Subject: Dumb radio


 Can't you do something about that awful Al Franken on the Democrat radio network?
 He is just a jerk.  He giggles like a girl all the time and interrupts his guests with dumb comments.

 How come they had a Republican on today?
 What do we owe John McCain?
 MaCain already said he was supporting Bush.
 How can he do anything but hurt us?

 Do something pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!


 Two things:
Blondegal, don't condemn Franken until you hear BartCop Radio.
Remember yesterday's anti-Franken mail?

> I think you will agree that the O'Franken Factor is an O'Disaster Result.
> I find Al Franken funny because he has become humorless.  He keeps firing blanks.

 This could be the same stalker from yesterday using multiple male and female identities.
 My stalkers have a web-like organization, kinda like Al Qaeda.
 When one falls - another takes over in his place.

 My stalkers get wood when they hear the sound of my name.
 If I put my name on a bottle of men's after shave they would f-ing bathe in it.
 Recently, I found out they've been holding BartCop Stalkerfests.

 Isn't that crazy?
 I heard the March 13th BartCop Stalkerfest Philly drew 200 people.

 No, Blondeboy, your persona switch didn't fool me.  But then again, I guess,
 (you ready for this?) I played into your hands when I printed your bogus letter.

 ...I'll bet Blondeboy made a mess in his pants with that last sentence.

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