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Volume 449 - Can't Anybody Help This Poor Man? 
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 April 10, 2001
 VCR Alert
- ABC is such a screwed network. Tonight, Regis finally gives away some serious money.
 I've known for a little while, and I wasn't going to say anything besides, "If you like Regis, watch tonight,"
 but ABC is so afraid somebody might miss it when they actually have a winner, the morons are playing
 the audio of Regis screaming, "You've just won 2.18 million dollars!"
 Also - big news - The Angie Harmon Show is about to cease to exist. She wants out, so they'll have to get
 another babe for Jack to spar with. I guess they can survive the loss, but what'll they call it?
 Also - Brooke Burke on Bill Maher tonight. Let's hope she has a brain. I hate to lust after some girl
 just to have her open her mouth and reveal she's as stupid as Smirk. That's a real turn off.

 The Rev Jackson: I see you're having trouble getting the hostages released.
                                 I've had some good luck freeing hostages.
                                Would you like any assistance?

 Bush White House: Go to Hell, nigger.
                                   We know exactly what we're doing.

 President Smirk:  We do?
                               Can somebody tell me?
                               C'mon, I'm the President.

 Cheney in Charge: Shut up, George.
                                 You'll find out when you need to know.


Subject: Tom Clancy

Sure wish that someone would interview Tom Clancy, Dale Brown
for the high tech knowledge these guys all have--at least they have it according to their books.
We Bartcoppers, out here in cyberspace, would really like to know why our navy
doesn't seen to know how any of their gear works.

Yeah, it's time to bring in the real experts...the folks who have made millions
by telling us how perfect our military systems are.


Robert, good point.
I thought that Al Martin piece was pretty enlightening, but yeah,
an interview with live questions would be a great idea, but that might shed light
on what Cheney and Rove are up to, so we have no right to know.

 Disney/ABC Can't Stop Lying for Bush

 Here's the big attention-grabbing headline right now at

 A Hard Line
 President Bush Warns of Damage to U.S.-China Relations

While noting that "diplomacy takes time," Bush once again called for the release of
 the crew members and added a barely veiled warning.

"Every day that goes by increases the potential
  that our relations with China will be damaged," Bush said.

 That's not a "hard line."
 Don't words mean anything anymore?

 A "hard line" is "We want those people and the plane in 24 hours or
 the United States will slap a quarantine on all American goods from
 every source for triple the amount of time our hostages are being held."

 For young Smirk to stand timidly at a wobbly podium and suggests that some
 unspecified "damage" has the "potential" to possibly occur, and that would
 only be a possibility if the Chinese continue to hold them "as every day goes by."

 Geez, if our parents were that strict, we would've never come home from the prom.

 And ABC News calls that Smirk's "hard line?"
 Where's the hard line in begging?
 There's not even a soft line there.

 Did you see a line of any kind in any place?
 Why is ABC/Disney pretending Smirk's got a hard line?

 Why couldn't they just tell the truth?
 "Clueless idiot begs Chi-Coms to play fair," would be more accurate.

 A week from now, what's Smirk going to be saying?

"Every week that goes by increases the potential
  that our relations with China will be damaged?"

 Soooooooo, ...China is soooo scared of the Failure in Thief.
 Then what?

 "Every month that goes by increases the potential
   that our relations with China will be damaged?"

 Pretty soon, he'll be up for re-election.

 Just a Reminder...

 Von Reagan paying his respects to the Nazi Soldier's Memorial at Bitburg, Germany.

 Smirk and Poweell begging China for forgiveness,
 Reagan paying his respects to Nazi war "heroes."

 This never happened when Clinton was in office.

 The Sierra Club urges Smirky to check the water at his ranch

 Click  Here

 Excerpt:  "The big question: Does President Bush take precautions
                   that he said other Americans don't deserve? "

 My Devilish Dictionary
 An Everyday Guide for Understanding G. W. Bush and GOP Terminology
  by John Cory

 Click  Here

 Politics as Unusual

"Breaking his second campaign promise on the environment, President Bush
  has abandoned a pledge to invest $100 million a year in a program for
  rain forest conservation, according to the budget he released yesterday."
      -- Boston Globe reports.

 The only promise he's kept was to reverse the direction this country was going.

 Headline on Yahoo News
 China says Powell's 'sorry' helpful in plane standoff

 Colin Powell, begging China to play nice.
 Remember when he was a man who was feared?
 Now he's holding hands while Smirk begs for forgiveness.

 Remember last week, Pigboy was screaming at Daschle and Feinstein for using the word
 "sorry," when dealing with China. Rush said the White House would never apologize.
 When a caller asked what the difference was between "expressing regret," and "sorry,"
 the smartest man in the GOP and the brilliant King of Debate said,
 "Try telling your mother, 'Mom, I regret losing your diamond necklace.'"


 Jesus Christ, Rush.
 Your mental decline is increasing at a faster speed that we realized.

 "Regret for Mom's diamond necklace?"

 Now, if Yahoo can be believed, Powell is begging China, too.
 And I just saw a report that China is warning our congress not to mess with the 2008 Olympics.

 What a mess!
 Clinton never screwed up anything this bad in eight years,
 and Smirk is a walking bungle, even with Powell and Cheney holding his hand.

 Jesse Jackson and the 60's (and Bill Clinton)
 By Isaac Peterson

 Click  Here

Whatever one may think of Jesse, he has been effective over the course
of many years. He has been a nightmare for conservatives since the Civil
Rights movement (he marched and worked with Martin Luther King, Jr.). He
won the release of  U.S. pilot Robert Goodman from Syria in 1983, when
Reagan's diplomatic efforts went nowhere. In September of 1991 he won
the release of hundreds of foreign nationals being held in Kuwait by
Saddam Hussein after efforts by the first Bush White House failed. When
these results were broadcast, he seriously helped expose the diplomatic
ineffectiveness of the Reagan and Bush administrations.


 "When the China spy-plane drama is over, President Bush needs to explain his foreign policy.
    It's confusing people - allies, experts and adversaries - and exposing him to tough criticism."
          -- Morton Kondracke, Beltway Boy Toy


Subject: Kurt Cobain

He didn't have stomach cancer, he had some serious mental problems.
He was in the hospital after trying to commit suicide, but it was ruled an accident,
so he left and several days later went and killed himself.
He needed counseling, detox, and to be locked up to protect him from himself.
He was absolutely not in his right mind, and shouldn't have been allowed to walk out of the hospital.

Gekko, I think you're mistaken.
I'm not sure it was cancer, but I read interviews with Kurt where he said the stomach pain was
driving him insane and he did the drugs to fight the pain. We may be talking about the same thing.

They say that first suicide attempt was not "an accident," but then again, I didn't know him.
I'm saying what I'm saying based on whore media reports, so who knows, anymore?


 Read the  Previous Issue

 It had everything.

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   Thanks for the fumble, Dude.

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