Dueling Quotes
"You are trained to kill people, because the
alternative is if you are
in combat, you will be killed. So your
choices are not varied. It's very simple.
And so you do what you're trained to
do. You do what you're there to do.
And in Vietnam, it was body count."
--Sen. Chuck Hagel, (R-Crooked
voting machines) wounded in Vietnam
"If you're killing people, it's out of fear,
not really, in my opinion, out of bravery.
Nobody's looking for medals. Everyone
wants to live another day."
--Rep.Charlie Rangel, Bronze Star in the Korean Conflict
water to the people we just bombed
If they don't pay, they can just die of dehydration
UMM QASR, Iraq - The U.S. military came
up with a solution yesterday for the
penniless people of this port town begging
for water: Sell it.
Under the deal, the military will provide
water free to locals with access to tanker
trucks, who then will be allowed to sell
the water for a "reasonable" fee.
"Charging a small fee for water provides
them with an incentive to hustle and to work,""
said Army Col. David Bassert, an assistant
commander with the 354th Civil Affairs Brigade.
Son of a bitch, I'm proud of my country. We bomb Iraq because
our Unelected Fraud
wants to steal some oil and impress his daddy, and then we offer
to sell these thirsty people water?
Bassert thinks thirsty people need an incentive to hustle to
get some clean water?
C'mon, I gotta be making this shit up, right?
I need a staff, but I remember a story where Enron had purchased
the fresh water rights
to Southern California, and I joked that the B.F.E.E.
would raise the price of fresh water
and if you didn't want to pay their gouge, you could just
f-ing do without fresh water.
Well, Enron was exposed, so the B.F.E.E. is taking their nasty-ass water gouge to Iraq.
In any other time and place, the free press would be all over
a story like this,
but since it has nothing to do with Clintons zipper, it's just
another non-story
ignored by Bush's good puppy press.
I need a drink - of fresh water.
“Saddam has done remarkably well right now.
In fact, the most remarkable
achievement of the Bush administration
so far has been creating quite a bit
of worldwide sympathy for Saddam Hussein,
who was until this war began
perceived all over the world, including
the Middle East, as just one horrible thug.
Well, he’s gotten quite a bit of sympathy
and I suspect he wants to keep that sympathy,
and I don’t think he will be in the
business of killing POWs....“It was also interesting
that this administration, which has
been so cavalier about its own commitments to
conventions and multilateral agreements
and treaties and has insisted on setting its
own rules, making its own rules, doing
its own thing, doing whatever it deems best,
is now all of a sudden invoking international
--60 Minute's Bob Simon, who
was briefly held by the Iraqi army in 1991
For more than a year, the Bush White House
resisted and sabotaged the work of
the 9/11 commission, as it is more commonly
known. Vice President Dick Cheney,
National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice
and President Bush haveall warned
members of Congress against an independent
investigation, claiming that its work
would interfere with the war on terrorism.
When that argument crumbled, and Senators
John McCain and Joseph Lieberman pushed
a commission into existence, the President
appointed Henry Kissinger, the dean of
deception, as its chair. And ever since public
outrage forced Mr. Kissinger to step aside
last summer, the administration has sought
to deprive the commission of the money
needed to complete its mission.
But there is also much to be explored about
the actions—and inaction—of the Bush
administration during the nine months that
led up to Sept. 11. And there is much to
be explained by the President, Mr. Cheney,
Ms. Rice and other officials about the
severe warnings they ignored while pursuing
other agendas.
Hey Commie,,
I could only laugh at your american-hating
site. I bet you would love
to have Saddam husein at your trailer for
some french crussaints! ha
Your so stupid you probably think Clinton
was the greatistpresident ever
Does the word White Water mean anything
you? Bush sees the world
as it is... we will kill Sadam as he killed
3000 on 9/11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If Clinton were still persident you woud
be beggging for help from the anthrax
Sadam gave Al Qaida......... Sorry to tell
you that fags are not immune!
Clinton can't pardon you for it either!!!
signing off now, I salute the greatest president
in the world,
god bless George W Bush!!!!!!!!!!!!
A.T. Conservative
I think this is the first time I've ever been speechless...
"Did you see all that? Did you see that little
baby girl? I carried her body
and buried it as best I could but I
had no time. It really gets to me to see
children being killed like this, but
we had no choice."
--Lieutenant Matt Martin,
talking about the death of a five year old girl,
one of 12
dead civilians killed by a U.S. Marine convoy
Subject: bowling for columbine
funny isn't it.
this was supposed to be released in the
usa in late january.
before the resident bastid went lunatic
in pressing for war on iraqi noncombatants.
then the release date got pushed back for
the USA. at least twice.
in my view, so that it would not be out
but it is interesting, because if you had
a universal player, the dvd
for this flicker has been available from
amazon.co.uk for months.
doesn't that make you wonder why dvd's are
geopraphically programmed?
i wonder what else we can't see here on
our dvd players? or our ntsc vhs players.
what goes on in the pal and secam world
of which we are ignorant?
questions for you and your audience.
War Plan Encounters Reality
by Gene Lyons
Retired soldiers agree. General Merril
A. McPeak, former Air Force Chief of Staff
1990-94, told the Portland Oregonian that
"if we sent the 3rd Infantry up there naked,
by themselves, because somebody assessed
that they'd be throwing bouquets at us,
that's the worst thing you could say about
political leadership."
Bart, you wrote:
> "Clinton never sent a man into battle that didn't come home."
Mogadishu ring a bell, genius?
Does Mogadishu ring a bell?
Yes, it tells me some fish-in-a-barrel
ditto-monkey needs a f-ing boot in his ass!
Christ, why can't I attract a higher-caliber
ditto-money to decimate?
Ever since I made Nixon's lawyer eat it
live on WJFK,
I've had this certainty
that I can make any ditto-monkey
my surrender monkey in less than five minutes.
So yeah, let's talk Mogadishu...
And don't tell me Bush senior was responsible.
Clinton could have stop the Rangers
and Special Ops. long before they got caught
in that deathtrap and 18 of them died.
Hey, Chronos, are you saying that Clinton should've
known that Bush's pointless fuck-up
would result in the deaths of those brave men? Why didn't
Bush's precious CIA tell him
that the Moga gang was trained and organized and ready for our
best trained soldiers?
How many civilians died in Kosovo? Or Sudan?
I don't know if I've ever been asked a more pointless question.
Did you intend to lay some foundation for that shift?
Or were you drinking whem you played with your computer?
(I applaud you staying out of your car when you cannot make sense.)
You are a such a hypocrite.
A Mirror image of the one you hate the
I'd consider the tag, "Opposite of Rush," but I could never be the whore he is.
Oh yeah how about the USS COLE?
another 17 soldiers lost during the Clinton
In battle you ask? I say so....
ha ha
You're drunker than Dave was Monday night.
You shift more than the San Andreas Fault on roofies.
I am pro-military, but the USS Cole was a WARSHIP!
Clinton's not supposed to babysit a warship like it was
Mrs. Wilson's sewing class.
The USS Cole was full of fighting men, pulling into a possibly-hostile
It was their job to be careful. They got snuck up on, and
17 men died.
But you want to blame Clinton be cause you're a double-gated,
numbnutted monkey?
It won't fly, Koko.
Put it this way, Bush is waaaay closer to inviting 9-11 than Clinton
is to not protecting the Cole.
You can ultra-right-wing yourself into an orgasm with the wrong
"facts," but you have no chance
at making sense if you buy what Rush and FOX News are selling
“By the way, ‘No blood for oil,’ from many
people who are opposed to
the war is, is not complicated at all.
They believe the United States
wishes to occupy Iraq in the long term
to have the oil. Just so we
understand why they wear those little
buttons, ‘No blood for oil.’”
--Peter Jennings, dumb enough to
be appointed president
“This is an invasion that was not prompted
by any invasion of the United States.
I know that members of the administration
have been creating a tenuous linkage
between al-Qaeda and the Iraqis so
that there is that linkage between 9/11 and
what’s happening here now, but this
is a more pro-active, pre-emptive kind of
operation, certainly a larger pre-emptive
operation than I think America has ever
engaged in and whichever way it goes
I think it’s going to shift the plates of the world.”
-- Ted Koppel, who's a lot
smarter than Peter Jennings
Before the first cruise missile crushed
the first skull of the first child killed
in the first installment of George W. Bush's
crusade for world dominion,
the unelected plutocrats occupying the
White House were already plying
their corporate cronies with fat contracts
to "repair" the murderous devastation
they were about to unleash on Iraq. There
was, of course, no open bidding
allowed in the process; just a few "selected"
companies--selected for their
preponderance of campaign bribes to the
Bushist Party, that is - "invited"
to submit their wish lists to the War Profiteer-in-Chief.
It should come as no surprise that one of
the leading beneficiaries of this
hugger-mugger largess is our old friend,
Halliburton Corporation, the
military-energy servicing conglomerate.
Halliburton, headed by Vice
Profiteer Dick Cheney until the Bushist
coup d'etat in 2000, is already
reaping billions from the Bush wars--which
Cheney himself tells us
"might not end in our lifetime."
I do believe my good friend Chris
Floyd has been readiung bartcop.com
Great work, Chris!