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Volume 424 - The Battle of the Couch 
 RecentOld Stuff .  .......... ....Celebrity-hoe-mails ...... .....  ...Required Reading.  .....   .The Myth of the Liberal Media
                 .Onthe Far,  Far Horizon........................LiveWeb Cams ........................TheRuby Tape           The BartCop Tax Plan
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 March 9, 2001


 "The majesty of Ronald Reagan was so dignified,
    he never took his jacket off in the Oval Office."
    -- every blind ditto-monkey in America

 That's true.
 Reagan kept his jacket on while selling Stingers to Iran.
 Reagan kept his jacket on while telling America, "There were no weapons on those two, small planes."
 Reagan kept his jacket on while telling AIDS victims to "knock it off."
 Reagan kept his jacket on while refusing to meet with Native American groups.

 I wonder...
 Did Reagan keep his jacket on during "The Battle of the Couch," when he raped Selene Walters?

 (For more on Reagan the Rapist - Click  Here)


Subject: taking out the trash

1.  I don't watch FOX, CNN or MSNBC anymore.
In light of no organized boycott, I simply decided I wasn't interested in their propaganda.
Easy enough. Perhaps some observers such as the Bartcop need to tune in, to expose their lies,
but if you are sick of it too, hit 'em where it hurts: DON'T WATCH THEIR CRAP.

2.  Now that Dubya the Wondermonkey is ready to push his "cherish your rich people" tax plan
through congress, we will see who is Democrat, and who CALLS themself a democrat.

You will see all the buttkissers come out in full force, easy to identify.  I suggest the Democratic Party
serve notice to all traitors who occupy seats in congress: If you vote like a Republican, leave our party.
KICK THEM OUT if necessary.

What's the use of having parity of numbers,  with several members who fall all over themselves to be
of service to their king?  It may hurt in the short run, but we have to TAKE OUT THE TRASH
so our party can be in good fighting shape to TAKE BACK THE CONGRESS and the
Usurped Presidency in 02 and 04.

Some drastic housecleaning is in order, let's get on with it.

It's a bird's nest!  No, it's duct tape!  No, it's.. What the hell IS it?

MWO is announcing a new contest for our readers:
You tell us what it is sitting atop James Traficant's head - and the contestant who finally figures it out
will be the lucky winner of a limited-edition MWO coffee mug!

Click on, ...the thing on Traficant's head.


Subject: About Your Tax Plan

I'm a waitress at a Truck Stop.  I make $16,000/year.
It's hard to tell, but it appears I get nothing under the Bush Plan.
I work as hard as anybody in America, harder than the President does I'll bet.
I think I deserve better.  I work 60 hours a week.

How much would I get under your Plan?


Melissa, hard to say without more information, but under The BartCop Tax Plan
you'd for sure get $1500 so you could have a nice Christmas.

If you're married, and he works, you'd get $3000.
If you have kids or parents who work, you'd get $1500 each

...but don't blame Smirky, he doesn't know any better.

This Just In...

Ann Coulter wanted by Billings, Montana police.

 Click  Here

 I don't know why everyone's so concerned about the Death Watch on Strom.
 The Carolina legislature has gone so far as to draft a certainly-unconstitutional bill
 that would force the Governor to appoint a conservative.

 We've already lost our right to vote - why bother with restricting candidates?

 But as long as the scared bunny Democrats are kissing Smirk's ass,  if Strom is replaced by
 a Democrat all it means is that we'll lose the votes 55-45 instead of 56-44.

 Until the Democrats stand up and declare their independence from the GOP,
 it doesn't make much difference, now does it?

 John Newcombe Recalls Smirk's DWI Arrest

Click  Here

"He had George get out and walk up and down. When George failed the test,
 the cop put him under arrest and George was very co-operative. But, boy, that cop
 looked really nervous when he realised that he picked up the son of the CIA director."


Subject: Earthquake Afterthought

The next time some right-wing gasbag (Thomas Sowell comes to mind here) sounds off about
the evils of government, and those pesky, freedom-stealing building codes that we all suffer so horribly under,
remind him of this...

India - no (or widely ignored) building codes - major earthquake, thousands dead.

Turkey - no (or widely ignored) building codes - major earthquake, thousands dead.

El Salvador - no (or widely ignored) building codes - major earthquake, thousands dead, 200,000 homeless.

Seattle - major earthquake, one fatality (from a heart attack), and damned few serious injuries.

If you avoid big, hard to understand words, they might even get what you're talking about.


It's the fault of the press and the scared bunny Democrats that the words "government" and "evil"
became synonymous. Now & then you hear of some nightclub in Mexico where hundreds died
in a fire because of unenforced electrical codes and locked or blocked doors.
If the GOP had their way, we'd have fewer cops, fewer meat inspectors, fewer airline techinicians, etc.

Thank God for liberals.

 If you haven't already, you might click on "Publicist" for a message from Christian Livemore.


Subject: re: USS Ronald Reagan

The new ship the Nancy christened on Sunday,
it will only be used to transport weapons to Iran.

ha ha

...but that's only if the Navy can remember where the ship is.


"It sure feels good having a normal person in the White House again."
    --former shock rock king Marilyn Manson

The case of Julie Hiatt Steele:
The human cost of the Kenneth Starr witch-hunt
  By David Walsh

 Click  Here

 Steele was dragged before two grand juries. Her daughter and brother, as well as a former lawyer and accountant,
 were also interrogated. She was forced to turn over tax and bank records, credit reports and telephone records
 Herr Starr's inquisitors. Most despicably, Hardon Kenny threatened to move against Steele's parental rights,
 making public the fact that it was looking into the legal procedures by which she had adopted her son.

 Anyone Agree?

 Since Larry King changed his format from interviewing newsmakers to
 nightly tributes to Saint Reagan, it just hasn't been the same.


Subject: third Dubya arrest


You often refer to Smirk's 4th arrest as being for cocaine, quickly hushed and striken from the record.
What is the 3rd arrest?
I must have missed it, and couldn't find it by searching back issues.

The 1st admitted arrest was for stealing lampshades or something from a hotel.
The 2nd admitted was the DWI arrest in Maine.

Dick Cheney was arrested twice (!) for DUI/DWI in Connecticut, if I recall correctly, but I don't know the details.
Hard to believe a guy who drinks so much would have such lipid-contaminated blood.

Thanks for your enlightenment.  I get all my spin from nowadays.


We're not certain the fourth arrest was for cocaine.
We know there's at least one hidden arrest, and we know he did community service
in Houston and won't say for what crime, and we know he refuses to answer the question
"Have you ever committed a cocaine felony?"

I've read the list of crimes to which Smirk pled guilty.
One involved stealing a wreath from a somebody's front porch.
It was a non-descript, college prank-type crime, one I wouldn't really hold against him,
but how many other national tickets got away with FIVE crimes between them?

Clinton was crucified for suspicion of having committed some alleged crime.

 Note to Alissa G:

 Can I help you debate that Local Ditto Monkey?
 Or do you want to Bogart all the fun? :)


Subject: matter of time

Christian, when Ruppert Murdoch approaches BC with a proposition to lay off, you will be history!
I only hope he does not sell out for hundreds.

I go to the site daily.
My own thoughts are the same.
Something is wrong with all the roll overs, including the ragin cajun,
of course it has nothing to do with mary, his wife, working for the Shrubs,

B.C. is next.

ha ha

That reminds me of a bit Robert Klein did back when he was funny.
He was talking about Vice Prsident Spiro Agnew selling out for $10,000.

He said that was like Neil Armstrong setting foot on the moon and saying
"Visit Fred's Hardware store in Paducah."

Why do you think Carville has sold out?
He was on Meet the Whore Sunday, raging like always.

No, what I'd do is tell Murdoch's people I need a suite at the Venetian
for a week to think over his proposal - then turn him down.

But then again, if he offered me an hour on Fox News, I'd take that...
I might only get to do the one show, but it'd be a VCR moment, I guarantee that.


Subject: Ford?


I disagree with your assertion that Lincoln was the "last decent Republican."
What about Gerald Ford?

While I did not always agree with Ford, especially when he pardoned Nixon,
I think you'll agree that he could at least be described as a decent person.


KT, it wasn't the pardoning of Nixon that pissed me off.
Ford swore under oath that he wasn't going to do it.
Wait, let me take that back - he slicked his way into it.

During his confirmation to become VP, he was asked if he'd pardon the crook.
Ford replied, "The country wouldn't stand for it."

Notice that's differeent from "No," but "No," is what we all heard.
Then, when he became president, he did what he led us to believe he wouldn't do.

They crucified Clinton for splitting hairs (when they were pubic hairs) but Ford got a pass
for outright lying about pardoning the biggest (then) crook ever to sit in the Oval Office.

If America had a press that wasn't bought and paid for,
stories like that would be more widely known.

 What if Vince McMahon joined Smirk's Taliban?

                                Click on Pic

>I'll make you a deal.
>If we don't get a mention, I'll wait until we're bigger to ask you again.

 Well, we were snuffed out.
 Koresh, they talked about 8 or 10 subjects, but no mention of the Smirk Tax Scheme
 that just passed the House and is now heading for the Senate.

 No reason why a daily political talk show should mention Smirk's thievery, is there?

 Yep, it'll be a while before I ask you to join in another mail avalanche.
 On a national scale, the BartCop Hammer must be miniscule.
 We need to build the pie higher, forge the hammer harder, to make a difference.

 In time, we'll get there.

From the 'Religious Insanity is always a Bad Idea' department

Statues' destruction raises concerns worldwide Archaeologists worry Taliban's
action will inspire other extremists to target their foes' icons in regions of unrest
                By Mark Memmott   USA TODAY

 Click  Here

 For centuries, one society's icons have been targets for its enemies during times of war.
 In the past century, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and Mao all destroyed or damaged historic
 treasures and killed millions in attempts to wipe out entire cultures.


Subject: Re: "Bad Language Alert"

BartCop wrote:

>"Who signed The Civil Rights Act into law. Was it JFK or LBJ?"
> Sorry, I just get a little carried away with this racism horseshit.
> If BartCop-ism stands for anything, it's equality for the
> individual. I guess that's why The Grand Old Fascist party hates
> the name, "BartCop." Fuck you, GOP - we're not going back.


It might interest you that, in fact, a higher percentage of GOP Senators voted to end the predominantly
Democratic fillibuster against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 than Democrats (of 67 Democrats,
only 44 (65%) voted to end the filibuster, whereas of 33 Republicans, 27 (82%) voted to end the filibuster).

It might also interest you that the current senior senator from West Virginia, a Democrat, Robert Byrd
- a former "Kleagle" (recruiter) of the Ku Klux Klan - was one of many Democrat senators who,
at that time, opposed the Civil Rights Act and was a part of the filibuster. In fact, he filibustered
the Civil Rights Act for more than 14 hours.

Later, he opposed the desegregation of the armed forces. The ex-Klansman vowed never to fight
"with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the
dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels,
a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."

Very recently (last weekend), he appeared on national television, and said this:
"There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. I'm going to use that word.
 We just need to work together to make our country a better country, and I'd just as soon quit talking about it so much."

In the words of Michelle Malkin, "If this ex-Klansman were a conservative Republican, he would never
hear the end of his sordid past. 'Ex-Klansman who opposed civil rights and black justices' would appear
in every reference to Sen. Byrd. And even the 'ex-' would be in doubt. Maxine Waters and Ralph Neas
and Julianne Malveaux and Al Sharpton and all the other left-wing bloodhounds who sniff racism in every
crevice of American life would be barking up a storm over Sen. Byrd's latest fulminations.
Instead, the attack dogs are busy decrying latent racial bigotry where it doesn't exist, while the real thing
roams wild and free in their own political backyard." Her latest article is available here:

I am only trying to suggest that perhaps you should temper your incessant criticisms of Republicans
for "racism" - with little (or no) evidence to support your arguments (President Bush has arguably
granted minorities higher ranking positions in his cabinet than did President Clinton) - with the realization
that there are real racists in American politics, and whether you like it or not, many of them have the
same "D" after their name as you do.


W.C. Frea

For a guy who thinks funny and has everything wrong, you were very polite
and your grammer and spelling were some of the best I've seen.
Christ, you're entire note was clear and precise.

1. That's Rush's favorite statistic: He claims a "higher percentage" of GOP voted for that than the Democrats.

 My response is: So what?  America used to be almost 100 percent racist.
 The allegation of what might've been true 35 years ago hardly excuses the GOP
 from scaring away nineteen out of every twenty black voters in today's America.
 Should blacks vote for Helms, Lott and Delay because they  hijacked the Party of Lincoln?

2. Robert Byrd is a racist prick-bastard who should be run out of the Democratic party.
    I admit that, you don't have to make your case here.
    Rush is right about Robert Byrd the KKK clown..
    If the Democrats had any balls or dignity, they would've thrown that klan dinosaur overboard
    a decade ago, but, you're side, our side is full of spineless whores and scared bunnies.
    If I was the head of the Democratic Party, that bigot would've been cast free long ago.

3. you should temper your incessant criticisms of Republicans for "racism"
    - with little (or no) evidence to support your arguments

    No, you can't get away with that.
    Your entire party has one elected black man, Uncle OJ Watts.
    He's there ONLY because he won a national title some football games for Oklahoma.
    Without his athletic skill, Barry Switzer, and some Sabutai luck, he's be nothing more
    than Orenthal the 7-11 attendent - IF he knew an Oklahoma merchant who'd hire a nigger.

    Yes, America is an extremely racist country.
    And the discriminated against vote for my side 19-1 over your side.
    I'd say the 19-1 ratio supports my argument very well.

    I appreciate your manners, attitude and sophistication.
    I usually get troglodytes.

    Maybe we could do a Thursday?

From: Beth

Subject: athetic

I think he meant "pathetic," but missed the first letter.

As for Charlize Theron, I'd say she could stand to use a few ounces of hairspray, but other than that...
Hollywood's obessions with ultra-thinness makes me sick, but not enough to stick a finger down my throat.  :-p

Then again, I can't really feel sorry for someone who *could* eat at IHOP and still look like that.


ha ha

I know it angers the girls when I do that, but the point is,
some Hollywood sicko is looking at Charlize Theron saying,
"If you were only THIS, we could hire you."

She's pretty much a ten in anybody's book, but she's not good enough
for some bonehead casting director with edipal problems.
Hollywood can be a sick, sick place.

I always felt like I could navigate the Hollywood sharks,
cause I figure everyone's trying to F me, y'know?

If you KNOW they're lying, betrayal is impossible.


Click  Here for an X-rated sidebar

 From the Toronto Financial Times 2/23/01


Subject: Rumors

I've lately seen an ephemeral rumor floating on the web about Bush having an affair in 1999.

Any truth or details?
Anybody working on it?

Keep up the good work- you guys lift my spirits every day

Gdewan, yes.


CNN White House correspondent John King was disgusted by Larry King’s coziness
with Smirk at his nonauguration, according to an e-mail the star reporter sent to CNN brass.

In a confidential e-mail to four top CNN executives and his supervisor, Washington bureau chief Frank Sesno,
John King wrote, "Today I watched in shame and horror as Larry King not only was master of ceremonies at
a Bush inaugural event but also as we put him live on the air, first introducing some entertainment, then as he
shamelessly rushed on stage to hug the president-elect and entertainer Ricky Martin."

In the Jan. 18 e-mail, published in the upcoming issue of Brill’s Content, King added,
"I have for 15 years worked as a reporter, worked pretty damn hard, had a few good days along the way.
Objectivity and credibility are the coins of the realm. Period."

"Decisions have consequences, and send signals. People in the newsroom are grumbling; people around the town
I have to work in every day are laughing." The e-mail’s subject header read: "Some of us have jobs to do."

Brill’s reports that John King’s frustration with CNN is shared by "an overwhelming majority" of more than
40 former and current reporters, anchors, producers, execs and talk show hosts interviewed for the story.
The network is plagued by sagging ratings, withering competition from Fox News and MSNBC,
and "a pronounced leadership vacuum."

One CNN staffer said: "If Ted Turner were dead, he’d be rolling over in his grave."

John King, one of CNN’s biggest names, did not return our calls. But Brill’s reports he’ll likely
leave the network, possibly for ABC, when his contract expires next month..


Subject: taking out the trash

1.  I don't watch FOX, CNN or MSNBC anymore.  In light of no organized boycott, I simply decided
I wasn't interested in their propaganda.  Easy enough. Perhaps some observers such as the Bartcop
need to tune in, to expose their lies, but if you are sick of it too, hit 'em where it hurts:

2.  Now that Dubya the Wondermonkey is ready to push his "cherish your rich people" tax plan through
congress, we will see who is Democrat, and who CALLS themself a democrat.  You will see all the
buttkissers come out in full force, easy to identify.  I suggest the Democratic Party serve notice to all traitors
who occupy seats in congress: If you vote like a Republican, leave our party.
KICK THEM OUT if necessary.

What's the use of having parity of numbers, with several members who fall all over themselves to be of service
to their king?  It may hurt in the short run, but we have to TAKE OUT THE TRASH so our party can be in
good fighting shape to TAKE BACK THE CONGRESS and the Usurped Presidency in 02 and 04.

Some drastic housecleaning is in order, let's get on with it.

Dittos to that, Kebo.

 Read the  Previous Issue

 It had everything.

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   Thanks for the fumble, Dude.

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