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Linda Chavez was in the hot seat, and
she had to make a decision for herself and her family as
to whether she wanted to go through
that mess. It's one of the reasons good people just don't go
into government service anymore. I find
it distressing to see a good, decent, honorable person like
that smeared and attacked gratuitously
and gleefully by the opposition to her ideological views.
That's what really bugs me.
Why drag herself and her family through
all that? These folks are just shameless. I am disgusted
by the politics of personal destruction,
and I don't care who follows it -- Democrats or Republicans.
--Michael Meyers, a co-worker if Linder's
I'd like to say something that should be obvious, but apparently
The ONLY people we will listen to bitch and moan about "how mean"
Washington has become
are the people who have been saying that since January 17th 1998.
Greedy horse molesters like Paul Harvey or relentless, obsessed
cock hunters like
Bill Bennett and John Ashcroft can bang around like a screen
door in a tornado all they want.
But unless they very loudly and visibly tried to slow the Great
Clinton Cock Hunt, we know they're
lying their asses off now when they say they hate the politics
of personal destruction.
Harvey, Bennett, Ashcroft and Pigboy had the most fun with impeachment.
You guys designed and constructed this shit we've been living in - and now it's your turn.
...your boy's gettin' rolled.
Bush Interior Pick Has
Suggested a 'Right To Pollute'
Is Gail Norton Insane?
WASHINGTON (Jan. 9) - Gale Norton, Smirk's nutty choice to head
the Interior Department,
once suggested that government recognize property owners' ``right
to pollute'' and that they be
compensated for losses when forced to protect the environment.
Great Rush Quotes
"If you take away the black vote from both
-- His hate radio show,
January 10, 2001
I believe this to be the second true statement Rush has
made this millenium.
Matter of fact, it's so true, it's understating the situation.
If you take away the female vote, Bush wins in a landslide.
If you take away the Hispanic vote, Bush wins in a landslide.
If you take away the gay vote, Bush wins in a landslide.
If you take away the poor vote, Bush wins in a landslide.
If you take away the urban vote, Bush wins in a landslide.
If you take away the elderly vote, Bush wins in a landslide.
If you take away the under-25 vote, Bush wins in a landslide.
If you take away the New York vote, Bush wins in a landslide.
If you take away the California vote, Bush wins in a landslide.
If you take away the educated vote, Bush wins in a landslide.
If you take away the science and logic vote, Bush wins in a landslide.
Better put, if you only let older, white, fat, wealthy, "Christian"
bald men vote,
Smirky would win a landslide.
Let's hear it for broken-clock Limbaugh.
He's been right twice this century.
From Betty Bowers
In the wake of proposed Attorney General John Ashcroft announcing that
he uses Crisco to anoint
himself, the FDA has come out with a warning against using polyunsaturated
fats for religious anointings.
FDA spokesperson Bobbi Burkhart warned:
"For one thing, vegetable shortening has an
alarming propensity to draw flies and makes one's neck
smell like French fries left under a heat-lamp
too long when applied during the Summer or in buildings
without proper ventilation."
At a press conference, Mrs. Betty Bowers added:
"Mrs. Ashcroft may think she is clever keeping
an aerosol can of Pam in her purse for quick
anointings in cars, hotel rooms and restaurants
(or when otherwise away from the Ashcroft pantry),
but her aim has the precision of a crop duster
and she has irreparably ruined several of my
silk blouses at political gatherings."
ha ha
Stroke Me, Stroke Me
"I love it - Clinton is leaving and Bush
is coming back into office."
-- His hate radio show, January 10,
Uh, ...excuse me, Your Strokeness, but nobody is "coming
back into office."
You see, the appointed, selected emporer is the SON of the once-elected
Don't you have two brain cells left Rush?
Relativity or are Republicans
(Or do they just act that way?)
from onlinejournal.com
From: jbhigdon@townsend.com
Subject: Boxer v. Asscroft
Hey, BC:
It occurs to me that it would be unfair to list
traitors without also listing the heroes.
It also appears to me that Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
is one Senator that I will not be working to defeat.
Yesterday she was the first to publicly state
that she would vote against Asscroft, and demanded that
Bush remove his nomination to AG. I think
she might even be a good running mate for Hillary in 2004.
Jim H.
DUBYA'S NO STUD -- he's a romantic dud!
Many Americans think of our Bogus Potus
as a party-hearty womanizer.
He loved getting drunk -- but he's certainly
no ladies' man, say old pals.
Smirk -- relying on buddies and even his
famous dad to try to get dates for him.
Smirk bombed with lots of lovelies
...including Richard Nixon's daughter Tricia!
"He wasn't a Don Juan-type of person," says his college roommate Robert Dieter.
It was tough to find a date for Bush when
he was attending Yale.
Romantically speaking, Dieter said, Smirk
was a "reclamation project."
"My wife and I even got him dates after
we were married," said college buddy Russell Walker
Walker says reports that Bush was a swinger
are "just complete, total baloney."
While George was training for the Texas
Air National Guard in Georgia during Vietnam,
President Nixon himself sent a plane to
get him so he could meet his daughter Tricia.
"George said it was the absolute worst time
he ever had doing anything,"
reveals old pal Doug Hannah. "Their date
was a disaster."
...maybe Tricia wasn't into cocaine and branding.
Great Moments on the E.I.B.
Caller: Butt Rush, butt Rush, that was a "contract hit" on Linda Chavez
Pigboy: "Contract hit?" What do you mean "contract hit?"
Caller: I mean they dug this up, they found out about it and they brought it forward.
Pigboy: Yeah, that's the liberal
media for you...
Butt Rush, paying a live-in maid in CASH is illegal.
When Clinton was messing with an intern, it wasn't illegal.
Hardon Kenny's zest to frame Clinton created that "crime."
Nobody framed Linda Chavez, she was just plain guilty.
But isn't it funny how they squeal when the new rules are applied to them?
one of the best and most serious political web sites
has a long but great story on Smirk's efforts to lead after stealing
the election.
Man with No Mandate it's called.
Not many laughs, but losing your right-to-vote isn't very damn funny.
From: kc0bzz@heartlandtel.com
Subject: Smirk on Letterman
Letterman ran a great clip of Smirk.
It was clearly a video scrap from a photo op.
Smirk has a bunch of guys moving him out
of the governor's mansion. He stops, picks up
one end of a table with one of the moving guys
- the cameras flash as he smiles - then he puts
it down and walks out of the room.
It was priceless.
Matt Hagin
Matt, I saw that.
Smirk posed for the camera for about two full seconds, pretending to
move stuff.
To be honest, every politician in history has done that.
They're letting Smirk have the free ride - and nobody knows for sure
But you know what the whore press would've done
if Clinton had been "caught" doing a photo-op for a camera?
The vulgar Pigboy would spend at least three hours calling Clinton a fraud.
Bill O'Reilly would spend at least an hour calling Clinton a fraud.
Sean Hannity would walk all over Alan Colmes for an hour that night,
calling Clinton a fraud.
Eva Von Zahn would spend at least an hour that night calling Clinton
a fraud.
The Beltway Boys would spend at least an hour that night calling Clinton
a fraud.
Brit Hume and Tony Snow would spend at least an hour on Sunday calling
Clinton a fraud.
Juan Williams and Mara Liason would spend their entire allotted time
calling Clinton a fraud.
John McLaughlin would spend at least an hour on his syndicated showcalling
Clinton a fraud.
Chris the Screamer would spend at least an hour on his show calling
Clinton a fraud.
G. Gordon Liddy would spend at least three hours on his radio show calling
Clinton a fraud.
Laura the Whore would spend at least an hour on her radio show calling
Clinton a fraud.
Michael Medved would spend at least an hour on his radio show calling
Clinton a fraud.
Sam and Cokie would spend at least an hour on This Whore calling Clinton
a fraud.
George (Judas Maximus) Steffi and George (dumb as a chimp) Will would
spend their entire allotted time calling Clinton a fraud.
Bob Scheiffer would spend at least an hour on Face the Whore calling
Clinton a fraud.
Tim the Catholic would spend at least an hour on Meet the Whore calling
Clinton a fraud.
John Hockenberry would spend at least an hour on his show calling Clinton
a fraud.
Ollie North would spend at least an hour on his radio show calling
Clinton a fraud.
Robert Novak would spend at least an hour on his cable TV show calling
Clinton a fraud.
Paul Weyrich would spend at least an hour on his cable TV show calling
Clinton a fraud.
BSNBC's Brian Williams would spend at least an hour on his show calling
Clinton a fraud.
Wolf the Whore would spend at least an hour on his show saying calling
Clinton a fraud.
Greta Susteren would say, "What's the big deal? Every politician does that."
Bill Schneider and Candy Crowley would do an hour special calling Clinton
a fraud.
John Stossel would have a special on ABC: Is fraud OK for
Then Howie Kurtz would spend 30 minutes on Reliable Sources calling
Clinton a fraud.
Barbara Olson would write a book calling Clinton a fraud.
Ann Coulter would write a book calling Clinton a fraud.
Laura Ingraham would write a book calling Clinton a fraud.
Peggy Noonan would write a book calling Clinton a fraud.
Andrew Sullivan would write a book calling Clinton a fraud.
Linda Chavez would write a book calling Clinton a fraud.
William Safire would write a book calling Clinton a fraud.
...but Smirk gets away with it because it has nothing to do with Clinton's cock.
From: johnde@va.prestige.net
Subject: Law and Order Quiz
Which was:
There have only been two prosecutors - Ben Stone
and Jack McCoy.
Quiz: What was the REAL reason Michael Moriarty left?
Quiz: What was the TV reason his
character left,
and what other name do we know her by today?
Call on me, call on me. I know HALF of the answer.
Moriarity didn't like Executive Producer Dick
Wolf (or Wolf the Dick as he used to refer to him)
sitting down with Janet Reno discussing Law and
Order storylines that ostensibly glorified violence.
Moriarity was vehemently opposed to any such
conversations with the government,
for very understandable reasons.
Now as for the TV reason, I am lost.
Am I right?
John, you are close enough to win the first Corvette.
Moriarty was furious at ANY talks with Reno about the show.
So, who wants to win the second Corvette?
Why did Ben Stone resign from the NY District Attorney's office?
And by what other name do we know her?
I'm going to have to Swear to Koresh on this one,
or you'll assume I'm making it up - but it happened
Stroke Me, Stroke me
"I can tell the seminar callers are out
in full force today,
because they always start off
by blowing smoke up my dress."
-- Rush's lil' hate radio show, January 10,
2001, I heard it myself
Funny he'd let that phrase slip out.
Does this mean Slappy is making Rush wear the dress now?
For more, see Vol 039 The Cucumber Caper
Today is History
- In 1861: Alabama seceded from the
Who the hell let them back in?
More Limbaugh Lies
"Welcome back to the Rush Limbaugh program,
where we have 'countless
millions' of new listeners."
This, of course, is a lie.
Johnny One-Note is losing listeners every day.
The only way he could have 'counless millions' of new listeners
is if he lost 3 million listeners and picked up 2 million.
In ten days, the transformation will be complete.
Rush is about to become the Chief Apologist for the federal government.
Are our men and women in the military overpaid?
Found this in Volume 39
Linda Chavez, what a clumsy liar...
Reporter: Linda, why are Hillary's negatives so high?
Linda: Because the public is smart
enough to see
through her lies and her self-serving crimes.
Reporter: Linda, why are Newt's negatives so high?
Linda: Because the press always lies about him.
Also found in Volume 39
From 1996
Old Dick Cheney is in bad health after 3 heart attacks and quadruple
heart bypass surgery.
Between him & Dole, they can't play a game of Rack-O without
a doctor.
Gene Lyons on the Ashcroft Monster
Had Bush announced he'd appoint an Ashcroft in October,
Al Gore would have won the presidency in a walk.
Opposing Ashcroft needs no constitutional justification and has
nothing to do with "personal destruction."
It's purely political. The man's dogmatic, intemperate views
make him unfit for the job of enforcing laws
he clearly doesn't believe in. That's really all we need to know.
Great Hippo-crit Quotes
"This whole disease of the politics of
personal destruction is really a corrosive force.
It's amazing how compassion
can be criminalized in Washington."
-- Marc Levin, head dick of the National Council for a
Nazi Congress
Is this the same "F. Lee levin" who works for the vulgar Pigboy?
Hey, Marc!
Is criminalizing compassion anything like criminalizing an affair?
You crazy sons of bitches can't remember 1998 and 1999?
What are you, fucking nuts?
You changed the Party of Lincoln to the Party of Kinkin'.
I'm going to say it again - Your boy's getting rolled.
I enjoy hearing you sick bastards squeal.
Clinton was always willing to beat you on issues, but
You got beat-to-death on the issues, so you went after his
Impeaching a president for an affair when Reagan and Bush sold
(stolen weapons, by the way) to the Ayataollah to get around
the Boland Amendment?
Unlike anything Bill Clinton did, that's a CRIME,
And you want to squeal now about "the politics of personal destruction?"
ha ha
Eat it, Republicans!
I won't suggest Democrats call a truce until that idiot Smirk
has his mental breakdown
and is carried from the White House on a gurney, in a straight
jacket, wearing a goalie's mask.
Once that happens, ...then we'll talk truce.
For now, your boy's getting rolled.
That oil-spiller Gale Norton?
I think after you read this, you'll agree we have 2 out of three,
and it's time to turn all the guns on whites-only, Supreme Dragon
John Ashcroft.
In a 1996 speech to a conservative group,
Interior Secretary-designate Gale A. Norton
likened her struggle to preserve states'
rights to the cause of the Confederacy, saying,
"We lost too much" when the South
was defeated in the Civil War.
Bye, Gale.
Tell Linda Chavez in political Limbo that we said, "Don't
come back soon."
From: Xnerg@aol.com
Subject: Moriarty
ben stone resigned from the da's office
because he convinced a witness she
would be safe testifying against the russian
mafia but she got killed.
don't know the actresse's name though.
do i win the other corvette?
ha ha
No, you only get the wheels.
Last night's episode was
the first show of 2001.
Did you notice who the guest
star lawyer was?
His name is Keir Dullea
- not quite a household name,
but he was the star of 2001:
Space Odyssey.
You got the first half of part 2 right.
Stone forced her to testify, even after she begged him
not to, but he kept
theatening and he eventually won and that got her dead, dead,
But who is the woman?
We all know her very well now, but she was unknown at
the time of her "death."
Chavez lying her lily-white
ass off
From USA Today, 1/10/01 Page 8A
Chavez on Zoe Baird (Clinton nomiee from 1992) then and now.
Dec 21, 1993
Most of the American people were upset
during the Zoe Baird nomination
that she had hired an
illegal alien. That was what upset them more than
the fact (sic) that she did not pay Social
Security taxes.
I believe that Zoe Baird was treated unfairly.
I can tell you that my relationship with
marta was quite different
than Zoe Baird's with her employees.
Notice how she hangs heself with her own lies?
In 1993, Baird only had one illegal employee.
Since Chavez also has one illegal employee, she has to change
the facts
and add additional employees to Zoe Baird to pretend there's
a difference.
Liar, liar liar - no wonder Smirk the Wonder Chuck dumped your lying ass.
ER was a great show, then it was a good show, because they used
to concentrate on the ER.
But when they start whining about their personal troubles
is when I tune out.
That's why The Angie Harmon Show is so good.
We don't know anything about their personal lives.
Read the Previous
It was full of proof that the whore press refuses to print.
Copyright © 2001, bartcop.com
Thanks for the fumble,