Last year the oily and corrupt House leader Congressman
Tom Delay personally used the Department Of
Homeland Security to track down and locate members
of the Texas State Legislature who had fled to Oklahoma
after Mr. Delay tried to redistrict his home
state into illogical shapes that were straight off of a sushi plate.
This week Mr. Delay subpoenaed a brain-dead woman
to Capitol Hill to score political capital from the religious
and rigid right and distract from his vast legal
problems including the illegal use of campaign funds and his current
successful attempt to literally change the House's
ethics rules, written in secret. Texas, of course, is where they
execute retarded people and adolescents.
Irving Kristol's son Bill, the neo-conservative
dreamer and top propagandist for the Iraq invasion since his founding
of The Project For A New American Century, had
his expert say on Fox News the other day. He claimed that one
of the neurologists who had examined the medically
dead woman said: " She can recover substantially if she gets the
proper rehabilitation. "
It almost makes you long for the days of uninterrupted Atlanta courtroom-killer news and video.
There are approximately eight point eight Billion
dollars missing in Iraq, completely unaccounted for, according to the
U.S.-led Coalition Provisional Authority. Never
one to miss an opportunity for irony, President Bush nominated yet
another chief architect of the Iraq invasion,
Paul Wolfowitz to run The World Bank. That's a perfect triangle of failure
with a Secretary of State who did a miserable
job advising the President on National Security and an Attorney General
who tried to find legal loopholes in torture
A recent document uncovered Halliburton's newest
overcharge of 108 million for Jordanian and Turkish fuel
- "The cost data did not reconcile to KBR's (Halliburton
subsidiary) accounting" - and added to countless overcharges
totaling close to two billion dollars. Meanwhile,
Congress decides to investigate steroid use in professional baseball.
They must not know that Chandra Levy is still missing.
The media swine scoffed and smirked at veteran
journalist Dan Rather's final plea for courage as they ripped apart
Michael Jackson for wearing pajamas and blanketed
the airwaves with coverage of Martha Stewart. It's always hard
to figure out week in and week out who the biggest
media weenie is. George Will and David Brooks both could hardly
wait to make immediate cheeky/mealy-mouthed references
to France in discussing the Syrian mess in Lebanon. Everyone
in the cool kids media club was praising the
President for his bold leadership, though almost two months have gone by
since the Iraqi election, the many sides are
still fighting and the country is a bloody mess.
Or is it the three-headed liberal weenie, The
Evan Thomas/ Howard Fineman/ Chris Matthews Monster with their newest
shtick, the just-so-wacky-it-might-work: " George
Bush is an idiot-genius who had to lie to America to get us into a war
bring freedom to the Middle East." Subtitle:
" We won't know for fifty years"
Talk about mission creeps.
In fact, all three men were performing it brilliantly
last week, after about twenty minutes of adolescent discussion of Mr. Jackson's
wardrobe and Ms. Stewart's homecoming, on radio
legend Don Imus' program. That hardly left the them any time to discuss
brand-new appointment of America's chief diplomat
to the United Nations, Mr. John Bolton. The little coverage and criticism
media did give the truly absurd nomination usually
referred to a bad joke that Mr. Bolton had once told about cutting off
the top
floors of the UN building- and it not mattering.
But the consistently undiplomatic Mr. Bolton once seriously asserted that
We (United States) are the Security Council"
One of the few reporters left in D.C., Mark Shields, remarked that the
was " like naming Howard Stern as your Chief
of Protocol or Mary Baker Eddy as your Surgeon General."
Back in the middle of 2003, before Jon Stewart
was a big star, Mr. Matthews was on The Daily Show and was asked about
Presidential election and the long list of Democratic
candidates. The war that Mr. Matthews had passive-aggressively cheer leaded
had not been going well. The questions that he
had failed to ask the politicians and leaders about the preparation and
planning for
the war were coming home to roost. With all his
experience in "Wershington" as he calls it in his Pennsylvanian drawl,
working for
the late, great Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill - among
others, this would be a perfect opportunity to educate the young people
about the
issues on a cool T.V. show and discuss the politics
involved with them.
But Mr. Matthews tried to be hip and irreverent
and summarized the whole field of candidates by giddily telling Stewart
Congressman Dick Gephardt had big eyebrows.
Tip O'Neill was probably rolling in his grave
that summer night and just about the same time out in Colorado, an old
salty dog
named Hunter S. Thompson was stewing about the
sorry state of affairs in America.
The journalist and author fumed: " It is genuinely
incredible. The U.S. Treasury is empty, we are losing that stupid, fraudulent
chickencrap War in Iraq, and every country in
the world except a handful of Corrupt Brits despises us. We are losers,
and that is the one unforgivable sin in America."
"Beyond that, we have lost the respect of the
world and lost two disastrous wars in three years. Afghanistan is lost,
Iraq is a
permanent war Zone, our national Economy is crashing
all around us, the Pentagon's "war strategy" has failed miserably, nobody
has any money to spend, and our once-mighty U.S.
America is paralyzed by Mutinies in Iraq and even Fort Bragg."
"The American nation is in the worst condition
I can remember in my lifetime, and our prospects for the immediate future
even worse. I am surprised and embarrassed to
be a part of the first American generation to leave the country in far
shape than it was when we first came into it.
Our highway system is crumbling, our police are dishonest, our children
are poor,
our vaunted Social Security, once the envy of
the world, has been looted and neglected and destroyed by the same gang
ignorant greed-crazed bastards who brought us
Vietnam, Afghanistan, the disastrous Gaza Strip and ignominious defeat
over the world. The Stock Market will never come
back, our Armies will never again be No. 1, and our children will drink
filthy water for the rest of our lives."
The day after Thompson killed himself, the beat-up, piled-upon and tired-looking Mr. Rather declared simply and dramatically: "Gonzo is dead"
This fact was immediately evident upon watching the cable news channels.
CNN's Judy Woodruff introduced two young women
at computers who were reading weblogs to gauge the reaction to the sad
One of the women stated that Mr. Thompson had
basically pioneered the practice of Gonzo Journalism. Mr. Imus' producer
Bernard McGuirk and sports stooge Sid Rosenberg
just could not, for the life of them, figure out what all the fuss was
about regarding
Mr. Thompson's death. "What did he 'eva do" chortled
the pool-ball headed producer; "Who is this guy?" laughed Mr. Rosenberg.
But their questions would soon be answered by
the newsbunnies at MSNBC who were broadcasting Live from the studio with
In-Depth coverage of the Top Story:
The darkness had indeed come.