"We're not attacking Islam but Islam has attacked
us. The God of Islam
is not the same God. He's not the son
of God of the Christian or Judeo-Christian faith.
It's a different God, and I believe
it is a very evil and wicked religion."
-- Franklin Graham, son of Billy and Bush cabanaboy, In
Jesus's Name
VCR Alert
Kimberly has stayed kidnapped for the last two epsiodes of 24.
I guess the producers couldn't think of any fresh ways to kidnap
in the last two hours, so they just kept her in jail and off-screen.
Of all the plot twists in the world, why does Andy Sipowitz need
a child-custody case?
I'm so old, I remember when NYPD Blue was about
catching the bad guiys.
Speaking of old, remember when Frasier used to
be funny?
Also, that show Lucky on FX turns out to be pretty
Gambling in Vegas beats crying babies any day, NYPD Blew.
Did you know Mark Harmon is doing a JAG spinoff?
BTW, have you seen the latest TV ratings? It's crazy as hell.
1. CSI
2. American Idol
3. Law & Order
4. American Idol
5. CSI: Miami
6. Law *& Order SUV
7. Survivor: Amazon
8. Bachelor Number Two
9. Star Search - Tuesdays
10. Law & Order: CI
11. Star Search-Thursdays
12 JAG
13 CSI: Toledo
14 Bachelorette Three
15 JAG- Harmon
It's the same five shows, endlessly recycled.
One other thing, semi-related to this:
I have nothing against Kelly Clarkson, the first "Ameriucan Idol,"
but they like to
compare Clarkson to the Dixie Chicks when talking "Who's
Hot and Who's Not."
Let's remember that Clarkson has the mighty FOX Network standing
behind her.
It's in FOX's best interest that her acreer succeed, so they're
making all those
incestuous deals with snakepins like Clear Channel to increase
Clarkson's numbers
so FOX can sell the next "Idol" as "America's next Number One
selling artist.
Meanwhile, Clear Channel poured the cold water on the Dixie Chicks
by ordering their stations
to burn Dixie Chick CDs and holding anti-Dixie Chick rallies
because they had the gall to not
play ball with the B.F.E.E. on murdering Iraq - and it's
only going to get worse.
us or we will destroy you.
Subject: (no subject)
Yesterday, here in Central Michigan, it
was sunny and 80 degrees.
Today it is rainy, windy and cold.
Fucking Syria!!!!!!!!
Subject: Your sorry website
I looked at your website for the past week
because a conservative friend
said you are going nuts over the Bush presidency.
Man is he right. You have him as a
goofball half the time and then as the
brilliant evil genius with diabolical plans
the other half of the time.
What is it Bart? Is he a genius or the world's dumbest man?
He is the world's dumbest man.
He doesn't even know he's being used by the others, like Reagan
didn't know.
Bush's job is to back-slap the back of the corporate billionaires
while the adults
make the secret deals and consolidate their power over the rest
of us.
BFEE is so funny I'll bet you split your
pants coming up with this farce.
Let's see, the guy is President and yet
he has time to direct this army of
businessmen to get rich gathering oil from
every country that pumps it.
Bush, you say, gives them marching orders.
Mostly, Bush stays out of the way while Cheney and Rummy run the
Bush is the Ronald McDonald of the group, smiling and wearing
the clown makeup.
Why doesn't ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and Fox report
Could it be that it is your un-fertile
mind fabricating stories? Hmmm?
Can I answer a question with a question?
Why did we spend 12 years investigating Clinton's zipper and
not one fucking day investigating 9-11?
Do you know the FBI had 700 men combing thru Arkansas, looking
for sex stories? What if those same
700 agents were following up Al Qaeda tips instead of chasing
two-bit trailer tramps outside Little Rock?
Could it be there's a bias in the media to attack liberals and
protect the unelected frauds?
If ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and Fox had their
choice between integrity or higher profits,
which one do you think they would choose,
and don't be an idiot when you answer that.
NBC called the Florida race for Bush before the votes were even
counted, then Russert started calling Gore
a serial liar, and saying Bush was "very presidential."
Look what turned up on their bottom line as a result
Evil men wouldn't lie for a mere five billion dollars, would they?
Of course they wouldn't - they're the press - our beacons
of integrity and honesty!
I remember your side hollering that Vietnam
was over oil in the Gulf of Tonkin.
Maybe the Bushes were blamed for that,
I don't remember. But, almost 40 years after
the "oil story" started getting bandied
about, there is no oil being pumped out of Vietnam.
What happened? Are the Vietnamese
just incompetent? Or did your side just lie? That's the ticket!
Ken Wright
Ken, I am not a Vietnamese hiostorian.
But the Gulf of Tonkin incident really happened, and 55,000 men
died as a result.
Does that kind of farce make you split your pants?
Don't you know anything about your history?
Click Here for a quick refresher on the Gulf of Tonkin lie.
"American Planes Hit North Vietnam After Second
Attack on Our Destroyers;
Move Taken to Halt New Aggression", announced
a Washington Post headline on Aug. 5, 1964.
That same day, the front page of the New
York Times reported: "President Johnson has ordered
retaliatory action against gunboats and
'certain supporting facilities in North Vietnam' after renewed
attacks against American destroyers in
the Gulf of Tonkin."
But there was no "second attack" by North
Vietnam -- no "renewed attacks against American destroyers."
By reporting official claims as absolute
truths, American journalism opened the floodgates for the bloody Vietnam
You have to know that Bush's 41's daddy paid a fine for trading
with Hitler during WWII.
This isn't a myth, he wrote the damn check to avoid criminal
You have to know that Reagan/Bush illegally conducted foreign
policy by having the Iranian kidnappers
hold their American hostages longer - because Bush promised them
a better deal - which they got.
What do you think Iran-Contra was about?
You have to know that the CIA and Jeb helped the Supreme Court
certify a "quick count" in Florida.
You can't see the slightest evidence of a pettern here?
You have to know that America just wiped out a third world country,
over the objections of every other country on Earth.
Our military might is so powerful we don't need to bother
with the opinions of the "little countries," so Bush is free to pillage
and plunder at will. He can take whatever oil he wants from whatever
country he wants.
Who's going to stop him?
When evil men have unlimited power, very bad things happen.
I'm glad you see the fun in that.
"I wouldn't throw accusations around unless
you know they're true. I'm not here to justify polygamy.
All I can say is, I know people in Hildale
who are polygamists who are very fine people. You come
and show me evidence of children being
abused there and I'll get involved. Bring the evidence to me."
--Sen. Orrin Hatch,I'm
Not Here to Justify Polygamy
Wait a minute - polygamy is illegal, even in Utah.
If Hatch knows people who are breaking the law, there's no need
to insist on proof of anything.
How can he stay in the senate and condone lawbreaking at the
same time?
Oh that's right - he's a Republican.
And where is Laura the Aborter in this?
If kids with two mommies grow up funny, like Dr laura says,
what about kids with four mommies? Or six mommies?
Kind of a Plain-Jane Victory Is This?
by Afnan Fatani, Special
to Arab News
In short, almost everyone in the region
believes that the Americans helped Saddam and his cronies
flee the battlefield. Now, we can all sit
back and watch US forces hunt for Iraqi terrorists all over
the neighboring Arab and Islamic countries,
just as they did after Osama Bin Laden and Mulla Omar
vanished in Afghanistan. Fifty-five more
faces have now been added to Bush’s hit list, which he keeps
locked away in his desk, waiting for the
moment when he can draw crosses over all of them and gloat
over their capture or death.
Subject: Giving up Your Seat on the Plane
I'm not sure which one of you gave up your
seat on that flight from Chicago to Vegas the other night.
It's a little hard to put the faces I saw
on the plane with the faces I see on the web site.
My wife and kids appreciated it very much.
Anyway, it was so incredibly nice, and I
can't tell you how much I appreciated the kind act, too.
I'm going out to Best Buy tomorrow to pick
up a "Best of The Doobie brothers" CD as a way of saying "thanks".
And the next time you are in Vegas, the
wife and I will come catch the show. In this day and age when everyone
seems to be looking out for #1 and not
giving a shit about the people around them, it is refreshing to know there
are still some good people to be found.
By the way, at baggage claim in Vegas, when
I told my wife who you guys were, she said
"One of the Doobie Brothers gave up
their seat for us? How cool was that????!!!!!"
Thanks a bunch.
I'm cc'ing a freind of mine on this, 'cause
I think he'll think it's cool, too.
I don't know what all your political orientations
are, but if you get a chance,
check out his web site: http://www.bartcop.com
Vegas Dave
Subject: revoketheoscar.com
Dude, of course they won't debate you in
live chat. You see, on a message board, or via email,
they have all the time they need to piece
together some lame-ass string of lies to defend their stance.
They can ask their friends, look up things
on wingnut websites, whatever.
That would be OK with me.
Whenever I debate, I tell the other guy to assemble a crowd,
get all the brainpower he can muster
because I don't want a victory over a wimp - I want the best
challenge I can get.
But in a live chat, there's no time to do
that. You have to know your facts, and you have to be able
to produce them on demand. Since
they don't have any facts, they have nothing to debate with.
Yeah, but even if given loads of time, what can they come up with?
They have nothing but Clinton's cock.
It's like bringing a squirtgun on a hunting
You can wave it around but you're not going
to be bringing any dinner home.
Unless something big happens, it's time to let this go.
The boys at revoketheoscar.com (can you believe it takes
three of them?) are not going to grow
any cojones because I said they were afraid to
debate. Their true nature has already been revealed.
I had my hopes up because of the smart-ass attitude I found there,
which is not unlike my own,
but I don't wet my pants and cower in fear when someone asks
me if I can back it up.
I'm getting lots of mail sayin, "My cousin
Weenie will debate you," but I want somebody with a track
somebody with a website and maybe even a reputation
to uphold. When you debate some guy who goes by
liberalslayer@hotmail.com, after he gets the red-ass,
he comes back a week later with libkiller@yahoo.com.
Geez, it's been 6-7 years since I made Nixon's lawyer wear the pink tutu.
Subject: (no subject)
Always smirking, he mocks the pleas
of death row inmates.
He pumps his fist in the air after making
He talks of wounded soldiers with different
looking metal things sticking out of them.
The most powerful man on the planet is
a moron with the emotional development of a fourteen year old.
god help us!!!!!