a TGI
Fridays, letting the
white couples drive away drunk, but the second they see a black
couple get
in their car, they pull them over - and sure enough - they've
been drinking!!!
OK, so we take the hit and we move on.
We got screwed, we live to fight another day.
But will the press ask tax questions about every rich, white Smirk
If the whores of the press were doing their jobs, if Smirk appoints,
say that
Bag o Hairspray Liddy Dole to some position, they should go back
to 1991
and be sure she was paying SS taxes on her gardener BEFORE the
bar was
raised, and if she wasn't - can we have a criminal working for
If bartcop.com had more power, if we had more readers,
we might be in
a position to demand these answers, but that's not the case.
Oh, well, the rich get richer, and the whores keep gettin' paid.
I think I'll do a shot of Chinaco Anejo and ponder possible solutions...
Here for the 100% legit version.
Read on for the 90 percent
legit version.
(WARNING: If you're reading this, a tacky,
tacky Doc Screech picture
has already loaded in the cache section
of your browser.
Delete it if your boss or wife might have
a coronary.
The offending file is 16K if you
have no other way to search for it.)
Babs gets even with Dr.
Who do you root for when one whore attacks
-- the one who doesn't hate minorities.
Barbara Walters and the gals of The View
blasted Doc Screech yesterday,
after the fun-hating, desperate-for-ratings
moralist branded a sexy snapshot
of Walters "despicable" on her extremely
low-rated, TV hate-show.
Screech started the on-air catfight last
week when she held up a newspaper ad
for an A&E Biography two-hour
special about Walters that featured a sultry shot
of the 100-year old newswoman trying to
be sexy in a titty-tease bathrobe.
The nasty ho (Screech again) launched:
"This woman throughout her history has
questioned heads of states all over the world.
Now, is this how we
are going to promote her?" the shreiking
Screech asked.
"All I can think of is
. . . does she have underwear on?
Is this how she got the interviews?
Is this what we want to do to someone
with a history like that?
I think it's really despicable."
(This is Screech, calling some other woman tacky!!!)
(Ediotr's Note: You'd think a "professional"
woman in her sixties
who is, ...well, ...guilty of giving
up the old hound dawg,
wouldn't be so quick to call this kind of attention
to herself.)
Screech continued:
"Now, imagine if I were going to do my
show like this,"
as her staff put up decades-old
spread-legged pictures of Screech
when she was posing for a man who
was not her husband.
child left behind."
This ad
paid for by the RNC
(To place your ad here,
call 800-WED-WAKR)
ha ha
Who let the dogs out?
Yesterday morning, Walters, Star Jones,
Lisa Ling and Joy Behar
ridiculed the nasty ho (Laura this time)
Jones set off cheers in the studio audience
by warning Screech:
"You must remember something - you may
have a TV show,
Miss Thang,®
but it's one against five and you don't go on
the attack against our girl. We will
get you!"
Behar chimed in,
"She is criticizing you, Barbara, because
you posed in a bathrobe?
Didn't that nasty ho (Laura) pose for
pictures straddling a camera lens?"
Walters told the audience,
"First of all, that picture. I didn't pose
in a bathrobe for that ad.
It was done several years ago for Vanity
Fair when they did a piece
about me at home and yes, I was wearing
ha ha
Can it get any better than this?
Yes, it can!!
ha ha
The nasty ho (Walters, this time) continued:
"The 'Biography' people didn't even tell me
about the ad running
and I was thrilled. However,
I do think that Dr. Laura was right."
"I think that probably we should not
be posing in a bathrobe,
but I also think that she looked
great and that if she spread her legs
more often on her show, her dismal
fucking ratings would go up!"
The audience erupted again. Jones yelled,
"Yeah!" and Ling sniped,
"That is just an excuse for that nasty
ho (Laura) to spread her legs again."
If you haven't already guessed, let me explain what has happened
The disgusting whore, (Laura this time) was told she needs ratings
or she'll lose her TV show and probably never get another one.
For ratings, she intentionally attacked the other whore
(Walters this time)
This wasn't something she stumbled into.
This situation isn't something that "had befallen her."
This isn't some accident she "found herself drawn into."
She didn't "forget" anything.
She knows her too-vulgar-for-Hustler-Magazine pictures
are everywhere.
This is a calculated move by a multi-milliondollar ho to make
more money.
She's intentionally provoking a fight with a really-high profile
media person
to let America know that the fake TV Screech was gone and the
radio Screech
is now on television and will be mangling guests like she does
callers on the radio.
Don't misunderstand my point, it's a great strategy.
This couldn't be more high-profile if Jennifer left Puffy for
Well, ...sure, ...that'd be hotter than this, ...but until
then, ...this is hot.
But you know what the worst part is?
I can understand Paramount wanting to shake things up, but why
a "profoundly religious person" agree to drag her genitalia
back out into the light
and put her husband and young son Dehyerechke through
this mess all over again?
Doctor Laura - what about the children?
You ...what?
You can make more money this way?
There are more millions to be made by bringing back your Hustler
What would you call a multi-millionairess
who would needlessly put her family through this,
after getting $72,000,000 in one lump sum
and then getting $12,000,000 each year after that
who STILL insisted on spreading her legs for more money?
Read the Previous
It was the best issue we've ever done.
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