Verifying data in "The Fatal Flaw In The 9/11 Coverup"

You were wondering why John Kaminski did not put links to backup his charges.
Well I wondered the same so I just checked the first one. I might check some of the others later (I don't have the time to do it now).

Kaminski said In Fatal Flaw In the 9/11 Coverup (

"Why did FBI director Robert Mueller say very publicly to the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco that nothing on paper
 connected Arab terrorists to 9/11?"

In the FBI's own transcript of the speech at the Common Wealth Club (
FBI Director Robert Mueller said

"The hijackers also left no paper trail. In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper - either here
in the U.S. or in the treasure trove of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere - that mentioned any
aspect of the September 11th plot. The hijackers had no computers, no laptops, no storage media of any kind. They used
hundreds of different pay phones and cell phones, often with prepaid calling cards that are extremely difficult to trace.
And they made sure that all the money sent to them to fund their attacks was wired in small amounts to avoid detection.

In short, the terrorists had managed to exploit loopholes and vulnerabilities in our systems, to stay out of sight,
and to not let anyone know what they were up to beyond a very closed circle.

The investigation was enormously helpful in figuring out who and what to look for as we worked to prevent attacks.
It allowed us to see where we as a nation needed to close gaps in our security. And it gave us clear and definitive proof
that al Qaeda was behind the strikes."

It sure looks to me like Mr. Mueller did indeed say here that a lack of evidence is "proof" of al Qaeda, after just saying that they had
"nothing on paper". Perhaps I'm reading him wrong? Also keep in mind that this is the FBI's own transcript (the executive branch has
been doing a lot of creative writing since the stolen election)

Keep swinging the hammer!

Derek in Phoenixville, PA

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