Thanks to Dave925
Quotes that can't be trusted
"Disillusioned. I--I like to think--I call
myself a--a humiliated Democrat.
I never wanted this story to get out.
I--I was f--forced into it by the Paula Jones attorneys.
And it just got bigger and snowballed
after I went on "60 Minutes."
--Kathleen Willey, crying for Chris the Screamer, May 11, 1999
ha ha
She didn't want her story to get out, so she sold an interview
to 60 Minutes?
She SOLD them the interview, even though 60 Minutes claims,
"We don't pay for stories."
Usually, when people want something to remain secret, they don't
go on 60 Minutes
and tell stories that Starr's lie detector tests say never happened.
Poor Kathleen, she was almost "f-forced" into receiving $300,000 from The Globe
the Senate to Investigate Oddities
the September 11 Terrorist Attacks
If Bush is clean concerning the September 11th attacks,
why did he ask Congress to NOT investigate?
(Why they rolled over and said "Yes, Boss" is another question.)
Since Al Qaeda has been "rassled out
of their hole,"
who would we be helping by finding out the truth?
Remember Wednesday I said that Kimberly, the Bush-brained daughter
on 24
needs a good slappin'?
I ran into this...
Maybe she just needs a good spanking...
Fox Chief
Roger Ailes Disses new Crossfire in private memo
BartCop reader Rose wrote to Roger Ailes, Supreme Dragon of Fox Whore News:
I am writing to tell you that there are plenty
of people who adore the new Crossfire.
We are thrilled that we finally have some
lefties on the air who are competitive debaters.
We were tired of being represented by losers
like Colmes. Now THAT was a rigged debate.
Rose got a reply, from Goerring, himself.
(check the punctuation)
From: "Ailes, Roger"
We are fair and balanced but if you enjoy watching
two hired spinners who get paid to lie
for a living beat up. An old
man and a lttle boy who are journalists(therefor must base
answwers in fact) then enjoy yourself.
A show should either be all spinners or all journalists,if
is mixed either way the spinners will always win.
CNN knows this but most of the public doesn't.
The show is set up for liberals like you to enjoy
because they've been losing the battle for ideas.
ha ha
THIS is the smartest guy at Fox News?
Think what I could do to Roger Ailes in a Thursday night debate.
Calling Novak "an old man?"
Even Ol' Bart has more respect for Novak than Roger Ailes, who, I should
remind you,
produced the Pigboy show that called Chelsea Clinton
"the White House dog."
And calling Tucker Carlson "a little boy?"
Carlson's not the worst of the bunch, but suffice it to say he'll never
work for the Fox Whore channel.
This is PROOF it's not about political ideology.
This is about how much money whores like Pigboy and Roger
Ailes can make
feeding the paranoia of the woe-is-me, impotent angry white male.
It's about making money - that's all.
The cavemen are easier to dupe than the left, so that's where the cowards
The right is scared and stupid, so Fox keeps harping away at the
"Clinton agenda to force homosexuality on
your kids."
Scare the sheep - cash the check - that's their motto.
...and as far as "liberals like you ....been
losing the battle for ideas,"
get in the ring with BartCop, Mr. Ailes, and
we'll see who gets out alive.
I've been on the Internet for a decade waiting for somebody to shut me up.
Subject: Pentagon crash
Dear Bartcop:
So you asked some questions and you are
now satisfied that the plane
isn't missing from the Pentagon crash site.
Would you please share with
us the evidence that has convinced you?
First, I didn't mean to issue a comprehensive "Warren Report"
on this crash.
Because of the position I'm in (and my low IQ and ADD) I can
only glance at things.
I've checked out
and they claim the story is false. Their proof?
A Pentagon press release and a statement
from Rummy. Apparently the government
is not disputing the photos shown at
Their story, and they're
sticking to it, is that flight 77 hit the
ground, slammed into the Pentagon, went entirely into
the Pentagon and then completely disintegrated
in the fire.
I can't speak for
I want to like them, I want to trust them, but
they are ...imperfect.
I haven't heard the "slammed into the ground" theory, but then
I'm not wanting to stake my reputation on a story I've only glanced
I would like to believe this but I have 3 problems with this story.
1.Why is there no damage to the lawn where this jumbo jet hit the ground?
It's my understanding the plane hit the Pentagon first, not the
2. The initial hole in the outer Pentagon
wall was only about 15'x15'.
How did a jumbo jet
completely disappear through this little hole?
I asked the same question, remember?
But if you look closely at the building where the wings would've
hit, it shows the building did
sustain wing-wide damage, but only superficially. One report
reminded me that the WTC was
made of steel and glass, the Pentagon is made of steel and reinforced
The Pentagon is our premier war facility - it was built to withstand
an attack.
3.Where is the Boeing?
Dude, consider:
We saw the WTC melt before our eyes.
The WTC was built to support the weight of 110 floors.
Planes are made of sliver-thin titanium in order to defy gravity.
Why do you assume the plane would remain intact if the WTC didn't?
I find your dismissal of this story as unpersuasive
as Snopes' dismissal of the Stevie
Wonder story a few weeks ago. Why
don't you tell us what questions were asked
and what answers were given, and by whom,
and let us form our own conclusions?
I am NOT stopping you from forming your own conclusions.
This is a comedy treehouse, not a research facility.
I make on-the-fly, snap judgments. I've even been wrong
a time or two...
The evidence offered by Snopes is a joke.
I see they are trying to get a TV show
called Snopes.
My guess is Fox will be interested.
Are you hoping for a Fox show called Bartcop?
JW, I can tell you're a Democrat.
We can't just disagree, noooo.
After 772 issues, I'm a turncoat if I think the Pentagon is built to take a punch?
Japan warns China of Tokyo's nuclear option
A conservative Japanese political leader
has warned Beijing that Japan
can arm itself with nuclear weapons
overnight if China goes ahead with
an excessive military build-up, press
reports said on Sunday.
Remember when Bill Clinton was president,
and the only "crisis"
we had to deal with each day was the GOP's
invasion of his zipper?
God, I miss having a wise and honest president.
is not Bush's sandbox!
by Madison
Once in the White House, Bush began playing
with America as if it belonged to him,
as if it was his sandbox to play in. He
could decide who could play with him,
and who had to be sent away. America
was HIS!!
If America was his, then anything in it
was his: the natural resources, the breathable air,
the drinkable water, the money wherever
he could lay his hands on it, the laws, the very
Constitution that was the foundation of
our democracy. All his. To do with whatever he chose.
From: Lawrence
Thanks to Julie for saving what's left of Democracy,
back when ken starr & co.
really had it down on the mat! And thanks
for Bartcop for coming to Julie's defense,
and reminding all of us just how close the buzzards
came to their attempted coup d'etat.
Great going, Julie and Bart!
A suggestion - since the Repugs are SO clearly
the party of the exclusionary elite,
and since the worst thing about Dems. is when
they start acting exclusionary like repugs,
see if JulieFest can somehow NOT turn ANYONE
Thanks to the one-and-only James Carville, we have plenty of
tickets left.
We don't want to turn anyone away, we just want to party with Julie
any surprise guests that might be dropping by ...????????
From: Withheld
Thanks to you, bartcop, I've gotten elected as
an official delegate to the Florida state
democratic convention in Orlando this weekend.
(April 12-14). Before the selection I
was always a democrat, but I was never an involved
democrat...I kept reading your page
about the pink tutued and realized that I couldn't
keep blaming "them" for not doing enough
when all I'd ever done was vote and send in a
few bucks.
So in December 2000 I began attending the monthly
county democratic meeting in (Tampa).
Yep, it's been about organizing fund raisers
and mailing lists and registering voters.
It's been about getting support for democratic
candidates for offices I hardly knew existed.
It's been the very basic, unglamorous, tedious
but necessary rebuilding.
I've even tested new voter machines. Once Carl
Levin popped in (imagine THAT!).
So, after over a year of this I stood for
election as a delegate and won!
That's not an achievement. everyone who wanted
to go got elected because we didn't have
enough people running to fill our quota. That was automatic because there weren't more
than our county's quota signed up. I hope more
of your readers take these steps.
I went to about 15 meetings to get
to this point. If all the BARTCOP readers would get to
this level of activism we would get a more progressive
voice in the democrats....but if we just
read online and send each other links our anger
isn't productive. JulieFest
is the kind of event
that really helps and so, my friend, is the little
local county democratic meeting.
So, BC--you provoked more than one of us to a
new level of involvement.
Thank you.
Profits of Doom
Has someone been reading
Implies Sept. 11 Administration Plot
From today's Washington Post
Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-Ga.) is calling
for an investigation into whether
President Bush and other government officials
had advance notice of terrorist
attacks on Sept. 11 but did nothing to
prevent them. She added that "persons
close to this administration are poised
to make huge profits off America's new war."
She suggested that the administration was
serving the interests of a Washington-based
investment firm, the Carlyle Group*,
which employs a number of high-ranking former
government officials from both parties.
George H.W. Bush is an adviser to the firm.
McKinney said the war has enriched Carlyle
Group investors by enhancing the value
of a military contractor partly owned by
the firm.
...otherwise known as part of the Bush Family Evil Empire*
Former B.F.E.E. partners include Ronald Reagan, Adolph Hitler,
Saddam Hussein,
Islamic Jihad, Manuel Noriega, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini,
Osama bin Laden, Hamas, Adnan Koshogi, and all the thugs
who skated when
Bush pardoned the Reagan gang to bury the REAL Iran-Contra story
Doesn't anybody care?
Subject: Cornered the gold market...?
I haven't heard that claimed for Barrick before, and I'm not sure that's accurate.
That would have happened as of early '93, right
after Bush had a multi-billion
gold mine sold for $10,000 under an old 1800s
law to Barrick.
When you corner the market, you manipulate supply
downward and jack up
the price of your assets. But all during the
'90s, gold was at recent history lows,
which made sense in the low inflation world.
Some thought it so suspiciously low
relative to historical relationships with other
assets that they claimed it was a price
fixing of a low price, eventually bringing the
Gold anti-trust lawsuit (GATA), just
recently lost in court. But this is consistent
with an oversupply on the market,
driving down the price, not someone cornering
the market and making a bundle
that way with higher prices for their assets.
I think the only scandal, titanic as it is, is
Bush robbing the United States of many
billions of dollars, to sell it for ten cents
to a buddy who then hired him on, NOT
thereby setting up a corner of the market for
Barrick, which didn't show signs
of existing for the past 10 years.
Perhaps that was poorly worded, another BartCop error.
Let me try again: Barrick controls the
mining or production
(I don't know the exact term) of 51 percent of
the world's gold.
This puts them in the position of HAVING to be
dealt with.
Knowing Republicans like I do, that 51 percent
is just the beginning.
When recession hits, the price of gold skyrockets.
The Unelected Idiot can cause a recession with
a single sentence.
Usurper Boy can announce another wave of monstrously
tax cuts,
which will once again send Wall Street and America's
economy on a downward spiral.
Since the B.F.E.E. is in a position to
manipulate oil prices and gold prices,
(and fresh water prices, too, unless the Enron
bankruptcy killed that plan)
when America goes bankrupt the B.F.E.E.
can buy whatever property or land
they want for pennies on the dollar and rent
it back to us at gouge prices.
Who's going to stop them?
If I committ suicide in an Arkansas hotel room, you'll know I was right
Thanks to Wizard of Whimsy
Appearance of the King of Israel and Rightful
Ruler of All Palestine on the Oprah Winfrey show
The following is a transcript of Stephen Sacco’s
appearance on Oprah, to
be aired sometime soon. has
received this advanced copy from
the King of Israel and Rightful Ruler of All
Palestine’s press secretary
from his official cabinet in exile, currently
located in Savannah, GA.
OPRAH: Thank you. I know that we’ve
all been disturbed by the unsettling
news coming out of the Middle East on a daily
basis. So today, on this
very special Oprah, we want to try to do something…well,
We have Dr. Phil here today. Would you come out
here, Dr. Phil?
DR. PHIL: Hello, Oprah.
OPRAH: Would you share with our audience what you were telling me the other day?
DR. PHIL: Certainly. The Middle East is
really no different than a marriage gone bad.
The parties need to really actively listen to
each other and affirm each other.
OPRAH: Today we’re going to be able to test this thesis. Would you please welcome Ariel Sharon.
SHARON: Thank you, Oprah.
DR. PHIL: Now, why don’t you tell us what your hopes are for your future with the Palestinians?
SHARON: I would like to kick them off of my land or kill them all. Preferably both.
DR. PHIL: Hold on a second here. That’s
a clear message but I think
you’re dealing with a lot of anger here.
Can you acknowledge your anger?
SHARON: Yes, I have a lot of anger.
OPRAH: Very good, Ariel. [AUDIENCE
APPLAUDS] Sometimes if I can just
admit that I’m angry I don’t have to act on it…by
becoming moody, or going
on an eating binge, or firing off missiles or
something like that.
DR. PHIL: That’s right, Oprah. Now Ari, who are you angry at?
SHARON: [long pause] Yasser Arafat?
DR. PHIL: Yes, now we’re getting somewhere -- aren’t we? Yasar’s hurt you, hasn’t he?
DR. PHIL: He’s ignored your needs?
DR. PHIL: And that’s why you’re angry?
DR. PHIL: And what can you do about that?
SHORON: Blow up Rammalah! Crush him!
DR. PHIL: Why don’t you try telling Yasser how you really feel?
OPRAH: Would you be willing to try that?
SHARON: No! Absolutely not!
OPRAH: Well, we took the liberty of inviting Yasser, too.
DR. PHIL: Just now, when you came out I saw the
two of you like you had first met.
You might not know it but the two of you look
like you belong together.
OPRAH: Now, Yasser was in the green room with earphones on so he didn’t hear a thing.
ARAFAT: What the hell is this? You’re not Jenny Jones! Jenny Jones isn’t black.
DR. PHIL: Yasser, we’re been here talking to Ari and he has something he’d really like to tell you. Go ahead, Ari.
SHARON: [Expletive Deleted! Expletive Deleted!
Expletive Deleted!
Expletive Deleted! Expletive Deleted! Expletive
Deleted! Expletive
Deleted! Expletive Deleted! Expletive Deleted!
Expletive Deleted!
Expletive Deleted! Expletive Deleted!]
That’s why I’m going to kill
all you [Expletive Deleted]!
ARAFAT: Well, [Expletive Deleted! Expletive Deleted!
Expletive Deleted!
Expletive Deleted! Expletive Deleted! Expletive
Deleted! Expletive Deleted!
Expletive Deleted! Expletive Deleted! Expletive
Deleted! Expletive Deleted!
Expletive Deleted! Expletive Deleted! Expletive
Deleted!] That’s why I am
going to wipe all you [Expletive Deleted] off
the face of the earth!
OPRAH: Do either of you see how counterproductive this is?
ARAFAT: Where’s my [Expletive Deleted] makeover?
I thought I was
getting a [Expletive Deleted] makeover!
OPRAH: Maybe now would be a good time to
bring out a young man who says
that he’s the true King of Israel and Ruler of
All Palestine. He’s only been claiming
this for about two months and -- besides an excellent
web site called
-- he hasn’t received much press. But he
claims historic roots in that region because
he’s Italian-American and the Romans were really
the first to [Expletive Deleted] up
that area of the world in the first place.
Please welcome Stephen Sacco, true King
of Israel and Rightful Ruler of All Palestine.
STEPHEN: Hi, Oprah. Hi, Dr. Phil.
Ariel. Yasser. No hard feelings,
I hope. Just thought I’d join the fray.
SHARON: This is preposterous.
ARAFAT: His claims to Palestine lack any remote legitimacy by any standard you could use.
DR. PHIL: Yasser. Ariel. There you
go being judgmental again. I want to
get you two listening and affirming each others’
feelings. Now Stephen,
what do you have to say to these men?
STEPHEN: Dr. Phil, I was hoping to talk about this problem I was having with my girlfriend…
OPRAH: I’m afraid that’s another show.
STEPHEN: Well, then I guess I feel that it’s really
unfair that the two of
you act like my opinion, that I’m really the
true King of Israel and
Rightful Ruler of All Palestine, doesn’t matter.
I mean, why not me?
DR. PHIL: Can you hear what he’s saying? Yasser? Ari? I think you’ve hurt Stephen’s feelings.
STEPHEN: Yeah, I guess you could say that I’m
a little hurt. It makes me
doubt myself. Sometimes I think maybe I’m
not King of Israel and Rightful
Ruler of All Palestine – or as I like to call
it KIRRAP. But then I look
in the mirror and say my affirmation; "I’m KIRRAP.
I’m really KIRRAP."
SHARON: I have to deal with the PLO, Islamic
Jihad, Hamas and a-Aqsa
Brigades. I just don’t care if I’ve hurt
your [Expletive Deleted] feelings.
ARAFAT: Mr. Sacco is an idiot.
SHARON: That’s right.
DR. PHIL: Do you see what’s happened here? Yasser and Ariel have agreed on something!
OPRAH: Maybe there is hope for this region of the world after all.
(At this point Arafat takes a chair and throws
it at Sharon, who responds by pulling out
a gun and firing it. The show cuts to a
commercial as Oprah’s security detail clears the stage.
King Stephen talks about his girlfriend to Dr.
Phil in the corner.)
Note: the King of Israel and Rightful Ruler of All Palestine will be at Juliefest2002-DC
George W.
Bush's first year in office
In George W. Bush's first year in office he:
70. Reduced the Low Income Home Assistance Program
by 40%; it aided low- income individuals who need
assistance paying
energy bills.
71. Nominated Ted Olson, who has repeatedly lied
about his involvement with the Scaiffe-funded "Arkansas Project"
to bring down
Bill Clinton, for Solicitor General.
72. Nominated Terrance Boyle, a foe of civil
rights, to a federal judgeship.
73. Proposes to ease permit process, including
environmental considerations, for refinery, nuclear and hydroelectric
dam construction.
(Washington Post, May 18, 2001.)