"By my physical constitution I am but an ordinary man...
Yet some great events, some cutting expressions,
some mean hypocrisies, have at times thrown this assemblage
of sloth, sleep, and littleness into rage like a lion."
-John Adams' personal diary, February
9, 1779
The question has often been asked of late: "What is a hero?"
I will tell you what a hero is.
A hero is, by status and constitution, no different than any of us.
A hero is someone compelled
by circumstance and necessity to act boldly in the face of great risk
when others may not, or can not.
A hero is Julie Hiatt Steele.
Shortly an event will take place in Washington, DC, at James Carville's
West 24, that Bartcop has dubbed
The purpose is to raise money for Ms. Steele to alleviate the destruction
brought upon her
life by Kathleen Willey's lies, and Ken Starr's jihad to bring
down America's last popularly elected president.
Ms. Steele suffered merely because she had the courage to speak the
truth to those intent on illegitimately gaining power.
But Julie Hiatt Steele will not be the only hero shaking hands at West
24. Since November, 2000, "great events,
cutting expressions," and "mean hypocrisies" too numerous to name,
have been rousting progressives, moderates,
and even some conservatives, from their slumber to roar like the lion.
I send my best wishes to all who attend,
and my most sincere regrets that I will be unable to join you.
All of you who attend, boldly ask the cowardly,
lunatic fringe of the right wing, who have sought to destroy democracy
in order to fill their pockets,
"While you've attempted to stab America in the back, do you have the
courage to stand your ground if I turn
to look you in the eye?" My feeling is that the answer to that
question, chicken hawks as the neo-conservatives are,
will be a resounding, "no."
There is so much work for us ahead. Lincoln once said:
"Fellow citizens, we cannot escape history. We...will be remembered
in spite of ourselves.
No personal significance or insignificance can spare one or
another of us. The fiery trial through
which we pass will light us down in honor or dishonor to the
last generation."
-A. Lincoln, Second annual message to Congress, 12/01/1862
My fellow citizens, whether you realize your significance or not, history
will always take note of what you do
and say in Washington, DC. While there is little doubt that the
press will under report this event, if they mention
it at all, truth, combined with justice in purpose, is much like an
honest and diligent weed. History has no
sidewalk with concrete strong enough to prevent the truth from finding
its way to the surface.
To the cynical right wing, I offer this. Your time has passed.
Release your grip, or we will roll over you.
You have prevented the dreams of our founders for well over two hundred
years. We, who have dared to dream,
have had enough. John Adams, one of our greatest forefathers,
promised us that he would study war so that his
descendents could eventually study porcelain. And now we seek
the fruition of Adams' promise for our own children.
We will no longer allow those wretched few, who profit from war and
misery, to obscure that promise.
To the five treasonous members of the United States Supreme Court, and
to the naked emperor who they
placed in Al Gore's house, heed this warning from the greatest leader
in our history.
"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit
it. Whenever they shall grow weary of
the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional
right of amending it, or their revolutionary
right to dismember or overthrow it." -A. Lincoln, First Inaugural
Address, 03/04/1861
We do not seek to overthrow this great government, but rather seek to
dismember those who are attempting to
alter its democratic republican form. May we forever brand the
weakest presidential administration in our history
with an historical asteric.
And to those, once again, on their way to Juliefest2002,
at some point during your night of nights I will be raising
a glass to your courage, to your dedication, and to your heroism.
It is because of you and others, who have not
lost your sense of what America means, that I retain my pride in being
an American.