Great Republican Quotes
"Al Gore has two choices here...
- he can be a patriot or a litigant."
-- some right-wing attorney hired by Fox
This moron doesn't realize SMIRK has turned litigant,
which, according to his logic, proves that Smirk isn't a patriot.
Have you ever seen an elephant cry?
ha ha
Sign in the crowd in Florida:
If you can read
you must be a Republican
ha ha
Have you heard the latest?
The judge who got the Petition
(I don't know which one, there's too much to follow)
is married to a man who contributed to Gore's campaign.
Maybe next election, we should just vote with our keyboards.
Damn, I'm jealous.
Turn on C-Span right now (2:47 CST)
That cheese-fries Prime Minister guy is debating his challenger
...and it's a real debate!!!!!!
It's a real debate with interruptions and confrontations
and charges of "horse hockey!" and everything.
...and they're NOT being extra-nice to each other.
Koresh, those Canadians must've been wondering what kind of
wimped-out pussies are running America when we have our "debates."
Smirk and Fuzzy spent so much time kissing each other's ass
the average citizen STILL couldn't make a decision,
whihc is part of this Florida problem.
If you read this in time, check it out
Now Fox News is saying Smirk is ahead in New Mexico? FOUR votes?
The fix is in...
Gore's going to lose this election.
Smirk Daddy's calling in all his CIA favors.
They want to win this no matter what they have to do.
This is getting too stupid for words.
I pity the writers on SNL.
Parody is hardest when you're surrounded by absurdity.
2 PM
John King, CNN's White House stooge, says Smirk signed
a bill
into law in Texas in 1996 that says, "If
a recount is needed,
it shall be done by hand since that's
a more reliable method."
That proves this "machine only" recount idea Baker is pushing
is just more proof Smirk doesn't want the people's will to prevail.
This is getting funnier than a Saturday Night Live skit
Now they're saying New Mexico is back in the who-the-hell-knows
Isn't it time we just voite on the 22nd Amendment,
let Clinton stay in office another four years and both parties
get new and
better candidates for the 2004 race?
I just noticed...
Since the campaign is over, Smirk is no longer surrounding
himself with little brown and black children anymore.
For the last year, it was nearly impossible to get a picture of
when he wasn't rubbing some black kid's head - but no more.
I guess he won't see any black children until he runs again in 2004
MSNBC reports that a Miami policeman says he's got a box of ballots
in the evidence room of a Miami police station. He just testified
to this
at an NAACP hearing.
Looks like Jeb Bush got caught again.
9:40 CST - watching James Baker on CNN
It's funny.
Twice Baker has had to catch himself in mid-word because twice
he's almost said,
"We have to respect the will of the pe...the results of the
For 18 months, Smirk has been talking about "the will of the people"
and now that the will of the people has gone against them, they
have to
rewire their rhetoric to make it fit the new situation.
I've been watching CNN this morning, so I guess it's partly my
They keep whining that they're getting 10,000 e-mails and it's
their system and they're so afraid their system will crash.
I thought you guys were a world-wode news reporting agency?
We don't care if you're so damn proud of your e-mail.
Sure, I whined some about mine (which is exploding, too)
but I'm one person with a modem, and you're goddamned CNN.
So stop whining!
CNN is also getting wood running results from a poll saying 69
think Smirk will win this and 19 percent think Gore will.
Maybe if they keep hammering and hammering and hammering that
point home,
the people will eventually choose the easiest route our of this
mess and start
urging the Gore camp to give up the fight.
That seems to be what CNN wants.
Hacks’ Story Line: Down
With Gore!
by Smokin' Joe Conason
What will not be changed regardless of the outcome of the 2000
Presidential election
- and it should be said that, as this is being written on the
afternoon of Nov. 7, the result is unknown
- is the awe-inspiring awfulness of campaign coverage by the
national political press.
CNN is quoting the front page of the New York Whore Times saying
"top Democrats in Washington" are thinking about urging Gore
to give up.
I guess Matt Drudge heard that rumnor, so the Whore Times jumps
and does whatever Matt tells them to and that makes me fucking
The New York Times is as big a whore as any tabloid in America.
I'm so old, I remember back when they were respected.
Isn't that sad?
Perfect Example
The vulgar Pigboy compared the Gore strategy to that of Johnnie Cochran:
"There doesn't seem to be any end, and that
bothers me, especially when I listen
to the Gore spokespeople all saying
this can't possibly end by five o'clock Wednesday.
That tells me that the vote count isn't
the last word with these people
– which, I gather, would be true even
if they won."
--Rush, on his hate radio showthis week
This is a PERFECT example of another way Rush can lie to his sheep.
Everyone in the country knows these facts:
Smirk is ahead by 300-400 votes, but there are THOUSANDS of ballots
in the mail.
Nobody can end this until those mail ballots come in.
Pigboy knows that.
Even his idiot sheep know this, or would if they had brains and
a TV.
But he puts out wild-ass poppycock like the above quote.
Why would he say something so obviously and blatantly untrue?
Why is the only place that calls him on this?
Rush knows this process can't end until the 17th when FLORIDA
says the last of the mail votes must be counted. This is just
another example of the
insane horseshit
that Rush is allowed to repeat again and again and again and again
until his mind-numbed robots start writing letters to the editor
and calling C-Span
and other shows repeating the same senseless horseshit.
And when Rush goes on a show like Chris the Screamer's, or goes
on CNN
with Wolf the Whore or on Fox with Paula Von Zahn, they will
NEVER call him on
his lies because he's good for a half-million viewers and
those whores need the ratings.
Conservative Challenge
Let one conservative stand up and explain this blatant Pigboy
I dare you, but I know you can't because we both know
he's lying.
Let one conservative come forward and explain his clumsy lie.
You can't.
BartCop wins again.
Another Page Two Girl and a cigar might help ease the tension...
Great Smirky Quotes
It's in our country's best interest that
we plan in a
responsible way for a possible administration.
- Smirk, after a meeting with advisers.
Smirk, you're not half the man your daddy is.
You're not half the man Bob Dole is.
America's best interest's would be for you to go back to
pretend-running Texas and let the adults run the country.
Subject: Karen Hughes texas cheerleader mom killer
is it just me or does karen hughes remind you
of that crazy woman in texas
who tried to kill another mother over a cheerleading
ha ha
I have a question.
Let's say you were in a hueueueuge bar in Austin the morning
much-beloved Texas
played the hated Oklahoma Sooners in the biggest OU-Texas game
in 15 years.
Let's say you passed ballots around this hueueueuege Austin
bar before the game
asking which team was going to win the big, nationally televised
game today.
The vote came back 660 for the Longhorns, and ten for the Sooners.
Wondering what the problem is, you check the ballots of the ten
who voted
for Oklahoma and found out those ballots were printed "funny."
Turns out, they punched the Sooners hole next to the words "Texas Longhorns."
So the question is, do they really love the Oklahoma Sooners
in Austin?
Or do you think the problem might be with the ballots?
Mugabe aide offers advice on democracy to US
A Zimbabwean politician has told the Americans it was time they started
taking lessons from his country in how to run a democratic election.
the chaos and confusion in the US presidential race, the campaign manager
for Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe said they would have faced international
criticism and threats of sanctions if some of the problems in the US election
happened in their country.
Moyo told the BBC that in the US there had been ballots not counted,
votes going missing and Republican candidate George Bush's brother had
involved in overseeing the election in Florida.
said: "Perhaps now we have reached a time when they can learn a lot from
Maybe Africans and others should send observers to help Americans deal
their democracy."
Moyo also said it did not make sense that one candidate could win the most
votes and not become President, as could happen with vide president Al
could not get away with something like that in Zimbabwe without the threat
of sanctions," said Mr. Moyo.
Mugabe's Zanu PF party won the election in Zimbabwe earlier this year
amid widespread international concern about the way the election in the
southern African republic was run.
ha ha
Ann Coulter is Washington's new Monica.
She's always on her knees, sometimes just for free french fries.
And if that wasn't true, why wouldn't she sue me?
Great Comic Quotes
This Florida election shit has gotten out
of hand...
Blacks were being turned away, and they
were given proper ballots.
It was so bad, in one county,
blacks couldn't vote until they made free
throws from half-court.
- Chris Rock, 11-10-00
Ralph Nader stomps out thew will of the people after his short-sighted,
self-aggrandizing meddling gave the presidency to that idiot
Good move, Ralph.
Maybe Smirk will appoint you to a cabinet position as a reward.
Don't you Nader voters feel extra-stupid now?
We TOLD you you were voting for Smirk.
Smirk is going to give us war and recession.
We're going to lose men overseas because you elected that
moronic bungler by playing "fun games" with Nader and your vote.
Goodbye stock market, clean air and civil rights.
Hello voluntary pollution guidlines and oil drilling rigs in Yellowstone.
Thanks, Nader voters.
I had to DL an html program to edit tonight's The Latest.
While it was downloading, it said I had 6 minutes to kill, so
I hit "Games."
I don't do games, but I wanted to see what was there.
I saw 6-8 games, one was Donkey Kong.
Remember I said I worked
for that vending guy?
Back around 1981, the video
game craze was just hitting K-Drag.
My boss was the hot dealer,
and he was selling the big, upright video
games by the truckload. He
got a special price on the original Donkey Kong.
He bought so many of these
arcade games, he couldn't store them all,
so he he asked if he could
put some in the garage of Bartcop Manor.
I said, "Sure, if we can open
one and play with it."
He agreed.
So the next night, I had $45,000
worth of Donkey Kong in my garage.
I bet you don't know anyone
else who can say that.
So, anyway, I'm wasting time in this "Games" folder,
saw Donkey Kong, and for old time's sake I clicked on it.
With the bad-ass video card I bought when I had all that ADM money,
I'm suddenly looking at a really cool 3-D jungle and instead
of Mario,
I control the gorilla walking towards the rolling barrels. The
first barrel
hit the monkey and I decided the game was a loser.
"Fuck this," I thought to myself, so I hit "Exit Game."
Then a window came up and said,
"Are you SURE you want to exit the Donkey
Kong game?"
...and then it hit me.
Doesn't it figure?
When you're rtying to exit a Donkey Kong game,
the computer asks if you're sure that's what you want to do.
But if you're a Florida Jew who just accidentally voted for Pat
nobody asks you, "Are you sure you want
to vote for Pat Buchanan?"
No, they weren't asked that, because that's not important.
What's important is whether or not the free video game should
re-load or not.
Picking the leader of the planet is a knee-jerk reflex that can't
be corrected,
but to exit a Donkey Kong game - you must be certain of
your decision.
Hillary Calls for Abolition of Electoral System
Hillary has called for the abolition of
the Electoral College.
She pledged to be a co-sponsor of legislation
that would provide for
the direct election of the president and
vice president.
By weighing in immediately and forcefully
on one of the country's most
contentious issues, she also signaled that
she does not intend to shrink
from the prominent national role she has
played as first lady.
"I have thought about this for a long time,"
Mrs. Clinton said.
"I've always thought we had outlived the
need for an Electoral College,
and now that I am going to the Senate,
I am going to try to do what I can
to make clear that the popular vote, the
will of the people, should be followed."
"We are a very different country than we
were 200 years ago," Hillary said.
"We have mass communications, we have the
mobility to knit our country together
that was not conceived of at the time of
the founders' proposals about how we elect
our presidents. I believe strongly that
we should respect the will of the people."
Hillary, I love ya, but that'll never work.
If we went to the popular vote, we might end up with intelligent
leaders from
places like New York, Chicago, Boston or San Francisco.
This way, our leaders come from Texas, Georgia, Mississippi and
The idiotic Electoral College gives hayseed hick-boners an edge.
We don't want our best and brightest leading this country.
Can I say one thing about the election in 2004?
Fuck Iowa, and fuck New Hampshire.
Why should that 1 percent of America decide who's going to be
There are donut shop owners in Des Moines and Manchester that
have met the
last six presidents and I've never even seen one - that's horseshit.
Why don't we rotate that huge responsibility?
Let's let Oregon and Wisconsin pick our next president.
so glad i happened by it
visit every day
much smarter than rush
of course my dog is smarter than rush
ha ha
Gwen, thanks, I think...
Some really good top-shelf comedy here.
A skit from last night's Chris Rock.
This is cold, blue and written better than a Patsy Ramsey ransom
(Don't write and tell me it has the "F' word.
I know it does.
It's also the best election commentary I've heard
this month.)
By the way, did anybody watch
that video short I put up?
It was the Doc Screech segment
of Ally McBeal last week.
What a bitch!
My counter says I had over
900 hits since Monday night
but nobody has mentioned
the avi of Doc Harpy.
Oh well, as time goes by,
more people will get the short movies.
So here we go with our top-flight comedy.
These will take time to DL, but you won't hear anything funnier
on this insane Florida crap.
Click Here
to hear clip one as a .
Click Here to download clip one as an MP3 (to save forever)
Wanda Sykes - The funniest
woman in America?
Click Here
to hear clip two as a .
Click Here to download clip one as an MP3 (to save forever)
You can say it's only funny because of the bad words,
but the "bad words" are proof that it's real - not horseshit.
Don't you wish you could just turn him off?
Subject: You are just depressed, and will get over it
Although the write-in ballots aren't counted yet,
it appears that the on-street die
is cast and W has squeaked it out. Take
the high road and face facts. Your guy lost.
A few points:
If it was Illinois (with the Daley's in charge
of the bulk of votes) we were waiting for
recounts in rather than Florida (with Jeb Bush
at the helm), you would be defending
the process as upright and wholesome and that
we should just wait for the results.
That's crazy talk. You must've heard Rush say that.
Why would you even suggest such a silly thing?
My benchmark - if Hillary says that we should
do away with the Electoral College,
we should keep it. If George Will says
we should keep it, we should keep it.
Don't you know about George Will?
George Will is wrong more often than a fucking chimp.
Look at the chart. He's more stupid than the monkey.
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It was the best issue ever.
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