Quoth Barthcop:
"Why would I be angry?

1. We've lost the right to have our votes counted,
2. the Bill of Rights has been suspended,
3. Clinton's $5 TRILLION surplus has been stolen,
4. we're at war and they say this war will never end,
5. we're in a recession, fabricated to enrich the already super-rich,
6. a crooked moron stole the White House with the help of the crooked judges
    who owed favors to the moron's crooked daddy,
7. the top policeman in America is insane,
8. the people in charge of curbing these abuses are asleep or scared."

I numbered them so I could keep track of your rantings.

1. You've lost your right to have your votes counted until you get the result you want.

 I think you remember funny.
 The Supreme Court said, "continuing to count ballots would result in
 irreparable harm to petitioner Bush."
 You can claim Bush would've won the vote, but stopping the count
 and certifying Jeb's "quick count" was the only way to guarantee that result.

2. Not sure which of the Amendments you're referring to?  The one that says you can't prevent me
from the free exercise of my religion, like putting a Nativity Scene on public land at Christmas?

That's crazy talk. What if Muhammed Atta was a citizen andwanted YOUR tax money to build a monument
to Islam that called America "The Great Satan?" Are you still for using tax dollars to promote religion?
Or do you just want the "real" God worshipped, and not the false ones?

Or is it the one that talks about my right to keep and bear arms?

ha ha
That's not in the Constitution - who said it was? Hannity or Rush?
The Constitution says "a well-regulated militia," not Patrick Sennett

Maybe the one that prevents big government Demos from making this a nanny-state (X).

You need to work on that one.

Or the one that you wanted to suspend, to allow "the big creep" (his girlfriend's name for him)
to continue to overtax and overregulate us?

You've fallen into the trap.
Monica called Clinton "the big creep" because he refused to have sex with her.
You just proved Clinton was telling the truth the whole time.
I'll bet you feel really stupid.

3. Clinton's 5 TRILLION OVERCHARGE has been returned
to those that earned it.  I'm overcharged by about 50% as it is.

Really? I was loaned $600 for eight months. How much did you get?
Who got the missing trillions? Enron, Texaco, Exxon, Shell, etc

4. The war against evil never ends, but five years ago if polling data had said
that we should nuke ObL, he'd have been a smoking hole in the ground.
I guess they didn't ask the right question on the poll of the day.


5. I'm shocked at your accusation that Bill Clinton fabricated a recession to favor the super-rich,
since only complete morons and the New York Times haven't figured out that the "recession"
began on the creep's watch.

When Bush promised a return to Reaganomics, Wall Street had a panic fit.
Remember, the economy soared like an Ashcroft Eagle when Clinton RAISED taxes.
How can you deny that which is true?

6. On the third recount of votes, the President had gained victory and the
Supreme Court put an end to what would still be going on.  Guilty as charged.

You're mostly right - the SC stopped the counting of the votes.

7. Oh, you mean the insane man had the decency to not beat the crap out of a recently widowed but
completely unqualified woman in his last election (a woman who will be handily beaten in the next election.)

Funny, Missouri voters new Ashcroft, but they decided an unknown would be better for them.

He has more morality and decency in his fingernail trimmings than all of the adult Clintons combined.

Is that why he refused to answer questions about his Enron dealings?
becaise he has more morality and decency?

8. I assume you mean the vicious partisans on the far left, who should have staged some sort of armed revolt
to overthrow the lawful turnover of power to the winning candidate.  And you call Bush "evil"?

"Lawful turnover?"
How is preventing blacks from voting lawful?
How is having the CIA "monitor" the votes lawful?
How is having your brother certify a "quick count" lawful?
You can say anything about Florida that you like, but the facts are that Gore
wanted those votes counted and Bush insisted we already had a winner.

It's just our bad luck the vote was decided by the woman who screamed, "Oh. no!"
when she heard Gore won Florida.

You've lost your mind.  You're so enraptured with Juliefest that you've lost all perspective.
Now apologize and go back home.  Apology accepted.
"Beavis and the Bartheads" (aka hyenas) will get by without you.

I'd lost my mind long before I got enraptured with Juliefest, but thanks for
using numbers in your attack. I love a post with numbers!!!

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