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Volume 491 - It's All I Can Do

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 June 7, 2001.  .....   ...Advertise on    ..... .......SPORTS..  ...........  ..Did you hear it? 

 BartCop Gets Religion, sort of...

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 "Golf is a good walk, spoiled."
     -- George Bernard Shaw

  Thanks to Tally Briggs

 A Thank-You Note
   from Julie Hiatt Steele

 Click  Here


Subject: Liberals say Bartcop is the smartest

Liberals from here and far point to bartcop as their intellectual leader.
Bartcop deftly points out the fallacies of the right with stalwart cleverness.
For example when asked, "Please explain your view of the economic effects
of the Bush tax cuts with respect to macroeconomic supply and demand and
the elasticity of this money in the economy"?, Bartcop adroitly responded,

"Well fucking Limbaugh is a fucking pig boy, that's fucking answer enough.
 Fuck that shit.  That's fucking mother fucking right."

This witty response brought immediate applause from the liberal intelligencia.
Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz commented,  "Only a truly brilliant mind could
work the word fuck into sentences as often as the brilliant bartcop.  And OJ is innocent."

Bartcop added, "You fucking got that fucking right.  Fucking pigboy isn't fucking smart
enough to fucking work fuck into fucking sentences like Fucking I fucking do."

Sir, I believe your quote to be inaccurate.
Monday, I was asked a similar question in a live debate.
My statements included the following:

During the campaign, Bush said the super rich need a tax cut because times were good. Then, when he
busted the bubble, he said we need one because yimes are bad.  Why not pay the debt - THEN party?

The BartCop Tax Plan would've put $1500 in every taxPAYER's pocket
- that would stimulate the dying Smirk economy

Smirk's latest CLAIM is that we need it to start the economy - giving millions to the rich won't do that
So why not help the working families?

I want to pay off Reagan's debt first. Then, if we're going to have a tax cut,
and it's needed to jumpstart like Smirk says, we jump start a hundred million families instead of just the super rich.

"Class envy" is code for "fuck the poor."
If you were wealthy, I could accept that, but odds are YOU'RE going to have higher taxes

We owe 4-5 trill to the debt. By spending that money on a tax cut for the rich, the debt
is paid slower = higher interest rates, fewer new homes, fewer cars loans etc etc etc

That's why Clinton did so well - he told Wall Street, with his budget, that he was serious about erasing RR's debt
That's why we had a 8-year boom, and why it's crashing now that Smirk wants to start voodoo again
The banks will have more to lend at better rates if the debt is smaller
When the debt is higher, banks will only loan to the super-rich.
That means fewer home loans, fewer car loans etc.

It's just like your household debt. If you pay the credit cards off, you can go to Disneyland,
but if you go to Disneyland when your cards are all maxed out, you file bankruptcy

So, yes, I use the language most Americans use, but your quote was as true as a Limbaugh quote.
I take it he's your hero?
You can pretend nothing but curse words are used here, but you'd be pretending.
Do you do a lot of that?

...and if I have no bullets in my gun, you could whip me in a live debate, right?

Well, ...punk?
Do you feel lucky?

 Drunken row led to palace massacre
  Details on NRA Office recently opened in Nepal

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 Karen Hughes has a tough job


Subject:  I agree

No problem. I totally understand how that is.
God forbid you have an opinion that deviates from their own.

Also, thanks for this;

>"This Just In...
>Tim McVeigh (R-Nitrate) has been denied a fair trial
>by our can't-make-a-mistake government and will be
>executed even tho he did not get to face his accusers."

You are the only other person I have seen make the exact same argument
about this that I have been making. I'm glad someone else understands
the laws of this country enough to know that this ruling is wrong.


Alicia, thanks.
On the way to work today, I heard an ABC News whore say that
the final decision on Tim McVeigh will rest with the Supreme Court.

That means McVeigh is a dead man, and the main reason that's bad
is because this whore court isn't going to need the constitution when
they make their decision to fry him. They "know" he's guilty, so there's
no "need" to bother with all that constitutional horseshit.

The crazy sons of bitches don't even care to err on the side of caution,
not even when a man's life is at stake. The whore court will likely decide
that his lawyers didn't "need" to face his accusers, or the evidence against him,
because "we all know he's guilty" anyway.

The Supreme Court sees themselves an unerring messengers from God.
Constitution? They don't need no stinking constitution!

Since the whore court ignored the ballots and installed President Weak & Stupid
last December, many, many people have said, "This is not the America I know."

That will never be more true than next Monday.

 Recently, at a theological meeting in Rome, scholars had a heated
 debate on this subject.  One by one, they offered their evidence........

     1. His first name was Jesus
     2. He was bilingual
     3. He was always being harassed by the authorities.
         ....But then there were equally good arguments that....

             JESUS WAS BLACK:
     1. He called everybody "brother"
     2. He liked Gospel
     3. He couldn't get a fair trial.
         ........But then there were equally good arguments that....

             JESUS WAS JEWISH:
     1. He went into His Father's business
     2. He lived at home until he was 33
     3. He was sure his Mother was a virgin, and his Mother was sure he was God.
         ...........But then there were equally good arguments that....

             JESUS WAS ITALIAN:
     1. He talked with his hands
     2. He had wine with every meal
     3. He used olive oil.
         .........But then there were equally good arguments that....

     1. He never cut his hair
     2. He walked around barefoot
     3. He started a new religion.
         ..........But then there were equally good arguments that....

             JESUS WAS IRISH:
     1. He never got married
     2. He was always telling stories
     3. He loved green pastures.
         ...........But perhaps the most compelling evidence.....

             THAT JESUS WAS A WOMAN:
     1. He had to feed a crowd at a moment's notice when there was no food
     2. He kept trying to get the message across to a bunch of men who just didn't get it
     3. Even when He was dead, He had to get up again, because there was more work to do.....


     Thanks to Diana Deno


 "I think being the mayor of New York City is one of the three or four
  best political jobs in the country.  New York has been good to me and my family,
  and maybe having one of us in politics at a time is quite enough.
  I am very flattered that people have asked me to run.
  I can´t imagine a more exciting job than being the mayor of New York."
        Bill Clinton -leaving the door open for a New York mayoral run.

 Borderman is defending our perimeter

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 "Have you heard this? The rumors are ripe that John McCain is poised to leave the GOP,
  and I think it says a lot when a guy can take being locked in a box and tortured by the
  North Vietnamese for 5 1/2 years but not one more minute of Trent Lott."
       -- Bill Maher

 Did catch Ari Fleisher lying for Team Smirk?

 Click  Here  to see the whole story.


"President Bush was in Florida today helping the Habitat for Humanity build houses for the needy.
  It was nice to see a president hammering something he can't get impeached for."
   -- Dave

 Open Letter from Zepp

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 Read the  Previous Issue

 It had everything.

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   Thanks for the fumble, Dude.

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