Subject: Nazi activists?

 Bartcop, you claim that Rush vilifies anyone in Hollywood who isn't a Nazi activist.

 Yes, that is a fact.

 The truth is the precise opposite: any actor who expresses a view that even remotely goes against
 Hollywood's leftist winds--or, more appropriately, typhoons--is wrongly labelled an ultra-conservative.

 That's not true, but even if it was, how does that change Fact number one?

 Take Mel Gibson, the left-vilified ultra-conservative religious nut. But this is the same guy who once refused
 to go to France to pick up a prestigious arts award in protest of the country's then-recent nuclear testing.

 OK - are you saying he's not quite the ultra-conservative religious nut we think he is?

 Sylvester Stallone, another of the left's favorite right-wing nuts, has given more money to Democratic candidates
 in the last three presidential elections than to Republicans.

 OK - what point are you not getting to?

 Shannon Doherty, another supposed Nazi, acts in the same soft-porn films you claim Ashcroft will soon be taking off the 'net.

 OK - for a Nazi, she has the best-shaped breasts I've ever seen.

 But no, no, no: unless an actor ponies up to the extreme liberal theocracy of outright hypocrites like Sheryl Crow,
 he or she's a Nazi gasbag in the eyes of Bartcop. In reality, the moment these actors are faced with conservative
 criticism that is even a minute fraction of the grief they give Republicans, they whine and put the clamp on their own
 lawyers to sue their critics--lawyers who, I might add, are far more onerous than Ashcroft in terms of civil liberties.

 Objection - assumes "facts" not in evidence.
 Why does peace equal, "the extreme liberal theocracy of outright hypocrites?"
 What has Sheryl Crow done besides wear some peace t-shirts?
 Why does she scare you?
 Does peace scare you? No wonder you hated the Clinton years so much...

 Also, I'm not aware of  any actor suing any critic - please forward some URLs on that.

 Take John & Ken's recent Virtual March on Hollywood, for instance. Even with their L.A.-local audience,
 the 100-or-so people they convinced to virtually march on Hollywood was enough to touch off a deluge of
 lawsuit threats from a number of actor agencies' lawyers. The essence of political discourse is under siege from
 the mad minions of Hollywood, and you're up in arms over John Ashcroft shutting the door on illegal--ILLEGAL--activity.

 I never heard of John & Ken - are they a Hollywood couple?
 You say lawsuits were threatened?
 Anyone who backs down over a threatened lawsuit doesn't have much conviction.
 And why should actors have fewer opinions than plumbers or car salesmen?
 Or AM radio blowhard sons of bitches who get paid millions to lie to the most gullible fools?

 Yes, as much as Sean Penn can vomit out conspiratorial, George Noory-caliber stories of all the jobs he supposedly
 lost thanks to his antiwar views, as much as Hollywood hopes to return to the sacred land of McCarthyism so they
 can regain that coveted "victimized" label, as much as Martin Sheen can blame his producers if they don't treat him
 like royalty even though the audience thinks his show sucks, actors who don't kiss the feet of the far left agenda are
 vilified in an outright manner by their contemporaries.

 Oh, Sean Penn's lawsuit is what we're talking about? I don't know how Hollywood contracts work.
 Apparently, a handshake sometimes means a deal has been made, but why bother with a contract if
 a handshake (the terms of which can't be verified) is enforcable?  If you're saying Hollywood has a
 screwy way of doing business, I'll agree with you.

 That other stuff you wrote was garden variety horseshit. 

 Ask Barrett Swatek, for instance, or Charlton Heston.

 Never heard of Barrett Swatek, but what would I ask him if I knew him?.
 And Chuckles Heston might have a SAG card, but he's no actor.
 Who along the political spectrum in Hollywood has suffered more political hate for expressing political views?

 Who more than Heston?  I don't know, that's a weird question.
 You think nobody wants to hire Heston because he's a gun Nazi?
 He's a lying pig and he's a gun nut.  We're supposed to support a handjob like Heston?

 This is his most famous moment of the last twenty years:


 He said, "Mr Clinton, you're not getting my gun," (something like that)
 but that was a big, fat Nazi lie because Clinton never tried to outlaw muskets.

 Why is Charlton Heston such a lying scumbag?.
 Why can't Moses tell the truth?
 Does he know the difference betwen a lit and the truth?

 Why didn't he hold a fully-automatic Tech-9 Streetsweeper in his hands?
 That's what Clinton wanted outlawed, not muskets and that lying shit Heston KNEW it.

 But Heston wanted to raise money, so he lied to get it.
 That mkes him a whore.

 In the world of Bartcop, you're a Nazi gasbag simply because you don't base your politics on bad karma or

 No, you're only a Nazi gasbag if you're a Nazi gasbag.

 Who's really threatening civil liberties, Bartcop?

 Bush, Cheney and that insane Ashcroft.

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