<Carbon> Monkey's on!!
<Bill> bart, write this shit down
<Shade> does he look stoned like last time?
<monkeyfister> repu-pu-teated
<Fud> his lower lip is hanging way low
<Carbon> Monkey is going to focus on Sadr, instead of the problem
<nuveetoon> they wanna run us outta iraq
<retroper> they hate peace
<Carbon> Sadr is the new Saddam!
<poodlehead> looks like he had a good vacation
<Uberfemme> the man cannot speak...the wierd monotone..the ugly
<Bill> He just said he wants to kill all the Iraqis in order
to save Iraq from itself.
<JohnTomato> talking more about the iraqi's then americans.
.... ah.... who's he president of?
<monkeyfister> so why won't Bush let them have freedom?
<Bill> Now he's using our soldiers again.
<Carbon> He looked at the purple heart and wondered what it was
<Jennie> He's gonna cry for the fallen
<crazymike> he's going to call for a tax cut to honor the soldiers
<poodlehead> he musta done a line before coming out here
<Carbon> Is he stoned?
<EnderW> it's time we got a congress that will work for the people.
<monkeyfister> not draft time
<Carbon> All that is necessary to assure the PROFITABLILITY of....
<Carbon> Cue Imperial March
<punlemur> once we "transfer power" *cough*
<Carbon> "The Emporor is displeased at your lack of progress."
<MasterBen> He's talking about us
<poodlehead> someone switched on his "pissed-off thug" voice
<Carbon> 4 mercenaries? What about the 80 that died this month????
<Carbon> Monkey is absolutely DELUSIONAL!!!
<Montauk6> Is the Co. Haliburton?
<punlemur> I see Iraq will be switching to a "freedom" government
<punlemur> sec'tary of *state* rumsfeld? did he say that?
<EnderW> he doesn't know the material
<JoeBacon> I bet Bojangles Powell don't care
<Bill> WTF?
<Bill> WTF is a Senny Deputy?
<retroper> haw bojangles!
<nuveetoon> hahah is THAT what we are doing?
<nuveetoon> reconstruction assistance?
<monkeyfister> hey you all... play some WAGNER in the background---
it'll ALL make sense!
<Carbon> America: Champions of the Muslims!!
<Bill> Bush looks like he needs a drink.
<Carbon> Isn't Saddam a "Hostage?"
<monkeyfister> http://www.formoore.com/wrongbush.html
<Carbon> Blurring Iraq with al Qaeda again
<monkeyfister> how many have YOU killed, georgie
<Carbon> Only Bush can murder by the thousands...no one else!
<EnderW> the son of a bitch
<Bill> He's killed thousands.
<grammysherry> why doesn't he mention the Rape Rooms?? that's my
<Shade> rape rooms?
<monkeyfister> he's gettin to that
<Bartender> rape rooms are where catholic priests take young lads
into shower stalls and lather them up
<monkeyfister> and rape rooms
<grammysherry> yes, Shade.always talks about Saddam and Rape rooms
<Carbon> WMD? Where are they?
<Shade> here we go, yet again... saddam... BAD... my war... GOOD!
<monkeyfister> RAPE ROOMS!!!!!!
<Jae_K> are there non-dangerous enemies?
<poodlehead> go monkey go!
<Carbon> New Tyranny = Bremer/Chalabi
<EnderW> this is some of the lamest material i've ever heard
<poodlehead> this soo punk!
<retroper> dance monky dance!
<nuveetoon> they hate us because our wimmins wear pants
<Bill> ooo questions
<punlemur> I'll start with... you.
<Carbon> QUAGMIRE!
<punlemur> Iraqinam
<Bill> "quagmire"
<nuveetoon> quagmire
<monkeyfister> good starting ques...
<Fud> now the questions
<Bill> "Support for your policy is declining"
<Jennie> VietNam!
<Montauk6> they hate us because our women are allowed to achieve
multiple orgasms
<nuveetoon> fewer than 1/2 of americans support you
<poodlehead> this is so johnsonian
<nuveetoon> we've had a little trouble in our OWN country achieving
<nuveetoon> lol
<poodlehead> war is sacrifice; I am a war president
<Bill> When do WE get democracy?
<retroper> we've had trouble achieving legitimate elections
<Montauk6> Livia to George: OH POOR YOU!!!!
<grammysherry> decisions based on poles??
<punlemur> "I DONT MAKE DECISIONS from polls"
<Carbon> You don't make decisions, Monkey
<Jae_K> you don't make decisions fool
<Fud> holy shit he is babbling
<monkeyfister> he's crazy
<Jennie> He's drunk
<Demgirl> he is drunk
<Bill> We need Cuba to monitor our elections.
<Fud> he said um um um um um um
<EnderW> heheh
<Carbon> Do the troops have enough Bibles?
<Bill> "He and general Sanchez talk all the time..."
<Carbon> Are the troops praying for the Disaster Monkey?
<poodlehead> he needs another of whatever he's on
<punlemur> He's starting to smirk!
<poodlehead> he's flagging
<Bill> He's babbling.
<Bill> He's wearing his pajamas under that monkey suit.
<retroper> yep
<monkeyfister> da BUNNY SUIT!
<Montauk6> Mr. President, how can I help you help me be a better journalist so that you, sir, can best achieve your goals?
<Demgirl> Iraqis want food and water
<nuveetoon> sweets and flowers and iraqi oil
<Bill> "How do you tell Americans how you got that so wrong???"
<Fud> this is so pathetic and predictable
<nuveetoon> how do you answer a nation that thinks you took us
into war based on false premises?
<monkeyfister> 911 911 911 911 911 911 911
<punlemur> I thought oceans protected us from harm!
<Jae_K> he's nuts
<Demgirl> suiciders
<Jennie> Suiciders
<punlemur> suiciders
<grammysherry> SUICIDERS...
<privateerz> suiciders
<Fud> geezus christ
<Montauk6> Saddam dared use those WMD we loaned him
<Montauk6> Uh-oh, Georgie's in his John Wayne drag now
<poodlehead> wonder how many fish he caught during his vacation
<punlemur> a country that hides things is afraid of getting caught
<grammysherry> a country that hides something is afraid of getting
<grammysherry> what??????????????????
<Carbon> My god, this guy is f-ing unhinged!
<punlemur> SAY... don't the majority of AMERICANS believe that Bushco
<JoeBacon> Nobody at 19th Century Fox will raise their hands
<Jae_K> danger! Will Robinson
<grammysherry> oil revenues are better than we expected??
<Montauk6> Hey, who woulda thunk we'd get alllll that money???
<rae2317> remember, this is all being done for American interests...
<monkeyfister> hallibburton stock soaring!
<JoeBacon> Has Fox switched away to do more coverage of Clinton's Cock?
<Montauk6> It's their oil... we're just gonna borrow it fer a lil
<Montauk6> We promise to put it back when we're done
<nuveetoon> he was a horrible individual
<Bill> Iraqi people "we preferred Saddam"
<Claypatch> Christ!! How much more can he LIE before his HEAD EXPLODES?!!?!?!
<nuveetoon> do you feel any personal responsibility for 911?
<Bill> He will never admit to doing anything at all wrong.
<Carbon> ...with Halliburty and Injustice for all.
<monkeyfister> kill kill kill
<Montauk6> Stovepiped or cornholed?
<EnderW> he's lying again
<punlemur> STOVEPIPE *rubrub*
<nuveetoon> the patriot act is important. the Bill of Rights
was getting in the way of law enforcement
<nuveetoon> "it didn't take me long to put us on a war footing"
<Carbon> How long before Kerry is deemed a "gathering threat."
<rae2317> follow up on the questions that he asked (and dodged)
you never admit a mistake
<nuveetoon> you never admit a mistake
<Bill> "You never admit a mistake"
<Claypatch> whoa: "You never admit a mistake"
<Montauk6> OK, I'm gonna puke now... geez...
<JoeBacon> I have this mental image of KKKandy KKKrowley wetting
her pants over her lust for Bush
<Demgirl> he's lost
<Montauk6> Mr President, how is it that anyone could think you
could make a mistake?
<retroper> answer the f-ing question
<Bill> That Dave guy is gonna get Wellstoned.
<rae2317> no one could envision flying airplanes into buildings
<Carbon> Must have been a bad pilot
<Claypatch> Dodging the question
<Jae_K> answer the effing question
<Jake> If he's meeting with families of the victims of 9/11 "quite
frequently"-- why isn't there proof?
<Bill> Bush just lied about not knowing about planes being flown
into buildings before 9 11.
<Jake> "A country that hides something is a country that's afraid
of getting, uh, caught." <--- verbatim
<Shade> what... a reporter nailing him on a question?
<rae2317> listen to how tight his voice is getting
<poodlehead> go monkey go!
<EnderW> he's only recognizing the seig-heilers
<Jake> look how confused the poor guy is
<rae2317> ohhh, cnn just cut to condi....she does not look happy
<Jae_K> she does not look happy
<monkeyfister> damn, how off the leash is he?
<poodlehead> a lot
<Carbon> Oh....a regular hijacking would have been OK
<rae2317> had there been a threat that required action by anyone
in the government, I would have dealt with it
<Claypatch> "Had there been a threat...."
<Bill> "had there been a threat that required action.... uhhhh uhhhh"
<crazymike> if bin laden wasn't viewed as a threat by bush, then why should clinton have taken him out?
<rae2317> had I had any inkling that people would have flown airplanes
into buildings I would have moved heaven and earth to avoid the attack
<Bill> Had I known that al queda was going to fly airplanes into
the WTC between 8am and 9am on 9-11 I might have acted."
<nuveetoon> he expects information to be prepackaged
<monkeyfister> I can't stop weeping
<Shade> is he losing control?
<Bill> He's smirking.
<Zomar> I see retarded people. On television.
<EnderW> http://thebird.org/~ender/multimedia/mp3/balls3.lbr.mp3
<EnderW> he's lying
<Bill> He's sweating like Nixon in 1960.
<nuveetoon> i can't make good decisions unless i get valid information
<poodlehead> can't get valid infornation
<rae2317> I can't make good decisions unless I get valid information
<Zomar> Bush's unspoken thoughts: "Unca Dick! Help me! DAAAADDDYYY!
<nuveetoon> like put down the GOAT BOOK
<Bill> Blame Osama.
<monkeyfister> not me
<rae2317> Osama is responsible
<poodlehead> who's responsible
<Carbon> OSaddam bin Husseinladen
<nuveetoon> scramble a jet or two?
<Zomar> Ok, Chimpy. So why did we go into Iraq if Osama is the problem??
<Demgirl> john king asking about hired guns
<monkeyfister> Is this a bush meltdown?
<punlemur> awkward pause!
<Carbon> And he goes into his prepared spinvomiting
<Zomar> How dare we demean both of the soldiers from Romania!
<monkeyfister> this is the most wrong shit I've ever heard
<monkeyfister> and rape rooms
<Shade> hmm... strange fixation on rape... wonder why?
<Zomar> Makes me want to blow chunks
<Bill> He just blamed FDR for WW2.
<Montauk6> next he'll claim FDR stole the election from Hoover!
<rae2317> in other words, I have no f-ing clue
<Jake> hahaha. watch him. hahhaha.
<EnderW> he's f-ing nuts then.
<Fud> the the the the
<Claypatch> Cripes. He can't even answer the easy questions
<Bill> "the frankly mood of the world"
<Bill> "frankly mood"???
<Carbon> Dubya has special moccasins he calls war footings
<abgdinstr> naw carbon those are bunny slippers
<monkeyfister> fear fear fear
<Demgirl> he's making no sense at all
<nuveetoon> why the f do they keep saying oceans don't protect us
<Fud> the oceans are full of killers
<Claypatch> Must be....how many times has he said "ocean"?
<rae2317> we have to look at threats (overseas) in a new light
<Claypatch> Ok: new drinking game: take a shot every time he says
<retroper> bullshit
<Carbon> Bullshit
<rae2317> hahahahahaha my last choice is the use of military power
<monkeyfister> take libya-- Please!
<grammysherry> we showed them!!!
<nuveetoon> Libya: we sure showed them
<nuveetoon> 50 tons of mustard gas in a turkey farm
<poodlehead> where the mustard gas was
<Demgirl> turkey farm?
<grammysherry> wmd found in turkey farm in Libia..mustard gas
<crazymike> turkee?
<nuveetoon> add rye bread and you've got something there
<grammysherry> I think it was just mustard, Twit!
<Montauk6> Smoked turkey with Grey Poupon mustard, mmmmmmm
<rae2317> brb i need a shot od black tar heroin
<Claypatch> finding mustard gas in a turkey farm: VICTORY
<Fud> gawd i wish i had a gun to shoot the tv now
<abgdinstr> makes the piss run down my leg with patriotism
* Zomar is chewing on his arm to keep his head from exploding...
<Montauk6> mmmmmmmmmm VODKA
<rae2317> i don't plan on loosing my job
<EnderW> hahahahahahah
<nuveetoon> i don't plan on losing my job
<grammysherry> I don't plan on losing my job
<Claypatch> He doesn't plan on losing his job...
<MasterBen> "I don't plan on losing my job"
<grammysherry> ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<Bill> "I don't plan on losing my job"
<Montauk6> is he going to win the war on the ruined economy?
<Zomar> I plan on seeing you moving to Crawdad, TX, chimp-ass bastard
<rae2317> nobody likes to see dead people on thier television
screens. I don't. it's gut wrenching
<monkeyfister> gut wrenching
<Claypatch> "nobody likes seeing dead people on their television
<nuveetoon> huggin and weepin and stuff?
<Carbon> Hug me Unka Dick!!
<rae2317> never allow our youngsters to die in vain
<Carbon> They should only die for Halliburton
<monkeyfister> oh, christ. I'm weeping again
<Editor> he sees dead people on 'TV'
<Demgirl> the booze is wearing off
<monkeyfister> he's saying crazy f-ing shit
<Demgirl> he's getting punchy
<Fud> i see an error - nobody has walked up on stage and punched his face
<Bill> "we weep when they die"
<Bill> yeah right
<Montauk6> Are they gonna stop for a makeup break?
<rae2317> biggest post 911 mistake
<nuveetoon> is Sosa STILL your biggest mistake?
<Montauk6> Sammy Sosa... mm mm mm
<Bill> "I wish you had given this Q ahead of time so I could've planned
for it"
<Claypatch> He wanted that question "written" beforehand
<sal002> I mean you know that unless he makes a serious misstatement...he
will be declared a "Great Orator" by the press
<nuveetoon> i'm sure something will pop into my head
<Montauk6> Can anything pop in that head?
<Claypatch> Uh Oh...he's unraveling before OUR EYES
<Jake> the pressure of trying to come up with an answer?
<sal002> Bill, He said that?
<crazymike> doubtful that something will pop into his head
<Claypatch> wow
<monkeyfister> I'll look back and say, fewer people would have died,
and the economy would be healthy
<Editor> even w/o weapons he'd invade saddam
<rae2317> even if I knew about the stockpiles of weapons, i would
still go into iraq
<Claypatch> Turkey Farm again
<monkeyfister> turkey farms
<nuveetoon> 50 lbs of mustard gas in a turkey farm
<crazymike> TURKEE!
<Bill> Now he's talking about mustard on turkey farms.
<Montauk6> Turkeys of mass destruction, lol
<Montauk6> Will there be a stakeout on Pepperidge Farm?
<nuveetoon> he's a dangerous man
<Carbon> He's a dangerous man!
<Bill> Now he's saying Saddam had WMDs.
<Claypatch> HE IS sweating
<Claypatch> Flop sweat
<Fud> why didn't you give me a pre arranged question you dumb
<punlemur> this is embarassing
<Montauk6> He's CONFIDENT he's made mistakes?????????????//
<grammysherry> he said that
<Claypatch> He's coming apart
<nuveetoon> oh wow
<Pywacket> oh my god
<monkeyfister> oh he's f-ing crazy
<Pywacket> wowza
<Zomar> Bush's brain: "MOMMY< MAKE THEM GO AWAY>>>"
<nuveetoon> can't come up with one mistake?
<Bill> He just admitted to being stupid.
<rae2317> I'm confident I've made mistakes
<Bill> He said he isn't "quick on his feet " with these questions.
<Editor> the loony farm
<Editor> mr president will you resign?
<rae2317> he will testify to that tomorrow..I've already given his
his testimony
<Bill> "I look forward to seeing what the fud monkeyfister commission
comes up with"
<Bill> "These people have no guilt about killing innocent people"
<Jae_K> his kinda ppl
<Zomar> Dan Quayle, where are you when we need you?
<rae2317> that's why we'll spread freedom in the middle east
<Montauk6> Imprison them with freedom
<monkeyfister> crank the Wagner, NOW!
<CowTippa> turkey farm mustard! gassed his own people!
<Bill> he is babbling again
<nuveetoon> I've seen freedom work in our own country
<retroper> greater middle east reform initiaitve
<Zomar> Oh,oh. Now hes slapping the pulpit. He has lost
his way...
<rae2317> freedom is the ALMIGHTY'S gift to this world
<Carbon> Almighty Cheney?
<nuveetoon> it's the almighty's GIFT
<EnderW> rigged voting machines!
<Bill> He keeps thumping the podium.
<Bill> thump thump thump
<Editor> give him a cowboy hat now
<Demgirl> how long has he been answering this question
<Bill> They all stuck out their right arms!
<Montauk6> Hey is that Laura Palmer's father?
<rae2317> have you failed as a communicator on the topic?
<nuveetoon> have you failed as a communicator
<Zomar> HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA communicator????
<retroper> oh hell that is priceless
<punlemur> knockout shot
<rae2317> have you failed to make the case
<nuveetoon> you don't have many of these conferences
<Carbon> Keep saying the word "FAIL"
<Bill> "No I have not failed in any way"
<Bill> umm Mr prez? what about 9-11? Was that a success then?
<Editor> Mike Malloy must be spitting milk thru his nose
<monkeyfister> I am all cried out
<Zomar> Are his knuckles dragging as he lopes from the room?
<crazymike> wow was that bad
<grammysherry> OMG..Tweety just said..he sensed a smidgon of
<monkeyfister> that was the longest stretch of crazy, antagonistic
lying bullshit I've ever witnessed
<Bill> FNC is fellating bush now.
<Jake> Faux says it was a good performance tonight... that
tonight's conference will HELP Dubya a lot.
<poodlehead> fox: " a very strong performance"
<Bill> Both Dennis Miller and his chimp are pro.
<Montauk6> someone called Bush "a religious cocksucker" HAAAAAAAAAAA
<Jae_K> religious c-sucker on c-span.LOL
<Pywacket> really?
<Carbon> Live? Someone called him that?
<Carbon> Ann Coulter almost yanked her cock off during the speech